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Ma Fe

I had an idea? If I can write it here, I'm not sure, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place. But, is there a way to apply the WTDs the same way that paternity is done with WW. Basically if you select a sim that your sim has done it with and thus put them in the pool for who could be the daddy, it could also apply the WTDs when you do that as well? No? Just a thought I had, apologies if this isn't possible.


Hi, it's a good idea. Someone else too has made this suggestion. I may add it in as a cheat next week.


You are awesome;). It looks so great!. thank you for all the hard work on these mods and updates


I thought I'd let you know I've been having so much fun playingTS4 with your mods. My sim was on SimDa and had a couple hookup calls and now has a WTD (thanks, Don or Akiro). She found out AFTER she became engaged, so she's going to have to delay the wedding until she finishes her course of antibiotics (her fiance is someone her traditional parents wanted her to marry; nice guy but traditional and proper, haha!). Sure has spiced up my game!


This is awesome :) You should give yourself a chance to rest over the holiday season though

Sheila Lobert

Just to clarify, if I'm using WonderfulWhims for the personality, etc. but I want to use your configurable risk, I would download the normal version and uncheck native pregnancy override just like I would with WW, correct?


This looks so good!!!!!!!


That's a good question. I imagine it would function that way, yes. It should. You can easily test it by setting risk to 100% and Woohoo'ing, if they get pregnant each time, it works. And also set it to 1% and if they don't get pregnant, it works.


I'm really excited about this mod but wich file shoul I download??


Download the normal version if you don't have wonderful whims.


Does thus mod work with wicked whims as well as wonderful whims or just wonderful whims?


Compatibility is the exact same as it's been so far, under the same conditions :)


Thank you :)


hi! i love this mod so much! So i have MCCC, MCCC Woohoo, and Wonderful Whims, I have taken out all of my mods apart from those 4. For some reason I can not get the option of "ask to stop using condoms" and "woohoo without protection". I tried it with your normal version, and took out Wonderful Whims, and it works fine! But I like Wonderful whims for the periods/attractiveness aspects! but when i have wonderful whims and your wonderful compatible mod, it doesnt seem to work fully! What am I doing wrong? :(


That's because wonderful whims pregnancy risk system cannot support those functions. So they're not included in the wonderful whims version. That's the cost of having compatibility. If you want the cycle system from wonderful whims you can't have the 'stop using condoms' and 'Woohoo without protection'. They used to be in there either way until Turbodriver let me know his system cannot support them.


Thankyou! Sorry I feel stupid for asking now! 🥺 thanks for replying! 💞


I'm having trouble downloading the mod from the link. It keeps saying attachment unavailable.

Lady D

Is this compatible with littlemssam miscarriage\abortion mod?


Same as it's always been - yes :) . Just if an abortion happens or miscarriage from her mods, paternity markers have to be manually removed through an interaction in my mod


I keep getting an error message when I try to download :( even after refreshing my page (Edit: nvm, I found a way to work around it and was able to download. Thank you!)


I'm not near the computer right now to look at it, but I'll check it out once home


Thank you so much for this awesome mod that gets better and better with each update! I really can't wait for the post birth stuff now <3

Conny Stern

Hi there. Great Mod. I love him. I have a question. You said that you do not include a function with this mod to release a child for adoption because such a mod already exists. My question would be what this is called or whether I could have a link because the only thing I can find is a baby hatch. Thank you very much


Hey Conny! plzsaysike makes an adoption mod you can find it on their tumblr. not sure if links are allowed or not but if you google the tumblr to download should pop up

Conny Stern

Gefunden. Danke sehr


Hello! Loving this mod as per usual but question, my sim yesterday got someone pregnant even though he’s had “a vasectomy” and it says on his sim profile that he’s infertile. It was just regular woohoo that got his partner pregnant.


What other mods are you using that could affect pregnancy and relationships? So I can know if it's a mod interaction thing or if there's an issue somewhere :)


Thank you for this! I love your mods! Not sure if it has been said in previous posts, but will the surrogate addition enable played sims to be surrogates?


