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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 10, eps 20 - 22!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys, what an epic, emotional finale!!!  Getting to see everyone fighting alongside each other, a final confrontation with the Director, getting everyone settled back into what's "normal", and a hint at some exciting future adventures for Church and Carolina....!!!!  Also, I am SO sorry it took a while to dawn on me, but DANG - that twist is pretty freaking amazing once it sinks in!!!!!!!  It makes a lot of sense too!!  Season 10 was incredible, and I can't wait for the soundtrack and what's next!!!! Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RvB 10x20 - 10x22 reaction.mp4


Zach Feifel

Quick question, in the Season 10 soundtrack reaction or in a smaller separate video, can you go back and rewatch episode 22. Because there is so much weight a lot miss out on. Mainly because the twist is very subtle. The second time around that scene will emotionally wreck you. And entirely its up to you if you wanna make it a patreon-only thing since it is a re-reaction or you just do it the way you normally do. I'm sure many of us would love to see it.

Tyler Stobbe

So normally I hit reactions later at night, but there’s no way I’m waiting on this one lol… So, where to start…? I’ll just try and do this chronologically. The Reds and Blues playing Capture the Flag and Simmons having to demean himself after losing is a direct callback to Grif’s “surrender” in Season 2. Okay, Donut does not realize who Washington is. Remember he’s painted himself a different color. That’s why Wash just started whistling nonchalantly when the subject got brought up. “Nothing to see here!” I’m with Caboose. I hate taxes too. I believe Agent Florida being Flowers has come up before, and you’ll notice as a cover - Florida was actually destroyed on the screen behind the Director and the Counselor. This explains why in an earlier season they said there was only 49 states. Epsilon has the memories of all the AIs - and not just his own. So seeing him in that State causes a lot of different entities to manifest themselves. The Director’s obsession with Allison presents an interesting aspect of human behavior: there are things we do out of hate, but the things that are done out of love can be just as misguided or harmful if not tethered properly. Speaking of that particular scene: this is later referenced in RWBY Volume 4 Chapter 2. This is the scene where Jaune has Pyrrha’s training video and is playing it on loop, over and over. Director: You were my greatest creation. Church: I don’t know what I am. But I do know this. I’m more than just a copy of you. I’m better than you. Director: I was not speaking to you. (Implies he was addressing Carolina). I see you figured out by now that when Carolina and Church are having that talk about her mother, she’s talking about Texas/Allison. Now it kind of explains why she’s so much like them personality wise. I think now is a good time to post the letter dialogue epilogue of Season 6, as you have the full context of it. “Dear Chairman, I am disappointed by your decision to press charges, but I am not surprised. My only hope is that the courts will see the matter differently than you have. You see, I never had the chance to serve in battle, nor did fate provide me the opportunity to sacrifice myself for humanity as it did for so many others in the Great War. Someone extremely dear to me was lost very early in my life. My mind has always plagued me with the question, if the choice had been placed in my hands, could I have saved her? The memory of her has haunted me my entire life. And more do, in these last few years than I could ever have imagined. But given the events of these past few weeks, I feel confident that, had I been given the chance, I would have made those sacrifices, myself. Had I only the chance… I know that you disagree with my methods, and that others will, as well. This is beyond my control. However, I cannot imagine that any court, would be able to convict me. No matter how low their opinion of my actions might be. You must understand one basic fact for all of this to make sense, my dear Chairman. These AI, they all come from somewhere. They are all based on a person. Our Alpha was no exception. And while the law has many penalties for the atrocities we inflict on others, there are no punishments for the terrors we inflict on ourselves. So you send your men. They won’t find themselves a fight. They’ll only find an old man. An old man tired, but satisfied he did his duty. An old man weary from a mind more filled with memory, than it is with hope. Sincerely yours, the former director of Project Freelancer, Dr. Leonard Church.” Hits a little different now, doesn’t it? This is the end of Burnie Burns’ arc as the head writer for the show and as you can see, he connected ten seasons and several miniseries into quite a story. There IS, regarding the after credits, a lot that’s been edited. Most of the scenes you saw played while the credits were scrolling. The Allison video file played after they were over. But that isn’t all that was on the original episode version release. During production of Season 10, Monty Oum, went to Burnie and told him he had an idea - an idea he wanted to explore for four color themed girls in an anime style show. Burnie told him, “if you finish production on RvB Season 10, you can do whatever the hell you want.” And so, after all of this at the very end of the episode, the Red Trailer for RWBY was played. Obviously there’s a ton of crossover between RvB and RWBY and this is kind of the junction they meet at. There was also a saying that stuck with everyone, and a lot of RvB/RWBY fans brought it up frequently after the news of Monty’s passing a couple years later: “Don’t say goodbye. Monty isn’t gone. He’s just not here right now.”

