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Hello again everyone,

Following up on my post of November 24th. I stuck to my 'priority plan' as explained in said November 24 post (here)


To quote myself from that post: 

We are going to be good to have this as planned, and either tomorrow or Tuesday these pieces in their current state will be out (I'm aiming for tomorrow and should make it but who knows). For info on these pieces, refer to my previous post of November 24th.

Some tips about the system:

TIP#1: You CAN use the custody thing even if your Sims have already divorced before the new features were out

- - Grab the extra optional archive made for this. Go under "Actions" then "woohoo wellness" then "separate permanently (angry)" and it will pretend that your sims got separated through the mod, which will make them able to do custody etc. Once all done (if divorced), click 'finalize divorce".

TIP#2: You can change the type of separation (amicable or not)

- Go under "Actions" then "woohoo wellness" then "switch permanent separation type" and it will have switched it from whatever it was to whatever it wasn't

TIP #3: You can cheat-use court to decide custody for amicable separations, and use mutual agreement for non-amicable

- If you want to do that, find these options under 'action' then 'woohoo wellness' instead of the usual conversation menus.

TIP #4: If Sims are on the same lot, the interaction to bring / send children for a visit will be in the dialogue options. If Sims aren't on the same lot, the option is when clicking on your own sim and is a phone call.



Unfortunately this list is bigger than I wished... The visit system ate up a lot of my time and sanity, and with the patch coming...
HERE IS WHAT IS STILL MISSING FROM THE MODULE. These are thankfully not very hard things to add so they will go much, much faster than the very tricky things did. (Long story short: the 'system' is done, the 'storytelling-focused' aspects are still missing.

* If unamicable separation, "Ask for a visit" / "ask to take the kids on a visit" can either have a decent reaction and agree, on in rare cases get displeased and refuse.
* Ability to call to extend visit, which may be accepted or rejected.
* Children will have reactions to custody decision (a general one due to the situation and another reaction which depends on what parent they went with depending on relationship with parent)
* Parents will get reactions to sending children to visit. Relieved to get a break, worried that a despised ex be not taking good care of the child or slandering the Sim, that kind of thing.
* When a Sim picks up / drops of a child, they will stay for 30 min to an hour then leave (right now they either leave immediately or stay an undetermined amount of time)
* Cycle auto visits: child goes to other parent for a day every 4-5 day. For now this is unavailable as one piece of the puzzle is still missing for lack of time. Very close to done.
* Social interactions!!! Enthuse / complain about court decision, talk to a visiting child about their school, friends, and life in the other home. Children when angry might tell a parent they prefer the other one. 
* Should children be able to ask to go on a visit? If so, I can do that. I just want to see if it makes sense to you, first.
* Texts and Phone calls!! Those are the ones I have planned out: Asking for a visit, asking for money for child's school trip, asking to not pay support this time because of financial duress, call to discuss child's good / bad grades / behavior (resulting in available conversation option with the child).
* Pets!! 'Custody' discussions and visits for our fluffy friends, too. Not finished yet for lack of time but well started.
* The Financial Decisions! Amicable separations will discuss splitting of finances. Unamicable situations will have court decide if more funds need to be moved around or not. Criteria are each household's wealth, who has custody (if children exist), and careers.
* The Child Support thing. I was not planning to go crazy in depth on that as other mods have that feature, but you know, your basic 'must give x amount of money every x period of time', so I went simple. But. I want to make it so that some parents can fail / refuse to pay because unfortunately these things happen. If I do that, I also need to add consequences, etc. So. This piece needs a lot more time so I can figure out exactly how crazy or not crazy to go with it and implement in consequence. If other mods already have these aspects etc, let me know and I will stick to simple.

I might be forgetting something or other in the list but it's the gist of it.
Higher tiers - I will see you again later today in the 'express your requests' post, if you find that anything should also make its way to the list. :)

Thanks again everyone! 

Enjoy the end of Sunday and I'll see you very soon in another post :)

- Lumpinou


Alyxandria Harrigan

Kids can most definitely ask to visit their other parent! That makes so much sense and I love it


Thank you.. looking forward to it


Hey Lumpinou, In a future update for module 10, I was wondering if you're willing to add for npc/ pc partners to ask for a temporary or permanent separation in a pop-up? It's for more realism so sims in relationships have more autonomy. Thanks.


As far as I know, Mc comand center allow pension, but no moddlet or or reactions come out of it. It would be nice to have that. And I am already imagining the disputes, rebel teens asking to live with the other parent... oh, so much drama! Loving it.


Is there any way to add a social interaction sharing the results of a negative pregnancy test?


Thanks Lumpinou. Just a quick question. Will the options (all of them from separation/divorce) be available for teen sims that are pregnant/in a relashionship/married to a young adult sim as well in the update? So far only the young adults have separation modules not my teens. Everything works fine with teen/teen couples but not teen/young adults couples.


Thanks a lot for your great mods! A little question: will this module have integration with SimRealist's mods? Just to avoid double payments for kids' custody (one payment from your mod, another from SimRealist's).


The teens should be able to temporary separate etc. For the divorce I didn't include them, as teens marrying involves some legal factors that would also need addition. For custody, they are not included at the moment either as in these cases often the parents of one of the Sims get a chance at custody too or purely get custody. Which would once again mean a different system... Since I see this as a 'special case' because of that, it's likely not going to be a thing right away. Now, I can always put a 'cheat' somewhere to use the current system with them


Mine should be removable / optional so that makes it easy. Don't know how it works on their end.


I made 'tell about pregnancy scare' for unwanted pregnancy, I don't remember if I made one for other cases, I have it also for failed artificial insemination, but if I forgot to put it for normal pregnancy then yeah that's also something to add in v3


What do you mean pension ? Language barrier here, not she'd what the term implies


Yeah, not sure if that should go in m10 or in the 'autonomous everything' add-on but definitely this will come to be a thing :)


I'm having a difficult time trying to find where to download this mod?! Can anyone help?


Hi! You will indeed have trouble downloading something that isn't out already 😆 nothing has been released yet if what is described in this post :)


Yeah but since the autonomous add on is last it may be a long time before you get to add it so I thought it may be a good fit within the module about relationships.