The surrogate thing I'm not fully sure yet what's possible or not with it. So as I said before, it will depend on what I can put together. I don't believe that I can keep the family tree from adding children so they will appear there no matter what. But in the rest of the game, relationships will show properly (ie. a distinction between biological and not biological children, and whether or not they have a family relationship or just a genetic one). For your sim to be a surrogate would probably be possible. But yeah I'm not making any promises regarding any surrogate features. I have things mostly planned out but I don't know yet if I'll hit a stumbling block, I will know that once I've actually started... I do hope it works out the way I want but yeah.


should I still have 1.3 in the file or just this one


So is Wicked Whim Compatible with Wonderful Whims in your mods? Because I have installed others and don't see them in-game.


I don't understand your question. You're not supposed to have both wicked and wonderful together. My mods are fine with either of these mods. If both wicked and wonderful are installed at once though, I can't guarantee how my mod would react. For sure paternity would not be able to run. If you have either wonderful or wicked but not both you are fine, you just need to read compatibility and download instructions in this post.


Ok, I was saying I had installed the first impression mod and it doesn't show up in-game. And thank you for clarifying that I cant install both wicked whims and wonderful whims together,


Thank you for the amazing update! :)


Are we talking about woohoo wellness or first impressions? Sorry I'm getting really confused haha. Well wonderful and wicked have same things in them, wicked just has truncated features. I don't think there's anything in Wonderful that's not in wicked, I may be wrong but that's my thought. I don't know what Turbodriver says about having both installed but I don't imagine he recommends it, better check his mod descriptions though as I don't know for sure. First Impressions should show up either way, it's compatible with everything. So, if you go to 'actions', do you see a le u for it ? If not, then something must not be properly installed. Where is the script file?


Thanks for the efforts. Amazing work! I have a quick question regarding to cheat & trust system. These are upcoming features, right?I can not see them in my "relationship wellness" menu


Yep it's mostly upcoming. There's two or three little things I already have put in but very mostly it's being developed and not in :)


So there does not seem to be an option for termination? I know it was there before


It doesn’t have the paternity test or the accepting/refusing baby as his options anymore? I couldn’t see it pop up anyway :-/


If course the options are still there :) For the baby options they're where they've always been, for the paternity option they're in the menu now called 'pregnancy and family'. If they're not showing, something must have not happened in gzmr that should happen first, or not gone on properly. How did the sim get pregnant, did they talk about it with the dad, etc etc ?


There absolutely is, and as the update notes say, it has actually been improved. It's in the 'pregnancy and family' menu


I use mc command and changed the chance of randsom sims getting pregnant to 100%. but i also use your: set pregnancy risk and changed that to default 25%. so wich one is the game using now?. the mcc or yours?;)


What you are talking about is for npc pregnancy in the word. Your played sim settings for pregnancy are in the MC Woohoo module. Either way - my system for customization of risk is sim by sim. If Mc Woohoo is more than 0 then my protection and risk system doesn't apply. If it's at 0 and settings for mccc pregnancy are different as in your case, I don't think that matters. Not fully sure but I don't think so.

Breoni Hester

I’m noticing a glitch right now - my sim is under treatment for gonorrhea and is on the last day. However she’s now developed a UTI and the option to send her to the hospital won’t appear in either the family or relationship menus or individually. I even checked the travel menu and nothing. I assume it’s because she’s under treatment currently.


That's normal it's because once on treatment for one disease they must finish it before they can see the doctor again. This is because of how the system was built. Now that I have chbaged the system maybe that won't be an issue anymore and I can change that too, but I'm not sur eyet, I'll have to look into it. For now just wait till treatment is over for your sim - or just cheat the two diseases away

Sam D.

I don't see any options for termination at all in the family and pregnancy menu. Sim does not want children, and can bemoan and feel hopeless- but nothing shows related to termination.I looked in my mods folder and the termination package is there. I had the same issue with previous version. BTW your mods are amazing- thank you!!


So when clicking on another sim you don't see 'ask to join termination of pregnancy' and when you click on the active sim who is pregnant you don't see 'go get an abortion'?


I'm so mad at myself I have been using this mod all wrong! Wondering why my sims always mad about being pregnant. I never did the define pregnancy wish 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's always better to read instructions 😂 glad you figured it out now.


Just to clarify, if I have Wicked Whims I grab the WooHooWellnessPregnancy_v2_Normal.zip and the fix that has Wicked in the name?

Christina Elizabeth

Yes! I messed up one time and forgot to add that file. Sittin' here tryna figure out why things would work right!