Melody Dia

I feel like one of the reasons Carolina tried so hard to stay at the top of the leaderboards was BECAUSE The Director was her father. His obsession with finding a way to bring back Allison was slowly causing him to focus less and less on his daughter as he quite literally destroyed himself (or at least an ai version of himself) piece by piece. I feel like she just wanted to be acknowledged by him, but in the end she could never live up to the memories of her dead mom, at least not to him. :(

Bryce Johnson

So there's the end of the freelancer saga (and to an extent resolution to blood gulch and recollection sagas). I have a couple of things to add for context/interesting tid bits. I agree with the other commenters above in that when I watched (and then re-watched more times than I care to admit) I had seen it as Carolina and the Director both aware of their relation from the beginning. Also, if you think about it, Carolina was competing with the ghost/memory of her mother for the attention of her father. It really reframes that competition in quite the somber light. Also, I recommend returning to the end of Season 5 (episode 100, right around 13:25 on the Youtube video) to see the final interaction between Tex/Beta and Alpha/Church. So much perspective is added from this episode/overall arc, and even provides context to older seasons (even blood gulch, which is either insanely lucky or really good planning).

Nicholas Schaeffer

Okay to add to what others said Carolina new it was her father not the line before they step into the teleporter and Church says its starting to seem familiar and then they hear the recording of Allison and Carolina says for her too. I think she new the director was her father but didn't know about Tex not until the end. You also might recall that she new the Tex codename was reserved she new the insignificance and was surprised the director gave it to someone

Nicholas Schaeffer

Going into the next trilogy I feel like they capture the past 10 years of flavor in 3 years, 11 feels like 1-5, 12 like 6-8 and 13 like 9 &10. Season 14 is my favorite to see a reaction to as it's the most fun but only if you have seen the rest of the show. I like 15-18 but many don't but I think they are epic


Uggghhh that was painful. That was just gut wrenching. All the callbacks just punched me in the gut. I can’t believe it, I was never happy with the director, but I couldn’t be mad at him here. That was not fair. And what’s going on? He’s just away? Man this show just terrifies me. I’m always looking for laughs but every step I’m expecting something bad to happen. This is an incredible show. It’s just brilliant. So much work put in and I’m so happy to be introduced to it. It’s a freaking masterpiece. I need to go cry because I can’t stomach all these emotions. Everyone was just so perfect here 🥺😷🤧


That's a good question! Honestly I usually don't really do re-reactions! I probably will talk about it a bit in the intro to the soundtrack though. I can see how it's very emotional once you know the twist though!


That actually makes a lot of sense!!! He lost himself and became cold, and she was always striving for his acknowledgement, not even knowing that her biggest competition was actually her mom :( That's messed up and really heartbreaking!


Wow!! End of an era!! And yes that actually makes a lot of sense that she knew he was her dad the whole time. The competitiveness would be much more personal. She was competing against her mom, wow! Oh, such a good call, I need to go back and rewatch that! They definitely added so much more to previous seasons with this story. It's amazing!


Yes, that makes sense actually! Tex/Allison was the surprise for her. Oh good call about the significance of the codename, I didn't remember that!


