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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 4, episode 11 of REBELS!!!!  Wow, watching everyone process Kanan's death was devastating, yet hopeful at the same time.  Of course the Empire underestimates them and expects them to fall apart....but that's not our Rebels!!!  Whether it's finding solace in each other like Zeb and Sabine or Hera and Chopper, or being guided down a new path by a mysterious new Loth Wolf named DUME (yeah so basically, Kanan's a wolf now, right???  That's what we're doing right?????), our crew worked through their grief to come back united and stronger, and I couldn't be more proud!!  Next stop, Jedi Temple!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 4x11 full reaction.mp4


Jonathan Bruser

It's interesting that for all that most of the Empire focuses on Kanan as the one of Our Heroes who needs to die, their drive to do so leads them to ignore a lot of important details. Thrawn is pretty much the only one who notices that while Kanan may be a warrior, his status as a Jedi does not make him a leader, even if it does make him a symbol. Thrawn has never really cared about Kanan's fate, but has been focusing on Hera, knowing that she's the real leader of these rebels. It's tremendously sad what happened, but Kanan went out like a true Jedi. As Yoda said, "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." Kanan defended his found family and bought them time to escape, and he took the fuel depot with him. On that note, the TIE Defender is most likely not in production anymore, given that we never saw them in the movies. But imagine how much harder the rebels would have had it if they'd been forced to go up against a fleet of heavily-armed, hyperpsace-capable fighters with shields and pilots that received the best training? Thrawn has yet to use any big, flashy things like the Death Star. Just the ships and troops at his command along with his intelligence. If only he didn't have to deal with such incompetent subordinates... Well, I suppose Our Heroes do need some hope, and I'm glad they have it. Onward to the Jedi Temple we go!


That's such a good point, even though he's the head Jedi of the group, he's not actually the leader, and Thrawn recognizes that. It's heartbreaking, but he really did go out like a true Jedi! I know, it would have been so much worse if those TIE Defenders had been around! So true that Thrawn relies on his strategy and intelligence, not a lot of fancy devices. Hope is what it's all about really!!! Here we go!!!


So we learn at the start of the episode that it was a pyrrhic 'victory' for Pryce in taking out Kanan, as all the fuel pods are now destroyed, something Thrawn was wanting guarded at all costs to keep his factory moving; and she throws a parade in 'celebration' to cover this up. Thrawn is too smart not to find out though, and is furious with her. So Kanan's sacrifice not only saves his crew, but also completes their objective in shutting down Thrawn's TIE Defender factory. He suspected this in his vision, and hence choosing the rendezvous on top of the fuel pods, was a deliberate act on his part. Zeb smiling as the shuttle comes in, oblivious to the events, is hard to watch. And Chopper goes straight over to Hera to comfort her even before Ezra tells Zeb about Kanan. Chop knows instinctively somehow that Hera is in great pain, and when he goes to hold her hand, it gets me every time. Our crew are utterly defeated at losing Kanan; Zeb and Sabine naturally lash out and seek revenge. Hera gives into her grief, and Ezra his fear. Rhyder is thinking about the bigger picture and looking to our crew for answers, but they are in no fit state to think straight. Ezra says "you didn't prepare me for this Kanan" - thats one of the lines we heard Kanan hear in meditation in the last episode; he saw this path. And the wolves chasing Ezra are telling him not to give into defeat, fear and despair. Ezra running is showing he is giving in to that. He was taught to overcome these issues, and to continue to fight. Too see Hera broken in the cave as she is succumbing to her grief and self-doubt, is overwhelmingly sad. She is usually our crews source of strength, and seeing her heartbroken is devastating to watch. Chopper helps her through it as she has helped him in the past. A piece from Kanan's holocron will be added to her kalikori in his honour and memory. The music in this scene is achingly beautiful. It doesn't overpower the scene, but like all great soundtrack music, adds to the emotion of it. I'd love to link the piece for a proper relisten, but there might be spoilers for the remaining episodes, so I'll leave it for the moment. So you meet DUME Mel! Kanan's body may be gone, but that doesn't mean he can't still be with the Spectres in spirit to help guide them! Whether DUME is real or a vision of Ezra's is up for debate; but what isn't up for debate is what he tells Ezra, that the Jedi Temple is in danger (something that has been referenced all the way back to season 2, and was also mentioned in Kanan's meditation last episode), especially now the Empire has control of it. There are secrets within that he mentions, that cannot be obtained by the Emperor. Ezra must somehow stop Sidious from getting access to this knowledge. Zeb almost killing Rukh here in revenge, is something we would all be fine with; but Kanan would not, he wouldn't condone murder in his own name. When this episode originally aired, it aired directly after the last one. Hence those watching were both shocked at what happened in Jedi Night, but this episode helped them come to terms with the loss, and grieve - it doesn't rush straight back into the action. It takes its time to remember Kanan and what he stood for, such that, like our crew here when they next get back in the fight, they will do so not out of revenge for Kanan, but to honour him and his sacrifice. P.S. Love the t-shirt btw! Done on purpose for our wolves? :)

