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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 4, episode 10 of REBELS!!!!  I.......I just don't even have words.....!!!  It feels so real now.  We've seen a lot of rebels get picked off on this show, but this episode destroyed the notion of plot armor for main characters!!!  When I look back on it, there was SO much leading up to this, in this ep and the last few, that it all makes sense.  But wow, that does NOT help with the devastation!!!!  I can't believe he's gone :((((  I truly thought there was a way for everyone to make it out of this and have a happy ending.  On top of that, the rest of this ep was amazing as well - from the witty banter, to the high flying action and fun twists, to the heartfelt moments (!!!) and even the music!  I will miss Kanan so much.....and I know our crew will never be the same without him.  :(((((  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 4x10 full reaction.mp4



It’s finally here. I had a feeling it was going to happen, even aside from all the death flags in this episode, cause Blind Wave’s reaction to this episode popped up in my recommended so many times over the years. But my god, that didn’t stop from hitting like a truck, this is one of the like top 10 heartbreaking moments in Star Wars and personally the most beautiful scene in Star Wars for me. It really cemented Kanan as my 3rd favorite character in SW, he is the epitome of what the Jedi should be. And yeah, it seems like the Force or *something* gave him his sight back at the last moment, so he could see Hera one more time 😭 It’s hard to say I’m excited for what’s next cause it just doesn’t stop being emotionally devastating. But this last stretch of episodes are all some of the best Star Wars I’ve ever seen, they really made sure this show went out with a bang.


There is so much to say - I’ll have to say it over several posts and let some of it just come out in replies. Firstly, I just wanted to say how much I loved your reaction: I’ve said it several times before, I know like a stuck record :-), but I truly appreciate watching my favourite show with someone who really appreciates the show in all of its aspects. Especially this beautiful, moving episode. I’m not surprised that despite how amazing this episode was that you couldn’t pull your thoughts (and yourself!) together enough to voice much of them. To be honest, I am surprised you managed to speak as well as you did at the end of this episode: I half expected a shocked, horrified inability to say anything at all, or even cry. One thought is that to help you collect your thoughts on this episode, for when you voice them at the beginning of episode 11 next week, that you could watch this episode again first. I think you picked up on it all anyway, but as you listen to the beautiful music, look at the lovely visuals, and watch and listen to the characters throughout this episode, knowing where it now leads seems to add so much more meaning to it all. Put another way, it’s knowing where this leads that provides the full context to interpret every moment of the episode, and this adds so much beauty and emotion to every little scene - scenes obviously deliberately crafted with the end in mind. But of course I get that for a variety of readings, including subjecting yourself to the events as they painfully unfold again, that you might not want to do this :-) It’s because of this painfully moving (but still absolutely awesome) episode that I actually struggle a little watching season 4, despite the season being brilliant: as quite a lot of season 4 is a build up to this episode (and also the ones that follow), and the events of this episode are constantly at the back of my mind. As usual, as Kanan was holding back the flames on the fuel pod I lost the ability to see the screen through the tears: it doesn’t help that I wear glasses :-)


Episode II, Obi-Wan to Anakin : "this lightsabre is your life, don't lose it" - when Caleb's lightsabre fell off the roof, it was a portent that his end was near. Kanan hears many things at the start of the episode as he listens to the force, things from many periods of time as he understands the role he must play. Then he tells Ezra to be the lead on the mission as he may make a mistake due to his feelings for Hera, he is showing true Jedi wisdom as he knows by him possibly erring, all could be lost. Thats why for me he was ten times the Jedi Anakin could ever be; he was also in love, but in the end he chooses to follow the will of the force to save everyone, and not be swayed by emotion. He next trims his hair, shaves his beard and removes his mask; he is shedding Kanan Jarrus; if this is his last mission he feels, he will go out as he should have been destined to be; Caleb Dume, Jedi Knight. Tarkin speaks to Thrawn about Director Krennec (from Rogue One if you remember) and his Project Stardust - the Death Star. Between that program and the TIE Defender program, they both jostle for the Emperor's favour as a complete solution to the problem of the growing rebel threat and as warnings to any planet wanting to rise up. The Death Star of course shows the real terrifying threat of total planetary and species destruction. Thrawn's combination of TIE Defenders, other TIE ships and Star Destroyers that can planetary bombard and cause devastation, panic and fear in equal measure; are his way to show Imperial might across the galaxy. He must convince Palpatine that his way is the better strategic way. We of course know what the Emperor goes with, and tbh since the plans for the Death Star were drawn up before the Clone War started, I'd also think that a Sith would prefer something of that terror and destruction, to keep 'unlimited power'; over Thrawn's tactically sound, but ultimately less devastating and decisive way of keeping control. Now you see why I despise Pryce, for her sadistic torturing of Hera, and for Kanan. Finally, before they headed to Malachor at the end of season 2, when Hera and Kanan hugged and he still had his sight, he tells her "we'll see each other again, I promise"; well he did. One. Last. Time...