Right?! All the previous lines make so much more sense. Yeah it was hard to stay mad at him here for sure. I know, I hear you, I'm not sure if he's gone or what! They definitely killed it with the planning on this show! So glad you enjoyed it. So many emotions!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<


Yay! I love the callback with capture the flag. And OH that makes total sense that Donut doesn't even know it's Washington, wow haha!! Caboose was spot on. And OMG I do vaguely remember them saying 49 states, WOW talk about bringing it full circle. That's so true, Epsilon would have all those memories so it makes sense they'd manifest at that time. So well said about things done out of love going wrong too. Oh I can see how this is reminiscent of the Pyrrha video on a loop. Oh wow, I actually didn't know who he meant with that "greatest creation" line, but that makes so much sense! Oh wow!!!! That letter does hit differently, sheesh!! He did a great job of connecting all of the details of the previous seasons! Good to know about the credits, and OMG, no kidding about the trailers!!!! I love that!! This season practically gave birth to RWBY, production-wise! Awwww I love that saying in the context of referring to Monty <3 Thanks for all the info!


Ahhh that ad break was so unfortunately placed D: I think it's much easier to catch on to the reveal if you see the cut straight from looking at Carolina's eyes to the director's! If you pay attention to it on a rewatch, they make a very specific effort to never show the director's eyes for this very reason! I feel like others have already commented what I would have talked about, like Carolina literally competing with the ghost/memory of her mother, it's just a really interesting look into how grief can affect people. I do think that she wasn't exactly clueless about tex being her mom, because you can see moments where she's collecting puzzle pieces (like knowing the name is reserved, like noticing the different team tending to her after the fight with york, wyoming and maine and commenting on it) but maybe they didn't fully slot together until the finale. You're right in that it feels very final and resolved, since this was Burnie wrapping up the story he wanted to tell. I would absolutely recommend rewatching the freelancer arc with hindsight because it's so different and heart-wrenching knowing what we know now, but also so brilliantly written. Carolina's entire story arc is so tragic (but honestly, the entire crew of project freelancer went through such tragedy ;_; I try not to think too hard about it 😭) but it makes me love her more and I'm glad that by the end she's finally found a way to move on and finally be at peace enough to look back on her mother fondly. End of an era but I do quite enjoy the next trilogy as well, can't wait to see you react to it!

Brandon Dodge

I thought about mentioning this in the soundtrack reaction, but I think I'll mention it here. In episode 22 from the beginning to "Don't say goodbye, I hate goodbyes" the song that plays, called Finding The Director, uses the Leitmotif of Red vs Blue and Ice Fight from the Red vs Blue Season 8 soundtrack. The face reveal of the Director and Carolina's eyes perfectly match up with the lyrics, "Are any of us saints or sinners? Or is it always Red vs Blue?" I'd highly recommend listening to that either in the Soundtrack Reaction or on your own time. I love it because one of the first songs that Jeff Williams wrote for Red vs Blue is one of the final ones we hear in this pivotal moment. Also the music that plays in the final flashback with the Director and the Counselor and Flowers being Agent Florida, First Wave, is the same song that played when it was revealed that the Director is Dr. Leonard Church. This Season really brought everything full circle. When I first watched it I couldn't help but think of where we could go from here. It's like the equivalent of killing Salem in my opinion lol Really looking forward to the Soundtrack and moving onto the next Arc in this series.


I know, I'm guessing it's because that's the most watched part that there was an ad break there! You're kind to say that I might have caught it otherwise! I've since rewatched the scene and you're right that it does flow better when you can see her face and his face back to back. I agree that it's a really interesting look at grief. Good point too that by this point she'd probably at least put together some clues about Tex. Yes this feels like the end of an era! I'd love to rewatch it, I'm sure it has a ton of rewatchability!! Yeah, the whole Freelancer crew was a tragedy, but so true about the heartbreak of Carolina's story. I'm happy she at least got a somewhat happy ending like you said! I'm so happy there's still some good stuff coming, thanks for watching it along with me!!


