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Hello everyone and thanks for being here!!! 

Here's a quick run-down of additions coming up in as soon as possible, a few days, this week for sure, as it is almost finished as you can see, I just need to tweak small things and do some testing with others. And also start figuring out integration / compatibility with some specific mods that may be a problem here.

The features in question are the possibility to do permanent separations either amicable or not and also give divorce reasons. 

I lost 4 days on an error (there was an n instead of a t somewhere) which I only realized once someone else (Frankk in this case!) looked at it with a pair of fresh eyes!!
What is NOT YET COMING OUT is the court procedures and shared parenting. As I announced last time, that'll be the next step.

So, as I said, the permanent separation choices.

That's what they look like:

Applicable to married couples, bf / gf couples, and soulmates status without official name.

For the reasons choices, they haven't changed since I first shared this screenshot quite a while ago. This gives moodlets to both that fit the reason given.

Now if you try the permanent separations:

If the sims have very high romance and friendship, there's a strong chance this will show up upon asking for a permanent separation (text subject to change):

If you ask for an amicable permanent separation, the Sim asked can refuse to be amicable. This is influenced by relationship points and traits.

If you want an angry permanent separation, maybe the other Sim would have preferred things be amicable. In that case, you will get told they wanted things to be amicable, and each Sim gets a slightly different moodlet from the above case. (all screenshot text may undergo changes by release!)

And of course, Sims can agree to separate amicably.

Upon permanently separating through the mod as well as game, Sims will loose most positive moodlets. If the divorce is not amicable, they also lose best friends status if they share it with the divorced person, and lots of points. If amicable, friendship gets impacted only a little.

Don't worry, once it's all through, it will say properly 'divorced' or 'broken up' depending on which is fitting. It uses the term 'permanent separation' only for y interactions and moodlets etc but the resulting status and game moodlets are of course fitting ones to the status at hand.

Permanent separations being amicable or not of course will of course count to determine what different types of interactions are available in the upcoming rest of this module. 

In addition, some revisions / additions to what is already out of this module, meaning, the separated status. Three new interactions, and some little tweaks, and added decisions.

(Excuse the sim legs on the screenshot, my sims were near their pool haha, it's like they're always there - including for example during a social event in winter... so many NPCs froze to death during that event I had to exit without saving -_-).

That's it for today. Opinions and feedback welcome! Higher tiers especially, feel free to make some (practical and small, please) suggestions / requests here also!! :) by the almost end of working on module 10 I'll make a big suggestion / request post as we used to have, for higher tiers to add / modify things according to what you'd want, but you can all start throwing some wishes in here if you want :)




Hi! So glad we’re seeing progress towards separation, that’s one of the things I always felt was really lacking in the sims. I was wondering if you had a mod suggestions post that I could suggest something on? I don’t want to just clutter your comments with unwanted suggestions you won’t read because they’re in the wrong spot


Thank you so much sweetheart. ❤️


I read just about everything on my Patreon and discord! So you can feel free to write here, or pm, or use the suggestion channel on the discord, up to you


Is it ok if the suggestion is a little nsfw? Is there a different channel for that?


Thank you so much


There's a NSFW channel on my discord. Be aware I don't generally mod things that veer too far from PG, but by all means feel free to make a suggestion if it's not too out there for my style

Sheila Lobert

Yayness! Brilliant as always! Could the permeant separation/divorce of married couples cost money? And/or will this be compatible with Zero's divorce mod? Is the permanent separation in place of the divorce in game, or would they still need the divorce after this? So sorry if this was answered at an earlier date. My life is kind of beyond overwhelmingly stressful at the moment.


I agree with Sheila, there should be a permanent separation or divorce that costs money. Maybe it can tie in with the child support portion of MCCC? But I absolutely LOVE what's coming!


Will divorcing cost money like in Zero's BG: IR divorce?

Barbara Moore

This is soooo kewl... hehehe


Thank you so much for making this mod and thank you especially for the structure you make it run on. I love mods but it gets stressful to have many tiny mods for everything from many different modders (especially once a game update releases...), so having your mods work in modules is brilliant! And they cover so many different aspects of realistic gameplay that's missing from the game, you're a gift to this community! I agree about the previous mentions of a divorce that costs money. I'm so excited about the rest of the module you mentionned, good luck for the work it demands! Have a great day!

Breoni Hester

This is amazing and perfect! My only request would be that when you ask your significant other to find another place to stay, i would like it if it sent you to the "split household and move out" screen instead of vacation.


Move out is permanent and to me a little premature to be the default. I originally had the option to ask to move out also but didn't have time to finish it. Whenever I get to it, it'll be an option also :) As of now I have added ability to refuse to leave

Breoni Hester

That makes sense! I was mostly thinking in situations where families don’t really have long term rental funds - if they move out instead, there’s the ability to use freerealestate


That makes sense too! I have sent a poor sim to a campground to stay when his wife kicked him out for that poverty reason... And then he made friendly with the park ranger lady there 😂 but yeah I had both as option but for all the tests etc it makes things complicated so it takes more time to make things and have it all tie nicely with the rest

Breoni Hester

That’s hilarious and I love it - I feel like you need a channel to post LPs around your mods 🤣


Zero's mod overrides and uses the game's divorce interaction I believe. The way I am doing things I am bypassing that interaction entirely. Basically my approach to attempt compatibility is: under my mod, Sims ask for divorce, explain why, get their lawyers figure out their custody etc, go to court et cetera. Then they finalize the divorce - that's the point at which people with Zero's mod would instead of using my 'finalize divorce' interaction, use the 'ask for divorce' of Zero. Is it redundant? Yes! But that's what I've got. Another possibility would be my ask for divorce thing triggering whatever zero needs. But I won't do that without contact with them first and it turns out that Zero's war on modders who use Patreon early access does not encourage me to try and make things as compatible as they could be if I were to reach out and get permission to trigger their thing through my thing too. Now, since sometime recent they changed some old mods to remove some overrides and put script instead, and if such was the case with this particular mod, then I could do everything with just the fame stuff etc, but I don't know that it is so and I don't think so.


