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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 9, eps 13- 17!  Oh wow guys, I was not prepared for so much epicness!!!  The Freelancer mission / chase scene was out of this world!  The animation and music were stunning!  I love that we're digging deeper into some even more personalized stories, like how Carolina obviously feels about "losing" to Tex, etc.  On the Blood Gulch side we had a funeral for Simmons, got to chat with Tex and learn a few things, etc.  Great eps, I can't believe the finale is next time!  Cannot wait!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RvB 9x13 - 9x17 reaction.mp4



That jump off the skyscraper blew my mind the first time I saw it. The final two fights from season 8 will always more emotional impact, but they can't compete with the scale. Every once in a while you have to sit back and think, this show started with a microphone in a walk in closet, a single xbox, and Burnie's personal computer. And eight years later they're doing this. Speaking of 2011, Sarge's entire plan is a direct parody of a 2006 movie called The Core, which was not a particularly topical reference at the time. Very accurate parody of it though.


It was awesome! I agree, the emotional impact was greater in those fights, but these were just textbook perfect and gorgeous. It's amazing isn't it?! To think of where they started and now this! Hahahaha I haven't seen that movie but if there's one thing that could make me wanna see it it's this :P


Sarge has actually summarized the plot of The Core pretty well, except they're trying to restart the rotation of the Earth, instead of whatever Sarge thing he's trying to accomplish.

Kayleigh McRae

Couple things to note. Alpha is still whole and working with the director at this point. Meaning the fragments aren't here yet. Tex is. But she's been put in as a agent. The second thing which connects to that is. Carolina who is all about protocol and following orders. Did a reckless move here based on trying to one up Tex (who we the viewers know is an AI in a robot body), in order to keep pace she used the speed unit that Grif used in season 6. Without an AI! She risked her life in order to keep up with Texas. That says alot here. Carolina is very competitive. And determined to stay number one. Even willing to use equipment without proper protection.


The whoosh sound effects at the end of episodes are remnants from the original episodes. That whoosh would play with the 343 studios logo and either bungie or microsoft logo. When they moved the episodes to the


rvb channel they just cut out the logos but kept the whoosh, some of the older sites and older channel still have the logos with the whoosh.

Zach Feifel

Sorry I forgot to give you this last week. The list of songs for the RvB Season 9 soundtrack. "Can't Trust Anybody Now" plays during the end credits so my personal suggestion is to listen to that one last. But it's your video, your choice. Enjoy! Bow Chicka Bow Wow- https://www.google.com/search?q=bow+chicka+wow+wow+red+vs+blue+lyrics&client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ8ZscV7kfYnufzXBZXZUcytVGekQ%3A1664301812794&ei=9DozY6n_L6Ou5NoPrfKX8Ak&oq=bow+chicka+wow+wow+rvb+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYAjIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABOgcIABBHELADOgUIABCABDoICC4QgAQQ1AI6CAgAEB4QDxAWOgUILhCABEoECEEYAFCVBliqIWCUOGgBcAB4AIABlgGIAbMJkgEDMS45mAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9467eeaa,vid:B0ANuGyQHLs,st:0 Donut: The Musical- https://www.google.com/search?q=donut+the+musical&oq=donut+the+musical&aqs=chrome..69i57.8039j0j9&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6c5087a1,vid:9lQzAeqLaAE,st:0 Talkin' That Shit- https://www.google.com/search?q=talkin+that+shit+lamar+hall&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=mniv&sxsrf=ALiCzsYce4kdH7CgY0U4M0aFwlfxbIpAzA:1664302283690&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwib7auTybX6AhVXKFkFHTSjBSwQ_AUoBHoECAIQBA&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f61c20ce,vid:pnfpdelL_DI,st:0 Falling Towards The Sky- https://www.google.com/search?q=falling+towards+the+sky&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALiCzsaiWe1b_sx20HYuAp474_m6hhkuFQ:1664302344609&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI_rGwybX6AhXlFFkFHZosBbEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:19551bfb,vid:n_7t87R_n_s,st:0 Round One- https://www.google.com/search?q=round+one+jeff+williams+lyrics&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=vmni&sxsrf=ALiCzsaxFXk0-e29ZS2BsZthNSg37-wPyA:1664302494384&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirxuf3ybX6AhULFlkFHaYQB5kQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e8a6c5b7,vid:h34e7orWvqI,st:0 On Your Knees- https://www.google.com/search?q=on+your+knees+jeff+williams&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALiCzsbXjEzSvJ00FCyOor8fgnekiN-5kg:1664302550240&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ27iSyrX6AhUcEFkFHc27B7EQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1b52acfc,vid:CAEqNSRkMnA,st:0 Can't Trust Anybody Now- https://www.google.com/search?q=Can%27t+Trust+Anybody+Now&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbY_O9zFeFI5iVa9sPotg-hmQB-Wg:1664302623377&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg2qi1yrX6AhWVF1kFHYipA7YQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:67ca4a01,vid:HXZGvWTbFbA,st:0

