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That was so good, and very much needed, I hurt my wrist the other week basically by doing too much manual labor (which is my entire job but I did a little too much) and what you said about not needing to overwork yourself is comforting to hear


Aw hun no, Im sorry you got hurt, hope you feel better soon. Take the time you need ♥


This audio was so real and so right in my life. Thank you very much 😘 You also said "little Neko" When you said: "Look at me." I automatically looked up, because everyone is taller than me 🤣🥰 And I really loved your voice ❤ Sounds a little different, than in the other audios and I really adore this voice of yours 😻😻😻


Thank you Moon, your audios are amazing 🥺💜

santino martinez

CUDDLES 🥰 i need this in my life

santino martinez

I hear you on that, i work 7 days a week no breaks, always picking up others slack and it definitely does become draining and even dangerous