I think it’s okay to bring this up now, but up to now I have avoided mentioning it to avoid giving anything away. There was a lot of talk through the original broadcasting of the Rebel’s series of what would happen to Kanan and Ezra in particular, because they were Jedi. Quite a few people believed that Kanan in particular (as an actual surviving Jedi from the Clone Wars) had to die, because people believed that in the original trilogy there were no surviving Jedi left. Personally I have never felt that the original trilogy required that Kanan or Ezra had to die, and I’m not quite sure why Dave Filoni made this choice. He may not have done this because of these beliefs about the original trilogy, but I don’t know what his actual motivation was. However, painful as it is to admit, it does work well - and not just because it makes this episode so awesome: the incredible events that follow in the remaining episodes follow on from this as you will see: and you won’t be disappointed !


An interesting question often discussed: what did Kanan know in advance of his death: what did the wolf tell him near the end of episode 9 (the last episode)? What was he going to say to Hera just before Rukh turned up after their escape? It’s easy to interpret Kanan’s words and actions this episode as him knowing he was going to die soon, but that doesn’t have to be the only interpretation. But whatever Kanan knew, this was Kanan acting like a true Jedi Knight and, apart from his feelings for Hera, at peace with his fate. Truly beautiful. And yes, Kanan regained his sight at the end. A poetic explanation is that this was a gift from the force, and as Saltire says, this does make Kanan’s original comments before Malachor about seeing Hera again come true. The music particularly when the gliders were being made, and Kanan was symbolically and ritualistically cutting his hair and beard, was exquisitely beautiful, as were the scenes that came with it and after. The white ending followed by silence rather than music at the end of the episode was very fitting imo.


Oh yep, I've seen this episode dozens of times at this point and it always gets me. Such a beautiful but devastating episode. It took a while for me to warm to Kanan when I first watched the series, but he has become one of my favourite Jedi and Star Wars characters, and on each rewatch this only emphasises it further. He went through so much and came out a balanced person who was able to love and still be a Jedi in spirit, and became a great master to Ezra. Season 4, especially the second half, has a more melancholic tone. Sure we still have the fun stuff and terrific Star Wars, but as 'all paths come together', an undercurrent of sadness prevails.


One of the themes of Star Wars, is sacrifice for the greater good, and the Jedi in particular hold this concept because they do not fear death, and follow the will of the force. And horrible though it is to us who have followed Kanan's journey now, it is a strong and meaningful arc. It is not Shaak-Ti where we see her a lot in the films and series, but we still don't know what happened to her or how she died. Kanan from series one had Damocles Sword dangling over him; he even says it in the episode where they transmit the call to arms signal "when the time comes, we have to be ready to sacrifice for something bigger". He understands that completely, and knows here that if his crew and family are to succeed and help bring down the Empire, he must do what he can to ensure they are safe, even to the cost of his own life. He is acting selflessly as all great Jedi must. Too many in the fanbase stick to the line Yoda says to Luke in Return Of The Jedi "when I am gone, last of the Jedi you will be". And so many were against the idea that other Jedi beside Luke exist by that film. George Lucas allowed over 10,000 Jedi to exist at the beginning of the Clone War. From a logistical point of view, even if most are killed off in the war and Order 66, lets conservatively estimate 500 survive. There is 23 years between Ep 3 and Ep 6 for most of the remainder to be killed off by Vader and the Inquisitors as many of those survivors were like Grogu, Caleb or Cal Kestis; incompletely trained padawans or younglings who have to adapt or die. Ahsoka was also a padawan who left but through all her battle experience and her natural talent, along with Anakin's training; helped her push on to other levels such that the only people who could go toe-to-toe with her at this time, would be Vader and Sidious. A lot of Jedi - even like Kanan here - for a long time gave up on the order, and the force, and became different people. Hence by Return Of The Jedi there literally could only be a small handful left to tie in with that line.


