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Hey everyone!  I'm here with some Kamen Rider Revice today - here is my reaction to episode 48!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(((((  Well, we at the very least resolved the George issue, with lots of lots of cute baby George flashbacks, and some intervention from our crew.  So he wanted to outdo his dad out of anger...and out of sheer grief!  Sad.  But you guys, as bad as I feel for George, it was his persistence that resulted in Ikki losing his final precious memory...his siblings!!!  That moment where you can just see it all over his face, that he has no idea who they are...it's devastating!!!!  I'm tearing up just writing about it.  Please, please let's get those memories back!!!!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


ABHB Ya-iba

Another episode where Ikki's memory is vanished... Hey, remember what George decided to do when they think Hiromi lost his memory?


Guess the show is ending with Ikki being memoryless, it makes me really sad that he lost the thing most precious to him while trying to protect it.


There's still a chance he'll get those memories back!!!!! I'm holding out hope!!! I know, it's devastating :(

Level Up Gamer Max

Revice just keeps twisting and twisting and twiiiiiiisting that hot emotional knife right into our hearts 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 and even if there was a way to get Ikki's memories back......I can only think of one possible way.......and It ends with.......losing Ikki's demon.....


I'm worried we'll get a Kamen Rider Zeronos situation where the memory loss is permanent. Hopefully it doesn't stick!


OMG I know!!!!!! Leave my poor feels alone already!!! And OMG I mentioned a while back that they might try to do something where Vice gets sacrificed for the memories or something to that effect......I also will be very unhappy with that haha.


My jaws already aching and now is my heart. 😫 Forgetting the Igarashi siblings as well :'( why are they doing this to me!!!? Waaaaaaah 😰😰😰😰


Oh no!!!! Just what you needed, a heartache to go with your jaw ache!!! :( They're really dragging us through the mud right?!!?!? They better make this right...!!!

ABHB Ya-iba (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:28:23 One thing you might missed, the drawing George drew whe he was a kid was 10 animals, which is the 10 vistamps Masumi's has created. It was all George's idea all along. And with ideas of George, Vistamp created by Masumi, and Revice Driver that created by George, not to mention, the creation of Giffard Vistamps which is created by both Masumi ans George. Ikki has proven that Revice, which is the work of father and son is the greatest and strongest. George never have to proven he's greatter since the very first, since Masumi already acknowledging him, so it came out this way that they proving Masumi and George, together is the greatest. Anyway, we still have one slot left in the ending scene for one more stamp. Is it liveDevil Rex? Like Realizing Hopper and Almighty Dragon, or is it Kamen Rider Geats' Vistamp? Some gag for this week! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1139684423287299&id=100017372557465 A little hint, Ikki form a contract with Vice to protect his family, but now that he forgot all his family, what will happen next?
2022-08-23 13:22:10 One thing you might missed, the drawing George drew whe he was a kid was 10 animals, which is the 10 vistamps Masumi's has created. It was all George's idea all along. And with ideas of George, Vistamp created by Masumi, and Revice Driver that created by George, not to mention, the creation of Giffard Vistamps which is created by both Masumi ans George. Ikki has proven that Revice, which is the work of father and son is the greatest and strongest. George never have to proven he's greatter since the very first, since Masumi already acknowledging him, so it came out this way that they proving Masumi and George, together is the greatest. Anyway, we still have one slot left in the ending scene for one more stamp. Is it liveDevil Rex? Like Realizing Hopper and Almighty Dragon, or is it Kamen Rider Geats' Vistamp? Some gag for this week! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1139684423287299&id=100017372557465 A little hint, Ikki form a contract with Vice to protect his family, but now that he forgot all his family, what will happen next?

One thing you might missed, the drawing George drew whe he was a kid was 10 animals, which is the 10 vistamps Masumi's has created. It was all George's idea all along. And with ideas of George, Vistamp created by Masumi, and Revice Driver that created by George, not to mention, the creation of Giffard Vistamps which is created by both Masumi ans George. Ikki has proven that Revice, which is the work of father and son is the greatest and strongest. George never have to proven he's greatter since the very first, since Masumi already acknowledging him, so it came out this way that they proving Masumi and George, together is the greatest. Anyway, we still have one slot left in the ending scene for one more stamp. Is it liveDevil Rex? Like Realizing Hopper and Almighty Dragon, or is it Kamen Rider Geats' Vistamp? Some gag for this week! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1139684423287299&id=100017372557465 A little hint, Ikki form a contract with Vice to protect his family, but now that he forgot all his family, what will happen next?


Ohhh that's a cool detail! And yeah, there's never been any reason to prove himself, he was a big part of this process the whole time without even realizing it. One more stamp....!! I can't wait to see!! Geats would be a nice touch! Looks like the link is broken, oh no! Ohhhh wow, that's a great point about the contract actually! Watching it today...!!!

ABHB Ya-iba

Ok, then use this one. https://www.facebook.com/1014184048621535/posts/pfbid02gvhAFWiGvYWauqBhno29JSJf6vKDjpBP5GuV5MdhbCmmwG1VNiLGpSXFMcFrgjntl/?sfnsn=mo

ABHB Ya-iba

There is even a pic that ask "What if Yuuto's imagin is not Deneb, but it is Vice?" Yuuto/Zeronos: Everytime he transform, everyone other will forget him. Vice: Everytime his partner/himself is transform, his partner will lose some memories. Zeronos + Vice = Nobody will remember him, even himself.