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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 3, episode 18 of REBELS!!!!  Oh wow, we got Mon Mothma in this ep!!!!!!  Good for her for publicly trashing Palpatine, woohoo!!!  So this is the official start of the Rebel Alliance.....and it's all thanks to our crew completing this mission successfully!!!!!!  Should have known as much!!!  It was great to see Ezra get to flex his pilot skills here, and the whole resolution to the battle was really clever and resourceful.  The Empire's in trouble now!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 3x18 full reaction.mp4



I’ll always prefer the Clone Wars/TBB/TOTJ style for the character models, but this episode is just another great example of how Rebels improved upon everything else before we were fortunate enough to get CW season 7 and everything after. The way the nebula scorched the Star Destroyers was crazy looking!


You couldn't have picked a better time to watch Rebels while Andor is playing Melissa. Here is the straw that breaks the camels back for Mon Mothma (and yes its the same actress doing VA here as who played her in Ep3, Rogue One and Andor) - the Ghorman Massacre. And she has been referencing the Ghormans to her family and the senate in Andor, as the events leading up to that massacre are becoming set in place. Firstly we heard that the Empire is cutting off their shipping lanes, which will lead to starvation. Over the next two years, they tighten their grip on the planet so that it becomes destitute. In Legends, it was your mate Tarkin who caused it, but I wonder if that will change if we ever do see it, as the peaceful protests by the Ghorman's are ended brutally. I'm thinking in season 2 of Andor, its a possibility, to show Mon Mothma that enough is enough in the series, and she has to double-down on the Rebellion. That would then tie in with her statement here at the start in Rebels. Actually a lot have been wondering if we'll hear Ezra's message from season 1, in Andor, perhaps at the end of episode 12. I don't think it will happen, but the timeline is bang on for it. Gold Leader, Captain Vander was in the original film A New Hope, and Rogue One above Scarif. He goes on the trench run with Luke and Wedge, but gets shot down by Vader at the end. He has one sexy astromech in Rogue One though, its an R2 but its silver plated, and throws some shade on our beloved R2-D2 and his white and blue paint job. Still its about substance, not style with R2-D2, as we all know, since he is the true hero of the saga! :D Here it is, the TIE Defender in all its deadly glory. Hyperdrive and shields, first for a TIE fighter (though Vader has them on his own TIE Advanced), as agile and speedy as an A-Wing and it has 6 guns, missiles and torpedoes! Its a beast, and is as serious a threat to the Rebels and the galaxy if it goes into production, as something else the Empire is working on you may know of! There it is then, in the final shots. The birth of The Alliance To Restore The Republic, better known as the Rebel Alliance is finally upon us! It is a great moment, and with the addition of the music, just makes one teary-eyed, as we are finally here. And Mon Mothma's pleas to the galaxy to rise up, is messaged across the galaxy, from Chopper of all things on The Ghost! Thats two-up Chopper is on R2 now in the Rebellion; firstly having the name of a base in his honour, then televising Mon Mothma's rallying cry to the galaxy! I bet he rubs it in to R2 as well the next time he sees him! :P Speaking of Padme, if you have Disney+ or the DVD/Blu-Ray of Episode 3, you can check out a deleted scene where we see Padme, Bail and Mon Mothma, along with others, talk of plans to form something else, called the Delegation of 2000; as they realise the senate isn't working and with Palpatine being given all these 'emergency powers', that something else will be needed to ensure democracy remains. When Padme later talks to Anakin where she hints that the Republic is failing, and him as always being an idiot stating that she is sounding like a Separatist; she is thinking of this. It should have been in the film as it sets this all up for later. Here is the scene for you to check out. Its interesting to note how they state to keep this from everyone, including their own families, especially with what we are seeing now in Andor. https://youtu.be/amALBl3kOtU?t=13 Two final notes; as the ships fly in showing their support for the Rebellion in the closing shots, one of them, the biggest shown, is Home One, commanded by Admiral Ackbar which we see in Return Of The Jedi. Secondly, the planet below them, is Dantooine, which when Tarkin threateningly asks Leia where the Rebel base is, she tells them of (and by then they have moved to Yavin) - before, just for kicks, he blows up Alderaan in front of her - what a guy!!!