Zach Feifel

Sorry for the second comment but a fun little joke at 38:31 when Tex says, "I guess we were inseparable." His name is Church, her name is Texas. The separation of church and state.

Brandon Dodge

This is definitely up there as one of my favorite set pieces that RT ever did. I believe this highway takes place on New Mombasa, which we saw in Halo ODST and I think Halo Reach. When Tex first rides on her motorcycle we hear a version of her Agent Texas theme from Season 8 and when she blows up cars with a rocket launcher in Spiral it plays a version of A Girl Named Tex from the Blood Gulch Seasons. We also hear Carolina's Theme a couple times. When we first see Tex and Carolina questions her about the oil platform, it's the Agent Tex Theme and Carolina's Theme mixed together. And we hear Carolina's Theme again during their whole chase for the briefcase at the end. I believe Pyrrha's appearance and even her background was partially based on Carolina. Her being the best fighter, a red head, voiced by Jen Brown. It's really cool. I believe Murderofbirds did a compare and contrast for these 2 similar yet different characters in one of his Season 9 Discussions. I believe it was the batch when Tex showed up. We learned more about Maine in these episodes. Aparrently he's afraid of heights, which honestly kinda made his death pretty sad. We see him get his signature weapon, the Brute Shot, AKA the "Knifle" lol. And he wasn't that bad of a guy back then. He took a bullet for Carolina, and suffered multiple shots in the throat, and then got run over by a truck. It's because of this event that he can't talk in the future. Why he growls. It's really sad. I'm so looking forward to the finale and of course the amazing soundtrack.


My favorite Agent Maine had a real bad day today :( as we see from now he wasn't a bad guy, just scary, he sacrificed himself multiple times in these episodes for his friends and ended up severely wounded for it.

Kayleigh McRae

Agent Maine fortunely wasn't shot in a fatal place. That whole round of bullets was shot into his throat. Yes his throat is destroyed but it isn't fatal if he gets help.


It's really fun to me to see here that, despite being more or less the straight man to the reds and blues, Wash was kinda the goofball compared to all the other freelancers

