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Hello Super Patrons and above!

Now that I've posted those little tidbits of info about what part 3 is shaping up to be, it is time for your request opportunity window!
Have a small request of a feature you'd like to see in the mod? An idea? Comment it below and if feasible I will do my best to add it in!




Can you add that sims can ask other people for babie name ideas?


That's an existing interaction in my 'contextual Social Interactions' Mod ("Discuss Name Ideas"). It doesn't give dialogue notifications though. One of kawaii Stacey's recent social events mod has one that gives actual suggestions to the player, but I believe it's only during the social event. What do you think, a fit or not so much? I could expand the contextual Social Interactions one a little


Oh!! Ill have to get that mod then 😂😂😂


How about Postpartum depression after pregnancy? Maybe prenatal pills for healthy mom and baby. 🤷🏽‍♀️


How about an option where sim fathers can deny they are the biological father?


Alright, that's an easy sell; they'll be able to; but they can't know for sure they aren't 😂 poor potential dads


This and other pregnancy related things (mood swings and cravings etc), I've been planning to add in, will try to fit it in :)


What about the effect (unwanted pregnancy) due to incest?


Hmm, I think we'd be venturing into different territory there... I kind of see the point in terms of certain storytelling lines, yes, yet I'm unfamiliar with any mod enabling that type of pregnancy and to be honest would be uncomfortable to work with that. Does that make sense? I think it would need to be done by mods that for storytelling purposes have such tragedies enabled to possibly happen... But that's not the kind of thing I'd be comfortable making... I hope you can understand...


I love all the ideas. Incest is a big subject so I agree with you. but everything else is good.


how about regular doctor visits while pregnant and complications during pregnancy's that they would have the baby earlier also how about different delivers options like C-sections and also you could do doctors visits after birth for mom and baby i think that would be cool


id love to see like a ‘Disown’ type thing where if a teen gets pregnant and the parents find out and they end up rejecting her or him and kicking them out forcing you to move him/her out🤔


Hi, thanks for writing! Unfortunately some of that would not be doable, but some is feasible. Sims either give birth at home to a bassinet or at the hospital in that weird machine thingie, it would be not that big of a deal to have a moodlet saying it was a c section and to take it extra easy for the next week or something, be able to tell others about a complicated birth or whatnot, but all that only with hospital births since the at home option obviously couldn't have been a c section. I don't know how else I'd represent that, did you have any more specific idea in mind? I'm not fully sure how it would work to have the baby early in terms of impacts, but that should be well possible, the baby would be fine however since babies are just about impossible to mod. They can't go anywhere since they're attached to the bassinet and can't be detached so they can't be taken to a doc appointment. Doctor visits while pregnant are definitely a possibility, and I very much like the idea. So that will be my priority from this list of suggestions, doc visits with various possible outcomes which would have some effect over the next day or half day (since sim pregnancy is so short, couldn't be that long). What do you think?


That's something I'll be looking into, I'm not fully sure yet how it'll go 😂 but it's in the plans to try to do it :)


Sexual health classes? :)


Hi there first I would like to say that your work is amazing!! And thank u 😊 now on to the request...in Sims 3 there was a mod where a sims who was already showering another Sims could join that Sims for a bit of woohoo and get cleaned at the same time...fun goes all the way up and hygiene as well lol win win 😉 would that be a possibility? 🤔


Not only sexual health classes, like, teaching your kids about safe sex too, and being able to talk to toddlers and kids about it (but in different ways than to teens, age appropriate of course). Then options for young Sims to ask their parents/guardians about wohoo and this impacting their responsibility for example. Sorry if it's already in there, the mod is so cool and has so many features, haven't seen them all in game yet.


I don't think it would be possible, with the way interactions, especially shower interactions, in the Sims 4 work. I may be wrong but yeah. Those interactions use different stuff and I imagine the best case scenario would have the showering sim need to walk out, basically canceling their shower, and then the two walking in together. Which really just sounds like what would happen as of now if you directed them to shower Woohoo while one Woohoos...


I thought there was something like that in the game since parents can give the Woohoo talk? But if needed I could make that give certain results it doesn't have yet, likely. If teens can't ask I'll make it so that they can because they should be able to! :)


That would fit in the theme for sure. Can you give me a little more detail about what you were imagining? Is it for teen, adults, everyone? Like, school sex ed or more like, relationship and sexual wellness classes?


