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Hello everyone,

Monthly warning

The end of the month is arriving which means subscriptions will renew, be sure to cancel now if you need your subscription to not renew! Thank you :)


As for news, module 10 won't be finished this month. Next month (November) it will come out - unless something really very major happens but hey let's not go there - when exactly I don't know. 

I am seeing the 'hand doctor' again next month and am hoping for it to be helpful... but there's no way any action or procedure - if needed - would take place before a few months from now so even this should not impact my November estimate for module 10.

Here's a tiny update about module 10 

Custody attributions etc are quite done except for two little occasional bugs that I need to investigate (notably occasionally sims come back from court with no verdict haha, not helpful). I am still to finish the visits system (lots of pieces to think of there, and it needs to be taken carefully to make sure everything fits right and behaves proper), and haven't started the money matters (those are easy & quick though compared to the kid-related stuff so that's not a big concern). 

For some screenshots because why not:

Non-amicable divorces will see each partner able to look for a divorce lawyer, which will help them get the results they want. (note I didn't add cost info yet so that is missing from the screenshot).

For amicable separations, parents can discuss custody and agree on it. For non-amicable separations, if a sim really doesn't want custody they can agree to let the other parent have the kids (if the other parent wants that), in any other case it's going to be a court situation.

Decisions are made on a child-by-child basis so, siblings may go together or be separated, whatever the story leads to. 

If the separation is amicable or if you use a 'cheat' to force the custody attributions, you also get to decide which parents gets which kid's custody. Obviously this won't be shown if the sims are deciding this in court.

If the child was in another household than the one that gained custody, they automatically move households.

Custody decision is kept track of visibly for the player, through statuses (text subject to change). Statuses will vanish once the child has become a young adult:

Hoping to have some more progress news to share with you soon, notably on the visit system.

Thanks as always for your patience and your support, you make my world go 'round.

Very best wishes,



Coco Doll

this is amazing! my sim has cheated on his wife, and they are engaged, (i made him but thats because he was flirting to much so why not) lol so later down the road im going to need this divorce for my girl lol


God this is so cool, no idea how you even make this shit work but THANK YOU!!

True AI

Take care of yourself!


Why would I want to cancel if I just joined. lol. Still haven't fully tried the mods I download yet since I haven't got my Sims a boyfriend or girlfriend yet but it will be interesting. I think I might try download the first impression mods since well I kinda realized that first impressions are important.


I love it but I have a question will the law career from University play any part in this


This and other mods are just amazing, it really makes a difference with game play!!


No, because first I don't really have any connections occur to me, and second I try to keep this mod fully base game compatible


what mod is this?


What I'm working on for module 10 of Woohoo/relationship wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul


Those kind reminders are the reason why I will keep my souscription going. You are truly nice and thoughtful. You improoved my gameplay so much. I really hope you'll get some great news when you visit the doctor. So excited about the upcoming update. But please take care of yourself as well. Health comes first :)


I love this mod I c an't wait to see the updated versions when they come out.


Woohoo wellness is hands down my favorite mod. I hope your hand continues to heal <3 Taking care of yourself is much more important than a mod update. thank you for all you do!


Good luck with the doctor visit!!


I love this mod so much! It's influenced my games to make them so much more fun. I can't wait for the update! Good luck at the doctor's. Take care ❤

Nicolette Hogue

I am so excited for this !! 😁😁

Linda Gill



I am so excited


I’m so excited for this!


I am having a issue with the adoption part. When i put a baby up for adoption and pick the parents they become sister/ or brother to the bio parent and are on the family tree and if i delete that relationship i can no long call and ask about the child


Thank you so much for all that you do! Your mods really add a realistic element to my gameplay where they’re now integral parts of my game 😊


Did this part already come out ?


If it had, you would see a post for it in the list of posts :) No its not ready, it'll come out between the 20th-30th, most likely not before.


Thank you for always keeping us in the loop. You are truly appreciated.