Tyler Stobbe

I do need to ask this before I get into it, you have the OST information from someone? Since you’ll need it in two weeks. That’s the one thing not in my department. :) Regarding the batch itself, there’s definitely a lot of unpacking to do. South was left off the mission not just because of her violating her operational orders, but it’s also part of the manipulation of the team the Director has no qualms about doing. Arrogance is a theme in the early part of this batch, not only does Alpha call the Director on his (since, they’re basically the same person), but Carolina responds to a “good luck” from York with “Thanks. We (my team) won’t need it.” Tex ended up shooting Lopez for a kill. So of course he’s now just a head again. Where have I seen this before? Also Donut’s cry of despair? Why does this sound kinda like… Caboose and the skull? Who could forget that? 🙃 The weapon Maine picked up during the mission is the same one he uses as his weapon of choice later (or in this case, earlier) in the series. My head hurts from that sentence. When Tex plants the tracking beam, of course it gives the voice if Sheila the chance to say those three special words: “Firing main cannon.” Which is immediately followed by “Son of a…” - the same sequence occurred when Church was killed in Season 1. Team B failed, so Carolina’s team ended up having to recover both the sarcophagus and the suitcase. I’ve been looking for this exchange for a while to remind you and finally found it. It’s time to recount a conversation Church had with Tex in Season 5 because it’s the one time Carolina was ever mentioned and it was very brief, so you might’ve glossed over it. Tex: I had to leave. I found Wyoming. Church: Yeah, Tucker told me. Tex: I thought I tracked him back to O’Malley. But by the time York and I got there - Church: York - your old freelancer buddy? Was Carolina with him? Tex: She was already dead. Washington has the worst luck with cars, doesn’t he? If he’s not getting hit by them directly he’s getting kidnapped by them. Tex being talked into fixing the tank as an excuse for Church to keep her around… I think that bit’s been done before. Also Caboose come over here and give me $100 and I’ll show you how to comment on a post. :D Also the world is ending in the memory unit. Never fear though, Sarge’s plan to kick the planet’s ass is foolproof! Carolina is used to being #1 but now she’s being challenged for the first time in her career. When your position is threatened, there’s no telling how you’ll react to it. And Tex is the biggest challenger she’s ever faced. Speaking of Tex… you thought Yang on a bike was cool? (Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if Monty got the idea for the Bumblebee bike from this cut). I want to point out something technically really cool that Monty did in the last episode in this batch. The action scene with the whole truck chase (during which the suitcase changed hands and Maine gets shot)? There’s like over an entire minute where the camera does not cut once. It’s all one freakishly continuous shot so you can follow where everyone is. Go back and watch it just to notice that. Info will be fired off soon! It’s a little e later cause of OST reactions. :) Buckle up! :D


Sniff the red hair 😭 🤧 Man this was a moving royal rumble. 🚗 So that was always Maine’s persona. His size and reclusive speech makes me think of him as like Kane from WWE. He’s just a massive monster. Which is saying something among all these badasses. Man this mission(s) are really letting us see more than cooperation. It also shows certain interaction and fall outs. This is a really good season


Haha that's awesome! Lol whatever Sarge thing he's trying to accomplish....sums up a lot hehehe!


Gotcha!!! Yeah it seemed that way, I wasn't sure. Yes, so true about Carolina! She's by the book but very competitive. That was the speed thing?! I didn't even realize! How the heck did she even do that without an AI! That does say a lot!! Thanks for clarifying!


Thanks so much for the soundtrack info and links, yay!!! OHHHHHH wow, I did not even put that together but wow, very subtle but powerful statement there haha.


He did!!!! :( He was definitely growly even back then but not a bad guy at all, definitely seems to be a good friend and teammate!!


That's intense that someone can live after that but yeah, I suppose he could get help, ouch though...!!!


Hahaha that's so true!!!! He's goofy around the freelancers and straight laced round the reds and blues....ahhh Wash <3


I know!!!!!!!!!!!! D: It truly was! Oh I can totally see the Kane reference! It really is saying something because all of these agents are pretty skilled. So true, we're really getting to know everyone through this mission! This season rocks!!!


Thanks for the info! It's awesome right! Whoa I didn't realize that was some of her theme! I have to go back and listen for Carolina's theme too. No kidding, I can't believe Pyrrha was loosely based off Carolina, that's so cool! So cool about the compare/contrast video. Awwww this whole thing does make me feel sad for Maine! The Knifle lol. He didn't seem like a bad guy at all, now we know why he growls too. Awww!!! I can't wait for the finale and soundtrack too!!!


Oh yes, I got it! Thanks for double checking! Yeah I can tell the Director is really making use of head games here. Oh yeah the arrogance too....imagine having an AI copy of yourself to keep you in check and you still can't own up to it lol. Yeah it really feels like even though they're a team, there's this kind of competitive FOMO going on lol. Poor Lopez!! Yeah Donut's cry was something. Oh yes the skull! Lol wibbly wobbly, but I hear what you're saying about the weapon. Oh nice callback about Church's line. Oh nooooo!!! You're right, I did not register that line.....so sad! Oh yeah, I think we've seen this one before right lol. Hahaha Caboose just handing out Benjamins! LOL we can trust Sarge to save the world! That's the thing, the risk of being knocked from that #1 spot does weird things to folks. OMG Tex on a bike!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if that led to some inspiration for Yang too. WHOA!!! That's a good call on the long shot of the chase scene, come to think of it, that's downright incredible!!! I need to go back and watch! Ahhh can't wait!!!!!!!

