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Hello everyone!

If you like using WooHoo Wellness alongside with Wonderful Whims and vice-versa: 

The compatibility issues between WooHoo Wellness and Wonderful Whims resulting of compatibility fixes (paradoxical, I know haha) have been fixed, and those fixes have been uploaded.

So you can now download WONDERFUL WHIMS v14 (MTS post link) and WOOHOO WELLNESS v2.5 and it should all be perfect!

Thank you for your patience! 




Sooooo excited!! I've never used Wonderful whims before. Can't wait to try it out! You're awesome!!


Thank you!!!! I appreciate all of the work that you do!


YAY! I can't even describe how happy I am! (✯◡✯) We have 10-day-long holidays in Russia now, so it's a perfect time to dive right into sims. And I couldn't imagine my game without these two amazing mods. Knowing that they work well together again is really great news! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b


It had already pretty solid compatibility before we both made changes à few days ago (which resulted accidentally in yesterday's problems that are now fixed), but now it should be 100% :)


That is great! Thank's a lot!!


So if we use wicked whims should we use the file on the post before this?


Compatibility with WW is the same as always, you'd use v2. 5 of my mod with the usual compatibility notes to follow

Carla Jamison



Thank you


Potentially stupid question, but what should I do if I have updated both mods, unchecked WonderfulWhim's override, and still have sims getting pregnant with every whoohoo?


Thank you so much ! Are you still working on better compatibility with whicked whims?


It's in Turbo's end, just about nothing more I can do on my side, and yes he is.


That was so fast! Thank you!


I’m currently playing and my sim got a phone call to be a surrogate. She got the insemination and was pregnant then went to work. When she came back the moodlet was gone but she was pregnant. There was no pregnancy moodlet but she was still pregnant. I tried to see if it just didn’t work but when I go to “carry baby for another sim” it says she can’t do that while pregnant. It also doesn’t allow her to go have an abortion.


Look under 'issues and limitations' - it's 'normal' that the moodlet goes away if you travel, as in, that's something I knew it would do but can't really change without messing with a lot more things that I'm not willing to risk changing right now. She's still pregnant and she'll still have the baby. At trimester change the moodlets should come back. And if you reload. It's just a thing with these pregnancies. If the sim travels, it happens. I'm not going to explain the specifics but it's to do with the pregnancy wish system and this special pregnancy type putting itself on top... I know it's inconvenient but I don't want to mess with the core system until later.


I have wicked whims. There is no adoption option that pops up. Is this a compatibility issue?


hola,funciona con mc command center?


Heya, I noticed when a sim adopts if they are married it's the sim that adopts that shows up as the adoptive parent. The same thing for surrogacy, is there a way both parents could be selected?


It all depends on the situation, if your active Sims are adopting, they'll both show systematically in their profile that it's their adoptive child. It the child is old enough to know they're adopted, 'adoptive parent' will show for both too. However - if you are adopting children away to another family, the other family may not be showing the non adopter as adoptive parent, and have only the adopter show as adoptive parent, this because of an annoying thing I've been trying to work around but not finding exactly a simple way to. The other parent would either way still be able to reveal adoption etc.


The situation was the biological parent giving up the child and selecting the family. When I went to go and play the family it was only the father showing up as the adoptive parent and his wife just showed up as a regular parent as if she was the bio parent. However, as I am reading your post again I think you have mentioned it in your second point.


Also teens are still not able to give up their kids for adoption, not sure if you are aware because I am new and I tried it and I had to age up my sim to do it. Not moaning btw and thank you in advance ☺️


Yes, that's what I was talking about. It's an annoying thing there and I didn't want to hold up the entire release just for that. So once I got / if I my thing working on that little point, it won't be a thing anymore, but as of now in that particular rotational case it is :)


My teen Sims are putting children for adoption just fine. Sure you don't have any old files in? Did you re download after I fixed it for teens?