Breoni Hester

Think I messed something up? My sim had his wish set to random and in between his son being conceived and being born, it changed to him not wanting a child without my knowledge. So after his son was born, I set it to “would be happy to have a child”. But instead of replacing, it gave him both preferences in his panel. He’s since accepted his son but still has both preferences. Is there a way to reset this?

Breoni Hester

His wife just told him she was pregnant again and even though he also has the would be happy to be pregnant trait, the unhappy one is overriding and I can’t figure out how to get rid of it.

Sam D.

So after further exploration, the problem I was having is narrowed down to a problem that crops up with same sex male couples. They do not have the option for setting pregnancy risk menu; they do not have any option for termination of pregnancy. In this way the game is mod is missing compatibility with MCC same sex pregnancy and obviously for players who are including or centering same sex relationships with your mods, this is a problem in the mod. Also, the paternity testing feature did not recognize one of my same sex male couples as married although they are, and are recognized as married in the game. The language that comes with the paternity notification registered as "cheating" therefore. Also the language misgenders the partner as it assumes a "she". Suggest you change all this language to the singular "they" (as the base game now does), to be inclusive. Thank you so very much for all your work and invitation to give feedback. Your mods are awesome! Keep us posted on how it goes fixing these issues!


A few things here. First - inclusivity is absolutely always in my mind. My mod is inclusive of male pregnancy, but to do so follows the game. That's the thing with modding. So Sims have to be set as able to be impregnated and male in cas, and then everything will be available to them. Mccc uses whatever system it uses to do this, but if it doesn't follow the game's system, then my mod can't recognize what it does. If you go make a male sim that can be impregnated in cas you will see that they will have all the options. The mod also absolutely does Not assume Sims are 'she'. For every single item of text, I code it to pick pronouns based on set gender. Now I may have forgotten this once or twice in the hundreds of lines of text in the mod because I write with certain sims in mind to try to give the text some soul. A slip is never impossible. But I do deliberately write all of it with no pronoun set other than for the game to choose. 99% of text should be absolutely correct in that regard, if not more,ans pick pronoun based on Sim's CAS gender settings. I do it the exact same way the game does. And the same way most mods do it too, because we follow the game. Since the text of this mod often is speaking about several Sims at once, I opted against using 'they' for everyone as the text got basically unreadable in some cases, with three Sims talked about all with the they pronoun... What do you mean the paternity feature did not recognize them as married? It did - but the issue is once again the same - the Sims are set by mccc to be able to be impregnated and impregnate at the same time and the mod doesn't know what to do with that as it follows game settings which allow for either / or. I don't know of any real life case of a person who can both be impregnated and impregnate, at the very same time and same moment. I tried to look it up in case even but did not find anything, I may be wrong but my impression was that it doesn't exist in real life, so I think the game is fine the way it does things, as it is inclusive of real life cases (for example people who identify as male and can get pregnant, which is there in the game and which my mod completely recognizes) and follow it for my mods. So, once again - if you set your male sim to be able to be impregnated in cas you will see that everything of my mod will work for them. The paternity system doesn't know what to do in the case of your mccc modified Sims because it's looking for one sim that can impregnate and one that can be impregnated. In the case of your Sims, they're both 'can impregnate' and neither has 'can be impregnated'. Mccc does something there to bypass all this and all the game systems, but if it doesn't change those impregnation traits - and it doesn't - then my mod and other mods won't recognize this. That's all it is. Consider it a conflict of this feature of Mccc and my mod. The one thing that is problematic for now is lesbian couples, because until I have my insemination feature up, the mod assumes that if one of them got pregnant it's by some sim that can impregnate (which the partner in this case can't) and therefore the partner is not the parent and therefore cheating occurred. This is not what happened in your case but this is a real issue which of course will be gone with the insemination being up. Which are coming very soon. The mod is building up little by little and I do my best. Feedback is always welcome but please assume good will from me and not the opposite :)

Sam D.

Ok great- thank you for explaining this one conflict with MCC. In MCC male couples do have the capacity to impregnate each other at the same time, and override these settings in CAS. I did have it set that way and now understand how to make the fix. I so appreciate your work and the empowerment of stories it enables.I also did want to say that I actually love the language you do use in your mod so much- because it is so psychologically nuanced and apt. It really is distinctive and adds so much depth to the game because of the depth of thought you put into it.. I apologize if I came across as not assuming good will. I did not assume ill will but also did not want to assume you automatically would have considered all these issues.I also appreciate your willingness to go into this depth of explanation as it helps me understand the nature of modding better as well. I have so much respect for your work.