Tyler Stobbe

I forgot to mention this originally but it seems you mixed a couple of characters together. The Counselor is the Director’s assistant and loyal to him; he is NOT the CHAIRMAN who the Director was having all those back and forth arguments with in Season 6. They are different people. Their titles just both happen to start with the letter C. :)

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 20:09:55 I love this reaction. These are some of the best episodes and one of the highlights of season 9 for me. I think seeing the planning for the mission is really cool especially because the details are important for what happens. Seeing 2 people so similar interact with each other in Alpha and the Director is interesting. I like the lineup of the leaders of the group they are facing it’s cool. I think it’s great that the freelancers have such a good plan even though they don’t have as much information as they would like. Also you can already see the unknowns and secrets within the project. And Connecticut is still being very upfront about what she believes is going on with the rankings. It’s nice to see York back so soon even if it’s not the best idea not recuperating completely. I like getting to see Carolina’s caring when she confirms he is okay. You should always be reading between the lines with this show even when it turns out to not be necessary. And then we get more great comedy with Tex in the memory unit. Donut’s reaction to Simmons “death” when it’s actually Lopez is absolutely incredible especially the dramatic scream cry LOL. The funeral is ridiculous. Seriously poor Simmons nobody knows him well enough. I love all the unique weapons in the place the freelancers are infiltrating especially because I believe they are all from the Halo games. Also Washington’s humor during this mission is fantastic. It’s great to get to know Maine as a person on this mission. It was pretty clever how they got the artifact to the roof. I love the armor with the shark helmet and it is impressive that the guy actually gave freelancers some trouble. It’s awesome to see Carolina in action she is so cool. The implication of why Tex is here is shady since it is getting rid of evidence of their involvement in these missions. I love the humor of the transmitter bit and it’s great to see Carolina pull the camouflage trick again. It’s actually crazy to see how powerful the Mother of invention is blowing up this skyscraper. Also even though it’s much more serious it’s nice to hear Phyllis’s signature line. Don’t feel too bad about confusing the Counselor & the Chairman since we have not seen the Counselor that much. Although I did think of a joke along the lines of she’s a little confused but she’s got this spirit LOL don’t take it too seriously. The entire falling section is so good with the choreography/movements as they are trying to get the artifact in the ship. The pilot is once again 479er showing off her skills by pulling up at the last minute before crashing into the ground. I love how the music gets muffled when they go into the tunnel before going full blast when the building collapses. Also the is that a car moment is brilliant. I will only say that the song is amazing for now. It certainly makes you and us hype for that soundtrack reaction. York is indeed smooth even if it doesn’t always get a reaction. Sarge’s plan is certainly something LOL it’s incredible especially the wordplay. The way Maine takes out the target is brutal with that weapon. The fight on the highway is really cool partially because of how mobile it is In addition to showing off the characters it’s great. And we get to see even more of the skills of the freelancers. I love that we got to see Maine’s protective nature constantly coming to his friends defense and getting hurt because of it. The moment when the enemy is being stabbed and throws the gun to their ally is so cool with the cinematography even if it’s the reason Maine cannot talk (love that this is explained here). And we see how much Carolina cares about her team/friends here as well. It’s interesting to see this flaw of competitiveness in Carolina. Surprisingly the mission probably succeeded because she went after Tex because of the always fails flaw. The way the speed unit power and the race is animated is so good. Also Tex on a motorbike is almost too awesome. I love how Tex’s failures can be obvious or subtle. It’s awesome that Pyrrha’s appearance and some attributes were based on Carolina I love that design. It really was great to see the coordination/teamwork of the freelancers. I love the food analogy you used to describe the show :-). Especially because I love food just like you. Also in my opinion meals like dinner are better than dessert. Awesome reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2022-10-05 17:04:01 I love this reaction. These are some of the best episodes and one of the highlights of season 9 for me. I think seeing the planning for the mission is really cool especially because the details are important for what