Oh, I already filmed the soundtrack reaction, oops! But I do wanna go back and listen to this now. It's very fitting indeed!!! I couldn't agree more about the way things were brought full circle. I can totally see the Salem comparison!!! It really feels wrapped up here doesn't it. Hope you love my future reactions!!


This final batch of episodes and your reaction are awesome & emotional. When Church says we are alone I think he’s not just talking about no one being there to protect this facility but also having no one to help them. I love that as soon as the guys had nothing to do they went back to capture the flag and were almost immediately incredibly bored. I love what Doc says about everything that led them here actually being a good thing. It allowed them to rise above being fake soldiers & become something more. It’s great that they were able to do things they always wanted to do and find purpose for themselves. I think it’s fitting that Sarge the character who wants to be one of those classic generals from war movies very often gives the awesome/inspiring speeches. I love the point of no matter how great/skilled you are it doesn’t matter if you don’t have an actual trusted team especially because it connects to the freelancers falling apart because they were never truly united. The Director not eating for days is a good way to show where his head was at before we get to him in episode 22. The Director having never stopped his experiments with Tex is sad because of what she went through and testifying because it created an army of Tex. The image of all the different Tex’s is very intimidating. I agree that I love that they came together here because of the friendship that has been formed through the series. No matter how annoyed and angry they get at each other at the end of the day they are still friends. I love the action scene of just Carolina by herself and the one when everyone comes together especially how fast-paced both scenes are and how cathartic & satisfying everyone working together/showing up is. I love the choreography of Carolina’s moves but I think my favorite part of her fight is the whole grappling hook with the grenade moment. It is classic Monty to have a character instead of using a grenade as a you know actual grenade take it in a completely different direction and create a new weapon. it’s over the top in the best way LOL. I also think he was inspired by “gun fu” as its sometimes called in film shown recently in the John Wick movies although I am not sure because I don’t know when the first movie that used this type of action came out. I really like the way Carolina using super speed was animated. I love how the show brings it back to Carolina’s competitive nature, not being able to stop, pushing herself and fighting along which has negative consequences and is the reason she failed a lot. It’s great that she is shown that she doesn’t have to fight alone and just needs help by the others showing up. It’s a small detail but I like that Wash offers his hand to her. I actually have a really awesome poster of all of them in they're ready to fight poses all lined up with the quote “Overwhelming odds with little to no chance of success. How could we resist?”. I love that quote because it fits the show & these characters so well. I think a bunch of gags being referenced/used from previous seasons is great. My favorite moment is Caboose getting angry and cleaning house especially because it brings up his ridiculous strength. I think everyone hates taxes LOL. I love seeing all of these characters being badass as well as all the teamwork on display. I think this fight ending with Church talking to Tex works really well as a parallel to her talking to him in the flashback. The dialogue is incredibly well written & heartbreakingly sad. The voice acting is perfect. I love that what he offers her is rest after everything she & her other iterations have gone through. Church “is” an asshole but underneath it all is a great guy. Is Texpert a pun? Either way I had to shake my head a little bit when you said that LOL. In my opinion Church is the best/most consistently written character in the entire show and very emotionally compelling. Now onto episode 22 my favorite and one of if not the best episode of the series to this day. The video of Allison playing in the background the entire time really sets the somber/melancholy tone. After I watched the scene of Jaune watching Pyrrha’s training video over and over again I was reminded of the Director & this scene. Both of them also show what love and self hatred can do to a person. The Director represents the worst love can do to a person with his obsession and Jaune represents the best with his intense desire for self-improvement. Also they had similar self-hatred but where the Director directed it outwards with all the pain he caused others Jaune directed it towards himself with all his self-deprecation and thinking he wasn’t good enough. Thankfully he had people who got him out of that mindset while the Director did not. I love Church’s hard hitting words towards the Director about remembering his crimes. I think it’s great to see Church’s anger & hurt about what the Director did to him, Tex and the other fragments. It was such a brilliant creative decision to have Church change into all of the different fragments as they talk about what was done to them & how they felt/feel especially how it connects to Church having all the memories. I love that each of the things he says corresponds to a different part of his personality. The voice acting and what ever was done to make the voices work well together & still be emotional is impressive. This is my favorite moment in the season and up there when it comes to favorite moments of the series. Even though the Director is such a terrible person it’s so sad to see how broken he is and understand what made him such a pitiable man. It’s been so long since I first saw this I don’t remember if I figured out the reveals on first watch but I love all the hints like Carolina and the Director having very similar eyes. I’m glad that Carolina was able to see that killing him wasn’t worth it and was finally able to fully let go. Leaving the Director her gun has extremely dark implications & suicide is supported by all the stuff after this. I don’t completely think this but doing this could be considered the “easy way out” since he isn’t willing to face the consequences/punishment of his actions. On the other hand no one could make him suffer anymore than he could/did. I always cry at this scene but I used to get much more emotional about it and watching this reaction I only shed some tears. The way I hate goodbyes echoes as the doors close on the director’s tomb is great use of sound. The revelation of the identity of agent Florida is fantastic. I love that the season ends in Blood Gulch along side the Director choosing to hide alpha there in the past. I love Carolina’s talk about the terrible things they were part of but how doing better might be enough one day. It’s inspiring because you don’t have to be defined by the past. We always heard that Allison hated goodbyes but I loved learning that the reason for that was so you are never really gone it’s very poignant. I love that the 2 of them left the sniper rifle there when they left. I love the scenes that originally played during the end credits especially the Georgia one LOL. I think the Allison video originally being at the very end works well with the overall story. I think the connection of this season to the creation of RWBY is really cool. It is unfortunate that your realization of the whole Carolina, Allison and the Director connection wasn’t on camera but I appreciate recording something extra for us talking about it. I don’t have a lot to add that other comments haven’t already talked about. However Carolina competing with her mother for her father’s approval is a very psychological thing that is great for discussion. Also the connections between characters in this show are amazing. I enjoyed seeing Buffy for a second in the background. This was sadder than I expected should be a slogan of this show and RWBY LOL. Even though so much depressing stuff happened the show has a hopeful and optimistic tone/feel to it which I love. And I agree that this was an end of an era and a wonderful culmination of the entire show up to this point. Awesome reaction and discussion/thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