I think he sees all possibilities at the start of the episode when in meditation. His priority is to get Hera out and make sure they are all safe, but is completely ready to sacrifice himself which he obviously feels is a real possible outcome, if need be. There is three things running through his mind I feel when he is about to tell her, but only one I think he could actually vocalise. First one is he tells her he loves her, another is that he is about to become one with the force, though I don't think he would tell her that due to the pain it would cause. There is something else, but I'll save that for later.


Yes, one of the strengths of long animation series, and a particular strength of Rebels imo, is character development and also the development of relationships between characters. Kanan is right up there as a Jedi and person for me, in part because of everything he went though and how he managed to grow so much and so positively through that. And of course, as you say, Kanan’s provides a counter example to the idea that Jedi and romantic love cannot mix. He certainly managed this far, far better than Anakin. On that, one of the ways we see how Kanan was ultimately such a great Jedi master to Ezra is through Ezra’s own growth as a person and a Jedi throughout the series. With hindsight, it’s possible to see how one of the things the show was doing was getting Ezra to the point where he could take over from Kanan and lead as a Jedi as he did this episode. As Mel said in the reaction, it was an incredibly mature (and hence self-aware) decision for Kanan to ask Ezra to lead the rescue mission, which of course Ezra did ably. And, without going into spoilers, Kanan’s tutoring so that Ezra can be an effective Jedi on his own will now be needed for the rest of the show.


Yes I certainly think it makes sense that there were very, very few Jedi left by episode 4 - 6; one possible interpretation of Yoda’s line involves recognising that whilst he may have believed what he said, he may not have been able to sense all remaining Jedi. Of course, we know from season 1 of Rebels that he knew of Kanan’s existence, and could apparently sense him, but could he always sense Kanan no matter where Kanan’s was or only when Kanan was at the Lothal temple?


Yes those voices he hears at the start of the episode seem very relevant to deciding what he knows, or believes are a possible future. I might be able to gues what the third thing you don’t mention might be and it will be interesting to hear what that is, come the time :-) Edit to add: I've just spotted something that hasn't registered before. At the start, when Kanan says to Ezra that Ezra should be in charge he says that "it's what we need if we are going to save Hera". He then turns away and quietly (to himself) says "and everyone else". This seems pretty significant but what does it clearly tell us?


Yes that is a fair point whether Yoda was able to sense other Jedi still in tune with the force when they aren't in temples like Lothal's one here in Rebels. We know Dagobah is one of the purest places for the force which may help boost (and hide) Yoda's own significant power to see events and people; but I think he can sense most Jedi, or ones who are on the path and important in their own way. In Empire when he is berating Luke, he mentions "long time have I watched this one" meaning to me that he was checking in on Luke long before the force awakened inside him and Obi-Wan came into his life, even outside of what Obi-Wan may tell him of his observations on Luke. When Caleb went into hiding, gave up his life as a Jedi and changed his name, perhaps Yoda wasn't able to sense Kanan as he began to cut himself off from the force. This is doable as Ahsoka asks Din in Mando if Grogu can still wield it before testing him, and we know Luke later does this too when he becomes a hermit and cuts himself off from everything and everyone on Ahch-To.


Yes we have seen throughout the series Ezra's mistakes and growth, and now at this point how much of an effective leader in his own right he is becoming through Kanan's guidance. Its as Yoda says in The Last Jedi "we are what they grow beyond". At some stage whether through becoming a Knight of old, or losing ones master, a Padawan must go on their own path and forge their own destiny. Ezra will need to do this to continue on the path to Jedi Knighthood.


Watching reactions to this episode reminds me of watching reactions to a certain volume 3-chapter 12 episode from show that I thought wouldn't crush my heart and soul, and this one aired on Disney for shit sake. I tear up on both every time. Never trust an anime or an animated show either I guess.


That’s a good point about Luke and well remembered! An interesting example to throw in here is Ahsoka herself, maybe. We know Ahsoka is still around somewhere in episodes 4-6, and she presumably was very much not cut off from the force at this time. How do we interpret Yoda’s comment about no Jedi being left with Ahsoka’s known existence at this time? Of course, the legal get out of jail for free card might be that technically Ahsoka was not a Jedi at this point, as she had left the order. But she was still really strong with the force and in tune with it (I assume), and so Yoda should have been able to feel her?!


