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Hello everyone and thank you for being here!

I am sorry nothing new was released in February. It was a crappy month to say the least and I found myself completely incapable to work on mods past mod support and bug testing / fixing. You know that is probably a first for me as I've been releasing stuff pretty much every month, sometimes two things a month...

Things aren't great still but I am hopping on the March train with the hope of getting back on the saddle. March will see the release FOR SURE of the adoption module, come hell or high water (or whatever that idiom is, haha).

First, let's do our usual monthly reminder:




Now, on to some info of what should be coming next month:


Some of these elements may or may not be added in March. If something says '100% certain then it WILL be added in March. 

New Module(s)

- Adoption Module! (100% certain).
The adoption module IS NOT READY to come out BUT it will come out in March for sure. Think mid-March for now. I'll see how I progress on what's left by then and keep you updated if it will be later in March or not. Bigger preview with lots of captures will be coming soon for Patrons :)
Description below is pretty final as work for all this is underway in this fashion. There will be, added to it, whatever Star and Superstar Patrons suggest once I make my post for suggestion opportunities, which won't happen for a minimum of one more week, maybe longer.

The Adoption module offers a new way for Sims to adopt a child, and systems to put a Sim's own children for adoption. 
Adopt a Child! Say hello to the Sim World Agency for Adoption. Get your partner's approval (if any), fill an application, get a visit from an adoption officer and convince them that you are financially responsible, on a professional path to somewhere, socially capable, live in a fitting house, and more, for them to decide if your application should get accepted for one child, up to two children, or no child at all. Try to bribe them, at your own risk, or dress up and do your best to shine through your outstanding life achievements! This is a point system so if your Sim doesn't fit all criteria perfectly but fit some criteria very well, they should be ok!
Sims who get approved for adoption will then be matched to several children from whom they can choose which child or children (if they got an outstanding application, they may be allowed to adopt up to 2 children) they would like to try to adopt.
The Sims will need to be in contact with the child from a distance a bit before being able to take them home (reaching a certain relationship level is necessary). At this point, the Sim can still decide to cancel the adoption process and choose to try to adopt another child. Once a relationship has been established and it all seems to be a fit, the child can join the household.
(If you don't want your Sim to go through all this pickiness, you can always go for the Sim Foster Care and adopt immediately (that is the game's normal interaction to adopt, which I am leaving in as an alternative)). 
Put a baby or child for Adoption! A Sim who does not want a child and accidentally got pregnant, or a Sim who is struggling financially unexpectedly, may feel that giving their baby, toddler or child a new home would be a better choice for everyone involved.
Get partners' approval (if any), or break up with them and let them take the child! Find an adopting family through the Sim Foster Care OR the Sim World Agency for Adoptions and simply say goodbye or ensure that your child will be taken care of. Sim Foster Care will not let you send gifts or contact the child after it is adopted away, but if your Sim pays for the Sim World Agency for Adoptions, a private licensed adoption organization, you will be able to send gifts and stay in touch.
If you have not been in touch - you can attempt to find your biological offspring later in life, and bond or face rejection...  
In both cases:
Sims are able to talk about their adoption process, and face various reactions. They can disclose to adopted children the nature of their origins, and more.
Adopted Sims can later on in life learn about their origins and try to find their birth parents, for better or worse. Parents can do the same.
LIMITATIONS: The child / baby does NOT change last name when changing households. You will have, if wanted, to change the last names in CAS once the child is at least a toddler.

- Maaaaaaaybe the Romantic Trust module (depending on whether I start adding Social Judgment - see below about that - or not and how well the Adoption module behaves with other mods around it once released)

Additions to older modules:

-  Adding option to choose to keep a child born of a surrogate pregnancy (be prepared to make an enemy of the Sim for whom you were originally carrying, not everyone will react nicely to that choice). - (100% certain)

- Adding option to use partner's stuff for artificial insemination (this has been requested twice). - (100% certain)

- Starting to add Social Judgment (reactions to out of marriage pregnancies, cheating and hidden relationships, etc) (30% chance)


- Adding some custom traits to First Impression's recognizable traits: 

Some traits by Kutto, Kiara and Chingyu are overdue to be added; these creators gave their agreement a while ago. (70% chance that I'll do some of that)

- Something new?: Nothing is promised, yet, there are a few little new things I would like to do, so, I may try to release something tiny but completely new sometime late March. 

Aaaand that's it!

My priority will be the adoption module so, just to be clear: depending on how things go, anything that doesn't say '100% certain' above may not happen at all in March. What does say '100% certain' will happen in March. How do I know? Because these are small things that don't take a horrid amount of work! Well, except the adoption module itself, which does take horrid amounts of time and work and thinking haha. But it's ok because I'm past the more difficult parts of it.

Thank you,

My best wishes,



Thank you for all your hard work I absolutely love your mods in my game💖


I hope March is good to you. Thank you for all you do and share to make our games better 💕


Thanks for your monthly Patreon charge reminder. That is so kind and thoughtful of you!


