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The story operate on a principle of what I call "the present, refined." That is, if we can do it now, we can do it in 2043 better. For that reason, things like a space station, or a robot, or an artificial intelligence, or a domed city in the arctic - which all are in this sample - try to operate on current ideas, just refined. The obvious exception being the time communication equipment, which Martin gets into in more detail as well. 



Despite the apocalyptic setting you seem to have much more faith in the level headedness of the civilian leadership Western democracies have than I do. It's an interesting tale though, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out

Bryan Beyer

I am doing this bit early, but I laughed at businessmen saying bullshit doesn't last long for business versus politics. Considering bullshit of crypto currencies, AI, NFT, Metaverse and well uber I think that might not be fully true.

Bryan Beyer

Just saying still very well written. My bit of joke/statement about AI seems bit funny now that I have listened to rest of the recording. Still great work!