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Hey everyone!!  Here it is - my reaction to the ep 10 of RWBY ICE QUEENDOM!!!!  WOW, it was really interesting to see the development of Blake's nightmare.  It's so intense, like a beastly tornado!!!  I'm not sure how much control Blake actually has, if any, or if that's an actual Negative Blake....but one thing's for certain, she's getting Weiss thinking just like her original plan.  It's risky, but boy are we almost out of options here.  Loved Nora, Ren and Pyrrha wanting to jump in and help too!  Yang was killing it in this one and Ruby, well, it's all up to Ruby now!!!!!!  Cannot believe they ended me there lol.  So excited for what's next! Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Ice Queendom 1x10 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime :) I knew you would appreciate the Bees moment. Yang, who is logically the one who goes for it, when it comes to herself, is more on the defensive when the people she cares about do the same. We saw her with Ruby in the previous episodes and now with Blake. For the mirror side, in the end it's Blake who plays the reflection of Weiss, but it's pretty well found. The two opposing each other because they only have one version of the story, together they form a whole. Witley is not spared by Ruby in this series, first ejected by Crescent Rose, now she shoots him (well we're not lying to each other, it makes us feel good too lol). Although I couldn't say that the show takes me by surprise, the fact that the show never goes in the direction I imagine is a pretty good sign for me. After all, that's what I like, when the unexpected is there.


Great Reaction i have some theories about the Scythe and the Neg Versions. Unfortunately my version of why Ruby's Scythe is the way it is isn't as exciting as others, I think Weiss`s version of Crescent Rose is mainly just cosmetic in how Weiss thinks it would be better and more beneficial in battle with its range attack. I remember in RWBY Chiibi when Weiss was using Professor Ports weapon saying how its impossible to aim because of its 2 axe blades in the way, an Ruby's original scythe has that same flaw in Weiss`s eyes, Ruby has 2 blades at the end of her scythe so trying to aim with that small blade in the way could be a problem if you look at Ruby`s OG Scythe you will see what i mean (natural ruby is fine with it but this is from Weiss`s view) Also from what we know of this show from this point Weiss may not know that Ruby can transform her Scythe in a smaller sniper mode, so thats why i think Ruby`s scythe looks like that because Weiss thinks it would be more beneficial having the sniper away from the bladed sides, when Ruby shot Bat-ley nothing was obstructing her view and her blades were not in the way. i know its a long shot but that's what i immediately thought when i saw how different her weapon was, i could be wrong and most likely am but i think its a good reason, nothing drastic just a small technical error Weiss thinks could be a hinderance lol The Negative Versions are just 2 nightmare Grimms fighting while sharing the same positive and negative mainly negative emotions and thoughts of the original host. I personally don't think the real Weiss an Blake have any ounce of control over their body in the nightmare world so NegBlake we are seeing is just pure rage and revenge but some positive did come out of NegWeiss saying she knows Blake isn't like this and she will bring her back to her senses maybe that's RealWeiss positive subconsciousness kicking in. But then again with Blake accepting the Nightmare maybe she has a little control over it but i think not i dont know its tough lol i know i make no sense but its a tricky one all i know is that i love all things RWBY lol xxx

