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The streak of light was joined by a swirl of utmost darkness entering Zac's Draugr avatar, pushing his soul to its limits. It took Zac over ten minutes to gather his wits, and that was just from accommodating the impartment. Digesting it would take far longer, possibly his whole life. He'd only managed to scratch the surface of what was held within, yet what he'd found left him in awe.

"This should prove useful whatever direction you choose."

A'Zu's comment could be considered the understatement of a century. The repository of information that had taken up a corner of his mind was more valuable than a complete Heritage in Zac's eyes. There were no skills, manuals, or techniques inside, nor were there any actual insights into their Dao. There was something even better. The two marks contained a terrifying amount of data.

Just the reports and calculations from a mind-boggling number of experiments would put the Void Gate's nuns to shame. They were also filled with notations, conclusions, and unconfirmed directions of thought. In addition, there were mountains of common research drawn from multiple outside sources Zac had never heard of.

The library was similar to the [Book of Duality] he got from Yrial, except the information was solely focused on the Peak of Chaos. The recording method was ingenious, too. The information was transformed through the lenses of his Branches of Kalpataru and Pale Seal.

Zac couldn't even read the access thing in his current state. Almost everything except the introduction was missing critical context without infusing his Daos. He could only intuit that what he saw was the surface of a bottomless lake of information. Zac had no idea how deeply the information went, but he could tell most of it would remain hidden because of his limited level of comprehension.

The repository left Zac humbled. It drove home the efforts and dedication required to approach the peak of cultivation, especially when climbing a broken peak like Chaos. At their level, it probably took thousands and thousands of expensive and time-consuming experiments just to take a small step forward. These two were no doubt performing countless experiments within their Inner Worlds even now.

A whole chapter also covered the remnants, discussing their composition, nature, and usage. Those notes were clearly not just theory. There was practical experience behind the concepts, meaning they must have found some remnants for experimentation. This chapter was created with him in mind rather than the result of this powerful couple's own cultivation.

The last section on the remnants posited dozens of ways they could be utilized after surviving the Atavism. Zac already had very strong theoretical foundations for his level, and he could tell they all held great promise. He wouldn't even need the help of an epiphany to create a working technique from many of the concepts introduced.

The possibilities were endless. The libraries would be extremely helpful for most aspects of his cultivation going forward. He could draw from them when upgrading blueprints, creating or upgrading skills, and dealing with his cultivation methods. Zac even believed the wealth of information would prove instrumental to one of his most important long-term goals—fusing his two bodies into one.

Being split into two had proven unexpectedly useful in the war. It would also allow him to visit Sanctuary and the Abyssal Shores simultaneously after Ultom, though the current situation in the Undead Empire had introduced uncertainty to that plan. Despite the benefits, Zac had never given up on returning to normal. Being a duality simply didn't feel like his natural state. Becoming one was also required to unlock the true power of his path. Evolution and Inexorability needed to be fused to display the limits of his path.

Zac had already begun drafting a basic framework for reverting the split. Progress was slow because he lacked the theoretical foundations, and Ultom's inspiration couldn't solve these deficiencies. Ultom held all the answers, but the key was knowing the right questions. If you used it blindly, you'd only be able to build on something that already existed.

There were three subjects Zac needed to master before successfully fusing: his Origin, the Void, and the Peak of Chaos. He still only grasped bits and pieces of the Kayar-Elu's experiment. He needed to actually understand how his Specialty Core and the Quantum Spaces worked before he dared fuse himself back to one body. He also needed to know if any more surprises were waiting for him in the later stages of his journey.

It was highly likely he'd need to modify the Duplicity Core to suit his Human-Draugr combination to avoid an even worse fate than what he encountered during his D-grade breakthrough. Doing so without knowing the complex schematics that went into its creation was bound to backfire. Thankfully, he already had a lead on uncovering these secrets. They were the supposed reward for completing Leandra's task to infiltrate Sanctuary in the Eternal Storm.

Relying on the Void was unavoidable if he wanted to fuse before comprehending the Dao of Chaos. He'd formed his core by borrowing truths from Ultom and relying on the quantum space. If he wanted to fuse his two halves, he'd need to understand the Void and tailor a solution that worked without the help of a special environment. He had finally made inroads on this aspect after upgrading [Void Mountain] and activating [Spiritual Void]. There was also the upcoming trial and possibly the Sindris Clan to provide further clarity.

