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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction/review of episodes 10 and 11 of vol 6 of RWBY!  Oh man!!!  We got a little bit of everything in these eps - an epic fight scene, Maria/Weiss comedy, Cordovin being crazy, a mecca worthy of a toku show, some WORST POSSIBLE TIMING from a certain someone (not to mention a big reveal about them), and a Bumblebee moment that's sweet as honey...!!!!  I also love that Ruby wasn't gonna let Qrow blame himself for what was going on....after all, it's statistically impossible that he causes ALL the bad things, right?!?!  What a great representation of just how far all our characters have come!  I am counting down for the last two eps....squeeeee!!!!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RWBY 6x10 and 6x11 full reaction.mp4


Hayden Smith

I'm going to wait to talk about some specifics a bit more until next week, but I can't not mention how incredible the choreography already is in the Blake and Yang vs Adam fight. This volume is so great. The fights are some of my favorites, there's so much great character stuff going on, and the soundtrack is probably my favorite of any volume. Honestly, even the lyric videos FlyntofRWBY has for this volume feature some of my favorite artwork he's ever used, and that's not even something in control of the official show, it just so happens to work out that way. Don't know if you noticed by the way, but Adam's scar is actually a branding of the initials "SDC," which you can probably guess stands for Schnee Dust Company. We've heard that the Faunus don't exactly have a high opinion of that company. Can't imagine why.


Oh it truly is awesome! The whole volume is working so well right now, isn't it?!?! Can't wait to see the artwork in the lyric vids, too! Ohhhh I was wondering if there was some significance in the scar - that makes sense!! Yikes....!!!

Zen Reacts

I would like to point out how Weiss threw those guards out of the airship over the ocean with no way of getting back to land


I always thought that scene at the statue could have used a cut to her hiding behind a piler or somthing.


Quite a lot happens in these episodes, I forget how much of a whirlwind it is! And ahh, we love blind devotion to those in power, and the blind patriotism that comes with denying your kingdom has any flaws and believing it is greater than the rest of them. Not to mention having a representative of not only your people, but your military be someone who doesn't seem mentally stable to lead and practices excessive methods (i.e using a giant robot for giant grimm on an airship, a group of kids and a bird man). Atlas is really being represented well isn't it. So much bees, I cannot handle so much bees!! As much as I like what happens in ep 11, that scene in ep 10 is something I like alot. Yang, someone who has issues with people leaving her behind, and still having minor issues with her and Blake, is letting her go. Trusting that Blake will come back. And ugh! Those smiles they give eachother!!! Also poor Weiss, I cant imagine how nerve-wrecking it would be for her to be on a ship heading to the very last place she wants to be without her friends (her found family) with her. You can tell she's nervous of even the possibility when she looks down at their team signal connection. She's' felt what its like without them and now she doesn't ever wanna be apart from her girls again Honestly, Ruby has been killing it with taking charge. And her being able get Qrow out of his downward mental health/semblance spiral (cuz lets be honest, his semblance messes with his head so badly) and being able to seemingly inspire him is sort of a testament of that. And you are correct in saying it is statistically impossible for him to be the cause of all bad things, except for the fact that his semblance manipulates probability towards the negative - but that doesn't mean he causes everything bad - his negative thoughts about himself and his semblance sort of influence his whole 'everything bad is my fault' mentality. Is it bad I kinda like that he was taking responsibility for bringing the kids into this? Even though he himself had no idea on what the truth of what they were fighting was, he still feels bad for having dragged the kids into this and owns up to his part to play in that. Oh! And Ruby telling Qrow straight out 'we woulda done this with or without you' is pretty much the entirety of the show. Team RWBY does respect authority figures, however, if they believe that there are better ways to do things or if they believe there's a chance to save even a few lives they have never had a problem in defying those authority figures in order to do what they think is right. Something Ozpin himself wished for them to learn back in Beacon if I remember anything about the World of Remnant clips. Also, damn Yang way to stick the superhero landing. Two amazing fights, two awesome episodes and two more to go! I look forward to the next set and the soundtrack after that! Loved the reaction like always!!!


Also I'm just so here for assertive Ruby this season


Hi Hime :) Not necessarily a lot to say, especially repetitions and other "I told you" things ^^. Like I said, I love the Maria and Weiss duo but largely because I really adore Maria (and you know my love for Weiss already), I think it's a good adition to the team and that she is just awesome. The scene where she nibbles and her response "Do you hear? It's the sound of me not caring" , just pure joy :D. Nora's wordplay is also subtly beautifully, being an all-public series, CRWBY eschew insults, but Beach / Bitch is just so well-found (and hard to notice when English isn't your first language). I would just add that for next week, plan some more tissues and if you thought that Ruby was already shining, she will dazzle you in the next ones.

