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Here is a quick update about current projects and what might be comming next.

The Cammy animation is making good progress. I only ran into one major issue when it comes to rendering. Aparently the render farm i use dosnt support a certain plugin which the model needs to properly function. I have contacted their support about this so hopefully there is a way to make this work since rendering manualy would take way too long. (12 hours for a single shot of 251 frames). I do have a couple of other options that could solve this problem but getting the render farm to work would still be the fastest and most convinient way. I expect the animation process to be finished in September and hopefully have the rendering issue resolved by than aswell. 

I also have thrown a few images into this update post because i started to work on "For-Reserch II" on the side. Its a good option to relax and still get some work done whenever animating becomes too overwhelming. So ill be working away at it whenever i feel like it and it dosnt take away too much time from the work that needs to be done on the animated content. It currently has 55 images and is likely to end up at over 200 and be released next month. (If i dont need that extra time to finish the cammy animation.)

Regarding future projects, me and a friend of mine still have some work to do in order to prepare the models i need for my next big project. So i might throw in another short one in the mean time. What i can say abot that bigger project, is that it will feature characters from League of Legends and the center focus... well... shes a real CHARMer. :D      




If it's League coming up next, here is hoping for some Riven action!


Ahri and Akali are hot AF, but Riven is solid so wouldn't say no. She's in my top 10 for sure.


Since you already have the models for Ahri and Akali, and the ability Charm can be used by Ahri, Seraphine, or Evelynn, it is probably one of the latest two that you are working on right now. For me, Evelynn is the more flexible one thanks to her lewd personality. Good luck =)


Exciting stuff. Any chance there's an alt version to the Mr X anim for the girls? Other than backdoor i mean. Awesome animation


Hey! Currently there are no alternatives of that kind for that specific animation and i dont plan to revisit it in the near future. Sorry :(


omg, so exciting


Will Cammy be out before October?


Im still aiming to have the animation process finished by than and posted as early access version. But if i happen to need a bit more time, ill post another fully rendered preview and the early access version in early october.


So Ahri?...Nice