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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 4, episode 12 of REBELS!!!!  Wow guys, we are deep into some SERIOUS STUFF here!!!!!!!!!  First off, the friggin Emperor is aware of Kanan and the way in which his death has affected things, so yeah, that's saying something.  A good old sneak-in mission felt like old times, except for still dealing with the huge loss of Kanan.  That scene with his hand on Hera's shoulder......!!!!!!!!!!!!  And WHOA, we're pulling in the MORTIS GODS?!?!!??!
What part do they have to play in all this?!  Now that Ezra's on the other side, I guess we'll find out!!!!!  :O  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 4x12 full reaction.mp4



I think for Star Wars, the concept of ghosts is less about being a dead spirit coming back, and perhaps more about being enlightened. Since we know the Jedi Religion is heavily influenced by Buddhism, Shinto and Taoism; its like the Jedi doesn't need their body anymore and just become pure force energy, as they achieve true balance within. The Jedi Night and DUME episodes were originally called Ascension Part 1 & 2. The moment Caleb is becoming that energy as he leaves his physical body, his eyesight comes back to him. This also ties in with what Yoda says "luminous beings are we...". Afterwards where they go is unknown, but I suppose thats the point, they achieve enlightenment as they die and the rest of us who carry around our baggage, won't understand just what that entails, until we let it all go.


Great point! The concept ties in so well to the Jedi philosophy in the first place, regarding letting go. Interesting stuff!

Jonathan Bruser

Something relatively minor a while back came back into play here. In the Season Two premiere, when Minister Tua is trying to defect, she says that she learned the REAL reason why the Empire came to Lothal, known only to a few, and ordered by the Emperor himself. I think we just stumbled onto what she might have been talking about.

Jeremy Bassett

Love these episodes, thought there was a hint/clue in TCW in the Mortis arc but it's just a regular wolf briefly displayed haha. Very keen to see the rest of the series!


Firstly an easter egg. I said a while back there was something else in Luthen's Gallery in Andor relevent to Rebels. We saw a kalikori, and now here is another - the stone tablet. It wouldn't be the same one as Ezra's here, but its another nice nod to these episodes and this series : https://www.thedigitalfix.com/wp-content/sites/thedigitalfix/2022/10/world-between-worlds-andor-550x309.jpg Chopper having the time of his life in the wolf's mouth, as we hear him grumbling away as they sink into the planet! The wolves are an amazing addition to Star Wars. :D I wonder what Chopper would have seen or heard - if anything - during the vision as they travel through the planet? Good point that Hera hasn't seen the wolves before and what they can do, hence her asking how they are able to do this. As has been mentioned by Tyler here in your comments Mel I believe, one of the themes of this series is showing how nature itself is trying to fight back against the Empire; Bendu, the wolves and Loth-cats, amongst others, try to guide those strong in the force onto paths that could help fight back. Dave Filoni is a big conservationist, especially when it comes to wolves. Most of the times he gets interviewed, he tends to have a t-shirt depicting a wolf. I believe the native Americans have a thing about wolves themselves, how they are spiritual beasts that can guide them - and also have the yin and yang philosophy, which depicts two wolves interconnected, one black, one white. Both representing the psyche. What side you feed or yield to, will determine the path you will go on, one of light perhaps, or one of darkness. Throughout Clone Wars and Rebels, you have seen now, many wolf references; Plo Koon's Wolfpack Squad, under the command of Commander Wolffe (the one with the cybernetic eye), Mortis has wolf references (which is apt for this episode), depictions of wolves in caves and temples, and on Sabine's pauldron in the early episodes. Loth-wolves themselves, and even the production title for Rebels when in development was 'Wolf'! Knowing Filoni we won't be done with them yet, they'll probably pop up in Ahsoka's series no doubt! :D So we see the Empire digging out the site of the Jedi Temple. They are looking for a way to access the inner temple, some of the secrets - and the 'gateway' mentioned by the Minister (played by Malcolm McDowell if you are familiar with him Melissa) within it. The fact that the Emperor himself is involved (Ian McDiarmid back in the role too, yay!) is very bad news. More to come in the next episode on this. Hera is unsure about proceeding when the Emperor is involved, but Kanan spiritually puts a comforting hand on her shoulder to console her and steel herself to give the go-ahead. Remember when all our crew had to think about was stealing fruit and weapons from the Empire? Now they are taking on the Emperor himself! Love his Rebels look, he looks completely like he does in Return Of The Jedi. Good to see Mortis getting a call-back here, and to see them heavily associated with the Jedi themselves, is big. We knew that in the Clone Wars episodes with them, they each represented a state of being; light, darkness and in-between with the Father, and that it was them who contacted the Jedi using an old Jedi distress call 2000 years old when they sensed Anakin; but still to see just how connected they were with earlier Jedi beliefs, is something to think about. The music when Ezra follows the Loth-wolves to the portal, is definitely a nod to Raiders Of The Lost Ark when Indy found the location of the Ark Of The Covenant. Of course that series was also composed by the great John Williams, so Kevin Kiner doffs his cap to the great man in imitation here.

