Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Ep 28 "Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling" - reaction & review (Patreon)
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Hey everyone! Here I am with Jojo Part 5, episode 28!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys.........we all knew it was unlikely we'd all make it out okay, but dang, this one really stung. After an epic back and forth battle and SO much tension leading up to our crew actually coming in contact with Doppio/the Boss, it all comes down to one quick moment that happens so fast! Abbachio!!!!!! That scene with the partner was so sad and well done. He's truly found his resolution, which is something to be happy about even if this was a tragic ending. And much like the Jobros before him, he made sure he left something behind to help our crew on their journey...!!!!! Dang it, I'll miss him! Great ep! Can't wait for more! Enjoy! ~ MH
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