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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 3, episode 13 of REBELS!!!!  Oh dang, I knew that working with Saw was going to, erm, bring up some issues!!!  He definitely has some "extreme" methods, as Hera put it!  I was SOOOOO on edge for that stinking egg this whole episode haha.  I love that there might be hope for the Geonosian race after the Empire attempted to make their whole kind extinct.  And Hera's got a fair point, that as long as we're all fighting the Empire, we really don't have the luxury of arguing about methodology or philosophy.  Desperate times!
Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 3x13 full reaction.mp4



Klik-Klak was drawing the Death Star, Rex picked up the wrong end of the stick when he saw those cannisters. We as the audience recognise what Klik-Klak is drawing, but of course our protagonists don't, which makes this a frustrating exercise for them and us as we want to shout at them what that thing is! Just rewatched the scene in Rogue One where Saw and Jyn hear her father, Galen Erso (played by the brilliant Mads Mikkelsen, whose brother Lars btw is playing Thrawn here in Rebels) telling them about it, and its still not shown. So Saw knows by the end as he dies by it when Jedha is destroyed, but never saw it. Sabine just HAD to reference that Anakin line about the sand getting everywhere, didn't she!! :P Watching the Ghost take down these TIE Bombers, reminds me, it may look like a slow ship, with it being originally purposed to be a freighter, but with the tuning Hera and Chopper have done, its actually faster than TIE's are. It really is a beast of a ship. Yep we are seeing that though they are rebels, fighting to rid the galaxy of the Empire, people like Saw, Cassian, Cinta, Luthen and his assistant Kleya; are not 'good' people. They reason that they are as extreme in their methods, as the Empire, is to get people to wake up, or to accomplish their goals. While Ezra is right that by doing this type of stuff, they are no better than the Empire, some of them don't have that luxury of being morally just, as they have been ground down by one event after another, to become these types of people. People are the products of their environment. Obi-Wan said it best though in Clone Wars, after Anakin meets Tarkin and thinks people like him are whats needed. Anakin : "I think we need people like him, this is a war, if we aren't willing to do what it takes to win, we risk losing everything we try to protect.", to which Obi replies : "Unfortunately war tends to distort our point of view, if we sacrifice our (Jedi) code, even for victory, we may lose that which is most important, our honour." He is obviously speaking about the Jedi, but it works for the rest of the partisans here; if they become like the Empire in their methods, then what type of people will govern, when the Empire is defeated? Brace yourself for this Melissa : there is a horrible end to the egg story, which is covered in a comic. Klik-Klak does nurture it to maturity, and it eventually becomes a Queen which would have repopulated Geonosis. Unfortunately the Queen was sterile due to the chemical agents the Empire used to wipe the Geonosians out, meaning that Geonosis will in the end, become a dead world.

Tyler Stobbe

I got thrown for a loop just like you because that drawing definitely does look like a Death Star mock-up. If Klik-Klak was drawing the canisters do you think that’s coincidence? Anyway, if you invited the entire Rebellion over for Thanksgiving - I think Saw would probably be the crazy uncle. He shows up and everyone’s like “oh… it’s him.” :P That being said it kind of felt like Saw was doing a mirror reflection of what Ezra was acting like earlier in the season - hotheaded, impatient, flying off the handle when things aren’t going his way… so maybe seeing another extreme personality will help with his own attitudes. Oh, by the way, Sabine is a boss. This episode was no day at the beach, though… a SANDY beach… 😅 But you know the Empire was never going to win today. It’s just a fact. Because you can’t defeat a ghost on Halloween. 🎃 😉


I agree with you that this arc was a great one for showing how different rebels have different approaches to the rebellion, and there is a real grey area: the instinct is to think Saw goes to far, but there is also a certain sympathy with his urge to fight back. It’s interesting that this tension has cropped up in Rebels just as you are watching Andor. I love Rogue One for its gritty element, and like Andor as it seems to continue with that style.


I wanted to give Klik-klak a big hug. I hope he finds survivors down there. :(


Thanks, glad you agree!!! Yeah, Saw has different methods for sure, but there's definitely some heart to his approach in there somewhere as well. Isn't that funny that I should be watching them at once?! And Saw shows up in both in the same week haha. Yes, I agree that Andor shares the same tone as Rogue One! Which makes sense I guess!


Right?! Glad it's not just me haha. Yeah there's no such thing as coincidence on this show! Hahahahahaha that's actually a great way to describe Saw hahahaa!!! Awww, now I wanna see a Star Wars Thanksgiving special :O Oh, good call, I could see Saw mirroring some of those earlier tendencies for sure. Sabine's a boss for sure but no one can withstand the evil power of sand!!!!!!!!! >:D OHHHHHHH I see what you did there, a little seasonal humor and I like it!!!!!!!


