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EDIT: This was an extra audio that was supposed to be a one-off but now that a moonkip has requested she be made into a main storyline, she's available at lower tiers now. Please enjoy!

I accidentally made one too many audios this month so please enjoy this weird one, lol.

So this was a long-running joke on our Discord server way back when, it was over some silly Question of the Day prompt, I think. It's been too long, so I don't recall perfectly but all I remember is that we got to talking about Medusa falling for a guy and giving him a blowjob.

We got into whether or not the snakes on her head would participate or actually give the blowjob and if her pubes were also snakes, and all this other weird stuff but it made me laugh and I was in a good mood and most of y'all know I'm a sucker for supernatural creatures and so I made it!

You don't recall but you accidentally bumped into a strange woman at the marketplace and vaguely remember that her eyes and hair were covered but you were in a rush and quickly apologized and rushed off. Our shy Medusa really took this to heart though and so followed you to the tavern and then the inn you ended up settling in for the night. 

A little drunk, you didn't notice the woman slipping into your room - and apparently neither did anyone else. But it's okay. She just wants to say thank you. ^^;

Granted, the snakes aren't going to deep throat you but they'll enjoy helping as she swallows you whole. ;3