I understand, and I should not be defensive about this. I just greatly fear coming across in ways that don't represent my effort to think of everything and everyone - because I do try to be inclusive - but I know I'm much capable of failing or forgetting things and whatnot. So I'm always afraid of not doing it right even though I try and offending people without meaning to, and that's why I get a bit defensive, which I should not, because I really don't want to discourage open and honest conversation but quite the opposite. I appreciate you writing to me about all this. I may contact Deaderpool about this at some point to see if there's anything or any way for my mod to pick up on his stuff but I'm not too optimistic as I believe it's just a scripted chance of pregnancy overriding basically everything except who initiates the interaction...


Can you make it that with untreated uti s they have the option of not going to the hospital to get treated and die?.... asking for a friend...lol


The hospital thing is the one bug left for now, so if it's untreated you have to cure it with a cheat. Normally they'd go to the hospital and get treated and have a chance of having temporary kidney damage. They're not going to die no matter what 😂 but yeah, cure the uit in time or cheat it away, because for now that bug remains that they just come right back instead of going


hey! i love love love this mod so much! my (teen) sim sadly had a miscarriage so of course she's really sad, i was wondering if you have any plans to create an option of like telling their partner about the miscarriage and different reactions to that perhaps based on what their pregnancy wish is? i just noticed that there wasn't an interaction for it, maybe i'm doing it wrong but if not i was just curious if you have anything planned for that :) thanks! <3


another question I have is if you have any plans for making the parents reaction to pregnancy autonomously supportive or unsupportive instead of us having to choose? just curious if it's an option as sometimes I like to see how things unfold instead of controlling all of it :)


Since miscarriages aren't in my mod but using LMS's one, because she has her own and I didn't want to re do it, so far none of it is there. However because I have pregnancy wishes and etc etc and there should be impacts, I may need to either review that decision or talk to her more.


Hi Firstly I Love this mod!! Ive spent the last week updating all my mods due to the updates (like everyone) But I'm also adding new mods into the game, I’m noticing a few glitches happening, (Im removing mods to see if this fixes things) Woohoo wellness mod rn is not showing the options of (truth is the father) or (lie) do you think is just another mod conflicting?


What files did you have installed, and just as importantly when (before or after installing the mod) and how (what interaction was used) did the Sims get pregnant?


Question: If both sims have condoms in their inventory, do they somehow cancel each other out? I noticed that 2 get used (one from each sim), and they got the buff that they woohoo'd with protection. But then my sim got pregnant, and it says because of not using protection on the buff. Maybe it's just a risky woohoo pregnancy? But I thought I'd ask because now I'm not sure which sims should be carrying condoms lol. Thanks, love this mod!


Either sim can have them and it will work. But there's a 5% chance of failure. If both have them both will lose one because I didn't have a way to make it so that only one of the Sims loses one when I initially made this. If only one sim has them obviously it will only be taken from them, but both Sims are protected. Either you got the 5% chance of protection failure kick in or you have another mod in use which can overwrite my protection system and is not set not to do so... These are my assumptions as of now


Thanks for the quick reply! I don't have too many mods that I think would interfere. MCCC Woohoo where I've got the risky set at 0, FalseHope's cherished moments (which don't seem to have anything to do with woohoo, just the pregnancy), and all your other mods (no strings, open love life, ect) But thank you, I can stop worrying about who should and should not carry condoms now. haha. :)


Sounds like there's no conflict then. If you get pregnancies often from protected Woohoo do write again as it should only be possible 5% of the time :)


For some reason my mod won't allow any of the sims to catch a std. There's no opinion for it in game. How do I fix it?


What do you mean they won't catch them? Give a disease with the cheats to a sim and make them Woohoo unprotected with another and then her both tested and we'll see if it works. It definitely should.


Hello!! First of all I ADORE your mod!!! I noticed a problem tho.. It has been mentioned already but when I have Wonderful Whims installed, the Try For Baby option disappears and even if my Sims get pregnant, I don't have all the options like lying about who the father is and all that super cool stuff... The options relating to cheating and pregnancies simply don't appear. I downloaded all the specific files for WonderfulWhims but it still doesn't change anything. Everything works perfectly without WW tho!! Thanks!!!


