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Hey! Here is i small solo angle preview of the upcomming Overwatch animation.
I originaly had planed to finish this first loop by the end of this month but i lost a lot of progress fighting with health issues that involved my heart not functioning properly.

The symptoms involved panic attacks, shortness of breath, heart racing and heart palpitations.

These have thankfully started to decline over the past 7 days.

According to the Doctors its aparently nothing life threatening and my heart seems to be in top physical condition. Tho a blood test revealed that my Kidneys are not filtering toxins properly along with a severe Vitamin D9 deficiency.

All of that should be easily treatable and in my current condition im fully capable of continuing my work.

I also realized that managing so many transitions between actions + climax + fluids + partner swaps with the male characters all in one shot and making it loop is a bit more of a challange than i anticipated. ^^'

However, this one will 100% be finished in March and i hope you still like what you see in this preview.

Download (Topless and Nude version included) 

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wow, good to know your health is in check, hope everything keeps you healthy. and as always, great work o/


Your health is important, my friend, I will wait patiently for new works, don’t be so anxious.


Stay healthy and priorize yourself. I got diagnosed with A.Fib. a few years back in my mid 20s. Take things slow and at your pace ❤️


Take care of yourself mang


Take care of yourself thanks for updating us, appreciate all you do and you can control only what you can control.


Looking awesome! Not to be rude / discouraging, but I hope for different DVA outfits like her academy outfit or the classic bodysuit. "panic attacks, shortness of breath, heart racing and heart palpitations" That's a doozy!!! I'm happy to wait for quality content. Thanks for the updates even if it's not content heavy :)

Joshy Soup

Take care of yourself <3 do what you gotta do


Take a good care and get well soon


I’m looking forward to this


I can't wait for this! But please make sure your health comes first!


Any updates? On both your health and the animation <3


I have recovered pretty well so far, but i grow a bit frustrated with the partner swap transitions. I might end up posting the full animation for D.va's solo angle as early access for now and the main angle early next month. If i cant finish Tracer in time.


Up to you man, glad to hear your health is good c: If you feel like you want it all in one piece then just release it all when it's done. If you'd rather get something out sooner then release D.va's solo piece c: it's how you feel at the end of the day

Max Strase

Hey excusme if offtopic, but the kda version of Seraphine is no longer avaible 😭


The link works just fine for me. You can write me a DM about what heppens when you try to access it.