Oh okay good to know! That makes sense, no one would know what it looks like. Oh no kidding that Galen Erso's actor and Thrawn's VA are brothers!!! Smallworld huh! HAHAHAHAHAHA the line just about killed me!!!! Sand!!!! And the greatest part is, there's absolutely no way that was a conscious reference. She just honestly detests sand as much as Anakin. I love it! Oh yeah, good call about the Ghost, it really is a beast! That's the thing, you can be a rebel but not be one of these rebels....who are more idealistic I suppose. And that's the thing, in a situation like this, not sure all rebels have the luxury of following that moral compass anyway. OOF, that scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan rings true, great callback!!! It does make you wonder what will it look like to pick up the pieces once the Empire is defeated, if we're pushed to go that far to do it? Oh no, that's such a sad story about the egg!!!!!!!!! :'( At least the Queen and Klik Klak could at least keep each other company I guess.....but wow!!!!!!!!


Yeah the Mikkelsens are established screen actors in their own right. Mads is much more well known as he's the better looking of the two brothers and has played everything from Hannibal Lector in tv, to Grindelwald in the latest Fantastic Beasts film after Johnny Depp got dropped. If you ever watched Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch or the Witcher, Lars was in those, and a lot want him to play Thrawn in live action. He does have his cheekbones and obviously the voice matches, so we'll see if he is cast when he comes in, as I expect him to be the big bad they'll have to deal with in the upcoming tv series set in this timeline. Obviously this show is more for kids and teenage orientated, though they do a tremendous job with character development; and Kanan was a Jedi so was raised properly at the temple, but Hera despite coming from a good family may have become like some of the people we see in Andor, but shows her strength of will that she didn't become a more 'grey' person after all she went through in her earlier days; and these traits are passed from both of our 'parents' are passed on to our younger crew members. Ezra could have become a thieving ne'er-do-well had he stayed on Lothal, and Sabine was an angry Mandalorian with family troubles of her own, and was an ex-imperial and Black Sun bounty hunter becoming someone like Fennec Shand or worse; had either not come on board The Ghost. Hera and Kanan have raised the 'kids' well. Zeb is who he is, and rather than becoming a husk of a person after the Massacre of Lasan, showed his big heart even if at times he gets frustrated by Ezra and Chop! Chopper can never change though, he is the resident lunatic, or 'delinquent' as Sabine puts it! :D The rebellion will need more people like Hera, Leia, Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, to succeed in the long run, than the Cassian's, Luthen's and Saw's on their books. Klik-Klak wouldn't want to stay with the Queen, as she also went utterly insane... :(


Not sure how long ago you watched Rogue One, Mel? I ask, since Rogue One has some Easter eggs in that you would not have spotted when watching it before seeing Rebels. I'll say no more for now :-)


That's awesome! I know the name sounds really familiar. Oh that's quite a resume! Even better that he could pull it off live action too! That's such an excellent point about the character development! So true that everyone here had the justification and potential to go down a much different path, but didn't. And so much of that for our "kids" is thanks to well, being raised well by these surrogate parents. Chopper excluded of course, he's down a dark path and loving every minute of it lol!! That's the thing, the long-term methods probably are the ones that are being used by people like the Ghost crew, Mon, etc. Oh no, that's so sad about the queen....!!!!!!!! What a downer to such an inspiring story!!!! :(


I actually rewatched it before Andor but not sure how many Easter eggs I picked up on...!!!


There were some significant ones and your response suggests that maybe you didn’t spot them (the ones I am thinking of) :-) They are easy to miss, and I certainly missed them all first time watching it.


Oh!! I probably did then!!! I'd love to know what they are, if it's not spoilery! If it is, I can totally wait till I'm caught up though!


This is very close to spoilers so I’ll keep it vague: the physical presence on the screen of, or the vocal mention of, some (not all) Rebels characters (in fact two) and one Rebels inanimate object in Rogue One. I think to say more would be to say too much, but saying this hopefully will be enough for you to know whether you spotted them, and if you didn’t then you know to follow it up after you have finished watching the Rebels series (I assume you wouldn’t want to go through life not knowing this - I know I wouldn’t 🙂 ). I wouldn’t follow it up now though, as to know which Rebels characters are in Rogue One would be very specific information about the Rebels series you currently don’t have: and I am already close to, or in, dangerous spoiler territory by telling you what I have: I hope I am on the right side of the spoiler line and I apologise if I am not! It’s interesting because as I remember it there was overlap in time (in our universe) between the development of the film Rogue One and the Rebels series, and so there was understandably, and rewardingly for the viewer, some cross fertilisation between the two projects, especially as in the Star Wars universe Rebels and Rogue One are very, very near each other in time, and so involve some of the same characters (eg Saw) AND other things.


Oooooh I can't put it together from what you told me, so maybe I'll follow up on it after I've finished Rebels!!!!! It'll be fun to pick out the Easter eggs!!!!!!!!