Zen Reacts

Also while it isnt necessary to like Adam it is important to understand how it came to this. Being branded like that is one of the most dehumanizing things, he was basically marked as livestock very early in his life and given no other way to vent his grief other than to view people the same way he was viewed

Kayleigh McRae

Subtle thing many dont notice. The black ribbon on Adam's eyes is Blake's. It symbolizes his obsession so well. He is blinded by it. That and his past, aka the scar. Adam... is a interesting character. But he is an abusive one. An abuser is still a human being. And it's okay to feel sympathy of they have gone through something. But that never gives them the right to manipulate and hurt others because they are hurting. Adam and Yang have the same sort of fears. Abandonment. But while Yang has learned to let Blake make her own decisions even if it lead to them separating for a while. Adam did not. The moment Blake ran. He went full. "She betrayed me. She must be punished." Adam is a clear example of becoming like his abusers. They probably did the same thing to faunus who rebelled. Berated and tortured them. Adam hates humans. But his hate comes from a twisted sort of jealousy and want for what they have. He wants to be the one in control. And considering his scar and what he said. How many have hurt him. He has cause. But that doesn't make it the right course. Also dont know if you caught it. But the moment Yang and Blake start talking and comforting each other, ignoring him. He gets angerier. It's such a good detail. To show what the root of everything is. He hates that Blake and Yang aren't as obsessed with him as he is with them.

Derpy Trev

All Hail Maria! Back when this this aired, cashews became such a meme in the FNDM. So much so that I’m still in a group chat today called Cashew Kingdom.

Derpy Trev

One more thing: not to set expectations high but.... the emotions are coming hard next week so be ready. :P


Maria in episode 10 is like the absolute best kind of comic-relief in an otherwise serious sequence Also I remember everyone saying the best relationship in Volume 6 is Ruby x Character Development because, even though we've seen her show maturity and leadership a lot in the past, in Vol 6 Ruby is finally not afraid to put her foot down firmly against other authority figures when she disagrees with what they're doing.


Also everything about Blake and Yang v. Adam is just fantastic, but there are some incredible details in it that aren't as obvious when you watch them the first time around. For starters, if you didn't catch it, when Yang lands after launching Bumblebee into Adam the score is playing an instrumental version of "Armed and Ready." The scar over Adam's eye spells out SDC, meaning at some point he received that scar from some kind of Schnee Dust Company equipment. The scar on Blake's hip that the camera focuses on right around when Adam breaks her sword is from when he stabbed her during the Fall of Beacon. Yang fights more defensively after learning Adam's semblance, coming at him from angles that are harder for him to block using his sword. She also incorporates a lot more kicks into her fighting style in general, which we saw some of in Volume 5 as well, but it's worth noting because fighting kick-based opponents used to be challenging for her. And perhaps my favorite detail, during Yang and Adam's fight right after Blake explains his semblance, Yang charges him using the exact same move that she tried to use against him during the Fall of Beacon. But while Adam tries to react and attack her the same way he did back then, at the last moment Yang shifts her attack and gets a few hits in. So basically Yang baited Adam into using a specific move against her by literally recreating the moment she lost her arm, but then acted differently based on everything she's learned since then.


Wow...they left us on a literal Cliffhanger, or I should say they left Ruby hanging on a cliff


A few things of note: 1. R.I.P. Bumblebee (Yang's bike). 2. The video game reference from Ruby nods back to the first chapter of the volume when she's playing games on the train. It also could refer to the time at Beacon when she and Yang were playing with Qrow. 3. You'll notice that the bag Maria is holding when she's chowing down over the radio to Cordovin specifically says "Cashews" so not only did she assist with stealing an airship but she brought the same "unauthorized" treat for the trip which got her in trouble with Cordovin in the first place. Cheeky Maria, lol. I'm sure I'm forgetting something but those are the few things I recognized. I told you these last chapters would ramp up the intensity so grab some aspirin for your poor heart and strap in for next week!


Fun fact back in volume 3 when Yang loses her arm to Adam there was going to be fight between the two that that ends with Yang losing her arm but because of time constraints they had to cut the fight and there is a video on youtube if you search Yang vs Adam unused footage you can find it and the choreography and animation were actually done by Monty so when they were making this rematch fight they actually repurposed that old fight choreography and animation so its like we got to see one last glimpse at Monty's animation and fight choreography


another great two episodes the way crwby leaves us hanging every time is pretty good. so much stuff happening all at once one with Ruby and and the gang fighting Cordovin in a mech to Blake and (best girl) Yang fighting Adam. So yea Adam was really there on the train and at the farm he was just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I can't believe you are almost done with vol. 6 I do suggest you have some tissues for next week. I'm so excited to see your reaction

Kayleigh McRae

actually the Adam at the farm is a hallucination because if you look he has his old outfit and mask on in that scene.