I think this finale is one of the best pieces of fiction I’ve ever seen. It’s so beautifully and masterfully written. The Director has done so much horrible stuff, you want him to pay just like Church does. But the second Carolina enters the room at the beginning of the episode, you realize that the one he’s tortured the most is himself. Trying unceasingly all these years, at least a decade, to bring back Allison. Chasing the same shadow that Church was. And then it hits even harder with the twist of Carolina being their daughter, and it doesn’t feel completely out of nowhere, cause you very well could have put it together just seeing the Director and Carolina’s eyes. And there’s still greatness to come! This next arc was around the time RWBY was being revealed and getting off the ground, so you might hear some more familiar voices. :)


Just seeing this, I'm so sorry for not getting back to you! I can't wait to read through this and reply soon :D Just wanted to let you know I saw it!


It was so well done! The perspective on the director totally changed in that scene, didn't it. I wish I'd put it together from the eyes, but oh well. It is a great twist!!! I can't wait for what's coming next, so far it's a lot of fun! And OMG RWBY cameos, yay!!!!!!!!!


The eye thing is a bit hard to piece together in the moment cause of the emotions. I don’t think it hit me till Carolina talked her mother. Some of the cameos will be easier to spot than others, but we’ve actually already had one! The UNSC pilot with the helicopter was Kerry Shawcross, one of the writers of RWBY and the voice of Neptune!


