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Hello everyone,

Just a quick update, even though there is not much to say, but I know some of you like to be kept informed so here I am.

I added a few more screenshots to the description page for the upcoming release at some point recently. I am progressing at snail pace towards that, dictating all the text that I could, trying to do a little bit a day of the other aspects of modding, but not enough to worsen my hands. 

This frustrating situation is, well, frustrating. BUT, the point is, it is an investment, and as such I bear through it, and ask you to bear through it with me. I am still trying to get my hands some time to recover, mentally I am ready to go but physically I am still trying to stay away from the computer and really most things of life at all. I did not truly realize how bad my joints had gotten until I gave it a couple days off. And I have had enough surgeries and enough tears and enough irreversible damage in the past to know that I need to be careful.

I will not make promises regarding when I will be releasing something next, but I would really love to have something this month, and considering how far ahead the 'separated' part of the upcoming module is, it is not an impossibility at all. 

Thankfully, EA has a good timing as far as I'm concerned, having released a new pack, and just about to release another in 11 days. This means that another game update will hit, and fear not, I will be here to do all necessary updates to my mods, if any.

With my most sincere thanks and my best wishes,



I am having an issue with adoption, no matter how much money I have, the careers I have or anything. I cannot adopt a child as a single sim. It is really frustrating.


Please take care of yourself💚💚


You mean they don't pass the agency application? I can ease up requirements in a future update, but as of now : how much money does the sim have? Any friends?


Just wanna thank you for your amazing work. You are amazing, don't stress about modding... Your Health comes First. Take care, Sending Hugs from Germany ❤️

Jessica M

Hope you feel better!! Your health is most important!!!


The new pack isn't due until the end of next month. Is it a base game update you're talking about in 11 days? Take care of yourself! Don't stress. ❤ Your health is most important.


Get well soon! We’ll be here whenever you are ready! Take your time and take care of you 💜

Sheila Lobert

We love you! Take care of yourself!


Take all the time you need— Rome wasnt built in a day!! 💞💞

Jo Cara



we love you ♥ feel better


Hey! thanks for the amazing mod but I'm running into issues where my sim try for a baby or woohoo with 100% chance of pregnancy and then I try and take a pregnancy test and it says "not pregnant" but in MCC it shows that she is in fact pregnant. So I cant share news with father and the relationship bits don't show and I cant do the interactions. I keep deleting the pregnancy and starting over but it keeps happening.


This may be some good news for you, the new pack doesn’t release until July 22nd not June 22nd so you have a month and a half!


Focus on you. We will be here waiting. Glad to hear you are recovering.


Please, please focus on yourself. Your message made me a little upset because instead of thinking about what’s important, you were thinking about us. I can’t speak for everyone but I believe that many appreciate the work that you do. We show our appreciation through supporting you. However, I don’t believe that anyone wants you to comprise your health to create mods. Please take time off to heal and relax. Your body and mind will thank you greatly. Give yourself a few weeks off because you deserve it. You deserve it!


Your health is always going to be the most important thing. You blessed us by bringing us your mods, thank you for all your hard work, but please put yourself first. You deserve that so much.


Take care of yourself first! The mods will be ready when they're ready and you've created enough of them right now that greatly improve gameplay as it is. Don't worry about deadlines we will be here to download more as they become available. :)


Take the time you need and take care of yourself ; health always comes 1st ! ❤️❤️


I'm just here to support you doing your thing. I'm honestly not concerned with the pace of your work. You have done amazing work and your wellbeing is the most important thing. Thank you so much for what you have done and be well :)


Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you're ready.


So sorry about your pain. :( Please rest - we donate to support you, not with expectations of constant delivery!


we love you and your work!!! please take care and feel better


Good job! I'm so proud of you! I know how frustrating it is when your body needs to rest, but your mind wants to Go! Go! Go! Sitting still can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. But it's the right choice, and you're doing it. Good job! :-) I highly recommend looking for some hobbies that will keep your mind active and your hands still. Maybe catch up on some books you may have missed? Whatever works for you, but rest, and try to enjoy the resting. Life is too short!


Take your time and don't forget to take care of yourself!


Take all the time you need!


Hello, first I want to say I absolutely LOVE this mod!! However, I have an issue with the age bar.. it doesn’t move nor give me the number of days till age up. Is that an issue with the mod(or me downloading and extracting etc)? Thank you sososo much💕


No it should not be related. I'd suspect mods that change the UI, what other mods do you have?


Do all Sims not see the days? Also does it persist after a restart? Is mccc up to date?


Yes it’s every sim, and I believe so. I just downloaded it either yesterday or 2 days ago


No it does not :( could it be just my game being wonky?


That would make sense. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t mess something up along the way. Thank you so much for helping! I


Mental health is important enjoy your break.


I use your Woohoo Wellness Mod, which has made my gameplay more fun and realistic. Currently, when it is installed, I cannot view the Sim profile with sentiments, likes, dislikes, etc. for any Sims. I just wanted to make you aware of the issue. I hope your hands are getting better.


It's not a mod issue, it's the game. Since the likes / dislikes patch.


do you need help modding?


luckily it is 6/29 and i am still not seeing any issues with your mod so far. anyways enjoy your break! everyone needs to relax and replenish their energy + mental health!


I have chronic pain issues too, so solidarity wince. Take care of your body first!