happens. Seeing 2 people so similar interact with each other in Alpha and the Director is interesting. I like the lineup of the leaders of the group they are facing it’s cool. I think it’s great that the freelancers have such a good plan even though they don’t have as much information as they would like. Also you can already see the unknowns and secrets within the project. And Connecticut is still being very upfront about what she believes is going on with the rankings. It’s nice to see York back so soon even if it’s not the best idea not recuperating completely. I like getting to see Carolina’s caring when she confirms he is okay. You should always be reading between the lines with this show even when it turns out to not be necessary. And then we get more great comedy with Tex in the memory unit. Donut’s reaction to Simmons “death” when it’s actually Lopez is absolutely incredible especially the dramatic scream cry LOL. The funeral is ridiculous. Seriously poor Simmons nobody knows him well enough. I love all the unique weapons in the place the freelancers are infiltrating especially because I believe they are all from the Halo games. Also Washington’s humor during this mission is fantastic. It’s great to get to know Maine as a person on this mission. It was pretty clever how they got the artifact to the roof. I love the armor with the shark helmet and it is impressive that the guy actually gave freelancers some trouble. It’s awesome to see Carolina in action she is so cool. The implication of why Tex is here is shady since it is getting rid of evidence of their involvement in these missions. I love the humor of the transmitter bit and it’s great to see Carolina pull the camouflage trick again. It’s actually crazy to see how powerful the Mother of invention is blowing up this skyscraper. Also even though it’s much more serious it’s nice to hear Phyllis’s signature line. Don’t feel too bad about confusing the Counselor & the Chairman since we have not seen the Counselor that much. Although I did think of a joke along the lines of she’s a little confused but she’s got this spirit LOL don’t take it too seriously. The entire falling section is so good with the choreography/movements as they are trying to get the artifact in the ship. The pilot is once again 479er showing off her skills by pulling up at the last minute before crashing into the ground. I love how the music gets muffled when they go into the tunnel before going full blast when the building collapses. Also the is that a car moment is brilliant. I will only say that the song is amazing for now. It certainly makes you and us hype for that soundtrack reaction. York is indeed smooth even if it doesn’t always get a reaction. Sarge’s plan is certainly something LOL it’s incredible especially the wordplay. The way Maine takes out the target is brutal with that weapon. The fight on the highway is really cool partially because of how mobile it is In addition to showing off the characters it’s great. And we get to see even more of the skills of the freelancers. I love that we got to see Maine’s protective nature constantly coming to his friends defense and getting hurt because of it. The moment when the enemy is being stabbed and throws the gun to their ally is so cool with the cinematography even if it’s the reason Maine cannot talk (love that this is explained here). And we see how much Carolina cares about her team/friends here as well. It’s interesting to see this flaw of competitiveness in Carolina. Surprisingly the mission probably succeeded because she went after Tex because of the always fails flaw. The way the speed unit power and the race is animated is so good. Also Tex on a motorbike is almost too awesome. I love how Tex’s failures can be obvious or subtle. It’s awesome that Pyrrha’s appearance and some attributes were based on Carolina I love that design. It really was great to see the coordination/teamwork of the freelancers. I love the food analogy you used to describe the show :-). Especially because I love food just like you. Also in my opinion meals like dinner are better than dessert. Awesome reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this reaction. These are some of the best episodes and one of the highlights of season 9 for me. I think seeing the planning for the mission is really cool especially because the details are important for what happens. Seeing 2 people so similar interact with each other in Alpha and the Director is interesting. I like the lineup of the leaders of the group they are facing it’s cool. I think it’s great that the freelancers have such a good plan even though they don’t have as much information as they would like. Also you can already see the unknowns and secrets within the project. And Connecticut is still being very upfront about what she believes is going on with the rankings. It’s nice to see York back so soon even if it’s not the best idea not recuperating completely. I like getting to see Carolina’s caring when she confirms he is okay. You should always be reading between