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Hello everyone.

1. For those of you who won't be a patron anymore by tomorrow - keep an eye out because I will make the new module public much sooner than originally planned, this to provide fixes to everyone who has been having issues with it, be they Patron still or not.
Since a bunch of you are having weird issues with the new module, issues that I can't replicate and we didn't get in testing, and since the loss of my parrot got me grieving sick and mad, I haven't tried to figure it out. I just haven't been able to. I'll get to it because life has to go on one way or the other and then will put an update out for the public because nobody should join and get an early access for something that doesn't work right for them. All I can tell you is those issues are beyond weird since we're not having them among the tester team. May very well be a mod conflict this time. But I'll be trying to build things differently to bypass whatever it is.

(EDIT: Since I couldn't figure out the conflicts causing the issue in time, the mod did not go public early)

2.Just wanted to let you know that if you plan on ending your subscription, you should do so Today as it's the last day to cancel because tomorrow is when you get charged.




Take as much time as you need! ❤️


I'm so sorry about your parrot. Take all the time you need to grieve.

True AI

I'll be here. Grieve and do this work as a distraction when you can. No rush.


So sorry about your parrot.


I don't care that I pay for early access. I understand that there's a human being behind the patreon profile and not a code machine. Take all the time you need. ❤️


I am very sorry for your loss. I’ll still support you and your mods! 🥰


Honestly doesn't bother me I hope you feel better sorry about your parrot though as well


You're mods are amazing. I'm so sorry about your parrot and take all the time you need to. I'll be here when you get back.


I am so sorry to hear about your parrot. Please take all the time you need. You need time for you too and I think most your supporters understand that.


you're just a person!! if people can't understand that life happens and so things may not always be on time, i'm so sorry! I'm so sorry about your parrot as well, please take as much time as you need (you're only human!) i am sending good vibes your way. i'll be here when you get back!

Bree Bree

I'm so sorry about your parrot. Take all the time you need to grieve and stuff. these updates can wait.


Personally, I will still be supporting. You do amazing work. I couldn't do these things. But you're still human. You need some time. Sorry about your parrot but take your time. Anyone who cannot understand that doesn't matter. ❤

Sam D.

Take the time you need. Losing a pre is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry about your parrot. I run a small parrot rescue and we lost our beautiful baby cockatiel last spring. It broke my heart. Take all the time you need to grieve.


Sorry for your loss Lumpinou. Huge hug to you hun.


sorry about your parrot ..hugs


I know how painful it is to lose a pet - your friend. And not knowing where he is and whether he's okay can drive you crazy. Take all the time you need and I'll keep my fingers crossed that your parrot will find its way back to you


will be again on the 3rd ~Grins~


Hi, I just wanted to say i'm sorry for the loss of your baby. Also, I appreciate the heads up and will be subscribing again when I can afford it :) You are one of my favourite creators :)


omg! Im a bird mom. I can only imagine your pain. Take your time...the community will still be here!!

Hippy Simmer

Your Human, so you will feel sorrow after a loss so take your time.

Evangelina Silvercloud

To be clear: you don't need to apologize in any way for things that are not in your hands (see the strange problems of your mod that others have). And there is no need to apologize for any delays. You always do your best! And now take the time to look after your missing pet. Animals are better people (my opinion). Feel hugged and lovely regards from Austria


I'm so sorry about your featherbaby </3


Hi! I’m very sorry for your loss! It must be so hard! Also, you are so kind! You are worth way more than you are receiving! I definitely won’t be canceling my monetary support. In fact, I’ll try to give you more! Finally, I think I found the “issue” that some of your mod’s users have been having. If you have Wonderful Whims, it’ll use the Wonderful Whims pregnancy percentage to determine if your sim gets pregnant through in-vitro. While playtesting the mod, I had a sim who couldn’t get pregnant from it no matter how many times I tried, and the reason turned out to be that she was about to start her period, which doesn’t even come from your mod! I hope people realize this and aren’t too hard on you! I hope you feel better soon!


I think by “lost” she meant that the parrot died...


I am sorry for your loss ((hugs)). What was your parrot's name? Birds are so awesome. I used to have parakeets, and I love the side profile of a bird and looking at their tiny eyelashes, and the prismatic colors of their feathers. I love how they talk and warble and chat. Birds are so cool and amazing.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a dog recently, so I know how you feel. It really is like losing a part of yourself. Take all the time you need to grieve and begin to heal. Don't let anyone try to rush you. Hang in there, girl! It'll get better. I promise.


I have a problem. My sim would Carry a baby for other sim but after insamination she isn't pregnant each time I try it says: "Brooke needs to send away the surrogate Child she carried previously before she can be a surrogate mother again" but my sim is not pregnant


Now i can't send baby to it's parents. I click on the baby but I don't have the option


Hi, I've had the issue where sims can't send the child to their parents after the sim has given birth and I think the issue that was in my game was that the parent sim died? I'm not sure how or when, but when I checked the manage words the parent sim was no longer present. If anyone knows, will uninstalling the mod and reinstalling it fix the issue?


For now you can do this: age it to toddler, then click the sim who gave birth to it, go to 'pregnancy and family' then to 'status' then use the cheat option to have a child adopted by others and send the child away that way


MC Command Center & MC Woohoo, KS Slice of Life, KS After School Activities, KS Memorable Events, and UI Cheats Extension. Thank you again!


Thanks. I'm hoping to try to narrow it down or figure it out when I get a chance. I've never had that issue and we didn't thave it in testing either, so, there has to be something somewhere...


I have a question maybe an idea. since we have to pay $5000 to have a surrogate is there any way for the sim to be paid to be a surrogate?


Yes, it's in the mod. Your sim can carry a baby for others and it pays 8000. The NPC who carries doesn't need to get money since they're a npc character without a playable household pretty much