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So first of all, I want to thank everyone who has supported me for the release of Book 4 on Amazon/Audible this week. With all your help, we reached #6 on Kindle and #5 on Audible. That's not in fantasy or some other subcategory either, but all of Amazon.

Unfortunately, I have to come with some bad news at the heels of such a momentous success; there will be a disruption of the release schedule for both March and April.

There will be no chapters on following the days:

March 4th (Friday).

March 28th-April 1.

April 25th-April 29th.

Essentially, no chapters during the last week of the month, with 1 additional no-chapter-day each month.

So, why am I doing this? Honestly, I am falling a bit behind.

I currently have a rolling 3-month schedule for Amazon that requires rewrites and edits, while the world and plot points of Defiance of the Fall have grown increasingly complex. Together with the word-creep of the chapters (they have increased almost 15% in average length since I swapped to my current schedule), I have found it harder and harder to keep up with my current schedule. 

Those of you who have been around a while have probably noticed this from my somewhat late/erratic release schedule the past month.

For now, I am taking these days off not as a vacation, but to properly plot out the chapters for the next month, get my editing out of the way, and replenish my private chapter stock. Depending on how things pan out in the future, this might become a permanent part of my schedule. After all, the issues I listed won't really go away. 

The goal is to reach the Terminus without burning out or sacrificing quality to get out the scheduled chapters. Zac is still only E-grade, and most of his story remains untold. 

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might have brought, and once again thank you for your support.



Don't apologize for anything. The fact that you're pumping out this much content is amazing. Thank you so much for all of this incredible entertainment.

David Bean

Do what you need man. Much rather miss a few days than have the quality drop.


Thanks for the update. And I'm excited to see what direction you take the story.


I love this series and it's a great part of my routine. Take the time you need to make it work for you and I'll still be here when that notification comes in for a new chapter.


You are literally the most consistent Patreon creator I've ever subscribed to. Don't feel bad about this because even without these few days you are still making a crazy amount of content. I'd rather a few less chapters than you burn out and not finish the story!

The Lost Pages

Hey you deserve a break. Especially with doing double duty with the releases and with publishing new chapters.

Scott Mingo

Do what you need to! Rather get a few fewer chapters than have you burn yourself out.

John Anastacio

It's cool. Don't worry about it. Thanks for letting us know.

The Lost Pages

I would suggest that a change in the weekly schedule would be preferred from my point of view. Maybe drop down to 3 or 4 chapters a week. Then surprise us with bonus chapters when they become available. I prefer the consistent drip feed rather than having to go cold turkey for a week. Lol.


If you need to slow down and focus on the book releases then do what you need to do. The fact that you’ve kept up with such an insane writing pace consistently is already something to be proud of. Also, congratulations on the #6 and #5 spots!


Take your time, it's ridiculous how much story you release no worries.

Blayne Allsen

You're one of the best authors I've read, and your consistent posting has only been matched by Shirtaloon who's running the same scheduling as you. I agree with John, I'd rather get a few less chapters than for you to burn out and not finish the story!


Thanks so much TFD...you are the bomb and we got your back.... Like just for info how much longer should we be expecting chapters? 4 or 5 years?

Ben Waschuk

This sounds like a great idea. It will impove the quality of the book and your life/health. Make it permanent!


I considered this, but I ultimately decided against it. I know myself well enough that if I suddenly took Fridays off, I would not get much done that day, which would defeat the purpose of this change.


great decision boss, take more time if you need it!

Bacon Sir

Don’t worry about it too much. This is the highest quality Patreon I support in both quality and quantity, so I have no qualms if you take some time to plan. I think that sentiment applies to most readers here.


We are here cause we love the story and the way it’s written. Whatever you gotta do to keep it up, go for it. Take a vacation if you need to. If writing starts to suck for you, it will suck reading for us. You are already one of the most dedicated posters with basically daily chapters.


I agree, this is hands down the best run Patreon that I have experienced. You actually surprised me by how prolific you are. If nothing else you have earned some down time and I am quite happy that you have chosen to take that time to better plan and consolidate. And on a side note, I hope you "never' end this series.

The Lost Pages

Exactly. He has reached the levels of I Eat Tomatoes and other Chinese web novelists.


You have to keep resting in bewtween. Burn out is real. I've seen it a lot.


You are a human not a chapter producing machine


While you're at it, take a vacation sometime too

Han Pol

That is more then fine


Np mate. Be well and write in the way you think works best for you. We'll still be here to support you.