The try for baby option disappearing is a setting in Wonderful whims, it's not my mod doing it. Turn if off in Wonderful if you don't like it :) If you have the extra file for wicked whims and keep it in when using Wonderful, that will cause issues with the paternity system. Could that have happened?


I just got it to work! I'm not sure why it didn't work the first few times but I'm just happy I got it to work! Thanks for your help :)


You are actually such a legend <3 lysm


Hey Lumpinou, I don't see the new cheating module 7 file. Did I get the email by mistake?


Not sure I understand the question - all modules are in the zip files included above


Lumpinou, just wanted to thank you once again. I really appreciate all the hard work you put in all your mods and how often you update them with something new and unique. Your work made my game way more interesting than it was before, and the end of the year looks a bit brighter (as well the upcoming winter holidays that I'll definitely spend with sims). Thank you so-so much! Wish you great holidays and fun games. <3

Flick Riley

Hello. I had the previous version installed, just updated this morning. Buuuut yesterday my Sim's ex had his baby (utterly unplanned, I was shocked when the notification popped up) and I wanted him to deny it being his but it wasn't an option. She's a non-played household. Is that because she didn't woohoo with anybody else that it's automatically his? I also popped over to her house to see if she could tell him he wasn't the father, but it wasn't there either. I have your full mod, MCCC (risky woohoo at 0), your mood and first impression mods and SimDa dating -- those are the only mods I have. Also to be an utter pain, the same sim had an alien baby and I really wanted his fiancé to have an option to notice the baby wasn't hers and leave him... but she was utterly unperturbed. I wasn't really expecting alien pregnancy to be covered, but thought it could be a cool feature for the future? XD


Hey :) Is the German version already included in this download?


Sims should be able to tell others they're not the dad even if that's the only sim Woohoo'd with recently. Because the pregnant sim can know that for sure but not the other one :) For alien pregnancy, I don't want Sims to get mad about it because, I mean, being abducted by aliens isn't cheating is it? 😂


Thanks for your amazing job. Merry Christmas and Happy Near Year! Sorry, I'm a little bit confused about the Risk and Protection system. I have Wicked Whims (not Wonderful Whims), but I want to use your Risk and Protections system and WTD as well. If my sims are using WW protection - will it be taken into account for your system? Or I must use protection stuff from your mod?


My risk system is not compatible with WW, neither are WTDs. It can be used alongside WW for Woohoo and try for baby if 'native pregnancy override' is off I. WW, in which case WW settings do not apply to 'Woohoo' but only to 'sex', and mj mod settings apply only to Woohoo.


Hi! Thank you for all your work! Just to be clear: the cheating system won't work with WW?


It won't work (by that I mean, Sims won't be marked as cheaters / cheatee) if your Sims do the WW 'sex'. It should work if they use Woohoo or try for baby. The rest should work fine too (the interactions etc) unless you have jealousy disabled through WW of course


how do I download i cant find the link


Are you also using a translation by any chance? 🤔


Hi, could you fix the teen pregnancy belly it doesn't show up. I have no other mods that conflict with pregnancy.


Hey there, thank you so much for all your hard work on this! I was just wondering, is your cheating module compatible with Zero's IR Cheating mod?


Should be, I don't see anything that would make it not compatible. It should be compatible with everything by everyone


This happens to a select few people and I have no idea why. In testing, I was the only one to whom this happens. I never could find why. Nobody else ever reported that so I imagined my game had an issue. But here you come. I tried solving it for me but couldn't so far. I used to have a warning up about this when the teen module came out.


Hello!! Is the Spanish version?


I’m not getting any of the pregnancy reactions stuff or the cheating add on either am I doing something wrong ?


Can you specify what you mean by pregnancy reactions? What are your Sims doing?


will this work with zero's cheating mod?

Kemoni Sims

Will this work with Slice of life?


All of my mods are fully compatible with slice of life and vice versa.


I just redownloaded the newest update of this mod and noticed that my sim and her spouse's pregnancy wish changes every minute. She just had a baby and the wishes keep changing. I also noticed that my sims only have boys with this mod and they never have more than one baby. I even tried giving her the fertile trait and the fertility massage and nothing. Is there a problem on my end?


I messed up the changing pregnancy wish overt time thing again at the latest update. That's because I put it on hyper speed to test that it works. And then I forget to put it back to normal. Will re-upload shortly. My Sims have girls no problem with the mod, in fact the mod does not at all impact baby gender chance but uses the exact same system as the game's normal one. So that is odd.


