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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction to episode 139!  WOW guys!!!  YES, so this is the one where we finally start to see Killua's side of things, and learn about Alluka the person, not the "thing".  Also good to note that whatever is going on here, she is NOT her ability!!!  In fact, it seems to almost be a separate entity.  And being the awesome brother he is, Killua knows even more about how it works than anyone else!!  I could not believe his friggin boss move at the end haha.  So instead of understanding her, they locked her away.....not surprising, but heartbreaking!  I believe in my little man, that he's gonna save her and Gon!!!!  Can't wait for more!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


Hunter x Hunter 1x139 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime :) Ging, Netero and Gon are made of the same wood, they live to enjoy life, have fun and do what they want. Pariston is one of the most hated characters but at the same time appreciated, because he does everything to be hated, but in the most sparkling way lol. Yes Alluka was born a boy, so all her family and those around her use "he", but she considers herself a girl and Killua considers her as his sister. You understand I put "brother" in quotation marks the last time, because if for the Zoldyck family, Alluka is a boy, in reality and for Killua it's a girl. Togashi has always played on gender ambiguity, as you could see with Kurapika and Pito, but Alluka is the first officially transgender HxH character. Killua is certainly the one who worries the most about Alluka, but he is not the only one. If you remember during the Kimera Ant arc, when the spiders faced the ants, Kalluto who had joined them, seeing the power of Feitan said that he needed more power to help his brother, he was talking about Alluka (because he does not yet know her well enough to call her sister, Kalluto being the youngest of the family). Illumi is clearly delusional. Because he thought the person Killua loved the most in the world was him... it's part of his twisted version of the love that Illumi has. Anyway, you met Alluka and as a trans person, you can guess that I love this character ^^.


Hello, Spadeas! I see your comment, usually the first, every HxH upload xD I would like to make sober that idea, though, about Kalluto. It would make plenty of sense if Killua wasn't the only one not screwy in the head, and it's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. But we don't know who Kalluto was referring to. We all kind of assumed, initially, that he meant Killua when he was watching Fei fight; kinda emulating Illumi's twisted devotion to family, no doubt reflecting their mother. And that's always a possibility. But I am a fan of the theory that he was actually referring to Alluka, though we can't prove it w/o confirmation. He still has plenty of reasons to train with the Troupe, though, so he might end up staying with them for a while, no matter how this arc plays out. But knowing the Zoldycks, his allegiances should presumably remain towards family. Even Killua respects his father and grandfather. Each member of the Zoldyck family is such a fascinating case study to me, individually; the oldest who was trained in full isolation, the second son who fell through the cracks, the third prodigal son with multigenerational potential, the cast-out "son," and Kalluto... the forgotten? But I think Kalluto's the only one who's core motivation(s) aren't known to us, the audience, yet. Anyway, as you know, lots of fun to be had in the last nine episodes ^.^


"Brother, die!" Yeah, normal freakin' game at the Zoldyck place, haha. Granted, that's very sibling-esque as well. Still, your reaction was pretty hilarious lol. Yeah, so just to clarify, "Something--" or if you listen, "Nanika" is the one who has this immense power. I really shouldn't say anything beyond that. That said though; if Alluka makes requests, no payment is required. But if Nanika makes the request.... well, you've already gotten the lowdown there. Essentially, and in layman's terms, Nanika demands equivalent exchange for their granted wishes, but it's the next person who needs to reconcile that condition. For example, requesting millions of dollars, the follow-up was organ payments, which would no doubt cost millions of dollars--especially since we don't have a price on brain transplants yet, as that tech doesn't exist and is possibly unethical lol. Alluka's the sweetheart I abstained from warning you about; that you had another adoptee on the way, haha. But this new side of Killua we get to see, the big brother, is only more heartwarming because of all the strides he's made since first leaving home. We'll see what this new collection of dynamics will tell us about the family, and Killua's goals moving forward. Right, so all the pieces of the board are getting into place, lot of introductions, exposition, and plot progression. Just gotta wait for that ball to drop now, hehe.