Brandon Dodge

So true. I love that Dantooine, once a Jedi Temple where some of the greatest Jedi trained, and then a Planet that is just abandoned Jedi ruins and farmlands, becomes a rebel base, and then is abandoned again. It's like always in this state of being a fleeting memory of times gone by. I do wonder what will happen to Mon's family and what leads to this moment. And if we'll see this scene from Mon's perspective in Andor Season 2.


Ha yes, I have fond memories of Dantooine in the KOTOR games, wandering around, getting training, listening to Kreia for hours; and also in Star Wars : Galaxies, grinding for rancors! Its similar in the universe to Tython and Ossus, former legendary Jedi Temple locations before they moved to Coruscant with the birth of the Old Republic, that for one reason or another, moved into ruin. Luke I believe trains Grogu in that Book Of Boba episode on Ossus, which I didn't know was the place where his new temple was destroyed after Kylo's betrayal. Of course he then goes into seclusion on Ach-To, but I didn't put the pieces together the first time watching the sequels. Anyway I'd love for them to revisit Dantooine sometime, perhaps in something like Ahsoka's series ,or The Acolyte. And if I know Filoni, he'll try to make it happen some day! :D I did hear that they are going to ramp up Mon Mothma's story even more, so we'll see where that leads to. So far she is boxed in from all sides in Andor, so how she gets to surviving through to the events here in Rebels, and the fate of her family, is anyone's guess.


This is such a memorable episode. It’s cool as can be to see Gold Leader, Captain Vander, with the rebels crew. The music at the end - when all the new Rebel Alliance ships turn up is beautiful, and adds to an already emotional, epic, historic moment: and our beloved crew are there (minus Sabine and Kanan)!! It’s amazing to think the Ghost crew were so pivotal in this moment: I’ve seen this scene many times now, and it gets me every time: I never grow remotely bored of it. I do wonder whether we are going to see some cross over of Rebels into Andor, either at the end of this season of Andor, or in a future season: I think Saltire suggested Ezra’s transmission at the end of season 1 of Rebels and Andor, and I agree the timing sounds right - I know I would be over the moon if this happened! You really are watching all this Star Wars content in a high intensity way, and not in the usual order, Mel, what with The Mandalorian, Clone Wars, Tales of the Jedi, Andor and Rebels. It must be quite a unique viewing experience! You are certainly being given a strong dose of Mon Mothma and Saw at the moment, as well as Star Wars more generally 😀

Tyler Stobbe

So I’ve already made an entire post about the status of the Rebel Alliance and it’s forming from last week’s episode of Andor, so there’s no need to repeat it. This episode is pretty much an action episode so there’s not a whole lot of “unpacking” that needs to be done. Two things, though: I kind of figured the cargo was going to be Mon Mothma - and I did a Google - that is indeed the same actress who’s playing her in Andor. This also gives us a timeline because we know Andor has to be occurring BEFORE this time. Second, Thrawn’s overdue for a mistake of some sort. This intuition of his is getting borderline ridiculous at this point. It’s almost like his brain has plot armor. But I would like to point out something else that’s going on, not just in this episode but throughout the different series. Someone is working very hard behind the scenes to make sure everything lines up with each other, in terms of continuity - and given that not everything is being written by the same person, that’s a big flipping job. Here’s a few examples: - Mon Mothma’s Holocast talks about her defending the Gorman people from the imperial oppression - she is actively still doing this in Andor. - The TIE fighter Ezra and co. are dealing with in this episode is the same prototype Thrawn was trying to hide on Lothal when he started making the workers test their own vehicles. - The Rebel Alliance speech given by Mon takes place on Dantooine. This is the same location Leia gives Tarkington in “A New Hope” as the location of the Rebel Base to try and deter him from destroying Alderaan, and later they discover the remains of a small rebel base there. The point is, someone’s working really hard to make sure the pieces all fit with each other plot wise, and that’s not an easy job. Whoever that person is needs a raise. Hang on, Thrawn just predicted my next move… again. I’m ending transmission. 🙄

