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Hey everyone!  Here I am with season 4, episode 8 of Camp Camp!!! OMG!!! Cameron got more than he bargained for in this one didn't he?! All those poor camper babies, so sad and sick in the middle of the night!!! All while the tv hangs in the balance! David's so sweet and positive, there really isn't anything that gets him down is there? And he's such a good friend! And last but not least, GWEN!!!! I'm starting to feel a little called out by the way they write Gwen LOL!!!! The fanfics, the username.....it's a little eerie!!!! :P Also, never get into a conversation with QM about, well, pretty much anything. Who knew that shady dealings could include things like doll heads and potatoes?! You learn something new every day! Great ep, enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M5pp7OXsq8tR8NoN4B7rZzpWbpYcMLhY/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

The stink of responsibility is that fear we all wake up with as adults… you know the feeling… the quintessential dread coming down your spine that you must do things…. Hey, you got through it without tripping this time after fumbling the finish last episode - you’re still closing your eyes though, you gotta be able to keep up with the screen images. Lol! I’m not sure what the deal is with trading a bunch of severed doll heads for potatoes but you know what, there’s weirder stuff happening on this channel lately. Though now I’m wondering if Quartermaster should get a spin off series… or is that also too much…? You know the fact that the two kids torturing Cameron the most are the VAs for Ruby and Yang make me wonder if that was done on purpose or not….👀 Le gasp…. I’ve just figured it out, I know the solution! You are David and Gwen’s long lost love child! Now it explains everything, personality, demeanor, tastes… try to deny it! 😁 PS: I know you said you’re working on downloading the remainder of the series but hopefully you have done sort of way to save them that is separate from the actual RT site - official “downloads” only get saved on the site itself as long as it’s open, so I figured I should ask while there is time so you have time to test out what you’re doing.


This episode was so freaking cute from top to bottom. I also want to hug space boy. Okay, were those three guys supposed to be the Rowdy Rough boys from the Powerpuff Girls, or are the designs just a coincidence? I'm waiting for the day QM and the squirrels face off! Props to Cameron for sticking it out. He did good. You could tell he's learning whether he knows or not. Ugh, I really have to learn to be more like David. He's such a positive guy. He just ended the episode so perfectly. 😩 👌 I'd personally go with Weather because it's at least a consistent watch. Ever-changing trailers could leave me wanting more. But then it could be too soon to be thinking looking at weather after JJ part 6 🤔 Okay I'm going with tv guide channel. 📺 Great reaction xXanimeNekogirl


OMG right?! Like sometimes they just do good old wholesome cuteness so well on this show haha. OHHHH that didn't even occur to me about the Powerpuff Girls reference! That's so accurate though! I mean, he stuck it out pretty well right? I'm kinda proud of him! OMG same, nothing gets David down, it's just so impressive! His ending to the ep was sooooo sweet and perfect! That's true, at least Weather is consistent and also I knew that would reminder both of us of *the* Weather <33333 Lol TV Guide is hard to beat though!! Hahahahahaha it's soooo close to my usual usernames, it's eerie haha!!!


Ahhh yes, I know that feeling well! Oh yeah, when I close my eyes I'm not only thinking but also trying not to "cheat" by looking at the lyrics on the screen! You know what, doll heads and potatoes are totally not the weirdest thing I've seen this week or even today haha. HAHAHAHA omg yes, they're totally Yang and Ruby! That explains it, I'm totally the result of their ship :P Mr. Hime has downloaded the rest of the series for me, from a source other than RT's site, so I should be in good shape, but thanks!