Even with the latest update, The "Confess to cheating with" doesnt enable any pop ups as shown in the screenshots. The sims actually gain friendship and have no moodlets towards it or sentiments. I thought maybe the pops ups were disabled, but they were enabled. Could there be a possible conflict with the cheating system from the Realistic Reactions mod? Although my issue wasn’t resolved when i took the mod out


Hi! I don't know what would be causing this. Turn pop ups off and see if things go through. You don't have any old files or the old cheating module from Contextual Social Interactions do you?

Ms. Book

I swear i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this mod! it just keeps getting better! I think you have made a "life patron" out of me and that's not an easy feat!


You are a genius. I appreciate how much work and detail you put into all of your mods!!


I’m having the same issues with the pop ups. I disabled them like you said on a previous post and I don’t get the options to kick a child out or anything else pregnancy related except celebrate pregnancy


None of the interactions will work like everytime i have my sim do something like suspectc someone of cheating or admit which sim is the father of a child my sim just wont do it


I've never heard of something like that?... What other mods do you have?


Hi loving the update so far! The only thing is I think the update has caused all my previous sentiments disappear. Was this supposed to happen? xx


It can't do that that I know of, and I haven't had any such issues... However if a sim gets a negative sentiment oftentimes it will erase positive ones so if your Sims had cheating happen maybe that's what. Sentiments are cumulative only to a very limited degree. They all interact with each other when a new one is added and a removal process often occurs. If you want more details on what the gzmr does there, you can read all about it on my mod description page for First Impressions, which was the first mod to add custom sentiments and so I explained how I believe it works when adding new ones, how the game will sort out what to do with the ones that were there before.


Hi Lumpinou! Thanks for all your hard work! I wanted to do some reporting. I'm not sure if anyone else had this issue, but I had my newlywed couple go on their honeymoon to Selvadorada and had them try for baby on the last day of vacation. When they returned home, I had my sim take a pregnancy test and the prompt came up that she was unsure of who the father was. She only woohoo'd with her husband. I'm assuming something got mixed up after traveling from vacation. Just wanted to let you know! Thx again!


Did she have an abortion or miscarriage before from mods other than mine? I don't imagine traveling should mess with anything... 🤔 Strange

Oc- chan97

A happy new year and thank you for the wonderful mods you are creating. I have a little problem since yesterday, my sim can't get pregnant. I tried every possible option available. It doesn't work. Like...everything. The only odd thing i noticed was seeing my male sim using the condoms of your Mod and Wicked Whims at the same time. It used to be fine before and another sim of mine even got twins, so i don't really understand why this is happening now. 🙁


Hi, can you tell me what your WW settings are regarding pregnancy? Do you have 'native pregnancy override' on or off?

Oc- chan97

My female sim asked the male to stop using protection, so yeah...it seems like it. I will check on the settings later again, just to make sure.


Did he accept? Did you get notified and do you see in the relationship panel that it says they won't use condoms? Maybe it didn't go well and so didn't go through. That won't explain the WW thing though

Oc- chan97

Yes, he accepted and i got this notification in purple. He is a nice guy and they have great chemistry, so he always agrees lol. I updated Meaningful Stories (roBurky) yesterday and downloaded Robin's food enabler. Well, it's morning here and now i will try to figure the problem out. My female sim had a daughter before with another male and it went well, so maybe it's just the new guy? 😅 Joking...

Oc- chan97

Oh and are your mods compatible with PERSEAs (https://www.patreon.com/pearlv)? I am using them too.

Oc- chan97

Excuse me, one more question. I am not able to see the options here (https://bit.ly/38S8faV) while using the German translation. Can someone please tell me what they mean? On top are the WTD cheats.


That simply means I'm currently editing text on a post. If that happens, wait five minutes, refresh your page and try again :)


So, if I have WickedWhims do I download the WonderfulWhims version or the Normal version then the Additional File? This was unclear in your post.


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/GrFb7wct_Oad9W2JheeLbzbYBsbIVRygjKILbka4oZtYLRCidZjG-p12O9iYmgB5.jpg?token-time=1636848000&token-hash=7ouKRosoEYWVgont7WrHsh8wPZA4ZJ1dTwpiTaafDmc%3D">


hey! so i have the pregnancy preference set to "does not want to have a baby" but my sim got pregnant and has a happy moodlet from it? is that supposed to happen, even if it says they don't want one?


