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Thank you very much for all the support on this patreon page. it's been an amazing month, i don't know, i am speechless with the immense amount of support you all give to me.

I've got a couple days off of impromptu break after 4 new works done in about a week or two.

This weekend i got several unpaid icon commission i don't feel in rush to work on quickly, but we'll see  

i've also got my stuff sorted with some of the medical bills and my motorbike maintenance  

This Sunday I'm hoping to go and see cosplay/toyfair event, not sure if I'm going to participate in the cosplay space, but we'll see...


as for the reward delivery, i think this month i've been performing very well if i have to speak so of myself, but..

somehow it's also scary to think about if i can keep up like this every month without getting burnout from work. this is the thing i will keep trying to figure out so i can deliver more content without the risk of feeling burnout & stressed out. 

i would love your feedback about how i have performed so far, any criticism and suggestion are always open!


lastly, just.. be on discord, or don't.. feel free to link your patreon account with a discord account.. or don't.. there's so much social media stuff to manage and it can be quite overwhelming, so feel free to join the discord server, or don't, really! 😬😬😬

there's extra content you can find in my discord server though, which its difficult to crosspost directly to patreon, so if you're interested, click this link and read the guide! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-


again, thank you everyone who supported this page, it's been a tough several months and it would've been even more stressful during this holding time without all the support you gave to me. 

i will do my best to keep up and deliver more of your favorite content!


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