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Hello everyone and thank you so much for being here!

Here are the plans for April - Some info about what I'm working on and hope to release this month :)

---- I. Finishing the Adoption Module - additions and changes -----

Change: Sims adopted at baby and toddler age will not know they're adopted until their parents tell them. Sims adopted at 'Child' age will know.

Later in life, if told about their adoptee status, Sims can decide to interact or not with birth parents.
If the biological parent put them for adoption through the Sim World Agency for Adoption, the Sim's adoptive parent has all the info needed to contact the biological parent and the adopted Sim simply will have to ask their parent. If the Sim was given to the Sim Foster Sym"stem however, that information won't be available. The Sim will be able to engage in procedures to try to find their biological parents regardless but might fail.

If a Sim has found info about their biological parent, they can contact them and decide to meet in person, in a 'social event' of sorts in which the Sim will be able to ask why they were given for adoption and all that.

Similarly, if a parent wishes to find their child whom they gave for adoption, the same process will apply. Parents who gave their child for adoption with the Sim World Agency for Adoption can contact the adopting family at any time to ask for news and ask if the child has been told they've been adopted. If yes, the parent can ask for a visit. The child will either accept or not, if they do, the same process of meeting and explaining themselves as is available to the grown-up adopted children will be available.


TIMEFRAME: I am trying to figure out some family tree stuff for you and that is slowing down this process but this missing piece of the adoption module will be there this month either way.

--------  II. Module 10: Make Up and Break Up --------

The big lines:

- ‘Separated’ status in between full on broken-up / divorced and being in a couple.
Sims under that status will have high failure of any romantic attempt; they're taking a break, taking their distances hoping to either find how to fix their relationship, or find the clarity that it needs to be left behind. More about what they can do below.
- Custody, visiting rights, all that, in case of permanent separations
- Splitting of estate / funds, in case of permanent separations
- Co-Parenting Elements
- Amicable or non-amicable divorces
- Trying to make up and save relationships
- Adding impact of the 5 love languages in trying to fix a relationship

The detail of the plan as it is started now:

- ‘Separated’ status in between full on broken-up / divorced and being in a couple

o Sims can agree (or impose) to separate  / take a break
o Upon this happening, the Sim asking for the separation will explain why.
o Separated Sims are keeping track of what happens during the separation; they each have a feeling about each other that will improve or worsen depending on what happens during the separation, guiding whether they should eventually make up or break up.
o One of the Sims can decide to (or be asked to) go stay somewhere else temporarily, or to outright move out, to make the separation easier, as there may be negative sentiments in the air that will participate in wrecking the relationship further…
o Separated Sims can contact each other – either nicely or not
o They can also meet in person and use various interactions to try to work through their issues (try to discuss issues peacefully, say something nice about each other, try to change, etc, rekindle the flame, etc etc).
o They can focus on learning each other’s love language and try to communicate with each other better.
o Separated Sims will often think about the state of their relationship and try to figure out what to do
o Separated Sims can consult counselors and psychics to try and figure out what to do
o Separated Sims can talk to family and friends about this and gather advice
o Separated Sims can also explain to their children what is happening.

- Custody battles, visiting rights, court rulings about splitting possessions, all that

o Upon divorcing or taking a permanent separation, Sims can demand custody, which may be accepted or may lead to a court hearing.
- They can also offer to amicably share custody if this is an amicable separation.
o Court decides who should have custody based on various criteria such as employment, housing, etc.
o Visiting rights may be granted, in which case sims can ask to see their children / take the children to their other parent whenever wanted. This is less awkward if the relationship ended amicably 😊
o There are a few secret options reserved for Evil / mean Sims 😉 should they be available for everyone? These sims may go to extreme lengths to get what they want, such as getting a spouse to feed a cowplant hoping the plant will be in a bad mood that day, trying to go visit Sixam together and leaving them behind, and other terrible schemes.