Definitely not, no 🤔 can you check traits and tell me if there are several pregnancy wishes there somehow?


hello the version of wohoo wellness 2.15 has a Spanish translation?


Happy new year! Just a quick question: how much time does it take for the pregnancy wish to change over time? Do your game settings for life span have anything to do with this as well (short, normal, long)? I also changed the number of days in each life stage to a (way) longer time (154 days for young adults for instance).


Lifespan does not impact it. It's every 4-5 days. I could always have options for shorter or longer, may make a half one and a double one, why not.


i have the options on pop ups for cheating since updating. I will try the teen pregnancy with the update as well


Happy New Year! I downloaded this with the wonderful whims compatibility file but now I can not find the option to change my sims preference on other sims ever since I did download this mod? Im just a little confused!


Also: in the mod file the only thing I want deleted is WTD but the file you named to delete I couldn't find ??

Liz Upton

@Lumpinou do I need to download all modules or is it just one download? I've never downloaded your mods before.


Everything is together in the zip file. Then once extracted, from there you can remove the modules you don't want by deleting the files


I don't understand what you are saying. Can you try explaining? Your name seems Spanish, if Spanish is your native language feel free to write in Spanish, I'll understand. I don't speak it good but I read it well.


Hey! :) i downloaded the mod and im not sure if something is going wrong or not. When my female sim 1 finds out shes pregnant she get the ea standard buff. But when i played my female sim 2 and she found out she was pregnant she got your buff. Since this happened a couple times im not sure if its a bug or not. Since i dont have any other pregnancy related mods i cant really figure out why this happens? x


They most certainly have different pregnancy wishes, one is happy to be pregnant and therefore gets the normal text, the other one has one of the other two wishes and therefore has different moodlets to fit that. Check their traits :) I highly recommend reading the mod description https://lumpinoumods.com/woohoo-wellness-and-pregnancy-overhaul/


Ok, so.. New question :D I am no longer able to pick "Ask to not use condoms". I have Wonderful Whims edition. Is it because of WW?


Yes, as Turbodriver informed me that his system can't support that. So it's not in the wonderful whims version


Hi. I’m having an issue with booking family planning appointment. She won’t go.


Is your game up to date? Try from the computer instead of the sim, does it do the same?


Hi thanks for responding. I’m used to doing it from the computer, it did work when I did it threw the sim


Hello, is it possible for when a sim test positive for WTD. That they can tell all the partners they tested positive? I know you have the option to ask about WTD’s.


They can tell a partner, but maybe not two in a row, if that's what you mean. But yeah I could make it so they can


oh ok, I didn't know you can tell them, I must have missed that. thank you!

Sam D.

Hi -thank you for all your hard work! I am using this most updated version and have a question and a seeming bug. The question is- when Sims are taking medication, do they continue taking their medication course if they are switched away from to another household? For example, Sim A is taking medication for WTD and is on day three,- if I switch to play SIm B in a different household for three days, when I return to Sim a, will they be where they were last time (ie at day 4) or will they have progressed as if they taken the medication in the meantime , and be at day 6. The bug is... that I have had two abortions and in neither case were the two people (patient and partner) able to go, although the abortion happenned. In one case the patient never went, just stayed visible in the spawning place, but had all the buffs. In the other the companion never went, but stayed in the spawning place. I know you had trouble with this before. This happens when people try to go with a companion- through the "ask to accompany to abortion" prompt.


The treatment is supposed to progress even when playing another family. And about the abortion, just use the one that doesn't go together. The game doesn't want to play ball so that's going to get removed until I can find an alternative if I can.


Hi, thanks for the mod! I have a question, for one of the options for parents not supporting a teens pregnancy, the parents are supposed to be able to kick the teen out but it's not coming up for me. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks :)


Some people don't see it and I can't for the life of me figure out why. The code is as it should. Some people saw it when they removed WW and tried again but it may have been coincidental. I never got enough data to figure this out. If you want you can let me know what mods you have


i dont think this is compatible with the latest mccommand update because i had it in my game and i was having last exceptions. immediately i took it out , it stopped


It absolutely is compatible. If there's error reports, you should send them to me so I can tell you what is wrong in how the mod is installed. What files did you grab?


i just used the first one the woohoowellness v2 15 normal jan9


Do you think you will include a Wicked Whims add-on for the cheating and other modules in future updates?