Ahhh! I normally watch your reactions as soon as they come out, but I was busy with moving the last few weeks so I'm just now seeing this. I normally don't comment but this is probably my favorite RvB season finale, for a lot of the reasons highlighted by yourself and everyone on here. Don't sweat it about not catching onto the big reveal right away, there's so much to soak up in the final episode that some of the subtlety of it is easy to gloss over. I like that you were really focused on how broken the Director was at the end though. The subversion of expectations for a final battle between Carolina/Church and the Director was really well done and ends up turning him into a much more tragic character at the end. You mentioning that, at the end, the one person he ended up harming the most was himself reminded me a lot of his words in his final address to the Chairman when he says, "... And while the law has many penalties for the atrocities we inflict on others, there are no punishments for the terrors that we inflict on ourselves." Which I think he was more alluding to the fact that the Alpha was based on his own mind, so when they were torturing the Alpha it was like the Director was torturing himself; but seeing the Director at the end of this season definitely gives those words another meaning as well. I've watched through RvB so many times and I never drew that connection before hearing you say that! Another scene that always hits me hard is when Epsilon is hurling accusations at the Director, and cycling through the fragments as he does so. "He was brilliant," (Delta, the smartest fragment) "and we trusted him," (Theta, who was childlike and a bit naive) "but he lied to us." (Gamma - or Gary, who was the most deceptive fragment and even deceived Alpha Church into thinking he was just a computer) "He twisted and tortured us!" (Omega, the rage fragment who was also particularly cruel) "And used us; manipulated us for his own purposes..." (Sigma, who was the most manipulative, particularly toward Agent Main and the other fragments)


I'm so happy you enjoyed my reaction!! Yeah I love the sentiment that everything they went to brought them to this moment, like it was a good thing. It's actually such a great point that skill without that trust/team bond doesn't work, which we see so well in the contrast between the Freelancers and the Reds and Blues. The Tex army is freaky and not eating for days really does show where the Director is at mentally here. I love when everyone shows up and that fight scene was off the charts!!!!!!!!! The grenades - and gun fu, omg!!! I love how it was all animated too. I love the detail of Wash extending his hand to her, that really said a lot. Omg Caboose losing it!! Who doesn't hate taxes right! I know, the reverse of the earlier scene with Tex and the Alpha was a great way to bring things full circle. Hahaha I made a new word, Texpert :P I can totally see the comparison between the Director watching Allison to Jaune watching the video of Pyrrha :( That's interesting, I'd never stopped to think that there are some similarities between the two characters, too. Church changing into the others was brilliant. It is sad to see the Director here, even after all he's done, he's just completely broken and pitiable. I really hope I'm not the only one who didn't get it on the first viewing lol but there were lots of hints like the eyes. The whole thing was so emotional and thinking of the Director alone with the gun is chilling and just really sad. The "I hate goodbyes" as the door shuts accents it perfectly. I know, the reason for hating goodbyes actually ended up being really sweet! The endings were awesome too, Georgia lol and also the Allison video. Yeah I really wish I'd realized it on camera too but I'm glad you enjoyed my discussion! Yeah someone could probably write a whole essay on the psychology implications there lol. Yay Buffy!!! So happy you spotted her cameo :D LOL that should be their new tagline, this was sadder than I expected :P Thank you so much, I'm happy you still enjoyed my reaction and thanks for sharing your thoughts! Sorry I took forever to get back to you!!!! I truly appreciate all the support :D


No worries! I'm so happy you decided to chime in! Oh my gosh, thank you for your patience and grace to me on not catching the twist right away! I felt really bad about it, so it's nice to hear lol. I agree about how well they were able to subvert our expectations in that last scene. Oh yes, it is like that quote isn't it??? I think it definitely has a new meaning seeing him at the end, totally tortured by himself. Oh wow, I'm glad I could provide some insight, yay!!!! You've made me very happy by saying that haha. Oof, all the fragments' different lines, they hit so hard! All the ways they were used reflected their own identities in a way. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!


Oh yes that's when I started to get suspicious too! Then it hit me like 24 hours later about the eyes and everything else haha. Oh no kidding!!!! That's awesome!! It's been a while since I heard Neptune, I didn't recognize him right away!! That's awesome :D