That left the Peak of Chaos. It was his Daos of Life and Death and incompatible constitutions that almost killed him back in the Perennial Vastness. His Branch of the War Axe amplified the conflict, but it wasn't really part of the problem. He'd need a much better understanding of the mechanics of the Peak of Chaos, even if he had the Void to act as a mediator. The library he'd just received would do the heavy lifting in this regard.

Zac's ambitious goal of fusing back together when stepping into Monarchy suddenly felt a lot more achievable. He would have been more than satisfied with this impart alone, and it was only the first of four.

"Thank you," Zac eventually said. "This is extremely helpful."

"Experience can only save time. It cannot solely be relied on," Be'Zi reminded. "The fine details of your Dao can only be explored on your own."

"I understand."


"I'm grateful, but this is already more than I expected," Zac said.

He squeezed out the words with great reluctance. However, he'd become more conscientious about the importance of balance lately. He felt he'd be taking too much if he kept accepting gifts from these two. He'd feel in debt, and they'd fail to sever Karma and wholeheartedly focus on their path of purity.

"Providing these records came at no cost or difficulty to us. Its value is negligible compared to the value of you passing the Atavism."

"Why would that—" Zac said, his question stalling as multiple pieces of information crystallized into an answer.

Zac's actions had struck a grievous blow to the Primordials. Since these two could already sense changes in the Dao, he might actually have cost the Primordials some of their Authority over the Daos of Creation and Oblivion. This represented a huge opportunity for those who were searching for the deepest truths on the Peak of Chaos.

Surviving the Atavism the normal way wouldn't have nearly that kind of impact. However, it still meant ripping a piece out of the tapestry of Grand Dao and damaging its owner. With the Primordials being so intimately connected with the Heavens, it would likely create ripples on the Dao. Observing those changes might be more valuable than eons of normal experiments for cultivators at A'Zu and Be'Zi's level.

"Ripples on the lake," Be'Zi murmured, understanding the thoughts running through Zac's head.

"I think I understand. But why the 100-year deadline if you'd benefit either way?"

"Speed is critical," the Sharva'Zi Matriarch said.

"The longer a carrier takes, the more they will have sacrificed by the time they make their final stand. You'd already be halfway integrated into the tapestry. Passing the Atavism after 300 years is impossible. One hundred years is the limit of succeeding without crippling yourself," A'Zu nodded. "You're intimately connected with the Cursed Heavens and swept up in its schemes. We needed to be careful about what we said not to become targets of its ire. So we chose to present an incentive instead."

"Thank you," Zac said again.

Zac was certain he would have reached this point no matter what. Whether by fate's or the System's design, he kept running into the remnants. However, Be'Zi's mention of surviving the Atavism and putting a seemingly harsh deadline on passing it changed his frame of mind, making him put greater efforts into preparing for it.

"The second gift is a helping hand. We can see the shadow of a great suppression on your spirit. You are currently facing a great threat on the outside."

"My situation on the outside is a bit tricky," Zac coughed. "I'm currently trapped between four Autarchs fighting over me."

"Aren't you popular?" A'Zu said, his brow slightly raised.

"Well, one side wants to enslave me while—"

"Stop. The circumstance does not matter," A'Zu said. "We do not wish to have our sanctuary tainted by the woes of the outside. Like you, we'll follow our path to the end. We'll imbue your spirit with a thread of our power. It should be enough to deal with the threat you face. How you use it is up to you."

Zac felt a weight lifted off his shoulders upon seeing the Aetherlord's calm expression. In terms of long-term value, a wisp of B-grade power was nothing compared to the library. However, it was exactly what he needed right now. There were a lot of moving parts on the outside, and there was no guarantee that calling on the System could solve his problems.

Autarchs were ultimately beings who'd formed a ladder to the Heavens, giving them some ability to resist it. The System wouldn't come in full force for his Glimpses of Chaos like during his talk with Sendor. Exposing the entity within the bell would definitely do the trick, but that would take a moment. Between the bell, Vilari, and his crew aboard the Yphelion, there was a risk someone would be harmed or captured before he could have the System and the old Heavens swoop in and deal with things.

The absolute power of the two Autarchs before him could remove the risk entirely if he played his cards right. He wasn't the same person as the one who stood before these two Autarchs last time. For one, he could better gauge their strength than before. They were far more powerful than the Autarchs who'd snuck into Zurbor.

If Zac had to guess, he'd say A'Zu and Be'Zi were fourth or fifth-step Autarchs. It might not sound like much compared to Peak Autarchs at the Eighth Step like Iz's guardian or the mythological Ninth-step Autarchs almost only existed as a theory. Even then, it made them bigshots within the grade. Only one percent of all Autarchs managed to advance beyond the first step.

