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So as you know very well by now, Kiko is about to go into heat. That's going to happen regardless of what this poll's results are! But, you also know (if you listened to Riley Ch 1.5,) that Master's friend believes she's found Kiko's sister Mia in bad shape at the Manor (but not dead!)

My question to you is, does Master tell Kiko what he knows? Does he withhold the information from Kiko because he isn't 100% sure that it was Mia? 


Taka Brute

*no no, lets go super dark and make it so she has a bigger reason to stay*

Holden Gladden

I wouldn't tell her because I wouldn't want to get her hopes up until I knew for sure. I just worry that I'd get her excited only for it to blow up in her face Yaknow?

MoonSilk (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 20:43:29 Ooh yeah I totally understand <3 ^-^
2020-02-03 22:13:36 Ooh yeah I totally understand <3 ^-^

Ooh yeah I totally understand <3 ^-^


Well it kinda is a double edged sword. Not telling her would keep her mood in better shape but telling her would be honest. So even though i voted for not telling her i would pref to pick a middle ground between telling her and leaveing the bad shape out just say link "I my friend found a neko that could be your sister but we are not sure yet i will tell you more if i get more info" or something like that


Oh yeah and moon if you happen to read this i kinda need to talk to you cause i have some questions regarding patreon if you wouldnt mind ^^


I totally get it, though I feel any mention of her sister is going to give her such a huge amount of hope and then it would be you know, soooo many more questions " How was the neko? What did they look like? How do you not know for sure if it was her?! WHERE DID YOU SEE HER?" And at that point, what do you even say? OH at the ...mall? I... uhh... dw about it?" God I'd feel so bad lol