- Co-Parenting Elements

o In addition to being able to have the child go to the other parent, there are occasional phone calls / happenings to / from the other parent regarding the children, asking to take action or just giving information. For example, there is a school trip for one of the kids, and the other parent is asked for a bit of money to help cover the costs of the school trip. Or, the sim must work extra and wonders if the other parent can take the kids that night.
o Child Support and similar monetary concerns. Separated Sims will participate towards the financial charge of their growing children.

- Amicable or non-amicable divorces

o Break-Ups and divorces can be attempted amicably. If one of the parties involved is against the divorce, it may still go sour, but there is a good chance that the amicable approach makes things easier for both sims involved. They can this way stay in good terms and have special interactions.
- In case of amicable separations, no bad sentiments will come.
Sims who divorced amicably and maintain very high levels of friendship can later on (after an initial period of 'absolutely no chance at all for any sort of romance whatsoever') wonder about what would have happened had they not divorced, offer each other to WooHoo for good old days' sake, or even offer to re-marry.

- Trying to make up and save relationships

o Sims who are under the ‘separated’ status have the opportunity to save their relationship before it moves to full-on break up or divorce!

- Adding impact of the 5 love languages

o For each Sim, you can choose a dominant love language. These are also auto generated. Sims can of course ask each other about those etc.
- The love languages may be an asset for Sims trying to save their relationship, or further drown the relationship.
o At first, the love languages will apply only when trying to reconquer someone in the current module. This feature will be expanded to be taken into account throughout the game later on and become its own mini-module, the very first Add-On to the mod 😊 Add-Ons are going to be parts of the mod smaller than full Modules but still with a far reaching impact game-wise. The Romantic Trust module, I think I will also end up calling an add-on; and the Teen Pregnancy module is to be expanded and will be soon, otherwise I'd also maybe have shifted it to that category.

Other little things:

- Sims will now be able to ask love interests about past love experiences and if the sim has had a divorce / broke up with someone, they will be able to talk about it and say how it went.

As always, between me always adding things and the requests you all will make once I submit the post for requests, there probably will be more stuff added than this plan outlines.

(Text may change)

Messy examples of interactions from the module's WIP


TIMEFRAME: Huge amounts of work left to do on this but I have my path planned out very precisely, so it is just a matter of putting in the hours and I am optimistic to finish it this month.

Expect to see more about this soon!

----- III. Changes to Previous Modules, This Month or Next  ----

- Revamping file organization. Now things will be cut into Modules and Add-Ons. AddOns are simply smaller modules, such as the termination of pregnancy, pregnancy side effects, etc.
This will make for simpler labeling, following the labeling on the mod description posts over at my website, for more ease of finding info when you need!
Files will be numbered and have the letter M (module) or A (AddOn) to show their category, for example:


I already made changes to the Mod Description Page and will keep doing so to reflect this :)

- Bringing back 'Ask to Accompany to Abortion'

- Lower threshold for pregnancy acceptance as some people say it's too difficult to reach (you can always use the cheat ot make it instant if you tired of trying!)

- Add option to 'ask partner to terminate pregnancy' to which they can refuse (adding this for players who don't control the other sim in a couple and are therefore stuck with little control).

Thank you all again for being here and being awesome,

Much love,


Alyxandria Harrigan

I’m super excited for this update! Take your time ❤️


I never even thought about half of the things you just put in this post! You are amazing!

Kitty Katt

Can’t wait


You are seriously the best modder in the Sims community! This is a mod I have wanted since the Sims 3. You should be immensely proud of yourself! Thank you so much! ❤️

Dana Anna

Wow you absolutely amaze me with what you can do. Thank you so much for bringing LIFE to this life sim :)


Oh my goodness you are the best!


Holy shit this looks amazing


This is already looking great!

KeeRed Games

This is gonna be such a great addition to the game!


So excited for this!

Claire Bradley

Oh my goodness - the detail in this is amazing! Thank you so much!


This is INSANE. Lumpinou, you and the rest of the community are this game's saviors for real. Incredibly excited, I don't think I could ever stop backing you!