John J Ronald

Adam taking Bumblebee (the bike) to the face never gets old and always fills me with joy because Jesus f*ck this guy. But, as others above have pointed out, at some point in the past, Adam, who is a Bull faunus, was branded, like cattle, only on his face, with a brand bearing the logo SDC for "Schnee Dust Company". That's unspeakably brutal and his thirst for revenge is understandable....but somewhere along the way it stopped being about the struggle for the Faunus as a whole and became intensely more personal and corrupt. Adam made the same self-serving calculus dealing with Cinder in Vol.3 that Raven does in Vol.5... The Mecha Fight at times gets a little silly / cartoony but I don't mind it that much. And while Ruby sounds a bit immature invoking video game design, she has a point because good video-game design strives to be realistic and based on real things in the world. Caroline Cordovan is based very loosely on the nursery rhyme about the Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. She definitely has a "Napoleon Complex" of epic proportions. Even other Atlesians probably find her a little "extra". She's not unlike Col. Jessup (Jack Nicholson) in A Few Good Men. She's obviously a militant Atlesian nationalist and has negative attitudes towards faunus. The Ch.10 scene where Blake hops off the bike....hehe....trying so hard not to tell her girlfriend she's "top heavy"....and thus not suited for a "stealth" mission...it's cute & funny....

John J Ronald

Ruby is very attuned to the morale of the people she's been entrusted to lead...from the time on the train where she recognizes bickering over the Lamp's Grimm-attracting qualities isn't something they have time for right then...to recognizing the way Qrow's defeatist words on the staircase brings down the mood of everyone in the room and Ruby finds it in herself to step up and be that spark of inspiration that Ozpin always saw in her....to these chapters where she talks Qrow off his emotional cliff and demonstrates her moral courage to see this through, no matter what. Ruby Rose is MVP of Volume 6, hands down.


The bees v Adam fight is probably my fave in the entire series, so much stylish, flashy choreography, and also so much narrative weight behind it. This is basically the culmination of an arc that Blake's been on since the black trailer, and one that Yang's been a part of since the end of v3. And now, it all comes down to the two of them standing up to Adam, essentially the source of all their worst trauma, and showing how much they've grown, and how strongly they care about one another. Super excited for you to see the conclusion of the fight next week!


so close to the next sound track reactions owo these next few episodes go p hard the bmblby moment at the end makes me cry, while not super well written, as they def shldve had a talk and maybe did off screne but it still hits hard for me


Hey Hime! Awesome reaction as usual. I know you know that all characters have allusions to fairytales/myths/legends (speaking of, Cordovin is based on the Lady in the Shoe - the giant mech being the shoe), but what’s even more awesome is that some characters have multiple allusions or they overlap. It’s widely known the Blake is both Beauty and the Beast and Yang is Goldilocks, but Yang also has ties to Beauty. For a while, general consensus was that Adam was the Beast to Blake’s Beauty, but what’s revealed over time is that he’s more of the Gaston. When he attacks Yang on the cliff’s edge with his semblance and she blocks it with her arm, the scratches on her arm are reminiscent of the marks on Beast’s arm from Gaston in the Disney movie. Fun facts! I’m so excited for the next two episodes and the soundtrack! Personally this is my favorite volume, for the story, the characters, and the music. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts at the end. Your RWBY reactions always brighten my day :)


Cordovin reminds me of Edna Mode from the incredibles a little bit


So much going on! And yes, Atlas leadership is not making the best impression at the moment! Awwwww yes that's so true about the trust that happened in that scene!! And the smiles!!!! <333 Awww yes so true about Weiss as well....it must be so scary to have to be apart from her real family, even briefly, and headed back to the place where she's had so much trauma. So true about Ruby, she is killing it!!! Oh that's a good point about Qrow, I hadn't thought of the way his semblance influences probability. But also very true that he still couldn't be causing *all* the bad things ever! I can see how that would totally mess with someone's head though! Makes me just wanna hug him!! :'( That's a great point too, that our crew still has respect for authority. Hahah Yang did an amazing hero landing! I'm so happy you loved the reaction!!!! I'm soooo excited for the next two eps and the soundtrack!!!!!!!!! XD Thanks!!!


Hi Spadeas! :) Hahah you were so right! LOL that was such a great line! The whole duo is just pure comedy gold lol. Ohhhh yes I can see how that line would not make as much sense because of the wordplay, if English was one's second language! Totally understandable!!! Ahhhhhh I absolutely cannot wait - filming today and I am HYPED to see what happens! Thanks! :D


WHOA! Did not notice that! That's so on the nose! That's so true about Adam - even an abuser is still a human being with a past, feelings, trauma, etc. Also very true that there are similarities in the abandonment issues that both Adam and Yang have, only they've chosen to deal with them in very different ways like you said. The twisted jealousy is an interesting concept too - wanting what they have while still hating them. Ooooh that is a great detail that he got angrier at the thought of being ignored!! I know that the lack of reciprocation when it comes to his obsession with Blake is something that really stings him, in general. Thanks for all the info!!