Tyler Stobbe

So, first off - interesting side note: you picked today to wear the wolf shirt. You must’ve known on some level. 😁 Melissa: “Okay, I think I’ve managed to compose myself…” Star Wars: Oh, we’re not done kicking you in the feels yet. Challenge accepted. So, most of this episode is as you said, dealing with the aftermath of what happened to Kanan. And it seems everyone is dealing with it a bit differently. Kanan and Hera probably feel especially responsible as their actions and choices are what led to them being on Lothal in the first place. The interesting thing is while their emotions are clearly all over the place, they’re not letting their actions be controlled by them. There’s something kind of heartbreaking about Chopper being the way he is in this episode, because we all know how he is usually. But it turns out he also does have a side that actually cares too. He just won’t admit it. Sabine and Zeb feel like they’re good at causing mischief and who knew Sabine’s penchant for art would come in quite as useful as it did against Rukh? They also managed to see through Pryce’s facade… speaking of which… look, you can try to fool the rebels… but did you REALLY think you were going to put one over Thrawn? You? Ezra feels like he’s having some kind of fever dream but at the same time, he’s not. What’s the deal with this wolf? Is it Kanan or is there just some sort of weird connection? Well, after Hera finished adding Kanan to the kalikori at Chopper’s suggestion, she did say he found the most unusual ways to come up with solutions…. Not gonna lie though, this particular one wasn’t on anyone’s bingo card. 😂


Mmm 😢 Obviously Chopper isn’t the only one who would be there to talk to Hera during this difficult time but I think he’s the right one to console her first while the others take care and try to cope with the mission at hand and the loss for them as well. I liked Zeb and Sabine working together in this one. They did a job well done. This helped ease the pain a little. And I’m so happy that Kanan not only saved them but came through with the missions task. His death was not in vain because he managed to save Hera and everyone on board; completing the mission just shows how incredibly amazing he was.


It’s worth pointing out that the massive wolf Ezra spoke to had the same marking on its forehead that Kanan had painted on his shoulder. It seems pretty likely that this was Kanan’s spirit in wolf form: there is a precedent for this already, given that presumably it’s the Daughter’s (from the Mortis arc of Clone Wars) spirit in the owl, Morai, that is often seen with Ahsoka.


Ohhhhh good call!!! That's amazing! I was hoping it was something like that! It does make sense in terms of Ahsoka having the connection to the owl too!


:( I agree, they have such a great bond! Yes, Zeb and Sabine did great and I think they helped work through it all themselves, and for us the audience too! Kanan made it all work! And so true, he not only saved everyone but aced the mission in the process. His sacrifice was not in vain!!