You amazed me. The attention to details is exceptional, the mod presents perfectly and your work is flawless. This is the first time I post a comment but I can't keep it to myself anymore: I love your mods, your work and you are a beautiful person. This is the best spent subscription! (sorry if i misspelled and there are mistakes, english is not my native language) ♥


You are INSANE!! best mod creator out right now, i'm so serious. you are so thoughtful and you seem to know what simmers want the most regarding relationships between sims. im so excited for the love languages. signed, a forever patron <3

Nicolette Hogue

Omg I can’t wait for the custody one. Now can’t have sims break up yet. Lol. This will complete it.z

Nicolette Hogue

For child support maybe you can collaborate with the simrealist. Think you both would have two great systems put in place for after break ups. Eep lol






I am so impressed by this to do list you really are trying to fix everything in the game!! Good luck! I can't wait to see how this all turns out <3


I can always make it optional, for people who have other child support mods. I've never looked at what other mods do on this but I need my own system there because other systems aren't working super with some parts of my mod so there is a gap to bridge


The list is everything that is already started, now just have to finish every piece and considering multiple possibilities and whatnot it's rather massive work but I can very much handle it of course, we've come this far already! Thanks for the nice words ❤️


cant wait for this to come. I applaud you for your hard work 💕

Amanda Topley

I never comment on anything, but I have to tell you--this, and everything you do, is incredible!!!


Cannot wait for this to come out!! I love all the hard work you put into this!


Omg, how amazing this is gonna be, so exciting!


I’m sooooo ready for this update!!!


Okay you are so amazing. Plus, this just came at the perfect time for my sims because I'm going through a fake custody battle through separated parents right now and I'm going to wait for this module to come out so that I can fully live this fantasy. Ugh this is so exciting!


I see where you have divorce angrily, can you make a peaceful divorce? I feel like not all divorces are bad. Some people come to a mutual agreement that things aren't meant to be.


Yes, if you look well at the image or read all the description you will see that there is 'amicable divorce' as well, that is a quarter of the point of the module :) since the game has only the angry divorce. So no worries! The post is big and I know it's easy to miss something there. But yeah the co parenting and divorce process is set to be different for amicable separations versus non amicable ones

Oc- chan97

OMG! Amazing, i can't wait!


Do your shoulders hurt from carrying the whole game? Jokes aside, the work you put into this stuff is absolutely insane. Reading this post made my day, thank you!

Leah Ashton

this makes the game so much more realistic


Love this! Thank you so much for all the work you do!


Wow, I'm in awe at your level of detail.


OH MY GOODNESS!!! i am so super excited this whole thing just sounds AMAZING!!! thank you so so much <3


You are honestly the best modder I have come across when it comes to realism, detail and skill. Absolutely amazing honestly!!! I cannot wait for this new update


Quick question, if the wrong sim gets the adoption sim letter from the mail, is there any way that I can give the letter to them because at the moment it seems stuck in the other sims inventory


You should be able to give it via a gift. Otherwise you can get another from build mode

crystal duke

Hello lumpinou the adoption don't seem to be working in my game. Or the surgorg baby bit either. I have the right mods in but they don't seem to be working. Also with the adoption it's only showing me base game where it says pay 1000 for adoption.


Question: I had a sim give a toddler up for adoption and after a few days (not sim days) I played as the family that adopted the child and he had basically no relationship with them. Does the act of adoption just move a sim into another household without adding relationships and correct familial tittles? When I checked his family tree his bio mom was still there but not the family who adopted him. Ps. Thanks for all your hard work!!!


Relationships get added in the relationship panel. For now there should be son / daughter and adopted with the sim who 'received' the child, with expansions in the next update with the second part of the adoption thing to add all siblin relationships and relationships to adopter's partner if any. The adopters will not go in the family tree. In the next update, the original parents will be able to be removed from the tree if wanted. Hope this answers it :)


I just jumped in game to check and there isn't any relationships in the relationship panel for this family. I'll try again with another family to see if it was a one off. Thanks for the quick reply.


Hm, a little strange. All this is changing with the update anyway so if anything is wrong it'll have been fixed by then. Thanks!


Wow, I'm so excited to see some of this! <3


You are amazing. You come up with things others don't even think of.