Ohhhh I love that about the best ship being Ruby and character development!!!!!! So true!!! And I hadn't noticed those details - thanks for pointing them out!!! Oh, that really stings with the SDC brand...!! And did not realize that was the same wound! And that's so interesting about Yang incorporating more kicks! OHHHHH did not realize that was the exact same move either!!! And what a way to switch it out at the last second and show off her development!!! Thanks for all the info!\


Ahhhh yes, it will be missed!!! And good point about the video game reference! Hahahahaha omg, that's amazing about Maria's cashew bag.....what a boss!!! Oh lord, I'm so scared for what's coming next!!! Thank you for all the info!


Hi!!! :) Thank you so much!! OHHHH that makes so much sense about Cordovin! Ahhhh that is so interesting about the characters' inspirations! Totally could see Adam as a Gaston. That's such a fun fact about the scratches!!!! Ahhh I can't wait to see the rest, and I am SO happy to hear you enjoy my reactions!!! Thank you!!! That brightens my day to hear it :D


It's amazing!! So true about all the character development leading up to this. I'm so excited for the conclusion!!!


Hahaha it was great! It is truly sad about Adam, but so true that his fight became less about helping Faunus and more about him ruling over humans as time went on. Great point about video game design as well! Oh I could see the Jack Nicholson comparison with Cordovin for sure! And interesting about her inspiration! Ohhhhh is that what Blake was trying to say?? I just thought that Yang is so bold and ready to fight that she'd stand out more because of that. But the top heavy thing makes sense too, hehe!!!


Whoa!!! That is awesome! I love that in a way, we are seeing something Monty actually choreographed here!!!! Thanks!


This episode is so enjoyable while also being really tense. I love how over the entire episode we see the plan coming together… Until it doesn’t. I really like the 1st scene where we get to see just how much Weiss hates most of the people of Atlas’s attitudes and their negative type of ambition. Although some people thought that Caroline seeming to want to impress Ironwood was for a romantic reason and… Please no LOL. I do like how Weiss was able to hide her distaste which included being compared to her sister which probably happened a lot in her life. Because even though she loves Winter military life was not what she wanted for herself. There were theories that Adrian screening/crying like that was a semblance but a director’s commentary confirmed it was for comedic effect and it was very successful. There was so much great comedy with Maria this episode starting with her being mad the weird guards accidentally called her heavy saying it’s muscle which it probably is. It was so nice to see Jaune being more of his dorky/silly self after going through so much while still being a great strategist and Nora and Ren being happy to see it was really wholesome. The scenes with the bees this episode were so fantastic. From being able to joke around and Terra’s deadpan reaction being hilarious to showing more of their rebuilt trust between the 2 of them and the heartwarming caring they show toward each other. Blake’s immediate nervous freeze when Yang was looking at her like “what were you going to say about my stealth capabilities?” Was adorable. I like what other people think Blake was trying to say here but I definitely think it was that Yang’s personality/skills were too aggressive for a stealth mission. Also the look they share is just so soft, sweet and just plain cute. And I have heard from shippers and non-shippers alike including ones from the LGBT community that look feels more romantic than platonic. Weiss taking care of those guards was really satisfying and there’s just something so funny about 1 of them screaming out “traitor!”. Also when they tell her to sit down for her safety I’m just like she can keep herself safe thank you very much. I love the 1st example of Weiss being the straightman to Maria’s crazy sassiness when Weiss is usually the sassy one because it’s such a great, funny dynamic. It's so cool that because Maria’s eyes are Atlas tech she can connect to the ships computer. Also Weiss’s face just screams I’m going to die here aren’t I LOL. Maria antagonizing Caroline is the funniest scene in the entire show in my opinion and Maria might be the most hilarious character and definitely from what many other people have said the best addition to the show. The entire scene with the cashews is perfect from Maria’s craziness and not giving a fuck to Weiss’s exasperation to the voice acting especially Maria cackling like a witch. I think Qrow was already thinking that things were going to go bad because of him so this outburst was only a matter of time so I’m so glad Rudy was able to talk him out of this mindset by showing how much she cares and believes in him. The moment between the 2 of them is so heartwarming. Also while I do think Maria was probably wrong to antagonize Cordovin she was more in the wrong for going overboard and to the extreme by using a god damn mech. I like how it gives you an idea of the extent of Atlas technology. Also seeing this thing must be really scary for Argus. I also love how determined and prepared Ruby is to fight this thing. I think having the final scene be from Blake’s perspective was really good at showing how terrifying Adam is especially with at least one probably more dead people there. I love how it’s able to show Adam’s crazy strength while also showing how much stronger Blake has gotten with her being able to fight more evenly against him. It’s so disturbing to see how obsessed with her Adam has become. I really do love how she’s trying to help him him after having worked through what his abuse did to her it’s another example of why she’s become/always been better than him. Episode 11 comment coming soon.


