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Hey everyone!  I'm back today with Kamen Rider Geats episode 42!!!  OMG!!!!!!!!
You guys, this is not our Keiwa anymore!!!  Jeez!!!  Going full on villain creeper with Tsumuri, etc.  I mean, I couldn't blame him for going after Daichi, and I may not have stepped in lol, but I think Ace was more concerned for Keiwa than he was for Daichi.
Dang, Kekera was cold as ice letting Daichi almost get destroyed like that lol.  Poor Tsumuri!!!!!  I hate what they're putting her through....but her love for Ace is strong enough to keep her, well, her for a while longer.  And finally, we have Keiwa's ideal world......can't wait to see what this is gonna look like!  Dang it guys, never thought we'd be at the point where Keiwa was the new Michinaga!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dJ7IewIvrRIZi7aoS_tbPMCkCViHfoMZ/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) If I wanted to do like Keiwa and become a villain, I would say that I stop there, but I think that even if I tried to be serious, you would not believe me seeing how I talk about the show lol. For this whole thing about Keiwa becoming a villain, I think he is aware that Ace is limited, Ace said it himself that he couldn't bring Neon's powers back yet or do anything else powerful buckle like Boost. Kekera and DGP management had to convince Keiwa that the best way to finally get his wish was for Tsumuri to become a full goddess. The problem I see coming is that it won't bring back Sara or the other victims of Daichi, since the DGP is not involved in this... On the other hand, having seen some leaks, I know that we will soon have new riders, but also old known faces who will make their comeback. This might be interesting for the future. You know I like puns, so when I said you would see Beroba and Kekera playing their cards, I was of course talking about their new forms, which if I like the look (especially Kekera's), I hate the fact that they are more powerful. Maybe Zinn and Kyunn will come back with new forms too in this case. Michinaga did a fantastic redemption arc and clearly, I like him more and more, and even more after the special episode, but you will see it for yourself then. I had said a few episodes ago already, that I saw him wanting to sacrifice himself and there, we were already not far from it. Tsumuri has therefore become more powerful, almost a fully awakened goddess, but she still has her will and isn't just a tool like Mitsume had become, which is a pretty good sign, she can still be saved. It remains to be seen if she will just be a girl in distress, or if she will rebel even more. With Ace and Keiwa having op forms, Beroba and Kekera having new more powerful forms, it's time for Neon and Michinaga to get a power up too.


I’m holding out for Keiwa. I’m sure all he needs is a proper butt kicking from Ace and some time to grieve and he’ll go back to his usual self.


"Oh great, he's having an Ark-One phase." "Okay, what did Kurayami show you this time?" "Damn it, Keiwa! We don't need another Daiji!" Keiwa's the fourth Reiwa Rider to do this.

Tyler Stobbe

Tried to DL this morning but good thing the local airport has good WiFi XD BEFORE I get into the analysis I need to say it’s kind of impressive the range Keiwa’s actor is displaying - he looked and acted completely different from the persona he was previously doing. Don’t make Keiwa angry… you won’t like him when he’s angry…! First, if you excuse Michinaga’s actions up to this point for Sara, you have to excuse everything ELSE he’s done, and he’s been a proverbial thorn in the side of everyone up to this point. Talking about the reason no one is working together - well, it shows just how underhanded the DGP and the two misery lovers are. They’re VERY good at disseminating enough information to turn everyone against each other without letting them in on the whole picture. Keiwa’s just broken to the point he’s a rage machine and now Michinaga is getting a good look in the mirror. The thing is, none of the main characters are really unjustified in how they’re feeling - the reactions, however… there is room for discussion. 😬 Now they did say Tsumuri basically has no will of her own left after the events of this episode - (by the way, the word you’re looking for is petrification), which makes me wonder what exactly we’re doing here. I did have to stop and think if this is a term we sometimes use called “character assassination,” but no, this has actually been building up for a while. The question is, did he get his wish, is Sara coming back, or are we going to just drag this out more? I wondered if Neon could talk some sense into the boy, but he’s so broken at the moment he’s kind of flying blind and the DGP’s manipulation certainly didn’t help. So, remember a couple weeks ago when I said one of our characters could be doing a face turn? Well, turns out I was right… I was just wrong about who…! Are we SURE this show is still age appropriate? You know what, they’re boarding, I’ll wrap this up. 😂


You know... I'm hoping that Keiwa turns that freakin' old toad into a nice serving of frog legs before Keiwa returns to his senses. >:c Also LOL, so after this episode came out they came out with the 'Memorial' Edition of the Laser Raise Riser. xD It looks more show accurate, it's filled with quotes from the characters, it has better sounds, and of course the new *Prenium* Cards are included! ....As pre-order bonus items. :C