I think thats the answer. While Ahsoka very much acts as a Jedi should, she still technically left them and hasn't returned to committing herself back to the order (one of things I'm thinking we may see happen in her upcoming show as Filoni says she goes on a spiritual journey in it). He calls her still "Padawan" but acknowledges that she is on her own path free of them to choose where she wants to go. I do expect her to come back to them in her show or perhaps after, as she has to drop that baggage of her anger and pain about what happened.


Also love the music when they are flying over the city in the dark, on their home made gliders (just after Rukh is seen sniffing in the dark). A James Bond feel to it, I think. And somehow the humour in this episode works brilliantly, even though the episode is ultimately a pretty dark one. So many things come together to make this episode work, as you said Mel. I think this is my favourite episode up to this point in the show. Perhaps even my favourite episode of the whole show, painful though it is.


It does seem like Yoda playing on a technicality though, since Yoda did see her in the Lothal temple with Ezra and Kanan in season 2, actively doing Jedi type things with them. And I assume that if Yoda could sense other Jedi he could sense Ahsoka, given how powerful and in tune with the force she is - if that's how all this works, that is! Still, I am hoping that the new Ahsoka series will be filling in some gaps, so it will be interesting and fun to see what we find out :-)

Tyler Stobbe

Ohh, so THIS is what you meant by lots of Rebels-related screaming… given the shape of the gliders…. Could you say this particular episode was driving you… batty? 🙃 By the way, the Grimm are here. I’m starting to think we need to put a little Grimm icon on these kind of reactions. :) Okay, okay. About the episode itself, a few things stick out. First: Kanan. He’s responsible enough at the start to tell Ezra to take the lead because he’s keenly aware that his feelings for Hera might actually affect his judgment. There’s another Jedi, who shall remain nameless, that wasn’t nearly as good at recognizing this problem… 👀 Now I know you think Thrawn was actually torturing Hera in a different, psychological sense, but I don’t think that’s quite the case. I think he actually respects her as his opponent, and this was one of his only chances to have a direct conversation with her. Pryce, on the other hand, has no respect for the strategy or higher brainpower required to play this deadly game and just behaves like a wild dog. I think this was showing the difference between the two. The whole Kanan and Hera escape kind of felt like a quick hit if their relationship - as in, this is what those two would be like if they weren’t fighting a rebellion. In the meantime, Ezra and Sabine seem to have grown more in sync with each other as well… except they also have mischievous streaks in them. I’m pretty sure they both got that from Chopper. The stormtroopers complaining about the Loth-cats and who end up in “terrible trouble” in Hera’s rescue are the same ones who got played by the cats as a distraction when Sabine stole the TIE defender. They’d fit right in on RvB. Okay… the last scene… the lack of music… it does feel like a “we aren’t joking” moment. However, I’m thinking… at the end of the previous episode Kanan said “there is something only I can do.” Of course, he’s acting strange this entire episode. Saying “May the Force be with You” as a goodbye to the kids, his time with Hera, etc. It’s like Obi-Wan in A New Hope… he knew he was going somewhere. Now what were the wolves telling him? It’s almost like he was expecting to be in the position he found himself in. Everyone else is too emotional to see straight, and this all happened in a matter of seconds. But was this just a protection move, or did the wolves give him something that involved this course of action, and there’s more to it then just a self-sacrifice to buy time (hence the Obi-Wan reference). Soo… I guess we’ll just have to… ask a wolf? Or the Force? Or both? 🤷‍♂️ (Also, you really need to stop getting caught without the Sad Unicorn on hand… you should know by now your shows like to hurt you! 😉)


:,( 💔


Okay I had time to absorb everything. I hate it! Why? And they made it so cute with Hera being a little loopy. We got a lot of little bits of Hera and Kanan’s dating passed. This isn’t like those times where I just refuse to believe. I feel like it’s actually happened and I hate it 😭


Nick - that truly means a lot!!! I'm really happy to hear it! It really enhances the reaction experience for me to know that we're all in it together sharing our mutual love and admiration for this franchise!!! I actually did get a chance to rewatch the scene when I was syncing the files for the episode - nothing but tears again lol (I totally get the hesitance to rewatch this season for this very reason!!) but I agree that it's nice to take in all the work they put into making the episode work so well. Saltire - I totally get why he's one of your favorites! "Undercurrent of sadness" is such a great way to describe the vibe! Nick - great point that Kanan shows how the whole romantic love / Jedi thing could work. Saltire - I have no doubt that this is a huge milestone on Ezra's path to becoming a Jedi, much like in real life these things shape us. I know he'll make good choices to honor Kanan <3


So sad!!!!!!!! I know!!!!!! I hear you, I was in total shock hoping there was any way to go back on this. It makes everything feel so real and dangerous now too :(((


Oh yes!!! I agree about the music. Totally fitting considering they're on a secret mission! I'm glad you agree that this is the culmination of so many things, making the episode work well! The humor was so fun and witty. I'd have to agree that albeit it's devastating, it's gotta be one of the best eps of the series!!!


