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Hey everyone!  I'm back today with Kamen Rider Geats episode 11!!!  WHAT?!!?!
Jyamato can be Kamen Riders now?!!?  Also we fell into another dimension?!?!
I'm grateful that Keiwa's back for a bit, and it seems like things are slowly coming back to him.  I'm grateful our older friend survived, he really went in to sacrifice himself!  My theories on the desires and on the limitations of the wishes are both CONFIRMED!!!  But why?!  DGP can bring people back from the dead, but Ace's mom is off limits???  What are they hiding by trying to eliminate Ace??  So many questions!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Geats 1x11 full reaction.mp4



So the golden fever must give you a complete form so since he had bost his entire form became boost instead of just one half of it also that's the first time I've scene a rider use their bike like that and it's cool he did the little Akira slide


WHO GAVE THE JYAMATO RIDER BELTS?! 😱 I know there's the 'mook' Riders like the Riotroopers, the Kage-Troopers from Gaim, or the Chronicle Riders from Ex-Aid... I know there's sometimes the monsters taking a rider belt and transforming... but I think this is the first time I've seen monster mook Riders like this... ESPECIALLY since they're so freaking strong! 😨 ...T-they can't use other Raise Buckles, right? RIGHT?! 😰 I hope that old man is okay... Though considering how much of a beating he took... I dunno if he's going to make it. I loved seeing how much the games are starting to evolve out of their control, as well as a peak further behind the curtain. ...So uh, who's betting that might be the last boss of the series in the garden tending to the baby Jyamato? 😅 ...Alright so I'll just get out my theory for right now: the Boost Raise Buckle is also highly compatible with Tycoon just like the Ninja Buckle. Like if it could return to Keiwa after every use, it would. Speaking of Tycoon, apparently you can only get his ID Core for a real limited time as a pre-order item/a bonus item in a bundle being sold once... They're REALLY doing his fans dirty. 😪 Also I'm digging the new Raise Buckle. o: It's a shame we don't get a new and totally different form, but I'm kind of a sucker for that gold scarf. Not to mention that finisher... I love it when shows take a page right out of Devil May Cry. 🤣 Honestly I think more Riders should use their bikes like that. I also love the cuts they make to the mansion map, gives me some classic Resident Evil vibes there.


Hi Hime :) I like Ace's stoicism when he fell, he had his arms crossed and a poker face lol So yes, now we have Jyamatos riders... After all, Buffa and Geats both commented that Jyamatos are stronger in this new game, and what's stronger than a Riders at the moment, especially Geats who won't stop winning. Even if it does not seem to please our Game Master who did not seem aware of this novelty. Chances are someone else is pulling the strings or whoever is growing the Jyamatos is making decisions himself without the Game Master's approval. Besides, the one who grows the Jyamatos, also had plenty of Core IDs, is he the one who created them? So the DGP would create both Jyamatos and Riders? We return to the theories of the beginning with the DGP serving as preparation for something else for me. The golden buckle allows the Rider to double the effect of the associated buckle. For Boost that Ace wears, you can see that he wears it both up and down. His scarf is also golden because of the use of this new buckle. To have seen a glimpse of images of future episodes, this will be the case for the others, their signature piece of equipment will also be golden (the bracelets for Na-Go for example). A yes and with this episode, Geats enters the long list of series making a reference to the animated film Akira and its famous Kaneda Slide. If you don't know, just search "kaneda slide" on google and you will understand. There are a lot of animated series and films that refer to it, even in live action (I think another Kamen Rider series already made a nod to it). In any case, a rich episode, giving some answers and a lot of material for theories hehe.