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 07:39:42 Saltire, so true that this was perfect timing!!! That's so sad about the Ghormans, no wonder Tarkin had something to do with it, ugh!! Ohhhh thanks for reminding me about Gold Leader! I knew I'd heard it but it's been so long since I've seen the movies I couldn't remember the exact circumstances. That spiffy droid sounds impressive!!! Of course, R2 is so much more than his paint job like you said haha, but still, the silver plating sounds fancy! The TIE Defender is horrifyingly impressive!!! And yes, I do believe they have something else very large and destructive in the works too...!! The ending speech was SUCH a great moment, I got teared up for sure! And it all happened thanks to our crew, and Chopper :D HAHAHHA Chopper is the MVP!!! I'm sure he lets R2 know it as often as possible!!! OH!!! I heard about that deleted scene after the fact, thank you so much for sharing it!!! Isn't it wild to think Padme's thoughts on it aligned so much with Bail's and Mon's, that she most definitely would have been on the side of the Rebellion if she'd lived?? OHHHH that was Admiral Ackbar's?!?!!? Nice!!! Oh yes, I knew Dantooine sounded familiar!!! UGH TARKIN!!!! He's the worst >:( Brandon and Saltire - Dantooine has so much history, and I've heard so many awesome things about Knights of the Old Republic!!! It would be cool if the found a way to incorporate it into future content! Oooh, I'll be so curious to know what happens between Andor and this moment in Rebels, to Mon Mothma....!!!!
2022-11-15 15:04:51 Saltire, so true that this was perfect timing!!! That's so sad about the Ghormans, no wonder Tarkin had something to do with it, ugh!! Ohhhh thanks for reminding me about Gold Leader! I knew I'd heard it but it's been so long since I've seen the movies I couldn't remember the exact circumstances. That spiffy droid sounds impressive!!! Of course, R2 is so much more than his paint job like you said haha, but still, the silver plating sounds fancy! The TIE Defender is horrifyingly impressive!!! And yes, I do believe they have something else very large and destructive in the works too...!! The ending speech was SUCH a great moment, I got teared up for sure! And it all happened thanks to our crew, and Chopper :D HAHAHHA Chopper is the MVP!!! I'm sure he lets R2 know it as often as possible!!! OH!!! I heard about that deleted scene after the fact, thank you so much for sharing it!!! Isn't it wild to think Padme's thoughts on it aligned so much with Bail's and Mon's, that she most definitely would have been on the side of the Rebellion if she'd lived?? OHHHH that was Admiral Ackbar's?!?!!? Nice!!! Oh yes, I knew Dantooine sounded familiar!!! UGH TARKIN!!!! He's the worst >:( Brandon and Saltire - Dantooine has so much history, and I've heard so many awesome things about Knights of the Old Republic!!! It would be cool if the found a way to incorporate it into future content! Oooh, I'll be so curious to know what happens between Andor and this moment in Rebels, to Mon Mothma....!!!!

Saltire, so true that this was perfect timing!!! That's so sad about the Ghormans, no wonder Tarkin had something to do with it, ugh!! Ohhhh thanks for reminding me about Gold Leader! I knew I'd heard it but it's been so long since I've seen the movies I couldn't remember the exact circumstances. That spiffy droid sounds impressive!!! Of course, R2 is so much more than his paint job like you said haha, but still, the silver plating sounds fancy! The TIE Defender is horrifyingly impressive!!! And yes, I do believe they have something else very large and destructive in the works too...!! The ending speech was SUCH a great moment, I got teared up for sure! And it all happened thanks to our crew, and Chopper :D HAHAHHA Chopper is the MVP!!! I'm sure he lets R2 know it as often as possible!!! OH!!! I heard about that deleted scene after the fact, thank you so much for sharing it!!! Isn't it wild to think Padme's thoughts on it aligned so much with Bail's and Mon's, that she most definitely would have been on the side of the Rebellion if she'd lived?? OHHHH that was Admiral Ackbar's?!?!!? Nice!!! Oh yes, I knew Dantooine sounded familiar!!! UGH TARKIN!!!! He's the worst >:( Brandon and Saltire - Dantooine has so much history, and I've heard so many awesome things about Knights of the Old Republic!!! It would be cool if the found a way to incorporate it into future content! Oooh, I'll be so curious to know what happens between Andor and this moment in Rebels, to Mon Mothma....!!!!