Oh, I can see the comparison for sure! I'm learning to just not trust any shows anymore lol :P


Oof, that was a bad omen! I have to agree about how Kanan handled this - it couldn't have been easy considering his feelings, yet he didn't let his feelings consume him or their goal. I love the idea that he was shedding Kanan and becoming Caleb for the last fight! Ohhhh I didn't remember Krennec at first, but thanks for pointing that out! Yeah we know what the Emperor ends up going with, but it's interesting to think there was a second option on the table. Ironically, if they'd gone with Thrawn's, I wonder if it would've been harder for the Rebels to take out? A fleet of TIEs seems like it would be tougher than a Death Star to take out in one sweep, so maybe it was the more tactically sound option?? Who knows! UGGGHH Pryce needs to die YESTERDAY!! Ahhhhhh so sad, the line about seeing her one last time.............. :'(


This is so interesting, I hadn't even thought about that line and what it means for any other surviving Jedi! So true that Ahsoka would have been a wrench in the works for the whole "last Jedi" statement too, but good point about perhaps not being considered a Jedi at this point. Great discussion here, it gives me a lot to think about! I'm curious to see how the Ahsoka series will explain this!


Such interesting questions about what exactly Kanan heard/saw, it seems like his death was revealed to him, but it's cool to think that maybe he saw lots of outcomes too. I can't wait to know what the third thing is too!!!! Oh, maybe that line about "everyone else" was referring to when he saves everyone from the blast??


Hahahahha Yang would be proud and yes, this is what I meant!! Hmmm not sure who you could possibly mean when you say other Jedi but yeah, I agree wholeheartedly :P Hmm, I see what you mean about Thrawn treating her with a kind of respect, especially compared to Pryce. It was nice to see a glimpse of what they'd be like if they weren't rebels and could just be together! Hahahha oh I figured they were the same ones!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if they were reassigned to Blood Gulch after this :P Yeah, it was a "stuff just got real" moment for sure! He was giving death flags this whole ep for sure. Good comparison about Obi-Wan. I mean, the wolves have the Force, so asking them would be like two birds with one stone lol. But yeah, I have a feeling they told him what would happen. OMG I should know better by now not to ever let Sad Unicorn get empty!!!!!!!! >.<


Possibly it would have been tougher for the rebels to win if there was no Death Star, but instead the Empire had fleets of TIE Defender level fighters, since even X-Wings and A-Wings struggle against them. And with overwhelming numbers, and a fully cohesive fleet (something the Empire never had due to their arrogance) then the Rebellion's fight could have lasted decades perhaps; if they didn't get wiped out first. It never gets easier rewatching that ending. Honestly of all the deaths of major players we have in Star Wars, Kanan's is one of the most gut-wrenching. In recent years only Leia's death in Rise Of Skywalker comes close, and thats mainly because Carrie Fisher had already passed, and it was just so sad watching her scenes in that film.


Wow! So Thrawn may have actually been right! Not surprising, just a lot to think about!!! I've always felt that the Empire's shortsightedness was a big part of their downfall.


Yes I think he sees a vision of everyone in danger from some type of explosion, so thats what he does, saves them by sacrificing himself.


Yes with talking about Kanan in particular, its possible to forget just the great visual storytelling and music in this episode. Some of the remaining episodes have wonderful music and visuals in them too, especially episode 13 and the finale. On visuals here is some concept art of Kanan trimming his hair and removing his mask in the cave : https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/star-wars-rebels-410-bts-gallery-1_e29e12bb.jpeg Note the light behind him shining, subconsciously telling us he will be moving towards that by the end of the episode. I do like to rank things, but its something I've never done with Rebels. I wouldn't like to list my favourite characters or episodes, as I have a fondness for so many of them here; though of course this one is a memorable one of course.