B-grade factions neighboring the frontiers, like the Radiant Temple and Havarok Dynasty, would generally only have First-step Autarchs, with the leader simply being someone with deeper foundations or stronger equipment. The strength of the married couple before him would be a huge deal even in the Multiverse Heartlands. Be'Zi could become one of the leaders of the Zi branch of the Abyssal Shores if she returned, and Sharva'Zi's status would skyrocket.

"The third gift is connected with the second. You'll receive both upon leaving," A'Zu continued. "It's the thing we originally promised—a glimpse of true Oblivion and Creation unsullied by that ancient madness."

"A Dao Impartment will damage your foundations. It's a waste of such a precious gift since we walk a different path. I even got a piece from the Primordials already."

A'Zu's outer eyes rapidly blinked in a way that Zac, for some reason, felt mocking. "You might have your own ideas for the Peak, but you need to learn to walk before you can run. No matter how you arrange things in the end, you have to begin with the basic building blocks."

"The accord cannot be broken. It was spoken with the Heavens as a witness," Be'Zi added.

"You don't need to worry about us. Our difference in level is great, and neither of us has left an impartment before. We'll fully recover in a few millennia, and we're mostly forgotten by the world. Our wisps will take you to the Grand Dao before bringing you back," the Aetherlord said, settling the matter.

"I won't waste the opportunity," Zac said with determination.

"Good," Be'Zi said, taking out an item. "The final gift we leave represents our gratitude for going far beyond our expectations and our aspirations for your future. In accordance, it is the most valuable by far."

Most valuable by far? Zac gulped, looking at the nondescript item in Be'Zi's hand with a mix of expectation and confusion. That thing was more valuable than two Dao Impartments, a lifetime's worth of experience, and a killing blow of a Mid-stage Autarch?

"What is it?" Zac couldn't help but ask as he looked at the mottled key in Be'Zi's hand.

It looked like something used to lock up an old toolshed rather than a supreme treasure. It appeared crudely made and disfigured, having been bent and scratched up after extended use. It didn't emit a speck of energy, either, to give a hint of its purpose.

"[Chaos Cipher]," Be'Zi said. "A relic from a bygone time."

"Chaos cipher…" Zac said, his eyes gradually widening in alarm. "Don't tell me it's related to an Eternal Heritage?"

"Yes and no," Be'Zi said, drawing a confused look from Zac.

"You should be aware we're currently in the Era of Order since you know of Eternal Heritages," A'Zu said, continuing after Zac nodded in affirmation. "Order has brought structure. A hierarchy of established factions controls all integrated space, and society gravitates toward the order of Empires. The torch of cultivation is passed on through familial bonds, and a delicate balance is enforced.

"The Era of Order could be considered a reaction to the previous one, which is commonly referred to as the Primordial Era. Primordial Chaos forming the lynchpin of reality led to a very different environment. Factions neither grew as large nor as enduring as what we've witnessed in our time. Those seeking the Dao more often resembled Wandering Cultivators.

"They traveled alone or in small groups of like-minded people. The weak walked the earth, and the strong traveled beyond the stars. They were generally referred to as Demonic Cultivators. Mind you, they were not intrinsically evil. They followed their inner voice, ignoring the law of man or the Heavens.

"This chaotic environment wasn't necessarily worse than the road of cultivation we have today. Fewer reached the peak because they relied on nothing but their hands and determination to seize a corner of the Heavens. However, those who did were generally stronger than the cultivators of today. Of course, our generation also has the System, so it's impossible to make a perfect comparison."

What A'Zu described lined up with Iz's description of progenitors. The few who managed to rise to B-grade and higher often wield greater power than normal while having stronger Dao Hearts. They had built their path through greater effort since they didn't have any elders or ready-made Heritage to fall back on.

"The downside of the Primordial Era's environment was the limited culture of inheritance. You may not be aware, but Eternal Heritages can be separated into two categories. True Eternal Heritages are likely those you've heard of. Places of ultimate power that surpass the Dao, allowing it to survive Era after Era."

"The [Chaos Cipher] is not related to one of them," Zac concluded.

"No," A'Zu sighed. "Not a single faction of today has the resources and strength necessary to erect a True Eternal Heritage. The Limitless Empire was the only one that possessed the qualifications, but they created the System instead. So, how could the solitary cultivators of the previous era accomplish something like that? As far as we know, there are no True Eternal Heritages left from the Primordial Era."