I, too, appreciate the reminder. Thank you for everything you do to make our sims' lives more complex and interesting. Also, I was watching Deligracy's Pararormal LP and saw your mod! I hope she explores it in detail! (If she hasn't.) Wishing everyone a safe and healthy March. Happy Simming!

Christina Jackson-Smith

First off, you deserve time off for all the hard work you put in. I am appreciative of the mods you produce. Now , will there be adoptions of played sims kids taken away to be adopted by family members? Are the adoptions going to be of world sims or randomly generated children?


I would find it weird if the list of children for adoption was the list of children in the world who are with a family already, as what would be the way to determine which world sims should be adoptable and which shouldn't? And it would bre really odd to just have all kids on there. So the idea is to do randomly generated ones like the game's own. As for family members adopting, that can be a given option at the moment of choosing an adoptive family, but the Sim must discuss with said family first and they must accept.


You work hard and your mods rock . You're entitled to down time, take care of yourself.


can i just say how much i love your mods and appreciate you like you make the game so much better. THANK YOU!

Evangelina Silvercloud

Hello Lumpinou. First of all, I wish you and your family a lot of love, health and strength for the near future. We all know how hard life is often but remember: After dark, light comes back. No need to apologize that you didn't have the time or inclination to work on mods. Everyone will understand. Of course we are always happy about your great work and the great mods that enrich the game so intensely. But take your time, don't stress. Greetings from Austria


I hope that March treats you better! I hope you don't stress about it too much. You keep us well up-to-date, and that is all I need. Your health is much more important. So, please stay healthy so that you can enjoy this process and not make it feel like a burden to add to the other things that may be stressing you. ((LOVE))


You've made some amazing mods. I'm here for whatever you do next.


thank you for doing all you do! you do amazing work. no need to apologize for nothing coming out this month; take care of yourself first!


I really love your mods, can't play without them anymore <3 So many functions I've been wanting for years! Couple of questions tho! When you adopt a child/give the child up for adoption, will it be added/leave the family tree? And do you plan to add any reactions to the children aswell, like if they see a parent cheat they could talk to that parent and promise to not tell or they could go tell the other parent? I feel like it's too easy to "cheat" haha Like, the mother is in the kitchen and the father is doing stuff with the maid in the bathroom, kid walk in and reacts to what they are doing but not really who they are doing. Feels like it have some potential with sentiments and stuff too :)

Breoni Hester

I identified a bug with the surrogate system - sims labeled NPC Surrogates don’t allow the full range of romantic options when you meet them out in the world and if you remove the buff, you’re able to treat them normally but the buff reappears any time you reload the sim (coming out of CAS, reopening your game, etc.)


Not a bug but a deliberate thing. The NPC surrogates are deliberately treated as true NPCs and as such I don't allow dating them. This to make sure the system is safe as they're not supposed to be manually added to household and su ch


Thinking about it, I can imagine some storylines that would require romancing them before they give birth, so I have to think about whether or not I should unrestrict it, if benefits Outweigh risks ; the goal is really to not have people add them to the household and all, for the rest I don't care much haha

Breoni Hester

So the issue I’m having is that my sim is not using her as a surrogate - they just met out in the world and are dating. I think mostly it’s just that I’m not able to permanently remove her designation as a surrogate now that she isn’t functioning as one.


Ha, well, that is something I did not think about 🤔😅😂 so, I have to think about what to do in this circumstance. I am thinking I may block all interactions with them altogether as that's the easiest path. Other option would be to add a way to remove them from surrogacy once met but idk which option I prefer yet

Breoni Hester

Yeah, that was my thought, a toggle similar to the remove WTD one? But I’m not a mod expert so I don’t know which one is easiest! 😂


Both are not an issue but thing is I try to go for what will confuse people the least so I'd have to think about this longer

Breoni Hester

Maybe a toggle and a red name notation (like how the NAP inspector or party guests get) so that if someone sees a surrogate in the world they know immediately that’s what that person is and can remove it if they desire bc I also had the issue where it took me hours to figure out what was wrong because I didn’t know that she was a surrogate NPC


I’ve tried to get my sim to become a surrogate quite a few times and has never fallen pregnant. I even changed her pregnancy stats to 100% risk and still nothing :(


You have a mod conflict. It's either WW with native pregnancy override on or Mc Woohoo with risk above 0. Sounds right?


Ooo ok, I don’t have WW, so should I removed MC Woohoo, I like risky woohoo, is that part of your Mod anyway?


Yes it is, that's what the pregnancy risk is all about. Woohoo has default 25% risk of causing pregnancy if unprotected and that can be customized per individual sim. You don't have to remove Mc Woohoo just set risk to 0. Then my mod is actually able to control pregnancy risk and protection is able to work and surrogates are able to get pregnant.


Take care of your mental health. I appreciate all of your hard work.


Hi! I don’t have any adoption options or some reason. I tried adopting from my phone since that was the only thing available and it was base game actions. (Rabbit hole) I only have mccc on my game.


Can you check if you have old versions of the mod in? As that would cause the issue. Also, if your sim has a partner, they must discuss it together first


it was 2.2 not 2.3