Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (Live Action) 1x03 "Deoxyribonucleic Acid" - reaction & review (Patreon)
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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to the third ep of the Rohan live action series! WOW!!! Dang guys, we really wrapped up the story of our editor and her boyfriend in this one, but DANG what a way to do it! I was pretty psyched to see the twists and turns that this one took! The story of the little girl unfolded in a way that I did NOT expect!!! But wow, once Taro really found himself....or his other self....he seemed truly happy! Also, is the little girl a reference to Shizuka!? Because why on earth did she turn invisible for a second otherwise lol?! This was a great wrap up to the first season you guys! Can't wait for more! Enjoy! ~ MH
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