I am not sure. I just joined and I saw what I believed to be the latest download it says version 2.5 when looking at individual files. However the overall folder say V2


I have a problem. My sim can't ask his partner to have a abortion


There's no Wonderful Whims file on the 2.5 post, do I just download the main one?


Yes, grab wonderful v14 if you don't have it yet, with that combination there's no need for special versions anymore


Hi, after downloading the previous Woohoo Wellness pack, it's totally messed up my family's family tree. For example, the child that was put up for adoption is showing the biological grandparents as the parents of the adoptive parents. Which has totally wiped the biological from the family tree of both child and grandparent if that makes sense. Basically the adoptive parent is now the child of the biological grandparent. Can this be fixed because it's really messing up my game.


I have tested and found your problem. To clarify for others who may be reading this - This applies only when a played family gives a child to another then played family. Directly adopting from the system is perfectly safe, but in the case aforementioned, the distortion will happen. Additionally it is only visible from the adopted child's view of the tree, as I am sure you will have noticed. For all other Sims, the tree looks as it should without that pesky distorsion of the grandparents. It is an annoyance, and a problem, a bug to be fixed, certainly, but considering it is restricted to that Sim's view, I personally wouldn't go so far as to call it game breaking, but everything is subjective, and it certainly is pesky. Having been made aware of this by you, for which I thank you, I'm removing all tree change action from the mod. That means as of right now some other things will be missing because I don't have time to make a full fix up right this second and it'll take quite a few hours. As for bringing back the tree-switching when giving away a child, and bypassing that issue - I'll try but I don't have super high hope. The tree is extremely touchy to mod, which may not surprise you as we all are aware how few mods touch it. So for now we'll be aiming for no tree changes but correct family distinction in all cases in the relationship panel regardless. Tomorrow I'll try to mitigate some aspects of removing this feature in another update. The tree still won't switch but hopefully it'll be enough time to make a whole other system for siblings etc to get acknowledged. Then, it'll be on to trying to find a way to make those pesky grandpa's and grandma's properly leave the tree, just as the parents do. Thanks for writing and sorry the adopted child is confused on his grandparents. My advice for you is to not use the adoption or surrogate module until 24 hrs have passed and I've had the time to work on things. Unfortunately these specific elements aren't quick and easy stuff so I must ask for your patience.... My Sims don't have generations, they're all fresh out of cas so this is not something I noticed, and in testing we play on new saves so testers couldn't either.


Hey thank you for your response and testing it out. I wanted to also inform you that it’s not just from the adopted child’s view but from the view of every family member involved. Now I’m not sure if it because the mother sim was kicked out of her parents home before she gave her twins up for adoption. Because the mother sim is no longer connected to her parents, her sister as well the twins that were given up through adoption. What has happened is that the mother sim has totally been replaced by the adopted mother and has not taken on the twins but also the maternal grandparents and sister. Making the sim have no connections to her parents or sister. This does affect gameplay to a minor extent. I do understand that you will be working on it but I wanted to make it clear that the view is affected for me anyways on every family member within the tree.


I see, that's not what I'm getting personally so that's even stranger, but that definitely sounds like a bigger mess than what I'm getting. Thats beyond the boundaries of acceptable and logical by that point 😅 I am sorry it turned out that way, I'd recommend switching out files so that if you do send another child to another family it won't cause that, but maybe wait till I've made adjustments to have siblings and second parents recognized. It took me 3-4 hours investigating this and trying some fixes but nothing came out of it so I'm switching gears to have a working system by hopefully tomorrow late afternoon, but without tree changes at all, so basically tree will be that of the bio parents etc. Once that is out, a stable workaround leaving the tree alone, I'll resume attempting to get the tree to behave in all situations... Sorry again about that Sim's case


Thank you. When you say switching out the files, which files do you mean?


Baby coding is hell and this thing took me a dozen hours because of that, but by this point I'm almost done so I will suggest waiting for the upcoming update of today and then replacing files.


Oh ok. Will do. Thanks again much appreciated xx


Not sure what you're asking?