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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1 episode 10 of The Bad Batch!!!  Lots going on here as Omega has to be left behind for safety reasons, but ends up proving she has some serious strengths; and our crew has to put everything they've known to be true aside to rescue a Separatist leader!  It's gotta be jarring to all of a sudden NOT be fighting Separatists, but rather to kind of almost be on the same side as them by default.  And as for Omega, she's definitely showing off how much she can do, even if she's not a seasoned soldier!!  Woohoo for being out of debt you guys, yay!  I think our guys kinda missed her on the mission too!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/198RKM05zbieUFIipK7Vg1YsnaPQXeRxU/view?usp=sharing



First up, dunno if you recognise that the senator is played by another Star Trek actor. Alexander Siddig, who was the doctor in Deep Space 9. The place, Raxus, was in Clone Wars (the Bonteri episodes where Ahsoka and Padme go there to try to negotiate a peace settlement) and was as mentioned here, the capital world of the Separatists. I have to say, I prefer this place to Coruscant. Seeing the clones move in to quell the crowd and see them as occupiers, is horrible. I'm reminded of the Siege Of Mandalore, as that will be kicking off there now as the clones are staying as enforcers of the Empire, when Bo-Katan and Ahsoka brought them there. Cid's design in animation looks so good, especially her eyes and forearms, they really stand out. Echo is always grumpy, but he REALLY hates having to help a former Separatist; but its as you say Mel, its now a topsy-turvy world, and the Bad Batchers are finding out that it wasn't just them and the Republic that got screwed over by Palpatine. Everyone did, and the Separatist worlds will be screwed over the most especially as they were seen as the enemy. Nobody is rebelling - yet; but everyone will be starting to have their eyes opened as to what this new regime is going to be like. Also clones now taking missions from droids, everything is upside-down!! These two barfly's must fight every single day, and yet they still hang around with each other! :D I like how as the Senator gets cold feet and doesn't want to run, its Echo - who was so vehement earlier about having to work for a formeer Separatist - that persuades him to fight another day. Omega taking care of business for them back at base though is great; she might become a great strategist if she so wants. Certainly if she'll want to fight the Empire, she'll need those skills to outthink them.

Tyler Stobbe

So, the overlying theme of this episode seems to be yesterdays ally could be today’s enemy, but yesterday’s enemy could also be today’s ally. Of course everyone’s going to have misgivings about people from the other side, war does that. The important thing is to look at the current situation and not what happened in the past. Speaking of which, the whole rescue operation felt very cloak and dagger, almost kind of like a spy mission… and then we had the galaxy’s SLOWEST high speed chase of all time, because I’m pretty sure those walkers were t going more than 10 MPH. 😂 Regarding Omega, I didn’t say it last time (I forgot), but she’s very perceptive and very resourceful. Her commenting that she’s a good strategist lines up, and it’s also a skill none of the other clones are really a specialist in, so that could be useful. Cid trying to babysit and getting disapproving looks from everyone is hilarious. Kid care is difficult, give her a break! Although I think when she started “negotiating” Omega kind of got Cid to warm up to her - it almost looks like she’s thinking “this kid is doing exactly what I would do in her position.” I guess we’re out of debt now, at least until they start running up the Mantell Mix tab again… Also nobody ever liked the vase. :)


WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a matter of fact, I've been rewatching DS9 on my own time, and I can't believe I didn't catch that! So cool, thanks for the info! Gotcha, I had a feel that was Raxus!!! Exactly, it's devastating to see the clone forces who were supposed to help, now occupying the area under Imperial rule. It is like Mandalore! And it must have happened in so many places. :( Cid does look great! I'm a huge fan of the animation in general in this one! Yeah I can't say I blame Echo for being grumpy here! It really is jarring that they are helping Separatists now, but such a good point you made that the Separatists will take the worst punishment since they were the "losing" side technically. There's no formal resistance yet, but definitely some people seeing the writing on the wall like you said. Hahaha up is down, left is right, we're taking missions from droids....gotta love it! Omg the barflies, I see them as a more rough and tumble R2 and 3P0!!! They fight, but it's all part of their love language lol. It's ironic that Echo is the one to persuade the senator isn't it. Yeah Omega is a boss when it comes to strategy!!! So true, she'll need those skills in the upcoming war!


So true, that is a big takeaway message here isn't it! So true, you have to focus on what's in front of you. Hahahahaha well I doubt that chase scene will end up in the next Fast and the Furious movie, but oh well! :P Omega's strategy skills are definitely useful! Hahahaha Cid's doing her best!!! HEY, I'M BABYSITTING HERE!!!!!!! :P Hahaha! It says something that Omega got Cid to warm up to her. LOL next Mantell Mix and the debt cycle just starts all over again :P Ah, the vase....it never stood a chance!!!!!!


I love Star Trek too, but could never get into DS9, watched the first few seasons when it was airing, but it didn't 'engage' me like Next Generation, the original series or the great Babylon 5 did, as that was also on around the same time. Heard it got very good as it went on, and had a giant war arc; but I never rechecked it out. I do like the actor who plays the doc though, seen him in several films and tv series (including Game Of Thrones) and always thought he was excellent in them. And yeah since I'm rewatching Clone Wars again, I look at the clones in other ways knowing all that happens with them now; they probably are the most tragic characters in Star Wars. Yeah the barflies, who I looked up, are called Bolo (the Ithorian) and Ketch; and feature a bit more in the next episode you are about to watch. I tried to link them to Cheers since Cid is Carla, but never remember Norm and Cliff fighting night after night, especially as Cliff was a bit of a wuss! They are obvioulsly the friends that like to scrap it out, then buy each other rounds afterwards - strange, but it happens! :D Omega could possibly become a great Rebel strategist if she makes it - just thinking of the possibility of her going toe-to-toe with Thrawn, now there's a thought! :D

Tyler Stobbe

Hi Melissa, just letting you know this reaction is one that is also missing a Google Drive download link (2/2.) :) (This is not a direct repeat but I do admit to copying and pasting it. XD)