Breoni Hester

Hi!! I love your work and how open and responsive you are. That said, I have a suggestion: could responses to “discuss having a baby” be locked to certain pregnancy wishes? It’s a little weird when my sim who would love to have kids threatens to break up with her husband because she “doesn’t care for kids”.


Hi, brilliant mod, thanks so much for all your hard work! Just one small issue and one quick question - both my female and male sim keep randomly getting the 'Baby Blues' buff, is that supposed to happen? Also, if a sim were to get pregnant via WW, would the buffs from your mod then apply? i.e. whether the baby was wanted or not? Just curious


My mod has no baby blues buff. If you have Caradriel's better babies, that's where it would be from. Yes if they get pregnant via WW they'll still get the effects of pregnancy preference.


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I added them both on the same day and just assumed, what a plonker am I. Thanks so much for getting back to me, you’re an absolute diamond


No 'discuss having a baby' in my mod, and no responses about not liking babies or such. There's 'ask if they want children' which simply gives as an answer the pregnancy wish of the other sim. So, what you are mentioning is from another mod


hey i cant seem to download woohoo wellness... ugh i clicked download at the top yet it only asks me which one and i clicked The one with the stds and pregancy or whatever yet i dont see a button to download it


You're not where you need to be. Downloads are at the bottom of the Patreon post. As it says in bold around the links at the top of the post, those links at the top are for mod descriptions and explanations. Links for download are always at the bottom of the Patreon posts :) So, go back up to where comments start, downloads are there


HEY. So quick question. I deleted me older version on WooHoo wellness and downloaded the new one compatible with WW. My teen doesn't have the option to tell her parents she pregnant but her mom can ask to the feel the baby and etc. When I click on the mom as the teen she doesn't even have a wellness option. what have I did wrong?


There's no wicked whims version, there's normal and wonderful whims compatibility version. Which Turbodriver mod do you have? Have you read update notes and seen that menus are different now? Announce pregnancy is in the 'pregnancy and family' menu. And yeah the mom can't do anything until pregnancy is announced a'd she react to it whatever way she wants.


I have wonderful whims. And also I don’t see the pregnancy and family menu 😢 did I need to download another module? I also took pictures of what I see


Hi Lumpinou! Thank you for your fab mods. I had one question - in the table it says that the paternity module isn't compatible with wicked whims, but you have the additional fix paternity and ww package. Does that package make it compatible? Hope that makes sense.. thanks again!


All it does is to make it so that the paternity system can run at all when WW is installed. So if you have that and mark Sims as Woohoo'd with using the cheat, then the paternity thing will kick in.


Hey how many of these files do I need to add to my game in order for it to work? I dont have Wonderfulwhims. Do I need to download it?


Not at all. My mod needs nothing but the game and itself. Just get normal version and that's it. Unzip and put contents in your mod folder.


some issues with pregnancy acceptance. my sim had originally had an unwanted pregnancy. I used the cheat to make her ready to accept her pregnancy in the 2nd tri. the last trimester got the updated moodlet but after my sim gave birth it showed the proper moodlet for accepting an unwanted pregnancy but after i reopened my game it switched to as if it was never accepted. also there is no sentiments.


Please can you tell me how to mark someone as woohoo'd with?


Mod description has the answers generally. Click on other sim, 'actions', 'Woohoo Wellness and Pregnancy', 'mark as Woohoo'd with'


Hey! I was wondering about the protection part, is it 100% effective or is there a chance that it won't work? And does that depend if you have Wonderful Whims? Sorry if you've already explained that part, I read the description and didn't see anything about it but I could've missed it.


If you have the wonderful whims compatibility version, my mod has no pregnancy risk and it's wonderful that sets the risk anf risk of failure, regardless of what protection items are used (my mod's or wonderful's). In its normal version, my mod has a 5% failure rate for protection. Check your wonderful whims settings to see what percentage you have in game.


I’ve been having a glitch in my game where the box that displays current holidays and events like weddings and dates is glitchy and kind of black. The is so dark you can’t see the progress bar. I thought it was because I had MCCC and the wrong module of your mod. I deleted MCCC and the issue is still occurring. It might be the UI cheats extension mod but I just wanted to let you know