Saltire. I agree that Kanan’s death is extremely gut wrenching, and actually the best portrayed Star Wars death full stop imo. More to say on that after next Monday! And it definitely does not get any easier with further exposure in my experience.


That’s interesting to know it enhances the viewing for you too, Mel. I’d not thought of it like that before but now you say it of course I can see why: I’m glad it does! Mel: “ I know he'll make good choices to honor Kanan” Nick in response: no spoilers, but it’s likely you will have a conscious opinion on this by the end of the show. Definitely something that will get raised in a post or two, and possibly in your final end of series reaction comments. In fact, I think I remember this effectively being a talking point online during the show.


Mel, Saltire, I have to say I had not thought of that possibility before. I’m gonna have to go back and watch the beginning of the last episode again.


Yes I have a lot of sympathy with your last paragraph, Saltire. There are so many great characters and great episodes, and particularly with Rebels I think there is something to be said for valuing the whole as well as the parts, with the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. So many elements come to fruition in the last episodes, and it really feels like Dave Filoni really mapped the whole show out, with all the links, in detail, in advance.


The show won awards in its final two seasons for being the best animated show on tv, so they were doing something right! On Kanan though it was unsure if he would die or not on the storyboards. He was originally scheduled to die on Malachor to Maul, but Filoni changed his mind and scarred him further by making him blind, which was a great move as it allowed his character and relationship with Ezra to be explored further. Even here when Filoni was storyboarding it, he was unsure whether to kill him off, and it was Freddie Prinze, Jr who told him 'to kill me!!'. And when he was sketching that final scene, he automatically drew his eyes in before realising again Kanan was blind, but said that it just felt right for Kanan to see Hera one final time. He's explained it by saying just as Kanan is inbetween the mortal and death realms, he becomes unbound to the mortal realm and unshackled by the physical form, so the force can grant him that final gift before he becomes one with the cosmic force. Beautiful.

Dusty V

I’ve remained silent up until this point because I didn’t nor still trust my mouth to keep from spoiling things. But I will say I’ve been waiting on baited breath for you to hit this point. And you’ll see what I mean as we move forward. Kanan passed the torch. Or rather lightsaber. Ezra’s moment is coming. Just have the tissues ready. This is gonna be an emotional rollercoaster from here on in


The remaining episodes definitely have their moments: I agree :-)


I always appreciate lack of spoilers but I'm happy you're chiming in now! Whoa, I can't wait...yet I'm also scared....!!! I don't think I'm gonna be the same after this series lol!


The next three episodes are quite something, Mel. As are the remaining episodes after! As Kanan said to Ezra not so long ago, “All paths are coming together now”. And assuming you have managed to avoid big spoilers completely, I suspect some of those threads/ paths/ arcs will come as quite a surprise. HUGELY creative and emotionally impactful. And again some of the visuals and music … I think I need to invest in a large box of tissues for the remaining reactions … 🥺🙂


I will say though, one episode I always return to, is Stealth Strike from season 2. The one where Ezra and Sato get captured on the Interdictor, and Kanan and Rex have to overcome their differences to get them out. Its not one of the most profound episodes, but is tremendous fun, is a laugh a minute, and ends with Chopper casually killing 50,000 imperials because he can!! :D


Yes I really like that episode, not least because of Chopper. Another moment with Chopper that stands out for me is when they are rescuing Sabine’s dad. The moment where he is flying along, picks up a dropped weapon, and then clubs a stormtrooper with it: a particular brutal moment from Chopper. And yet he is also capable of great tenderness and kindness. Speaking of which, it’s not long before who voices Chopper is revealed :-)


Yes it absolutely does! And thanks! Hmmm...!! I'm so curious to know more, thanks for being extra careful on spoilers and I'm looking forward to discussing it more!


I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree on that one!!! Can't wait for you guys to see my next reactions!


Ah ok! Yeah, it's hard to know exactly what he was shown but I can definitely see it being something along these lines.


Oh the art is fantastic, thanks for sharing Saltire! It's so interesting to here behind the scenes details, like with the eyes! OMG, the explanation for the eyes got me going all over again lol. I had a feeling it was something like that but the explanation is eloquent and beautiful. I'm so glad he didn't die in the Maul fight. I love that episode too!! Sometimes it doesn't have to be epic, just a really fun journey along the way, to make a spot in your heart, you know?? Whhhaaaa I thought Chopper voiced Chopper??? :O


I've watched the next two already and I'm just so invested it's not even funny! I have a feeling I know where you're going on the paths, as I've seen the next few, and I can't wait to discuss on Monday!!! Ahhhh time to go stock up on tissues!!!