Mason Sudul

Anything an author does to ensure a quality story i am in full support of


Do what you need! I will gladly support you in this! I love the work, and thank you for all the work you put in to make an enjoyable story!

Andrew Miller

Look man, sometimes us mortals just need to be a chill half step hegemon instead of a top E grade elite. We get it, you'll be using your aura modulator next month to blend in and sneak off to subspace for some soul strengthening.


Thanks for the update!


Take your time. We are here for the glory of reading this masterpiece first. Congratulations for the top spot.


I was thinking the other day how prolific you have been and was surprised you were maintaining such a remarkable pace. And that is without considering edits etc. Seriously take the time. This is a phenomenal story and it deserves the time it needs, as do you.


Do what you need. Take a vacation too ;) Thank you for your transparency and all the hard work!

The Divine F5

Godspeed. I'll support you till the very end, and beyond.

zoli bassoff

Burn out is a real tough time. Take the time you need. I really enjoy your story and want it to go the the end.


Congrats on the Amazon success!!


Totally down with this decision. You are the most consistent author I’ve ever subscribed to. Every time I do a purge of my patreon you are the ONLY author I never unsubscribe from due to lack of value and content. Take a week off every month if it means we continue to get the same excellent consistency!


Do what you have to do.

Chris Vogt II

Do what you gotta do, bro. Quality over quantity any day, in my book. And congrats on the commercial success! Kinda crazy how publishing has changed so much since the turn of the century and really just the last 7-10 years. So many more authors are able to, if not become truly rich, then at least make a comfortable living. More to the reader’s advantage, imho.


I want chapters, this’ll give me chapters in long run, win win

Lucas Gulick

*only begining at nearly 900 chapters* lol I'm in for the long run at this point


You'll still be putting out more chapters per month than any other author I follow.

James Faulkner

Fuck yes, im so glad to hear that this story has a long future ahead of it haha. Take the time you need!

Bryan Ortiz Ramos

Do as you need. We will understand. And remember, we love the series for the quality so theres no problem with slowing down to ensure quality. You have supporters in us.

Lex Luther S

Hmmm, as much as I want to complain we're losing 1/4th the usual chs I just really can't, not only will it help chs be better but it'll also help keep the stability of the ever increasing world view and the ever increasing complexity that fights will begin to have. Especially with a war arc coming up. Well, as long as Russia or China don't start the next world War I'll always be here, eagerly waiting chs


Thank you for the announcement ahead of time, and big congrats on the book release and rankings!!

Dave Richards

I appreciate the explanation. I think the most important thing that drew me to supporting this story was the great quality writing and well thought out plot. So while less chapters is mildly disappointing, I'd rather that then a poorly planned plot and lesser writing quality. Do what you need to do, and also make sure to take some downtime when you need it. You provide a massive amount of content as it is compared to any other writer I know of, so it's understandable if you're struggling a little to maintain such a prolific pace.


Thanks for the explanation. I think most would agree quality is more important than quantity :)


The last week of every month is a good time to go into seclusion and consolidate your gains.


Make sure your foundations are stable before pushing through


The path of cultivation is long and arduous. We won’t go no where. Thanks for making such an excelent story.


No worries take some time. The amount you have written is pretty prolific. To ensure your mental health along with the story quality think most of us would prefer you take a few breaks. Honestly would allow me to catch up so no complaints from me.

Eidetic Eidolon

I gotta say, that's a huge bummer. Your five chapters per week schedule is the largest part of why you're currently my favorite Royal/Patreon author.

Eidetic Eidolon

*sigh* All good things end. You kept up with your stellar release schedule for longer than most any others.

Eidetic Eidolon

Just to make it clear, I totally get it. Your speed + quality was always just so consistently consistent. I'll miss it being the noonday sun spotting with which to orient my reader's salaciously salivating sextant of nautical nonsense.


The last chapter I have gotten is 832. Is that up to date? I’m on the $5 tier


I’m glad you’re taking steps to take care of yourself and protect the quality of the story. I’m here for it


Read 'private chapter stock' and thought, what subscription level do I need for that lol.

rene kaminawash

Oh good I can comment for 2 days I became a member could comment I was like why I needed to comment just because

Zadar Thule

I think 4 chapters a week would be better than 3 weeks with chapters and 1 week without.


No problem. You see, a couple hundred chapters ago, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue this book. I’m glad I did, because currently it is better than ever. So please do what you have to do, take all the time you need. I just hope your work will continue to be great