I'm reposting the original comment. This episode is so enjoyable while also being really tense. I love how over the entire episode we see the plan coming together… Until it doesn’t. I really like the 1st scene where we get to see just how much Weiss hates most of the people of Atlas’s attitudes and their negative type of ambition. Although some people thought that Caroline seeming to want to impress Ironwood was for a romantic reason and… Please no LOL. I do like how Weiss was able to hide her distaste which included being compared to her sister which probably happened a lot in her life. Because even though she loves Winter military life was not what she wanted for herself. There were theories that Adrian screening/crying like that was a semblance but a director’s commentary confirmed it was for comedic effect and it was very successful. There was so much great comedy with Maria this episode starting with her being mad the weird guards accidentally called her heavy saying it’s muscle which it probably is. It was so nice to see Jaune being more of his dorky/silly self after going through so much while still being a great strategist and Nora and Ren being happy to see it was really wholesome. The scenes with the bees this episode were so fantastic. From being able to joke around and Terra’s deadpan reaction being hilarious to showing more of their rebuilt trust between the 2 of them and the heartwarming caring they show toward each other. Blake’s immediate nervous freeze when Yang was looking at her like “what were you going to say about my stealth capabilities?” Was adorable. I like what other people think Blake was trying to say here but I definitely think it was that Yang’s personality/skills were too aggressive for a stealth mission. Also the look they share is just so soft, sweet and just plain cute. And I have heard from shippers and non-shippers alike including ones from the LGBT community that look feels more romantic than platonic. Weiss taking care of those guards was really satisfying and there’s just something so funny about 1 of them screaming out “traitor!”. Also when they tell her to sit down for her safety I’m just like she can keep herself safe thank you very much. I love the 1st example of Weiss being the straightman to Maria’s crazy sassiness when Weiss is usually the sassy one because it’s such a great, funny dynamic. It's so cool that because Maria’s eyes are Atlas tech she can connect to the ships computer. Also Weiss’s face just screams I’m going to die here aren’t I LOL. Maria antagonizing Caroline is the funniest scene in the entire show in my opinion and Maria might be the most hilarious character and definitely from what many other people have said the best addition to the show. The entire scene with the cashews is perfect from Maria’s craziness and not giving a fuck to Weiss’s exasperation to the voice acting especially Maria cackling like a witch. I think Qrow was already thinking that things were going to go bad because of him so this outburst was only a matter of time so I’m so glad Rudy was able to talk him out of this mindset by showing how much she cares and believes in him. The moment between the 2 of them is so heartwarming. Also while I do think Maria was probably wrong to antagonize Cordovin she was more in the wrong for going overboard and to the extreme by using a god damn mech. I like how it gives you an idea of the extent of Atlas technology. Also seeing this thing must be really scary for Argus. I also love how determined and prepared Ruby is to fight this thing. I think having the final scene be from Blake’s perspective was really good at showing how terrifying Adam is especially with at least one probably more dead people there. I love how it’s able to show Adam’s crazy strength while also showing how much stronger Blake has gotten with her being able to fight more evenly against him. It’s so disturbing to see how obsessed with her Adam has become. I really do love how she’s trying to help him him after having worked through what his abuse did to her it’s another example of why she’s become/always been better than him. Episode 11 comment coming soon.


