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Hey all, continuing to work through some of my Bard Colleges and I just finished my first draft of a new College, the College of Anarchy!

Anyways, I'd be interested to get your feedback.




I agree with Groov a bit. Newer official or UA subclasses adding features that just key off of PB uses per SR or LR with some classes having an option to spend resources to use it again. Examples (albeit imperfect) include the UA Dragon Monk, Psi Knight, and Glory Paladin and Wildfire Druid. I think the route of "first one is free" is a nice way to let bards play normally without being punished for spending their BI. Swords bards are cool but it does feel bad to burn out of those dice until you get the free 1d6 (I see you Alt Figher MaA and SS). Enemies Abound also comes to mind as a "chaos" themed spell but that may be because our friend played it as creating a moshpit as his bard sang his songs and rapped.


Um akkshually Anarchy means no RULERS not no rules.