Tyler Stobbe

So first I have to ask if you that specifically because you knew I’d get out the bug spray or not? PSHHHHH! :P Okay, now that that’s done… They mentioned at the start that Nightmares don’t normally attack other Nightmares. But the logic here, is that Blake realizes her version would be so much the polar opposite of Weiss’, that they’d be forced to contend with one another. Also, you already aware of my stance on inter-team ships for RWBY, but it does actually say a lot about Blake here, that she’s willing to risk her own self for probably the person she’s most at odds with. But she’s still a teammate and a friend, and despite how much of a lone wolf Blake tends to be, it’s pretty obvious she values her companions more than she will let on. That being said, the whole idea carries a tremendous amount of risk in it, and any more slips up could result in the loss of not just the Ice Queen, but the Cat as well. So… no pressure. Also, we’re down to two coins between all four members, and they have to save both of them for different waking purposes. So no more side assists. Speaking of that. They did briefly talk about swapping out people in the dream. I’m not sure exactly how this would work, but now that it’s been put into the ether, it needs to be considered. More on that in a bit. If Weiss’ Nightmare is orderly, Blake’s can only be described as chaotic. When you were talking about her feelings, you could have been referring to either of them the way you were describing. Both of them want to become better people, but are also haunted by events in their past. It doesn’t seem like they’ve quite been overcome yet. Bashful Klein didn’t just morph into a wolf, he morphed into the White Fang wolf. Also, Adam being the trigger for Blake’s Nightmare makes perfect sense on so many levels. Just as Jacques is the plague of Weiss, Adam serves the same role for Blake. Another reflection on multiple levels. If you recall V7, the first time RWBY met Weiss’ dad and saw him manipulating her, Blake was the first one to back her up by grabbing her hand: she knew EXACTLY what was happening from her own experiences. So, the vines didn’t get to Yang because she conveniently happened to find Jaune’s cape in the snow where it was dropped earlier along the train route. No, the vines didn’t bring it to her, she just happened to be next to it at the right time. Since Jaune entered with both this and the sword, it seems logical to assume that his immunity is passed onto both items. Yang, why’d you have to break the train door right next to where the other Tiny Weisses and Jaune were? So inconvenient… Are we sure we want Ruby to have the last Relic…? She’s already lost two. Considering what happened to the red one, you’d better zip that pouch tight this time, girl! The plan does seem to be working as Negative Blake is effectively encountering Negative Weiss. The same rules apply for both: they ARE themselves at their core, and yet, they’re not. They’re manifesting their worst parts of themselves, but the mirrored ideals seem to be actually making Weiss more confused. But the good news is, since she’s off here, she can’t guard the Nightmare. Speaking of, Yang was able to crack the Nicholas’ statue’s hand with one punch… this might indicate that Blake’s Nightmare is in fact causing a strain on Weiss’. Shion is worried that her Semblance will hold, but it seems that Blake willingly accepting the Nightmare might make it easier to manage her when necessary. I view it kind of like the idea you use on a flu shot or a vaccine: you use a little of the actual strain to develop an immunity. Granted, this is SUPER extreme, but, whatever works! I’m not sure Ruby shooting Whitley is the payoff for the backwards scythe. Also, Ruby, that’s the third time you’ve lost the relic, there better not be a fourth! You saw it too, huh? The buildup, the slow motion… I pretty much said it right before it happened… they’re gonna end the episode right here, aren’t they? I’m not sure quite how Ruby will get through all those thorns. Maybe she can get help from Weiss? Also, it behooves everyone to remember… Yang is the only one not dealing with any Nightmare side effects personally. She’s just over here living her best life, and driving on the side of the wall. Because nobody else thought to defy conventional logic inside a dream yet. Could be useful. I noticed it sounded like Jaune twisted his ankle or something right next to a huge sword. Given what they’ve said about switching out, and Ren and Nora are frozen in place, I have a feeling Jaune might tag team Pyrrha. She’s the only other member still active and she’s just been kind of there. It feels like it’s time for her to get involved. Did you seriously just ask if RWBY is doing a 2-parter? You know very well how this show loves its cliffhangers! The only question is how much will they leave you hanging next week, cause you know it’s gonna happen again! 😁

John J Ronald

I just remember that Roman Torchwick called Crescent Rose "an oversized garden tool" and the Nightmare Grimm is an intelligent plant with multiple thorny vines....perfect for weeding with a scythe.....

John J Ronald

Blake was also dealing very effective damage against the Nightmare with Gamboul Shroud until Weiss glyphed her away.


Ugh love team JNPR


Hi Spadeas! :) Yes it was sweet! So true, Yang will take big risks herself but doesn't like the people she cares about doing that. That's such a great way to put it, Blake has mirrored Weiss here and each of them is coming to the table with one part of the whole bigger story. Hahahaha Bat Whitley is not doing great when Ruby's around! Yes, the unpredictability is fun!!!


Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it! That's actually a good theory!! It's more practical but it makes a lot of sense, and we did see it working pretty well on Bat Whitley there. Thanks for clarifying about the Negative versions! That's kind of the impression I was getting from Blake there. It's hard to know the details for sure! Hahaha same, the dream rules are a bit wonky as an actual dream would be, so it makes a weird kind of sense!!! Loving RWBY is what counts hehe!


Hahaha bug spray or not, I have to call out my ship when I see it! I agree, Blake's really showing what a team player she is here despite how she seems on the surface. There's a ton of risk we could lose them both! Yeah we're just about done with coins until we need to get out. And I'm glad they put the idea out there of swapping people! That's such a good point!!! They are very similar in their conflicts. Such a great point about Adam being the catalyst in the dream, and about there being similarities in the traumas that both Weiss and Blake experienced in terms of their abuse. I know, poor tiny Weisses!!! Also yeah, Ruby doesn't have an awesome track record with the relics but that's not totally her fault I guess lol. That's a great way to put it, they're both them, but they're not. And it's working, Weiss is definitely off and can't safeguard the Nightmare. Good call about the strain it's causing too. Yeah this is for sure extreme, but I get the reasoning with accepting the nightmare in order to get the job done here! I'm sure there will be more payoff for the scythe! I have no idea how Ruby will do this but what a place to end the ep! Hahaha yes Yang is just being Yang here, and also, such a great point that this is a dream so we can probably ditch a lot of real life logic if we want/need to. Ohhh I didn't notice the ankle twist, ouch! I'd love it if Pyrrha got tagged in! Hahaha I guess I should know by now, oops! Next week is gonna be SUCH a bad cliffhanger isn't it?! >.<

Nathan Poulain Cigrand

Nega Weiss vs Nega Blake is such a good moment, seeing Weiss trying to comprehend the friend she made an enemy of.... and yeah, the fanarts are next levels these episodes ^^ time for the next one :)