Also almost forgot to mention that the title of this episode "Stealing from the Elderly" is the funniest title in the entire show in my opinion.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:21:05 I love this episode. It’s so awesome to see Maria’s flying skills and Weiss being able to deflect giant dust blasts. Also nice getting to see Earth dust since we don’t get to see it that often. Good to see Jaune’s strategic mind at work by using their numbers and size to overwhelm her and more easily attack and dodge Caroline as well as at the start of the fight having them all going in different directions to divide her attention. Also the idea of Grimm as big as this mech is scary but also interesting because fans have been thinking about that for a while at least from what I’ve seen. This fight is just so awesome being really dynamic and the scale of it is just crazy to me. I love how it starts especially seeing Ruby rising up with her semblance with bird Qrow behind her making a really precise shot. It’s so awesome that with her semblance she can move fast enough to run on top of missiles while time is slowed down around her. I love the teamwork between all the characters but especially Weiss & Ruby and Qrow and everyone else. Also all the little interactions here are perfect in my opinion. It’s so cool even in this situation to get introduced to a new type of dust hard light which we have actually seen before with Velvet’s camera weapon the hard light being what creates the copies of weapons from her pictures. I really like the angles they use when Qrow is flying and how much like a mosquito he is towards this machine. I love the large-scale attacks like Weiss with a barrage of ice and Ruby’s crazy spin attack that does major damage to the mech. Also her waving at Caroline while hanging there is so cute and funny. I think it’s crazy that when the mech crashes against the cliffside it actually causes tremors people in the city can feel when it’s relatively far away. I don’t remember the actress but Caroline’s screams are impressive to me. Qrow giving Ren a hand was really nice. Also it makes sense why the shield generator is labeled but the reaction to it and how they just start shooting is hilarious to me. Weiss being annoyed and worried having to catch her while Ruby is like my bestie got my back while looking away like God that was close is such a fantastic encapsulation of their relationship. Nora saying let go of my man is such an amazing, heartwarming and funny line. I think it’s great how well they’re doing against this thing until 2 of their friends take a major hit. Also if you’re paying very close attention to the quick scene Jaune uses his semblance to strengthen Nora’s aura and possibly his own so that they can survive while only having their auras broken. It’s good writing to have their split-second distraction lead to them ending up in a desperate spot. Also this is the smallest criticism but Caroline catching the missile is not very clear on 1st watch. I love the beginning of Blake vs Adam being a chase because of how it kind of relates to their characters but also it has really great choreography. Blake doing some Spider-Man/AOT moves swinging through the trees is so awesome but I like that they show that Adam is still an intelligent fighter by him attacking in between her swings. Also this Blake design looks great with or without the jacket. Of course the fight ends up happening at this really dramatic, beautiful perfect place for fighting cliffs/waterfall. It was crazy seeing how much more even these 2 are against each other and how much Blake has improved. In particular I want to point out her sheathing his sword into her weapon to get it away from him. It’s also great to show how much of a physically strong opponent he is when he easily counters this. Also Adam exemplifies delusion and abuse saying things that only make sense in his head. His short speech about abuse from humans and showing the SDC brand is so shocking because of the damage but also is a perfect explanation of his character being the abused turning into abusers type. The small detail of Blake hearing Yang’s bike coming being why she shows little fear of the next attack is so great. Also Adam trying to stab her in the same place he did in volume 3 works well for narrative reasons. Also now more concretely we see Blake’s semblance has become stronger with her being able to stay in place longer before she switches with her clone taking part of the hit shown by her experiencing pain later in the scene. The line I’m not alone is so perfect for her after everything she’s gone through in the series. Yang crashing her bike into Adam is so savage/brutal especially with it hitting him directly in the torso. Also I believe there were jokes here to the effect of bumblebee (the bike) died so bumblebee (the ship) could live although I think the actual jokes were better. Enough comments talked about the action/choreography of Yang against Adam so I don’t think I need to talk about it. However I do want to talk about the amazing animation/artistic choice/design of Adam using the full power of his semblance. The red and black looks so good and I love the shadowy black with glowing red when he attacks. Also love the explanation of his semblance being like Yang’s without feeling the pain which is very appropriate for his character because of how it gives another parallel between her and Adam. I know someone else discussed the connections to the beauty and the beast story however I believe in addition to Gaston that Adam also represents the cursed rose which makes a lot of sense in my opinion since it's still just a theory I heard from someone else. I love the dramatic irony of the arm Adam caused Yang to have being what allows her to withstand his big attack at the end of the episode. Also it’s insane that Blake’s weapon is now broken. Nice detail of showing Yang’s PTSD as well as showing Adam trying to get in her head. Them holding hands was so great for us shippers but it’s just a genuinely sweet and heartwarming moment even without shipping. Finally even if it may not be entirely grammatically correct or completely make sense the we’re protecting each other dialogue is so perfect in my mind. Also the image from behind of them holding hands with Adam in the distance is great. Such a great cliffhanger as well. I think some of this comment got a little too rambling but hopefully it’s still understandable. These were great reactions I enjoyed them a lot. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-05-12 05:56:57 I love this episode. It’s so awesome to see Maria’s flying skills and Weiss being able to deflect giant dust blasts. Also nice getting to see Earth dust since we don’t get to see it that often. Good to see Jaune’s strategic mind at work by using their numbers and size to overwhelm her and more easily attack and dodge Caroline as well as at the start of the fight having them all going in different directions to divide her attention. Also the idea of Grimm as big as this mech is scary but also interesting because fans have been thinking about that for a while at least from what I’ve seen. This fight is just so awesome being really dynamic and the scale of it is just crazy to me. I love how it starts especially seeing Ruby rising up with her semblance with bird Qrow behind her making a really precise shot. It’s so awesome that with her semblance she can move fast enough to run on top of missiles while time is slowed down around her. I love the teamwork between all the characters but especially Weiss & Ruby and Qrow and everyone else. Also all the little interactions here are perfect in my opinion. It’s so cool even in this situation to get introduced to a new type of dust hard light which we have actually seen before with Velvet’s camera weapon the hard light being what creates the copies of weapons from her pictures. I really like the angles they use when Qrow is flying and how much like a mosquito he is towards this machine. I love the large-scale attacks like Weiss with a barrage of ice and Ruby’s crazy spin attack that does major damage to the mech. Also her waving at Caroline while hanging there is so cute and funny. I think it’s crazy that when the mech crashes against the cliffside it actually causes tremors people in the city can feel when it’s relatively far away. I don’t remember the actress but Caroline’s screams are impressive to me. Qrow giving Ren a hand was really nice. Also it makes sense why the shield generator is labeled but the reaction to it and how they just start shooting is hilarious to me. Weiss being annoyed and worried having to catch her while Ruby is like my bestie got my back while looking away like God that was close is such a fantastic encapsulation of their relationship. Nora saying let go of my man is such an amazing, heartwarming and funny line. I think it’s great how well they’re doing against this thing until 2 of their friends take a major hit. Also if you’re paying very close attention to the quick scene Jaune uses his semblance to strengthen Nora’s aura and possibly his own so that they can survive while only having their auras broken. It’s good writing to have their split-second distraction lead to them ending up in a desperate spot. Also this is the smallest criticism but Caroline catching the missile is not very clear on 1st watch. I love the beginning of Blake vs Adam being a chase because of how it kind of relates to their characters but also it has really great choreography. Blake doing some Spider-Man/AOT moves swinging through the trees is so awesome but I like that they show that Adam