Lol Milluki does not like to get his hands dirty. Not cause he’s a good guy but cause he’s more the tech savvy kind. I think he spends a lot of his allowance on his wants. Remember he phones his dad and says he’ll kill if he gives him some 💵. That’ was for the attempt at the auction to get his hands on agreed Island. That was him working for his interest. He’s a genius with technology but killing with his hands is just a chore that he’s too lazy and would rather have Alluka do for a new computer. Now I’m really glad I’m not the only one who thought that pronouns thing was iffy. I know today ppl are sensitive to the topic but I honestly don’t think that’s the case here. And it also get me wondering about Kalluto as well. Ppl just make it sound like the Zoldycks are not allowed to have boys. So either Father Zoldyck can control his sperm (This is a huge reach, which I’m sure is not true, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was knowing this family lol), or he just raises them as male. I know fans are adamant of ppl using correct wording or pronouns but I don’t think it’s that black and white. I feel there is a lot more evidence that they do this with their children. I mean they all ready control them since birth with electricity and poison. ☠️ The dad who got stabbed with a poison covered dagger that could take a whale out, squeezed the toxin out and sewed his wound back up with his hair in a second refuses to call a child like that human. This family is so messed up in many ways. Togashi has made characters of different fluidity in his works, so he’s definitely no stranger to the idea; he’s even done so in very brash fashion on Yu Yu Hakusho but this is not one of those things. I feel it runs deeper. Like how in some countries in past times felt a boy was worth more than a girl because they were deemed as future workers who could provide. That’s where my head is at with this. I don’t know if we’ll get an answer, but I like to play around with this idea. To me Killua calling Alluka sister is giving her a personality of her own. Kalluto may be a girl after all and just referred to as brother. I was surprised Alluka was older because she was not tampered by the Zoldycks as much. Her mental age is still innocent compared to Kalluto. I could be wrong with Kalluto but I still find it odd how it’s stated the mom always wanted a daughter but still never referred to Kalluto as one. If they were trans wouldn’t they most likely want to be called she. (Again touchy subject I’m sorry). But in actual Zoldyck fashion it would make sense for them to keep the raised children in these mindsets for their careers and lifestyle. Alluka is dressed as is and her room is of a more feminine touch. Beit a prison but still, they have no qualms with how the present themselves as long as they’re titled sons. It’s very eerie and not clear but I myself can’t really bring myself to call these situations as a simple one and two thing. I feel it’s the reason why fans are so mad at Illumi in the first episode of this arc, but I can find loopholes with that all day. Again it’s a much different time. It’s a revamped version of an older manga; the author has no problem brining in diverse characters but he didn’t do it because of todays youth. Which is why I think it’s something different then what’s actually claimed by most of the now. Sorry about this long one, I have to get this idea out there ugh it’s been on my mind for the longest time 😩


Hi Spadeas! :) Yes they do have that in common! Hahha yeah Pariston is super shady but also sparkly, so....at least he's entertaining! Thanks for the info about Alluka! I was pretty sure they were implying she is transgender, but wanted to be absolutely sure since they didn't come out and say it. It's so awesome to see trans representation in anime!!! Ohhhh so that's what Kalluto meant!!!! That actually makes sense, and Buddyguard - it actually does make a lot of sense that he might be referring to her, and not be as far gone as the rest of the family. Couldn't agree more that the Zoldyck family are fascinating to watch, although not lacking in making me frustrated haha! Spadeas - this is further proof of Illumi being delusional for sure! Thank you both for sharing your thoughts!


Hahaha just another day in the Zoldyck house I guess!!! :O :P Ohhhhhh thanks for clarifying about Nanika, and how the requests work. Thanks for explaining the equivalent exchange too, that's definitely more detailed than how I was understanding it! Awwwww hahaha yes I definitely need to adopt Alluka as well! I can't wait to see more. I think it's gonna be quite an action-packed last handful ofeps!!!!


I agree that Milluki just takes the easy way out whenever possible! He's definitely not a hands-on guy, unless we're talking about hands on a keyboard lol. I think you bring up some really interesting points about Alluka!!! It kinda makes sense that this could possibly be less of a straightforward gender identity situation, and more of a Zoldycks-are-bizarre-and-controlling-beyond-belief / boys are "required" for this line of work / take your pick kind of thing lol. I'm not sure if it's ever clarified or not too, but it's interesting to speculate. That's true about the room and Alluka's clothing style / appearance - they didn't try to take those away, yet insist on referring to her as a son. It sounds like the mangaka incorporates diverse characters throughout their works so I'd be curious to know what the reasoning was when this was written. Thanks for all your input!!! It's actually really interesting to think about!!


Spadeas - I think your reply got deleted accidentally, do you want me to re-paste it? Sorry about that!


No it will not be necessary, the most important part of my answer was that Kalluto said he wanted to help his brother and that just after Alluka was introduced for the first time, so even if we are not sure, it is still largely implied he was talking about her.


Yes I agree! You and Buddyguard both put forth some interesting theories about why it would be Alluka!


Yeah, the frustration doesn't go away, and always flares up for me when a reacter reaches this arc 😂 Either way, we must plow on and stay ever-fascinated 👍


the way im not gonna read that long paragraph above but i agree to an extent and will give my 2 cents. i feel their are a few possiblities with alluka's gender. shes trans mtf and her family doesnt respect her because they dont view her as human. shes is assigned female at birth but they call her a boy bc they are only allowed boys. or her being called by male pronouns is some kind of language barrier issue but i find the first two a lot more likely with the authors history of writing lgbtq characters and how the zoldyk family functions but this is one of if not the only big debate in the hxh fandom lol


Interesting that it's debated quite a bit! Honestly neither of the first two options would surprise me. I suppose it's kind of up to the viewer to decide if it's never really mentioned!