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This SFW audio takes the place of the next NSFW one because the NSFW is for Valentine's Day so I wanted it to air on the holiday its based on. Please look forward to it!

Script by White Kat Audios

Edited by CtrlAltDefeat



Alexander Olson

Always excited to listen to your voice Moon. Have a lovely Valentine's Day.🌹


Happy Valentine's day :D we dont have it where i live so. Happy Valentine's day for you all :D


I loved your performance, I felt great listening to this. Happy Valentine's day to you and your family. Also Gimmie all the skritchies! LMAO Also would like more of this couple they cute!


😳💜 Happy Valentine’s day Moon


Oooh you guys dont have it? Aww :< Well I hope its a wonderful day anyway! Do you guys have something similar at a different time? I'm always curious about other people's places x3

Crescent wolf

Thank you for this gift hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day 🌹😘


well i live in denmark so no. well we have mothers day and father's day so we do some more special on thoes days. we do have valentine's day things all over the place but it is mostly in stores we dont really celebrate it like othere place's do. My familiy dont and alot of my othere friends dont either so mabye it is bigger in say USA ? but we celebrate the day our parrents got Married by doing some special for them. not sure if othere people do something simalar.