Why do you mean by 'it doesn't seem to be working'? What are you seeing, where are things not doing what they should?

crystal duke

Not letting me get pregnant, or when it's time for the woman to have my baby I'm not getting the baby!


Hm. Did you check compatibility - do you have WW with native pregnancy override on or Mc Woohoo with risk above 0, which are incompatible settings? Those would cause that


I cant wait


I dont know where to post this but im having an issue with the mod. every time i try to lie to tell a sim about a paternity test (im pretty sure it's both but in this case i'm getting pretty irritated about lying not working), it removes it from the queue and replaces it with a different interaction. it does not matter what i do. it comes up, it's an option that i can click, it shows up in the queue, but when it goes to the front of the queue, the interaction is something else. if i load up the queue with different things, the queue completely empties if the paternity interaction is in there. i don't know what to do. i have a lot of mods, but i dont know what could be causing this issue. any ideas?


Hm. I'll re check the tests on the outcomes to have more of an idea of why your sim isn't passing through them. Can you tell me what other mods you have that could affect this kind of thing? Any mod by Turbodriver, things like that ?


I finally got it to go through, I don't know what it was, but it took a solid 30 minutes of trying, like i had to trick it lol. I have wicked whims, many LMS mods, MCCC, KS slice of life, basemental drugs, and meaningful stories. not sure if there are any other big mods i have, or if small ones (like walkby mods or additional traits) would do anything


Hi! I was thinking about when two sims are in a relationship, or engaged and they break up (except from your sentiments) its never shown in the info pannel. Will a feature like this be added in the new module? I read a little part about being able to ask a sim about their past relationships but i wasnt sure if it would be added in the pannel to👀 Also, CANT WAIT FOR THIS 😫


There's a 'broken up' status but if no strings attached is installed it shows as blank for a very mysterious reason. Either way, I have things coming for the pannel too for different types of separations


Hello! I have a question about the surrogacy module. My sim carried a baby for another sim and already sent it to its parents. I tried to have her carry another baby but the choice is grayed out and it says i must send the previous baby to the other parents before carrying another, but i have already done this. is there a fix? thanks!


Well that's a new one for me! If it's been sent away it should all be fine, can you tell wme how you sent them away (the normal option on the ba y or the debug one) and if it was just one child or several? And for your sim, go to 'pregnancy and family' then 'status' and do 'remove pregnancy markers' and it'll be solved, but yeah I need the details to know where to look at in case it's not just a glitch, which it could be if it happens only this one time...


I sent them away the normal option via the bassinet! I should add that the first time I had tried the surrogacy option, the surrogacy moodlet went away during the pregnancy so when she gave birth, I didn't even have the option to send the baby away. I had to restart my game and THEN was able to do it successfully, but now I can't do it again lol. I will try your fix, thanks so much!!


Will you be adding a "telling parents I got someone pregnant" option to the social interactions


Yes, the teen module is going to get various expansions, not right this minute but sometime between now and during summer


How do i give the kids up for adoption? How do i keep birth parents from showing up every day?


What do you mean they show up every day? 🤔 And to give kids for adoption, couples need to discuss first. Then click on the child you want them to give for adoption


Literally , the birth parents show up at door asap and call for them to hang out


When i select the host family.there isnt concealment of who the birth parents are


The option to give for adoption to people your Sims won't know the identity of is something that is to be added in the rest of the adoption features I'm finishing up.


I deleted the no strings attached files and like you said it says broken up now! Also cant wait to see the new types! thank you so much


c'est génial j'adore votre mod encore merci continuez comme ça c'est l'un des mod que je préfère et j'ai hate d'avoir la suite que vous nous préparer


I don't comment very often but after the meltdown of my computer and being forced to play a non hack game for a month and yesterday being my birthday I decided to pull out the old computer and fix it the best I could and re-downloaded all your yummy game enhancers and am convinced you are a genius and thannnnnk you sooooooo much! Disabled senior here and glad to have my game back to entertainment and not so much work for everyday I have to sit home alone I just wanted to say Thanks!!