Nick Wen

I hope you watch the Geats x Revice movie soon. There's a few things that build up to the late stage of the series. The movie takes place after Buffa died the first time and before Girori started the fox hunt game. And there's some minor things that end up leading to why Keiwa became completely villainous. Also Keiwa's anger towards Ace and Michinaga was a lot of things building up to the breaking point. In Ace's case, he lied and manipulated Keiwa multiple times. Whether or not the end result was good or bad was beside the point because Keiwa learns that Ace is not above using other people for his own purposes creating that innate distrust. And he learns that the creation powers was fueled by the sacrifice of blood and ambition. I'm pretty sure he's aware that it is not Mitsume's intention but in the end all those lives lost is still because of the goddess. It doesn't help that Ace only told Keiwa the bare minimum and only saying that Mitsume did nothing wrong without any context at all. When Sara died, Keiwa, with a little manipulation from Kekera sees it as a failing on Ace's part and sees that despite Ace's efforts, the only person who can set things right is the goddess of creation, which in this case would be Tsumuri. In Michinaga's case, Keiwa just saw Buffa lead the JGP into killing countless people in their bid to become the next Jamaiety. And in the final round saw countless more dropped to their doom to become sacrifices for the false goddess. I assume when he was resurrected by Kekera and Beroba he is also made aware that the only people who made it out of that round was Sara and that little kid which means an entire city block of people was just dropped to their death. And he also saw him break Neon's and Sara's ID cores to save them but Keiwa knows that their lives before the DGP would be Sara ignorant and alone with Keiwa trying to hold them together and Neon becoming a doll in a gilded cage due to her mother's overprotective attitude. Seeing him kill Sara was the final straw as he saw Michinaga as a rider that only knows how to fight and kill. Now that Michinaga is on a path to redemption, I can kinda see Beroba switching favorites to Keiwa now that all that despair she's been looking for has been packed into Kekera's favorite Kamen Rider. The power balance now would probably be Ace, Michinaga, and Neon against Keiwa, Jitt, Kekera, and Beroba. The insert theme for Bujin Sword is by artist Back-On and the song is called Chair. They did a few anime themes and the song goes so hard. This has become my new favorite insert theme from the Geats collection.

Nick Wen

I hate the preorder bonus grab bandai did with the premium cards. I got lucky to snag a preorder with the bonus but it was a pain.


Everyone already said what I wanted to say. So I’m just doing put write that that tree scene was disturbing as heck. That was just wrong in so many ways. 😳😐😟


I know!! Me too! But he definitely needs to be set straight...as well as just given proper time to grieve like you said.


Oh man, I hope so too! No way, that sounds awesome!!! That kinda stinks about the preorder bonus though, sounds like it will be super limited >.<


OMG I know right?! Like every once in a while I think they forget this isn't a horror movie or adult show lol. Super disturbing :O


Hi Spadeas! :) Lol I hear you about the villain stuff haha! I think you're right that he knows about Ace's limits. They totally played him. Ooooohhhh that's a good point, technically Sara and the other victims weren't victims of DGP :O Whoa, interesting about new and familiar faces! Ohhhhh hahaha I get it, playing their cards :P The forms are cool but really bad news for our friends. I hope Zinn and Kyuun come back to help!! Michinaga is really likable now right! His redemption arc was great and didn't go against his character or reasoning either. I hope she rebels even more! I hope Neon and Michinaga power up as well!


Right? I feel like part of the reason was just to include the Black Cards jingle since the normal DX doesn't have it, and you're telling me it doesn't even come with it by default? D: ...I mean, I was still going to pre-order it regardless, BUT STILL.


Hey, sorry about that! I hope your travels are going great! I agree about the range, he's really capable of showing many different sides! Hahahaha he's hulking out! I mean, I see your point, but at the same time, he really thought he was just helping a Stage 1 person....he didn't know about Stage 2. But yeah, technically his motivations haven't really changed. I know, DGP has been trying to keep them split up and uncoordinated this whole time! It's crazy to think of how this mirrors Michinaga's behavior, isn't it? I agree, everyone's feelings are valid here....how they act on it is another story! Oh petrification is a good word for this. Ugh, I hate that they took away her will (or did they!)! I know, I'm so curious to see what happens now that Keiwa got his wish. Someone else mentioned that since Sara wasn't technically taken out because of the DGP (but rather because of Daichi's experiments), she might not come back :O Yeah I don't think there's any talking sense into him right now. Hahaha yup you were right, just not about the character you thought! OMG I was thinking the same thing....like did they forget they're a kids show for a minute? :P


Oh I want to! I'm hoping to get some time in the near future. Interesting that it explores things a little further! Well, it is true that Ace "foxed" his way in and out of things with Keiwa quite a bit. And Michinaga certainly pulled some stuff in the past! True, even though Mitsume wasn't in control of her actions, they still happened. Ace didn't tell the whole story, but I figured Keiwa knew the whole story from that big exposition that Punkjack did a few eps back. I can totally see how Keiwa was manipulated by Kekera though, they were definitely steering him right into a breakdown here - with a little help from other outside elements as well. That's true about so many people being killed because of Michinaga's whole scheme for becoming Jameity too! Plus the ID Cores. Ugh, if Beroba gets all into Keiwa I'm gonna be sick, but that probably is where we're headed! Oh that's awesome about the song! It was great, I can totally see why it's a fave! Thanks for all the info and insights :)


Yeah that's kinda weird! I'm glad you're snagging a pre-order but I totally get questioning the reasoning there haha.


It's just disappointing to see what ends up becoming a Bonus item. Sometimes it's understandable like the Don Onitaijin(The Don Brothers Megazord) head for the Kingohger Megazaord. It's tied to a moment, but not a very important one at all, just existing to 1. Show off a little of the next series because that's what Zenkaiger did with Don Brothers beforehand, and 2. To pretty much make an excuse to make the Pre-order bonus item for Kingohger. The only people that care are the collectors, and the people who obsessed with that moment... Which like I can't imagine there being even enough for a handful. xD MEANWHILE.... There's the pre-order bonus items like this that are tied to characters, and well... Aren't really just a one-time use kind of thing, or a movie/special only kind of thing. Like the Premium Cards and KEIWA'S OWN ID CORE. I just hate it when they just go for the gut like that. :c ...From what I heard, Zangetsu's faceplate for the DX version of the Sengoku Driver was a pre-order bonus as well! ...Or at least some lottery thing, or something like that... It had a super limited run. Like honestly collecting the CSM stuff for Gaim is just so much easier. = v=;;


That's too bad! I get it about the demand being too low, but this situation sounds different! No kidding about the faceplate! At least there wasn't as much hassle with Gaim merch :/