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(Google Drive Link listed below description!)

Hey everyone!  I'm BACK with more Spy x Family!  Here's my reaction to season 2, episode 8!  OMG!!!!!!!!  I loved watching Yor just totally clean up on the ship, only to get to the last few bosses and find out what she's REALLY doing this for!!!  I love that her new family can actually be an inspiration to fight and not something that makes her want to give up fighting.  And Yuri's story was so fun and cute, it's amazing to me that these two siblings worry so much about each other and secretly fight to protect the other!!!!!  Can't wait for what's next!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oGYWfvfA0dE4X7jk-5Wps6jO7-3nFkYT/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

I know I told you to compare this show to a warm chocolate chip cookie when you started the series, but… if that’s the case, what the heck do we use for JoJo? 😂 Oh, anyway, most of this episode is just a pretty awesome fight scene, but a couple things I picked up on: Zeb actually has feelings for Olka, himself… I think. Which made me wonder when he dove in front of them to take a bullet (even with protection, that’s not a easy thing to do) - what would Loid do if it was Yor and Anya in that situation? His logical deductions are about the only thing we’ve seen out of him when he’s not getting flustered, so that would be an interesting topic to explore in more detail. Yor actually makes an interesting point during the battle: “those who do harm to others should not feel unfairly when things are being done to them, and that includes myself.” Not verbatim, but it kind of explains her reasoning. It’s also why she’s asking herself the importance of her choices. By the way, a couple of quick sides: the baby also has a bounty on its head - the goal is to eliminate all traces of anyone who could inherit the boss’s power. Also, the Director is cleaning up after Yor literally three seconds after each kill? There’s a new one… hey where’d that mop and bucket come from? 😂 We’ve seen Loid in action and just why he’s the star if his organization - now we see why Yor is the one Garden calls when they need something done. And they’re both fighting for peace, but from different angles, The two are a lot more alike than they realize - at the very least their world views are in sync. Everyone just wants to grab hold of a quiet peaceful life for themselves, and those they care about. Because that’s the real reason to fight for anything. By the way, when Yuri caught the cold in the credits tag, I wondered if he sneezed because someone was thinking about him? 😁


Fantastic episode! I loved the fight. It was magnificent. The ambience really made this massacre a masterpiece. 🎆 🎇 🧨 We’re definitely seeing a transition of some kind here. It’ll definitely mean big things in the future for sure. But first this last guy has to be taken out. He’s a tough nut. The little episode with Yuri was adorable. I can see why he loves her. Sometimes I forget how much he does. Well the why is it that he loves her so much. It’s not she’s his sister. To him she actually was the best one in the world. It has to drive you some kind of stir crazy after seeing your sister come home covered in bruises and blood for you. I also thought he was exaggerating about getting sick when she’s away for so long. But wow he’s actually dying 😅


Right?! Like whoever did the editing on this deserves a raise! Yeah it's a transition alright, I'm curious to see where it's all headed! That last guy is tough for sure! Oh btw, did you happen to read any of the comments on the previous eps that the leader/guy with the glasses here is voiced by the same VA as Mista from Jojo??? I can't unhear it now <333 Little Yuri!!!! That skit was soooo cute right! I totally see why they're so bonded. She's really the most important person in his life. Hahaha yeah he legit cannot live without her right!!!


Oohhhh yes, I guess that would make Jojo my warm bowl of mac n cheese or gooey slice of pizza? It's definitely a happy warm comfort food! Ohhh that's a good question about what this would look like if it were Loid and Yor and Anya in this situation. Yeah we get to see a lot of Yor's logic here and it adds up. Ohhh gotcha, thanks for clearing that up about the baby!! HAHAHA at this point I'm sure he just has a mop/bucket handy at all times :P Yeah I can see why Yor is the star agent for her organization too! It's amazing how in sync they are, just on two opposite sides of this whole thing ironically. Awwww maybe he did sneeze because Yor was thinking of him, good catch lol!!!