is still an intelligent fighter by him attacking in between her swings. Also this Blake design looks great with or without the jacket. Of course the fight ends up happening at this really dramatic, beautiful perfect place for fighting cliffs/waterfall. It was crazy seeing how much more even these 2 are against each other and how much Blake has improved. In particular I want to point out her sheathing his sword into her weapon to get it away from him. It’s also great to show how much of a physically strong opponent he is when he easily counters this. Also Adam exemplifies delusion and abuse saying things that only make sense in his head. His short speech about abuse from humans and showing the SDC brand is so shocking because of the damage but also is a perfect explanation of his character being the abused turning into abusers type. The small detail of Blake hearing Yang’s bike coming being why she shows little fear of the next attack is so great. Also Adam trying to stab her in the same place he did in volume 3 works well for narrative reasons. Also now more concretely we see Blake’s semblance has become stronger with her being able to stay in place longer before she switches with her clone taking part of the hit shown by her experiencing pain later in the scene. The line I’m not alone is so perfect for her after everything she’s gone through in the series. Yang crashing her bike into Adam is so savage/brutal especially with it hitting him directly in the torso. Also I believe there were jokes here to the effect of bumblebee (the bike) died so bumblebee (the ship) could live although I think the actual jokes were better. Enough comments talked about the action/choreography of Yang against Adam so I don’t think I need to talk about it. However I do want to talk about the amazing animation/artistic choice/design of Adam using the full power of his semblance. The red and black looks so good and I love the shadowy black with glowing red when he attacks. Also love the explanation of his semblance being like Yang’s without feeling the pain which is very appropriate for his character because of how it gives another parallel between her and Adam. I know someone else discussed the connections to the beauty and the beast story however I believe in addition to Gaston that Adam also represents the cursed rose which makes a lot of sense in my opinion since it's still just a theory I heard from someone else. I love the dramatic irony of the arm Adam caused Yang to have being what allows her to withstand his big attack at the end of the episode. Also it’s insane that Blake’s weapon is now broken. Nice detail of showing Yang’s PTSD as well as showing Adam trying to get in her head. Them holding hands was so great for us shippers but it’s just a genuinely sweet and heartwarming moment even without shipping. Finally even if it may not be entirely grammatically correct or completely make sense the we’re protecting each other dialogue is so perfect in my mind. Also the image from behind of them holding hands with Adam in the distance is great. Such a great cliffhanger as well. I think some of this comment got a little too rambling but hopefully it’s still understandable. These were great reactions I enjoyed them a lot. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this episode. It’s so awesome to see Maria’s flying skills and Weiss being able to deflect giant dust blasts. Also nice getting to see Earth dust since we don’t get to see it that often. Good to see Jaune’s strategic mind at work by using their numbers and size to overwhelm her and more easily attack and dodge Caroline as well as at the start of the fight having them all going in different directions to divide her attention. Also the idea of Grimm as big as this mech is scary but also interesting because fans have been thinking about that for a while at least from what I’ve seen. This fight is just so awesome being really dynamic and the scale of it is just crazy to me. I love how it starts especially seeing Ruby rising up with her semblance with bird Qrow behind her making a really precise shot. It’s so awesome that with her semblance she can move fast enough to run on top of missiles while time is slowed down around her. I love the teamwork between all the characters but especially Weiss & Ruby and Qrow and everyone else. Also all the little interactions here are perfect in my opinion. It’s so cool even in this situation to get introduced to a new type of dust hard light which we have actually seen before with Velvet’s camera weapon the hard light being what creates the copies of weapons from her pictures. I really like the angles they use when Qrow is flying and how much like a mosquito he is towards this machine. I love the large-scale attacks like Weiss with a barrage of ice and Ruby’s crazy spin attack that does major damage to the mech. Also her waving at Caroline while hanging there is so cute and funny. I think it’s crazy that when the mech crashes against the cliffside it actually causes tremors people in the city can feel when it’s relatively far away. I don’t remember the actress but Caroline’s screams are impressive to me. Qrow giving Ren a hand was really nice. Also it makes sense why the shield generator is labeled but the reaction to it and how they just start shooting is hilarious to me. Weiss being annoyed and worried having to catch her while Ruby is like my bestie got my back while looking away like God that was close is such a fantastic encapsulation of their relationship. Nora saying let go of my man is such an amazing, heartwarming and funny line. I think it’s great how well they’re doing against this thing until 2 of their friends take a major hit. Also if you’re paying very close attention to the quick scene Jaune uses his semblance to strengthen Nora’s aura and possibly his own so that they can survive while only having their auras broken. It’s good writing to have their split-second distraction lead to them ending up in a desperate spot. Also this is the smallest criticism but Caroline catching the missile is not very clear on 1st watch. I love the beginning of Blake vs Adam being a chase because of how it kind of relates to their characters but also it has really great choreography. Blake doing some Spider-Man/AOT moves swinging through the trees is so awesome but I like that they show that Adam is still an intelligent fighter by him attacking in between her swings. Also this Blake design looks great with or without the jacket. Of course the fight ends up happening at this really dramatic, beautiful perfect place for fighting cliffs/waterfall. It was crazy seeing how much more even these 2 are against each other and how much Blake has improved. In particular I want to point out her sheathing his sword into her weapon to get it away from him. It’s also great to show how much of a physically strong opponent he is when he easily counters this. Also Adam exemplifies delusion and abuse saying things that only make sense in his head. His short speech about abuse from humans and showing the SDC brand is so shocking because of the damage but also is a perfect explanation of his character being the abused turning into abusers type. The small detail of Blake hearing Yang’s bike coming being why she shows little fear of the next attack is so great. Also Adam trying to stab her in the same place he did in volume 3 works well for narrative reasons. Also now more concretely we see Blake’s semblance has become stronger with her being able to stay in place longer before she switches with her clone taking part of the hit shown by her experiencing pain later in the scene. The line I’m not alone is so perfect for her after everything she’s gone through in the series. Yang crashing her bike into Adam is so savage/brutal especially with it hitting him directly in the torso. Also I believe there were jokes here to the effect of bumblebee (the bike) died so bumblebee (the ship) could live although I think the actual jokes were better. Enough comments talked about the action/choreography of Yang against Adam so I don’t think I need to talk about it. However I do want to talk about the amazing animation/artistic choice/design of Adam using the full power of his semblance. The red and black looks so good and I love the shadowy black with glowing red when he attacks. Also love the explanation of his semblance being like Yang’s without feeling the pain which is very appropriate for his character because of how it gives another parallel between her and Adam. I know someone else discussed the connections to the beauty and the beast story however I believe in addition to Gaston that Adam also represents the cursed rose which makes a lot of sense in my opinion since it's still just a theory I heard from someone else. I love the dramatic irony of the arm Adam caused Yang to have being what allows her to withstand his big attack at the end of the episode. Also it’s insane that Blake’s weapon is now broken. Nice detail of showing Yang’s PTSD as well as showing Adam trying to get in her head. Them holding hands was so great for us shippers but it’s just a genuinely sweet and heartwarming moment even without shipping. Finally even if it may not be entirely grammatically correct or completely make sense the we’re protecting each other dialogue is so perfect in my mind. Also the image from behind of them holding hands with Adam in the distance is great. Such a great cliffhanger as well. I think some of this comment got a little too rambling but hopefully it’s still understandable. These were great reactions I enjoyed them a lot. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