Yes, such a great ep! I love that our crew (most of them anyway) were so pivotal in this! The scene was fantastically done! Oooh, it would be really interesting to see if there was any crossover of Rebels into Andor!! That's awesome about the transmission, I hope that's true!!!!!! Haha yes it's a truly unique experience, I guess you could say it's quite immersive! I do lose track of the timeline occasionally but thankfully you guys are always here to help me out! Wow, we had Saw week a few weeks ago, it must be Mon week now :D


Yes your previous comment is quite poignant!! That's so awesome it's the same actress, some others had stated that too, I love that! Good guess on the cargo! His intuition is nuts!!!!!!! I'd love for him to slip up haha. Thanks for clarifying the timeline, they do such a great job with it don't they?? That's true, the Gormans have been mentioned on Andor! OHHHHH that's where I knew that prototype from, I felt like they'd mentioned it before. Yes, I knew I'd heard Dantooine before!!! I agree, the person doing ALL this double/triple fact checking and continuity stuff needs a raise!! Oh no!!!!!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!! :P Lol!


Its interesting to think about what would have happened with Padme had she not died in Ep3, and also the fates of Luke and Leia. She would have got involved though with the Rebellion for sure; we saw how quick to fight for the cause of good and justice she was in the movies and especially in TCW. Her, Ahsoka and Bail would have made a hell of a team in the early days. I wonder if she would have known Anakin was alive though, as obviously we've seen that Obi-Wan originally thought he died on Mustafar before it getting confirmed in his series, that he was still alive as Vader; and the same with Ahsoka, as she didn't find out until this time? Padme does say as she dies, "there is still good in him" suggesting she did know he lived; would her being still alive at that time be enough to bring Anakin back from the darkside if they were to meet once more?


They have a number of people obsessed with Star Wars lore working on the shows. Dave Filoni, who is behind many of these shows, is like a Star Wars encyclopedia; though we have to note, he was an advisor on the Kenobi series, but not Andor, even though he was behind this series. Funny, in the very next episode we are about to see from Mel, there is a character in it, whose looks are based off another lore advisor for all the shows, and to make sure continuity isn't ruined, and thats Pablo Hidalgo; and though he didn't work on Rebels here, he is the guy they go to for lore on some of the other shows like Andor. He would know about the Ghorman Massacre referenced here (and is from the expanded universe too) which they could then work into the story for Mon Mothma in Andor, that would make sense, and then tie in with what we saw here. They have to keep on top of it, because the fanbase are so quick to jump down their throats, when they don't, like in the sequels for example. I said when Melissa started this series, that Rebels is quite cohesive and there is very little fat in this show. Sure there are some slight filler episodes, or cheeky fun ones, but these episode always have something in them too, that will come back in some way. The fruit episode in season 1 for example, where they didn't scrap the TIE, which became useful in the finale of that season. Even here, where we saw the droid probe at the start, was in an episode recently with Zeb, AP-5 and Chopper, which was a one-off story, but the droid we now know of when we see it. It is a fun series, that has its emotional and bonkers moments, but it marries up the whole story of the formation of the Rebel Alliance, while focussing on our crew in that, very well; which makes it for me top tier Star Wars.


That’s actually really cool that Hera has also been teaching Ezra. Just when you thought she couldn’t be any cooler. No one else but Hera could have made this mission a success! 🔥


I actually think about this one a lot! What a crew that would have been. And how different Luke and Leia's lives would have been. That's a good point, she may not have even known...or did she? I feel like Anakin was pretty far gone by the end of Revenge of the Sith, but if there's anyone who could have brought him back from it, it's Padme. So hard to say!!!!! Lots of what if's....!!


That's awesome, it really shows! So impressive that they have folks who are keeping such tight track of the continuity like that! LOL yeah they pretty much don't have a choice I guess. I agree, there's very little filler here - even more lighthearted eps have important things that will be called back to later. It really does add so much and tie up a lot of details about the rebellion, and it's fun and interesting to boot!!!!