"That brings us to the second category of Eternal Heritages. They're called Cataclysmic Heritages, and the [Chaos Chipher] we're bequeathing you will provide access to one called the [Waking Nautilus]."




Ryan Pepp

Thank you for the chapter!


Zac: man, I’m a smol fishie. I shall be a good boi and leave the Eternal Heritage of Ultom to the true powers. Be’zi/A’zu: lol nah fam, we gotchu


Thank you!

Timothy Dana

What is a Waking Nautilus?


Yes, it's the only way for people who read slowly ;)

Darnell Maxwell

🤩 And if that's not a confirmation for upgrading Rapturous Divide I don't know what is! I assume he'll wait until this graveyard business is finished. But after some pondering on the info packet, Zac's best skill will finally reach the D Grade!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Michael Fannon

Waking Nautilus? Why does that remind me like that planet sized ship mentioned that let's D-grades in but no one ever has returned from?


So, how many impartments can one guy have without actually working through any of them

Darnell Maxwell

I think the most wild part about this chapter, is that Zac has already made a return on his investment. These gifts alone will provide great info for upgrades, boost both his final branches too peak, set the foundation for all 3 to eventually become Earthly doas (most likely during Ultom for Axe, during the heartlands visit for death and during sanctuary for life in that order) and deal a powerful blow to survive the autarchs. And this is all before he's entered the damn graveyard. Let alone gotten the foreign gods. Can't wait to see how much war merit he gets from this and more importantly, what he spends it on.

Lex Luther S

Man, the rewards were definitely worth the effort. Not only did he get a wealth of knowledge, but even 2 impairments of their powers. From autarchs of their lvl, it's more than enough to create the opening zac needs to shatter the bell and call the system and old heavens. Then there's an actual dao impairment so it seems zac really will be forming his dao branches which will be a big power up. And now there's the final reward and the info dump on the last era. To think the current era of order was brought about because the former era was built on chaos; it's truly interesting how TFD is crafting his world and its infinitely long history. And it even gives a reasonable excuse why there's no true eternal heritages from the primordial era. But.... there's a new issue. They've given a literal walking calamity access to something called a cataclysmic heritage and "Waking Nautilus" sounds like "walking natural disaster" to me🤣🤣🤣 Man he really isn't gonna escape that epitaph of his. He truly will be known as a deviant even as a supremacy.



Alexander Dupree

Nice thanks for the chapter. So Zac is sitting pretty right now


Zac: So like the Technocrat Codex? Them:...


So we all pretty much shoot to low with the gifts.. They count 2 (two) dao impartments from Autarchs as 1 gift.. I were looking forward to the Skygnome having a heartdemon from his loot.. but this list will make Ogras explode in cloud of jealousy so big it will probably contribute to hiding Earth and Ensolus for a whole millennium beyond the current shrouds timeline ;) He dont even need the system to deal with those low grade puny 1 step autarchs outside, and with some luck he can get something else from glimpse of chaos, or spark of chaos in this case? They do say that knowledge is power, and he just got a whole damn library of focused experimental data and theoretical knowledge about his two daos.. I imagine he will use that to make a number of supreme pathbound skills as he get the time to work his way trough it. And yes, he might even use it to upgrade Rapturous divide to something fancy ;) And just to top it off.. he get a key to a 2nd grade eternal heritage.. Now we just need to start a betting pool for what the hell the Waking Nautilus is.. Waking means something that's getting awaken or a living thing that's thinking, and Nautilus is something subnautical, maybe some sort of submersed transport if we refer to Jules Verne. TFD sure do create cliffs 24 hours long :p


"Since I have you guys here and we're on the topics of eternal heritages, speaking hypothetically if I wanted to hide a pillar without anyone knowing, what would be the best way to go about doing it?"

Darnell Maxwell

When Zac wins this war, probably within like 3 years of exiting Ultom or after a decade. (I honestly don't see it taking any longer than that since we have places to go too and the war is keeping Zac from doing that stuff.) I'm curious what he'll get for carrying the Zecia sector. A permanent title is almost guaranteed. Hell he might even get 2. But I wonder what he'll get for his S grade war evaluation. Maybe an upgrade to his bangle. Personally I hope he's marked for some kind of training questline. I remember how he got that after closing the last incursion. And I feel like that is an interesting idea that this book hasn't done before. Like maybe he starts out needing to complete quests that have a punishment for failure. Similar to the one he got for making a deal with the system in the twilight forest. But as the quests go on, they offer a basic reward on failure that is instead upgraded on completion. I feel like that could become another highlight of on an already great arc instead of a tiny nugget of gold in easily the worst arc ever written in this series.... So yeah hope we get something cool like that. But I'm sure as long as it doesn't cause Zac as much trouble as Brazla it will be great. Or he could lose the war and just leave the sector. I'd be fine with either.

