Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Ep 3 "Episode 5: Millionaire Village" - reaction & review (Patreon)
Hey everyone! Here it is, my reaction to the third ep of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan!!! WOW, this one was so suspenseful and good! Rohan's showing off his deductive skills, quick thinking, and even manners in this ep! I knew there would be a catch to this whole village, but wow, once again we have twist upon twist. I loved how he outsmarted the gods in this one, and even managed to save his editor and her family, dang! And the bird lol!!! Rohan's the man! And it looks like he'll be neighbors with Josuke now that he's moving in with Okuyasu, that ought to be interesting!!!! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH
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