Tyler Stobbe

Huh… you wore the Spy x Family shirt in this reaction… but not in SxF this week. I’m going to pretend that made sense. 😂 Wait… WHAT? You can’t be serious… something shady is happening in a Kamen Rider story? Shock! 😱 It seems the more I look at this the more it seems like Ace is playing detective. But while it does seem clear that the powers that be don’t want this pursued, another question would be WHY they don’t. On the surface it’s just a kid who wants to find his mother. What do they know we don’t about her? (Move over, Ruby, someone else has mom questions…) Speaking of the powers that be… Tsumuri is very fed up with the whole situation but it seems like she doesn’t like stacking the deck against one player either. Girori on the other hand, wants Geats eliminated ASAP. I should clarify that Geats’ wish was to participate in the DGP until he died. So if he was killed that would fulfill that wish. What’s the method he’s trying to use? Girori has his own problems, who was that guy in the Jyamoto greenhouse and why was he ignoring the call? There was a rather interesting line someone said as a throwaway during the episode: “the Riders revive!?” They were reacting to Jyamoto getting back up but I was thinking should I… take that literally…? Also what does Neon’s dad know that the rest of us are not privy to… I get the feeling it won’t be long before Keiwa is back in the mix at this rate… there’s no way he can be sidelined this long… but it seems the DGP has a hidden cost. However… something just occurred to me that’s inconsistent. Michinaga made the same wish he did last time, and I think Neon’s was the same or very similar as well. Is this an inconsistency or are we missing something? Hang on I’m gonna go borrow Anya’s magnifying glass and look closer at this. Something’s rotten in Jyamoto Land… 👀


Woah that growing Jyamoto in the gardens was creepy. I loved it 🌱 I’m so glad gramps was saved. I hope so at least. But he was VP. I would have saved MVP but Ace beating up everyone with the motorcycle 🏍 was just the coolest attack ever. Ever! Now I like that many of the questions were answered. At least the surface questions we’ve had. About Ace’s mom, the reason for his wish, what really happens to the eliminated one’s memories, etc. a handful are finally confirmed. Can’t wait for the next one ☝️


Right?! So freaky!!! Me too, he was totally VP!!! And Ace was def MVP!! Best use of a motorcycle I've seen in a LONG time!!! :D There were a lot of things clarified here, it was nice! But of course, still SO much to know!!! Can't wait either!!


RIGHT?! Lol. That's the thing, I've ever seen actual monster Riders quite like this! And they are strong right!! OMG.......let's pray they can't use the other buckles....!!! I know, I really hope he makes it! Yeah peek behind the curtain is a great way to put it, very interesting and mysterious indeed. Things are definitely getting out of control! I could totally see the gardener being the final boss!!! Oh no, we all better hurry and grab that ID Core I guess!!!! That's the worst lol. Also good theory, it makes sense actually. The gold scarf is chef's kiss!! I couldn't agree more that they need to be the Rider back in Rider haha, the motorcycle stuff is always fun and I LOVED what they did here, whoa!!!


Hi Spadeas! :) Hahaha such a poker face! I guess it kinda makes sense they're riders now, when you look at it that way! Yeah it does seem like this goes further than the Game Master! I'm guessing that yes, the DGP does create both monsters and Riders?? Crazy thought! But yeah, I thought that too a ways back, that maybe there's another threat completely. Thanks for explaining the use of the buckle! Oh yes the slide!!! Can't believe I didn't pick up on the reference!! So cool!!! Yeah we'll all be theorizing for a while now haha!!


I forgot to wear it for Spy x Family, so I figured I'd represent in these reactions instead! :P Hahahaha yeah I guess I shouldn't be surprised at this point. Ace is definitely a detective here. Hahahah another mommy issue-focused plot!!! Yeah you can tell Tsumuri isn't on board for all this. Ohhhh was that the wish? So there is an end point to it, hmm. Oh I know, what on earth was the greenhouse all about?! OHHHH good call about the "revive" line...hmmmm!!! Neon's dad for sure knows something. I'm happy that Keiwa might be back! But yeah, DGP is super shady. Oh yeah, they were similar/same wishes, hmmm!!! Hahaha don't forget your Sherlock Holmes outfit :P Something's rotten alright!! Can't wait for more!!