OMG the ep title is amazing haha! Such a great ep!!! Everyone has such great moments! The Nora line and the Ruby/Weiss stuff is great! So cool that Jaune was using his semblance there too, not sure if I caught that. Hahahah Blake was totally pulling off some moves seen in other franchises there! Ah yes, Adam sadly truly believes all of the messed up, abuser logic he's spouting off. The brand really visually expresses his backstory too. Hahaha awww one Bumblebee gone so another can live haha. The fight scene was amazing! Ah yes I'd heard some comparisons of Adam to Gaston! The ship moments were amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me!!!! And for all the compliments and support!!!! It means a lot!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Aundry Vue

You do realized that the gang are essentially illegally smuggling an Atlas air ship right? That's like the equivalent of stealing a fighter jet from the U.S military in our world. But then again there are many shows and series where the heroes sometimes have to do some questionable things for the 'greater' good as they say. And yes Cordovin piloting a large mecha is a bit overkill when she could have just send out a few airships to go after Weiss and Maria instead, just goes to show how much ego she has for Atlas Supremacy, plus the fact that Cordovin said that Atlas is the father of Hard-Light Dust saids it all consider that it is an Artificial Dust that can only be synthesized by Atlas scientist. And people say that Adam has way more wasted potential than Cinder, in fact more people are upset at Adam's demise than Cinder's demise. And you should really check out the concept arts at the end credits of each chapters.


That is very true!!! It's so not legal lol yet if anyone should understand being willing to do questionable things for the greater good it's Ironwood :/ Hahah yes it was a bit overkill. I need to pay more attention to the concept art for sure, it's always interesting when I get a glimpse!!!