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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 21 of REBELS!!!!  WHOAAAA!!!  I knew things were gonna get real in this finale, but never, EVER did I imagine Maul would show up!!!!!  As soon as I saw his chin, I knew exactly who it was!!  Oh Ezra, do NOT be taken in by this man!!!  I know exactly what Maul is thinking too - that Ezra has great little bro potential.  But this is all gonna hit the fan now that Ahsoka's seen him!!!!!  That ending......what a ride we're in for!!!  Great ep! Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 2x21 full reaction.mp4



HE’S BAAAAACK! So I did know Maul came back in Rebels but I don’t think I knew he showed up here specifically so that was still a cool surprise. We got a lightsaber similar to Kylo’s, and I believe in terms of release this was the first one, I think this episode came out right before TFA. We got ANOTHER Inquisitor, this one being the Sixth Brother I think, and it’s apparently been stated that he’s a Terrelian Jango Jumper, the same race as the girl that stole Ahsoka’s lightsaber in Clone Wars which is a neat obscure pull. And with him also comes the infamous use of the Helicopter-saber XD Also I love Maul’s reaction to Ezra calling himself Jabba, since he actually knows Jabba lol.


OMG!!!!! Sorry you got spoiled a bit but glad it was still a nice overall surprise! That's true, it was similar to Kylo's. And we got another Inquisitor! Ohhhh no kidding about the girl who stole Ahsoka's lightsaber, that was a nice callback! Ohhh yeah the helicopter saber is the stuff of legend! HAHAHAHA omg I know, that reaction was priceless!!!


Rex and Ahsoka's conversation at the start, is a hark back to their very first conversation when they first met, in the Clone Wars movie. Ezra hearing voices and touching that obelisk throwing them underground, suggests he's very susceptible to the dark side here. In fact in the design of Malachor and the Sith Temple, its reminiscent of Dante's Divine Comedy (and mainly his ideas of the descending circles of Hell) where each level represents our crew sinking further into darkness - and note Ezra goes one level below Ahsoka and Kanan, where he is 'tempted' by an actual Sith in Maul. Note Maul using a warped version of the mentor trope that Yoda says to Luke on first meeting 'away put your weapon, I mean you no harm' to 'please put your weapon away, I mean you no harm' - yeah ok Maul!! Ezra using Jabba as a pseudonym again, not realising Maul worked with Jabba lol! In the original script, Maul was going to tell Ezra that Sidious used to bring him here to explore ancient secrets of the Sith and to train. I think it was subsequently brought up in a comic, which is why Maul knows of this place. Chopper able to deal with Inquisitors, what a little hero he is when he wants to be! Cool seeing a crossguard sabre like Kylo Ren uses, when Ezra picks one up here. Old lightsabres ran 'hot', so to help with cooling, vents across the side of them were installed to stop them overheating. Kylo uses a cracked kyber crystal that is pretty unstable, so found these old designs to be useful for his iconic 'sith' lightsabre. Good point you make Mel on Maul charming Ezra. The more manipulative Sith do this. Its what Palpatine did to Anakin for years, and was a tactic to recruit Dooku after he left the Jedi.


When I first watched this I assumed that they were going to kill Ashoka off only because i didn't think they would use her again since she was non existent in the original trilogy even before they showed her and Vader's fight. I am so glad I was wrong because she along with Batman, and Qrow from RWBY are still my 3 favorite animated or otherwise characters of all time. I have a silhouette of Ahsoka's head with the quote"I AM NO JEDI" emblem on the back lower left window of my Jeep along with Qrow's symbol on the lower right. The Batman symbol is around the license plate. . At least you don't have to wait as long as we all did to see what happens next. Looking forward to next week.


Thats damn cool having Ahsoka and Batman (my favourite of the superheroes) on your car window. :D

Brandon Dodge

I love whenever Maul quotes the Sith Code, "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall free me." Interesting to think about that he had a name before he was taken, before it was changed to Maul, as most Sith do, with the exception of Dooku I suppose lol As Saltire mentioned Ahsoka and Rex's conversation is a callback to their first meeting in the Clone Wars Movie, "In my book, experience outranks everything." Technically the last time you saw Maul was in Clone Wars, but chronologically in Solo he was the Leader of the Crimson Dawn Crime Syndicate. And now we see him here, alone on Malachor, with Vader's Inquisitors hunting him. I like to imagine that at some point Palpatine sent Vader to destroy Maul and either have the Syndicate serve the Empire, or eradicate it completely. Then Maul narrowly escapes and hides in the fringes of the Galaxy until he he ends up here. And it makes sense why Palpatine would do this. All to essentially tie up any loose ends and to eliminate any threats to him and his Empire, similar to how Palpatine went after Maul before.