Hi! First of all I want to say how much I love your mods!! You're incredibly talented and thank you for everything you give to the Sims community! I wanted to ask if there was an option to tell a sim about a terminated pregnancy? My sim donated baby to science and I dont see a command to tell her boyfriend about doing that. Am I doing something wrong?


Donate to science is an interaction from Turbodriver's mods. If you use my interactions for abortion then yes you can tell others and spouse about it. But my mod doesn't recognize his system on this


The module will do its own child support thing as I want one that is compatible with my surrogacy and adoption systems etc


I love your mods. For the wellness mod when pregnant sims have cravings for sweets or vegetables etc…. If we they eat certain foods can their mod be satisfied


You click on your sim and pick "Go get craved food" :)


I have a question, The sims in my game never give the baby to the family after I sign them up to be a surgent mother. How do I fix that in-game ?


Anyone else having issues getting the mod to work?


Read compatibility section and make sure there's no conflict, also read known issues


can you tell me what i may be doing wrong? i have it in mods folder unzipped.


Look up 'how to install Sims 4 mods' and make sure that you did all the things needed. Would take a while to explain while I'm trying to release more stuff today and the info is out there :)


Hi Lumpinou will this eventually correlate with the breakup option in the cheating module? My sims also are bf/gf and it says "resentful about divorce" as a sentiment which is strange because they were not married...


Another issue is that sims who slept with separated sims are counted as "cheating" on their partner because you can confess to cheating. Could this possibly be changed?


Separated as in temporary separation? They're still together then so it dure would be cheating. During divorce procedure it would indeed still count as they have 'married' still which they must keep because otherwise 'divorced can't be added later on a' s I can't just ré add it later ans remove it immediately as it triggers a bunch of stuff. Fear not however, I can simply use the same systems I made for open love live and go back and block jealousy for this case. It didn't occur to me, so thanks!


Ohh ok that makes sense I guess regarding separation but I thought the taking a break in the relationship would allow the pass of partners being with other people...? But thanks for being willing to look at it! Will you be making open love life and the cheating module integrated within the new module within WHW because the stay or leave a relationship option within the cheating module does not work well within the new separation system because of the automatic deciding to stay or leave the relationship. Which ironically regardless of low relationship usually ends in sims always forgiving and staying within the relationship... The different relationship types within open love life should be taken into account too like with different names for partners with matching sentiments?? I apologize for the bombardment of info just issues I've noticed overtime that became more evident with the addition of the new module.


Yes I've already said the cheating module thing will change to accommodate later, we've discussed that last time I released something and my statement has not changed on this. And for the cheating module they're supposed to be quite likely to get mad and not forgive if low relationship, which I believe we've already discussed, and it's one of the things I have listed to look at for v2. I can't make do everything at once especially in my current condition. I don't understand what you mean regarding open love life and matching sentiments.


And the relationship breaks are meant to try to save relationships so, seeing someone else certainly isn't in order without a reaction. If you want Sims to sleep around without their partner getting mad, either they need another relationship type or they need to be permanently separated haha. We all have different visions of relationships but I'm trying to go with the most common situation. In my view a couple that says, 'let's take some distance to figure things out' probably doesn't mean 'let's date other people' because then they would have just entered a non exclusive agreement on top of separation, and my mods offer all these possibilities so you can do what you want, but by default they're still very much in a relationship and exclusive unless agreed otherwise


Sorry about the repetition. Sometimes I feel as if I have to repeat myself to get my requests or questions heard because of the bombardment of all the questions and requests you receive on all platforms but I understand.


What I meant by different names regarding the partners in open love life is that I love this mod for the array of relationship types it grants us in game for story-telling purposes, however it's strange how when it's an open relationship they don't have a title like gf/bf or lover or partner. In order for them to have a title we have to "ask to be gf/bf" and then later ask to became non-exclusive which is complicated because the partner usually is offended and refuses. Is there a way to add tittles to all relationship types within the open love life mod? Regarding sentiments I meant creating more sentiments regarding the different relationship types.


No I still don't get it. If Sims are first bf / gf then ask for open relationship, then that's it, and in the case of Sims who aren't bf / gf but are in an open relationship first, nothing stops them from asking to be bf / gf afterwards, the option is there, and they don't get mad to be asked. Open love life does not remove or prevent at all the usual relationship statuses from showing, it has no impact on them whatsoever


In order for non-exclusive sims to have the title of bf/gf you have to ask sims to become exclusive in order for the bf/gf label to show up in the sims info panel. For instance sims in a multiple exclusive relationship do not have the labels of bf/gf in the sim info panel only "in a multiple exclusive relationship" or "in a nonexclusive relationship". Would you be willing to add more titles to these sims such as Lover or Partner etc? Or does it not seem necessary?


That's not the way I made the mod and not in what I have in game so I really don't know why that's how it would appear on your game. My Sims who are in a non exclusive relationship can ask each other to become bf / gf just fine and that still appears as well as the extra titles from my mod


I sent you captures on discord to show you as proof of what I mean. EIther you have a mod conflict or I thoroughly misunderstand what you mean here


Hello, I was wondering if we can have automatic proposals


hi, I been having issues with this mod and others of your mod not showing in my game any ideas on what this may be? i even took everything out my mods folder and repaired it too this has been happing with a few other mods as well....