Tyler Stobbe

Oh look a wolf riding montage… they probably threw in the cats because they knew you needed something cute after the last couple episodes. But I kept thinking… why doesn’t Chopper get a ride too? Oh wait… wasn’t there something in his contract about not being a chew toy? So you seemed slightly confused… when they went through the vortex it was replaying earlier scenes that took place in the series, mostly regarding Kanan. When Ezra and Sabine stole the guards’ outfits, Chopper was using a hologram of Thrawn - it was footage from when he was addressing Hera and Chopper was in the room with her at the time. Speaking of which… those troopers didn’t recognize Thrawn? As Church once so eloquently shouted: Who is running this army!? Also something just hit me… the Stormtroopers all have the same deep male voice. Yet they don’t think anything seems off when there’s a female Stormtrooper at first. That seems really um… I want to say ignorant but it’s the Empire, so - storm-trooper-ish? “Maybe we can get the wolves to help open the door?” Hey you’re not supposed to spoil. :P So, the others are in hiding, Sabine’s captured, and Ezra went through a Gateway…. But to where? Oh, and how could I leave without pointing out YOUR BEST FRIEND IS BACK and trying to get in the temple himself! 😈 But he did say something about a conduit between the living and the dead… if that’s the case… there’s a certain Jedi who several characters may have an interest in using that to reach…? Things just keep getting weirder, don’t they? But I get the feeling whatever this is isn’t Death Star related. So I guess we’re doing a cross between Indiana Jones and Star Trek now? Who knows at this point. 🤷‍♂️


Kanan acknowledged by the Emperor. Wow now just wait till he knows of Chopper.


An epic episode, with the emperor taking a direct hand in events; the Ghost crew have even managed to get noticed by the emperor with their activities, which is both impressive and unnerving: the stakes are much, much higher than the beginning of season 1! I had the feeling the abrupt end of this episode would leave you frustrated, Mel, as it was definitely a cliff hanger type moment :-) But where has Ezra disappeared to, and where/ how do the Mortis Gods fit into this?It’s super cool to have the Father, Son and Daughter appear in Rebels in this way. Is whatever happens here associated with all Jedi Temples, or just this one? That’s a conversation for a little later in the series. Mel, not sure if you spotted that the Thrawn projection from Chopper was from the end of Season 3, when Thrawn turned up at Atalon with his fleet to destroy the rebels there? It’s a recording of when he spoke to the Rebels before attacking. Love the moment where Hera feels Kanan’s presence behind her. Just beautifully moving, and not uncommon in real life, I suspect, to feel someone’s presence like that after they have died. On Hera, Vanessa Marshall’s voice acting for Hera, since Kanan’s death, has been phenomenal: you can really hear the emotion in her voice. And yes, it was much earlier on in the series when you started talking about the Ghost crew, by including yourself in the ‘family’ by using words like ‘we’ and ‘our’. :-) I mentioned this quite a while ago (more hinting than clearly stating it) but I think you were unaware you were doing it, and so you maybe didn’t pick up on my hint. But I am sure you are not alone: I certainly tend to be very immersed ‘with them’ when watching episodes :-)


"Is whatever happens here associated with all Jedi Temples, or just this one? That’s a conversation for a little later in the series." Agreed, we can return to this later as its a very interesting thought, and something I've thought about too.