Hahah it's actually a fox, but doesn't it look fittingly like a wolf! (You can't see it in frame but it's a Naruto shirt) Hahah I should know by now that my feels are never safe! So true about the feeling of responsibility, and also the fact that while emotions are high, they're not controlling our friends' actions here. I know, the contrast with Chopper was devastating! He for sure has a soft side, just don't let him catch you saying that! I love that we used the power of art against Rukh! OMG seriously, Pryce is not even close to clever enough to fool Thrawn! Yeah I never EVER would have guessed the wolf thing, but all signs point to Kanan's spirit living on as a wolf! Wow!


Yeah not much of a victory, especially with her poorly covered up mistake! So that's what he saw in the vision too - wow! He pulled it all off in the most epic way possible! OOF, wasn't that shot of Zeb just devastating?! It feels like everyone is just lost and broken, so understandably. OHHH that was one of the lines Kanan heard, wasn't it! Ahhh so that's what the chasing meant. It's so heartbreaking to see Hera like this! I couldn't agree more about the music, and thanks for being extra cautious on spoilers! Omg DUME!!! I love that Kanan is still here in a way! I like that they leave it a little surreal and vague, but there's a lot to suggest that he's totally real. I don't envy Ezra, having to race the Emperor when it comes to getting this knowledge from the Temple. Yeah, Kanan wouldn't have that, Zeb killing someone out of revenge....as much as part of me wanted to see it too lol. I agree, I like that this episode lets the previous one breathe a bit. Such an excellent point that their actions from now on will be out of honor, not revenge, for Kanan. Ahhh thank you! I wish I could take credit lol but it was somewhat random, it's actually a Naruto shirt (you can't see the whole thing in frame) and the creature is a fox (that does like an awful lot like a wolf, many folks think he's a wolf when they see it lol)!


The heart of the Rebels story are the main characters, their stories, their interaction/ friendship and their growth. This was developed and portrayed really well throughout the series, and the consequence of that is we are really invested in them. So, when Kansan dies we (a) feel that loss personally. (b) strongly empathise with their loss when it is portrayed (and portrayed brilliantly) which makes Kanan’s loss even more profoundly felt. Definitely not just a lighthearted and fun kids show: it’s a much richer show than that.


Yes DUME not only has Kanan's pauldron symbol he wore for the first two seasons, but he also has his eyes. He dies in complete acceptance of his fate and knows Hera and the others are safe, so he can go in peace; ideal terms for a strong Jedi to be able to reach out still to others post-mortem.


Its a fun and cool t-shirt anyway, I love foxes. We don't have wolves in my country unfortunately however, so have never seen one in the flesh so to speak. On plushie's there are loth-cat plushies out there, and even better there are some Chopper plushie's too!! I'd love to get one, but don't think I would trust it once I had my back turned!! :D https://media-photos.depop.com/b0/17999614/1203630891_976b0fb3efa240d388dcc5e9a20f43de/P0.jpg


Thanks so much!! Me too! Oh wow, I'm not sure if I've ever seen one in person either to be honest. We mostly have coyotes where I live! AHHHH no way, a Chopper plushie!!!!!!! OMG!! It's so cute!!! Definitely could see it being a Chucky-type situation though hahahha!


Oh nice!!! That's awesome. Makes total sense that his death met all the conditions for a Jedi death, which is weird to say but I get that it would make it easier for him to reach out after death!


I couldn't agree more! Oof, it's so much more than a kids show. Excellent point that the focus on characters first makes Kanan's death resonate so much more in so many ways!


Finding some of those sent me down the rabbit hole of Star Wars merchandise, and now I'm tempted to buy a Jedi Order wall clock and a gorgeous Rebels light box to the cost of near £200! Need to hold back though as have to get some roof repairs done first! :D


Ahhh!!! I hear you! Adulting is the worst when there's so much cool merch out there! The clock and light box sound AWESOME! I too have fallen down the rabbit hole once or twice and almost ended up with 3-4 Queen Amidala barbie dolls that little me would have killed for haha. Good luck with your roof!!! That's way less fun but definitely necessary!!!