About the sex education: I would love it if it would start in school, the basics for kids and then more information for teenagers, but relationship and sexual wellness classes sounds awesome too, that one could be for teenagers, adults and elders. Maybe the one for elders could be a little different, like how to wohoo without breaking a bone or something funny like that 😅


Yes teens can ask about wohoo but I don't remember if it impacts them in anyway. I would certainly love more options and outcomes, for example for teens to get embarrassed when their parents talk to them about wohoo transmitted diseases or for flirty t end to get a moodlet or a buff that says something like "I really can't wait to try out wohoo with my boyfriend/girlfriend"


I'm not comfortable with adding anything Woohoo related classes to kids, because unfortunately the game separates ages badly (a 6 year old and a 12 year old are the same), I have never heard of relationship classes for kids so I don't know how I'd make that look appropriate 😂 since the game doesn't differentiate kids from early teens, that's the issue if that makes sense. Cause yeah you get sex ed starting around 12-13 but not 7, and the game doesn't let us have that distinction... As for teens, I don't see how I could add a custom class in their course load which I do' t even know if it's class by class like university but I highly doubt it (I have only ever played adult Sims so my knowledge is low on everything else). But they could have a rabbit hole to go. Honestly in the future I want to add a lot of rabbit hole activities for young Sims and elders, and hopefully in person ones too a bit like club meetings but without the club. But not there yet, I'm getting ahead of myself 😂 so, for the elders I love the idea of a funny moodlet or title. So for now I'm thinking of having a general class but depending on age you get different moodlets out of a possible array, possibly a different name for the class, and different results (teens gaining responsibility).


Oh ok, I'm from Germany and here sex ed isn't a big deal but I get where you're coming from


Then that should be possible to improve... Hate when the game does things halfway - if you have that interaction in there at all, might as well make it have an impact, otherwise just don't have it 😂


Yeah, right? :D omg now I can't wait for part three hahaha


Sooo many things to put in there, it's almost daunting 😉 but one thing at a time it all gets done :)


I love all of the drama including sims questioning paternity and the consequences of cheating. If possible, I think it may be cool if this drama impacts a sim's relationship with the baby, especially if they stay with the cheater. For example, if a sim finds out they're not the father they will have a lower starting relationship with the baby and the player actually has to work to help these sims bond. If this is too hard (I know I may be asking for a lot, sorry!) maybe a new interaction can be unlocked between the child and the father where you can click on the bassinet and "question if they are mine" or "try to bond" with a high chance of taking a relationship hit.


Some of this is part of all my evil plans :) Not all of it is easily doable, but you'll see some of that in the mod for sure :) Thanks for writing!


add lots of mean interaction for the cheater, more ways to blame the husband lol love the drama thats gonna be added


i would like a paternity test so if someone doesnt know who the father is maybe and also like if midwives could be available to deliver the baby or babies...definately more interactions for pregnancies! :) ♥ tysm for all of your hard works!!


The paternity test is planned, actually half done, I even showed it in the screenshots in my previous post I believe :) Midwives I don't think is doable though... Thanks for writing!


I know you had already mentioned this but I would love a way to put up a baby for an open adoption.


I'd also really like parents to be mad if their single young adult child gets pregnant, even if they're happy about it.


And one more thing, my sims aren't allowed to ask anyone to accompany them to an abortion and I'd like to be able to have someone else go with them.


They can go with family and friends and romantic partners of course. That's already in the mod, are you on the latest updated version?


I love love your mods! appreciate your dedication to us simmers mi idea I had in mind were custody battle (allowing both parents to fulfill tasks to keep the baby, toddler & child


um, maybe going to the doctor to get either sterilized or have a birth control implant put in, also pregnancy complications are a thing irl so maybe put them in the sims, like if you drink too much juce you can loose the baby? just some stuff off the top of my head that would add tons of gameplay


The surgeries /permanent infertility have been planned since Pt1 :) in fact it's there as a cheat already because I put the system in place, just didn't finish the interactions to go get it done etc. So yeah, that'll be there. Complications, I've agreed with other modders such as LittleMissSam to leave that to them since they have miscarriage mods etc. I may add a thing or two but overall that's the decision :)

Flick Riley

I don't know if these suggestions are even possible but I would absolutely love to see more pregnancy interactions for other sims. Things such as 'ask if pregnant', 'ask how far along', 'ask who the father is' would be incredible. As would 'congratulate on pregnancy'.

Flick Riley

Oh and then for parents of adult sims...'nag for grandbabies' could be fun too!


Hi I love the idea about changes to the adoption system. I have been wishing forever that the vanilla game included an adoption review process. My only concern is that I also like to play with Little Ms. Sam's Foster Family mod. When I'm in the foster household, I role-play that the foster family is evaluating permanent adoptive families for suitability. I hope that these two mods will not conflict.


They will not conflict :) For now I'm too busy with making the mod but once it's out I will even ask LittleMissSam how we could better improve our compatibility if it seems to me that something cool could be done there. No promises at all though, other than 'I'll look into it' :)


I'd love to see an improvement to social services. Like instead of neglected kids just being taken away maybe the parents/guardians can have the chance to get the kids back by going to parenting classes and paying fees. If they don't do so it by a certain time then the kids are adopted by npc's but remain on the family tree. It would also be cool to see just an overall improvement to the adoption system, like more fees or a review process similar to the sims 2 private school interviews, but adapted for the adoption situation. And it would be nice if the adopted kids got moodlets about their feelings towards being adopted like feeling happy about their new family or that they are angry at their bio parents and other things. I think it would make things feel much more real.