Tyler Stobbe

I suppose this is where I kind of get my out of the loopiness on Clone Wars paid back, since I’m still in Season 1. So I have no base of reference yet for why Maul is here, or how he got here, or what his motives are. Chopper, on the other hand is quite helpful… when he WANTS to be. He always seems totally exasperated when he’s told he needs to do something, though. As far as the Inquisitor who was there initially, it’s heavily implied Maul is the one they were seeking. In this case it probably was a good thing I hadn’t seen CW yet, I had no idea who Maul was until the hood came off, but the way he was talking to Ezra was very… 🤨. The thing about the Sith is, they definitely have an influential persona… but nothing he is saying to Ezra is really wrong. It’s just dripping with hidden intent. I got major Indiana Jones vibes from this episode with the temple scenes, right down to when Ezra takes the holocron. MH: “He’s going to take the artifact from Ezra and let him fall, isn’t he?” Maul: “Do I look anything like Cinder?” Ezra: “Hey everyone, I brought help!” Well, I can already tell this is gonna be awkward… Your PC shorted out at the end huh, it must’ve been mauled or something. 😉


No no no stranger danger! ⚠️ ⛔️ Once someone introduces themselves as “Maul 👿” you run!


Yeah I'm sure many felt that way! Whoa, I agree with Saltire that your stickers sound AWESOME!!! I know, I'm spoiled hehe!


Ohhhh that's the sith code??? Makes sense! Yeah, good point about the name! Ohhhhh yes, I'd forgotten that line, such a nice callback! Yes, I remember him being in Solo! That makes a lot of sense about the timeline. I'm curious if we'll ever see him again!


Yeah, I always try not to say too much so as not to spoil anything, but it really is a must to see Clone Wars to really enjoy some of this stuff! Hahaha yeah Chopper decides when Chopper is helpful! Yes, they were seeking Maul, so I wondered if there was a personal connection of some kind. Oh that's true, it was a nicer reveal without having seen CW I suppose! That's the thing, what he's saying isn't bad necessarily, it's the intent behind it...!! HAHAHAHAAH noooooo the Cinder line haha! Oh yeah, Ezra showing up like a cat who's just dragged in an animal corpse to its owner....!!! LOL my PC got mauled >.<


Well all forcewielders should be killed or used, thats was palp is doing. Taking down an old but still powerfull sith, makes sense.


First off, I'm so sorry it took me forever to get back to you! I love that Rex and Ahsoka's scene is a callback to their first scene, I'd totally forgotten about that! Yeah I'm scared for Ezra! Ohhh interesting about the comparisons to Divine Comedy. Oof, so symbolic that Ezra went a bit lower!!! Hahaha yeah trust nothing Maul has to say....except that one time he was right in CW, but still lol. HAHAHA I know, I was dying over the fact that this dude has actually worked with Jabba, and here's Ezra taking the name! Oh, good note about Maul bringing up the training in the comic! Hahaha Chopper is the BOSS!!! Yeah it is interesting that he'd run into a Kylo style saber. Oh that's why they had those little vents!!! Thanks for explaining lol. Exactly, the charm is what gets you - it's slow, steady, and creeps up on you. I dare say it's insidious but that just feels too on the nose haha. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

Nate Perkins

I love the "Truth in Legends" line as what used to be the expanded universe before Disney became "Legends" and this was a nod to them planning on incorporating parts of it. When this was airing seeing Ashoka recognize Maul was a bit surprising, like the only interactions she had had at that point was being in a room with him being mentioned/on hologram. People started doing crazy theories as to how they know each other.


Oh that's cool about the nod! Oh yeah, I keep forgetting this aired before CW season 7!!! I can imagine the theorizing that was going on lol.