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Sorry for the delayed post, i noticed some errors in animation that lead to more and more problems that i spent all night fixing and then my Internet just died so i had to go over to the neigbors just to upload this.

I wanted to have this loop finished by now but decided to add more details to the partner transition for D.va and didnt want to cut back on that for Tracer just to get it done faster. So thats why im posting only D.vas Solo angle for now.

There will also be a short intro to provide the now nessesary context to this scene.

Tracer should be finished in early/mid april and from there its just waiting for the renders and sound. (this one will include a version with male voices).

Ill add the main angle to this post when it is completed. I also had in mind to have this loop 3 times over with the males changing skintone and voice.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this idea in the comments! I may not respond untill my internet is fixed but thankfully i can still work without it.




eyeless (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 00:37:13 Yoooo neighbors coming in clutch!!! Sorry to hear about all the errors but I'm so excited for this! The loop sounds awesome with guys changing. I like where you're taking your content boss ^^
2024-04-01 12:08:13 Yoooo neighbors coming in clutch!!! Sorry to hear about all the errors but I'm so excited for this! The loop sounds awesome with guys changing. I like where you're taking your content boss ^^

Yoooo neighbors coming in clutch!!! Sorry to hear about all the errors but I'm so excited for this! The loop sounds awesome with guys changing. I like where you're taking your content boss ^^


Sick! One thing I've always wanted from your works was more variety in the skin tone of the males, appreciate it


would love to see the 3 loop dudes


Love it! The change in male color/voices is a great idea for a looped video


Im at least ten times more excited for Tracers pt 1 & 2 though, which is saying something cause that Dva preview last month and this are fantastic!


Looks amazing! Is this animation gonna involve sex or is it strictly blowjobs? Either way I am hyped! I wander if your neighbours know what they were helping get uploaded lol


Looks incredible so far!


I like the lopped idea. I personally only want to see different skin tones if it doesn't affect the ability to have a clip that loops endlessly.

ben ben

How long will be the full animation if done? And do tracer and dva have voiceactors?


1 loop is a minute long. With the variations i want to implement you can loop it 3 times before it gets back to the 1st vatrant. So in total 3 minutes.


How long you will take ?


Looking forward to your work



ben ben

You wait for sounds and stuff I guess

ben ben

Nah I fully get it. How long does rendering usually take?


1 loop is 1612 frames which takes roughly a day to render and i need 3 of those for 1 full version. + If a mistake is spotted to late ill have to render it all over again.




Will you upload the video this month?


Yes, Rendering fill be finished in time. But the sound designer will need a bit more time as he is currently handeling another big project. I also wouldnt want him to rush this job.


I see a lot of people wondering when it will come out and I know it will be soon I just want you to know this is why I like your stuff you take time to give us a good product you take pride in your work and I can respect that obviously wish it didn't take that long but for this quality I'm willing to wait keep up the good work

ben ben

For me I don’t have a problem if he takes his time. It’s some of the best stuff in the industry. Just keep us updated. Cause it’s kinda empty on his Patreon. Idk just post screenshot on what your working on our something. That’s also interesting to see


Yeah maybe just a quick update once a week


I'm kind of in favor of this. If anything, most people are fascinated in the process of making this content. So people have pretty understanding of the setbacks/challenges, so long as they're kept in the loop.

eyeless (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 00:37:13 tracer licking with her tongue is hot man. you did an amazing job
2024-04-30 21:39:44 tracer licking with her tongue is hot man. you did an amazing job

tracer licking with her tongue is hot man. you did an amazing job

Send help

Do you still plan to do the other pose with them on a desk? No worries if not, just curious. Love your work!


Loved the Tracer swallow! Those are my favorite scenes in your vids glad to see it here! Fantastic work so far

ben ben

The quality is insane man

Ziggy Bellthorne

I'm impressed with how much of a step up in quality this project seems to be from your previous animations. Even your older videos are a head and shoulders above the creators I've seen, but this one seems to be an even bigger gap again


Your work really is incredible!! Still hope one day we get another cammy animation :)


How is progress coming along?


Im still waiting on the sound to arrive. communication is a bit rough currently but im certain its being worked on. I use that time to render out as many alt. versions as possible. Because of the redicolous render times ill have to add some of them later on.


alot of things are super tough right now, so thank you for always working so hard for us <3


How long you will take for sound ?


VAs did great as always and that audio is SLOPPY in a good way of course :) just listened to the male audio also a great addition! The males may be a BIT too loud compared tho


So this loop is not the full anim?