“So invested it’s not even funny” is really well put! Looking forward to your reaction on Monday (or possibly Tuesday as I work all day, then it’s my sons birthday) and discussing the episodes after!! :-)


Glad you agree, Mel. By the way, I am guessing that you have not seen the Heroes Fan Productions tribute to Kanan yet? Now you have watched to the end of episode 12 it’s completely safe to watch, with no spoilers. To say it’s beautifully done and moving is a bit of an understatement!!! This is the link, assuming I have tapped in all the right places on my tablet: https://youtu.be/hVkhOKRY7-Q Just a thought, I don’t know if you find producing lots of reaction videos emotionally draining - especially with Rebels having gone the way it recently has - but if you do, then you might want to watch this video later when you are ready. I’m not trying to be dramatic but it is ANOTHER emotional one. However, I did want to point it’s existence out, as I am sure you would like to watch it sometime :-)


Yes the whole series is surely soooo much better with Kanan’s not dying at the end of season 2. Kanan being blinded rather than killed allowed Kanan, Ezra, and in fact the whole Ghost crew, to go on a much deeper and richer journey in front of our eyes on the screen, for the rest of the show. The way the show pans out after Malachor has Kanan’s presence woven into its essential fabric. As an additional consequence, it made Kanan’s death much more meaningful and impactful when it eventually happened. And of course being blinded on Malachor allowed the beautifully poetic regaining of his sight in this episode. Kanan may never formally have been a Jedi Master (I don’t know if that was an automatic title or not on gaining a Padawan) but if ever there was someone who fully deserved the title it was Kanan.


Oh, I haven't, but I want to!! Thanks for sharing it! Whoa.....I'm just about to film something else and don't want to ruin my mascara lol, so maybe I'll set this aside for when I'm feeling more ready! I appreciate the heads up!!!! I can't wait to see it though!


I agree!! I think it definitely set things up for even more character development. So true that Kanan's death had more impact that way too. I couldn't agree more that he had done everything to earn that title by his last act here, even if it wasn't possible for him to be made "official". He was a good one for sure!!!!


Thanks lol! Oh, happy birthday to your son!!!! Sounds good, whenever you get the chance to watch, I hope you enjoy them!!!!!!!


Yes them allowing Kanan to be in season 3 and 4 really allows his relationship to develop further with Ezra, and for it to become, in my honest opinion, the best master and padawan relationship seen in the franchise. This show is much more about the characters themselves, and less of the spectacle - though they deliver on that front and show a great cohesive story of the bigger picture, as the rebel alliance is formed finally, and how our crew are a big part in bringing that together. However deep down, this is more a character-driven show, more in the frame of Andor in that regard, than Clone Wars, which certainly had plenty of character development; but was much more focussed on the war itself and what it was doing to the Republic and galaxy at large, due to Palpatine's manipulations. I agree that Kanan is reaching Masterhood by the end; he came a long way! If Luke can be a Jedi Knight at the end of Return Of The Jedi, then Kanan can definitely be a Jedi Master by the time of his sacrifice here.


I agree! And that's so true about it being an amazing Master/Padawan relationship. I couldn't agree more, while the action/adventure is absolutely there, the characters are what hold the show together. Such a good point that Clone Wars had great character moments but was more or less about the bigger picture. Yes, Kanan had quite the journey!!!!!!! I think he was definitely official at the end :')


Thank you: it’s hard to believe he is 16 now: not long ago I was bottle feeding him, changing his nappy, and reading to him bedtime stories! Have watched your reactions now, I just need the time to write something in a post!


Oh wow!! Time flies, doesn't it? I hope he had a wonderful day and that you two had fun celebrating! Thanks so much for fitting in time to watch my reactions, too, yay!


Thank you. It’s not a chore finding the time to fit in your reactions :-). In fact, I’m very much looking forward to Monday’s reaction for certain reasons ;-)


Aww I truly appreciate that! It's great to hear! Hahahah I recorded the two eps yesterday and let me tell you, I'm gonna have to put a big old "Headphone Warning" on them :P XD


Yes, I can hazard a guess at your reaction :-) And the ending of that episode is …. Well, I’d better not say anything until Monday, but there are definitely some things to say!! Oh my, yes! 🤯 💜