Seeing the Emperor shows me how real this has gotten! Yeah we are MUCH more on the radar than in season 1! Hahaha you guessed right about the cliffhanger :P I love that the Mortis gods have been brought in, and who knows what Ezra will go through now! Hmm, I'm so curious about the temple(s)! Ohhh no I don't think I did put that together about the projection from season 3, thanks for clarifying! OMG, the scene of Kanan with his hand on Hera's shoulder....so true, I don't think it's uncommon to carry someone's "spirit" with you when you lose someone close to you. And her VA is absolutely acing it, couldn't agree more! Haha yes, I remember you mentioning that I seem to relate to them, I actually hadn't even caught myself doing it until just recently!!! But yes, I do very much feel invested/on board with them!


Hahahha that scene definitely needed some little kitties :D Hahahaha poor Chopper!!!! I couldn't stop laughing though! Ohhh ok, I think I knew it was scenes of Kanan, just wasn't sure from when and why they could all see it. OHHHH ok got it about the projection, I don't think I caught that, thanks! LOL Church would have a lot to say about the Empire :P Hahahaha I guess I'm just good at predicting when it comes to doggies! NOOOOOO he's so not my friend hahaha!! OH yes, good call about the "living and the dead" conduit - maybe we'll see Kanan again!!!!!!!!! :O Omg it's so weird but I love it haha. Lol definitely getting some Indy or Trek vibes!!!


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome, thank you so much for sending me the image! Chopper the chew toy was quite a sight to see lol!!!! And yeah, I'm not sure what Chopper would have seen? Were they all seeing the same thing? Yeah it took me a second to register that Hera hasn't interacted with the wolves yet! Whoa, I had no idea that Dave Filoni was such a fan of wolves, but that makes a lot of sense considering all the references! Hopefully we'll get more throughout Ahsoka's series! And great point about the history and symbolism of wolves. No way, that was Malcolm McDowell?! I love him!!! So awesome that Ian McDiarmid is back reprising the role, and yeah, the fact that the Emperor is involved here really says something. That scene of the comforting hand on the shoulder...!! OMG seriously, we are a long way from stealing fruit! Such a great point about the Mortis gods being so connected to the earlier Jedi beliefs. Oh, so fun that the music was a nod to Indy! It sounded very John Williams-esque, he did a great job!!!


When I was small I remember one of my grandfathers dying, and I have always remembered how my grandmother (who had been happily married to him for a very long time) said she could still feel his presence. I am guessing that by now you have seen how that cliffhanger pans out? ;-)


Aww, I'm sorry for your loss, but that's beautiful that your grandmother still felt his presence. <3 I've heard similar stories, so the scene with Kana here really rings true! Ah yes, I watched the next two eps yesterday!!!! OMG XD


Thank you: it was a long time ago when it happened, but it definitely resonated with that scene with Hera. “ Ah yes, I watched the next two eps yesterday!!!! OMG XD”. Rebels is the best :-).


I don't believe in ghosts (though I do watch some paranormal shows for the atmosphere as guilty pleasures!), but I remember my sister telling me a story about the day our grandfather died. He was in hospital and I got the news about his passing before her, as she wasn't staying at home by then, and was living with a flatmate. Anyway I phoned to tell her of his death, and she told me as she put down the phone and burst into tears, her flatmate gave her a hug, and she said she saw my grandfather behind my sister, clear as day. I would understand it and mark it as an emotional hallucination had it been my sister, but her friend? Weird. Perhaps there is something to what your own grandmother was experiencing Nick, after your grandfather passed. Obviously here in Star Wars, it can make sense because force ghosts are a thing, and can help influence those still on the mortal realm, through the cosmic force; but even they it seems move on after a while.


Nick - I can see why it reminded you of that! Saltire - that's a chilling and beautiful story!!! Definitely wouldn't think the friend would be seeing something out of emotion, wow! Star Wars for sure has made more of a place for the concept of ghosts and spirits a part of their canon though!