the lines with this show even when it turns out to not be necessary. And then we get more great comedy with Tex in the memory unit. Donut’s reaction to Simmons “death” when it’s actually Lopez is absolutely incredible especially the dramatic scream cry LOL. The funeral is ridiculous. Seriously poor Simmons nobody knows him well enough. I love all the unique weapons in the place the freelancers are infiltrating especially because I believe they are all from the Halo games. Also Washington’s humor during this mission is fantastic. It’s great to get to know Maine as a person on this mission. It was pretty clever how they got the artifact to the roof. I love the armor with the shark helmet and it is impressive that the guy actually gave freelancers some trouble. It’s awesome to see Carolina in action she is so cool. The implication of why Tex is here is shady since it is getting rid of evidence of their involvement in these missions. I love the humor of the transmitter bit and it’s great to see Carolina pull the camouflage trick again. It’s actually crazy to see how powerful the Mother of invention is blowing up this skyscraper. Also even though it’s much more serious it’s nice to hear Phyllis’s signature line. Don’t feel too bad about confusing the Counselor & the Chairman since we have not seen the Counselor that much. Although I did think of a joke along the lines of she’s a little confused but she’s got this spirit LOL don’t take it too seriously. The entire falling section is so good with the choreography/movements as they are trying to get the artifact in the ship. The pilot is once again 479er showing off her skills by pulling up at the last minute before crashing into the ground. I love how the music gets muffled when they go into the tunnel before going full blast when the building collapses. Also the is that a car moment is brilliant. I will only say that the song is amazing for now. It certainly makes you and us hype for that soundtrack reaction. York is indeed smooth even if it doesn’t always get a reaction. Sarge’s plan is certainly something LOL it’s incredible especially the wordplay. The way Maine takes out the target is brutal with that weapon. The fight on the highway is really cool partially because of how mobile it is In addition to showing off the characters it’s great. And we get to see even more of the skills of the freelancers. I love that we got to see Maine’s protective nature constantly coming to his friends defense and getting hurt because of it. The moment when the enemy is being stabbed and throws the gun to their ally is so cool with the cinematography even if it’s the reason Maine cannot talk (love that this is explained here). And we see how much Carolina cares about her team/friends here as well. It’s interesting to see this flaw of competitiveness in Carolina. Surprisingly the mission probably succeeded because she went after Tex because of the always fails flaw. The way the speed unit power and the race is animated is so good. Also Tex on a motorbike is almost too awesome. I love how Tex’s failures can be obvious or subtle. It’s awesome that Pyrrha’s appearance and some attributes were based on Carolina I love that design. It really was great to see the coordination/teamwork of the freelancers. I love the food analogy you used to describe the show :-). Especially because I love food just like you. Also in my opinion meals like dinner are better than dessert. Awesome reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Yay, thank you! This was a great season for sure. They do have a pretty good plan considering being in the dark about a lot. Also it's so nice to see the interactions right! Oh good, I'm glad I'm not reaching by theorizing lol. And omg, the whole Simmons funeral was amazing and Donut's scream cry was everything! That's cool about the weapons, and it was really fun to see Washington before all the craziness of the most recent stories happened! The shark helmet was pretty amazing too haha. And getting to know Maine has been great. Carolina is awesome, I've loved getting to know her a bit more! And yes, Mother of Invention is crazy powerful. Oh thank you for your patience with my confusion haha, the joke is pretty spot on lol! I couldn't agree more about the animation and it was a cool touch with the music too! I'm filming the soundtrack reaction today and I cannot wait to hear that song in its entirety!!! LOL I'd expect nothing less from a Sarge plan! Yeah it was really cool getting to see the dynamic between team members here, especially Maine, and learning the backstory of why he can't talk! Oh that's a good call about the results because of going after Tex! Tex on a motorbike is off the charts awesome!!! I love that Pyrrha was loosely based on Carolina too!! Hahaha I'm glad you enjoy my food analogies!!! Always nice to know another foodie like myself!!!! I hear you about meals / savory vs. dessert! Thank you so much, I truly appreciate all the support and encouragement! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!!! ^_^