Jeremy Stohl

Nautilus..........like a ship maybe could be cool

Michael Fannon

Just a thought: the technocrat heritage was from the previous era. The era of primordial chaos. And only those at the peak could send a heritage. And the peak then were chaos cultivators. Are the technocrats chaos cultivators!? That's another weird connection. Any bets that the Abyss is also something like that and the Draugr are descendents from that era too?


Probably not, given doing science and not having a large organization don't really go hand and hand. I was more going for them wondering how Zac knew all of this.

Michael Fannon

I think the waking Nautilus is the unclaimed trail ship someone (Iz?) mentioned a while back that let's D-grades in but no one has ever returned. Would explain why B-grades are ok giving away a door to a heritage if only D-grades can enter. And since the impartments are of the daos of creation and oblivion, I think Zac might have a chance to push his daos all the way to earthly daos.

Michael Fannon

Reminder that there will be no chapters on Thursday or Friday due to break. So any bets on the Wednesday cliff? I got bell cracks open and unleashes pure void that resonates with Zac's bloodline.

Saijibott Saijibott

Quick question. If Zac has to make an inner world and earth is already life and death oriented can't he just move earth as his inner world? I mean he still has a chance to move the world within 50yr. Or does he have to create his own inner world.


Its good they gave Zac some B grade Hair Spray to scare the Sangha away but I feel they cursed him with more problems after giving him the [Chaos Chipher]. The man is about to call the heavens into an Unorthodox Sector with an Outer creature and trigger multiple bombs to anger the System, that's going to call an unprecedented level of destruction for some D grade Hegemon and now they are giving him the Key to something called a Cataclysmic Heritage, are they mad?!

Justin van mele

Plz have Zac ask Be'Zi for the bloodline Ancestral Runes she has for the Zi bloodline to give to Catheya for bloodline cultivation.

Jack Trowell

Did Zac promise to give a message to Be'Zi from her family next time she saw her? Or was that already done last time he had a vision from the remnants?

Darnell Maxwell

He has to create his own inner world by transforming his cosmic core. Now could he theoretically absorb Earth to transform his core into an inner world? Yes. But that would leave it a desolate husk. It's what the Evening Tide Asura did to gain strength. Now as for specifically fusing Earth with his cosmic core. Yes, that is technically possible. But to do so would involve him teraphorming the planet as a whole to perfectly match the daos that make up his core and his path. Meaning adding the void and conflict, not just his understanding of life and death. Resulting in the deaths of likely most beasts and plant life on the planet even if he teleports all the citizens to Ensolus. And that's not including destroying the soul wisp inhabiting the planet that's currently keeping it stable. While technically possible I highly doubt Zac will do this because it's far more trouble than just transforming his cosmic core. Plus he would lose all the money and resources the planet generates. Maybe if he was a normal mortal like that fish dude that became a monarch he would consider it. But seeing as how Zac's luck is so high, I highly doubt he would try it.


A lot happening in an instant. When his mind returns to the zubor sector it will pretty wild. From puny D grade to using Autarch powers to dominate everyone. Reminds me of how the tower of eternity went down.


They should've known better after he wounded 2 invulnerable gestalt entities


Thx 🙏


A vehicle to take his planets some where else... that's my guess

Mason W

Giving the guy who blows stuff up as his go to solution a Cataclysmic Heritage? This will end well…


Thousands of years of creation and oblivion research is really amazing. The collective knowledge of 2 Autaurchs, in the first couple seconds seemed to explain his own quantum link. NO OTHER POWER COULD FIGURE THIS OUT. It sounds like he can cleanse other shards with the knowledge as well, which helps the couple as well. So he could have other members of his faction using them! I feel bad about the sudden multiple heart attacks Ogras will have when he gets back. So sad, 😞


So if I was interested in stealing a pillar and hind it what would I need.

Random Information

Omnilord's trial (Chapter 1086)? "Throughout recorded history, since before the System even, there have been sightings of an ancient castle appearing out of nowhere. Sometimes it's in the middle of the Multiverse Heartlands. Sometimes it's in the depths of the Eternal Storm. There are even records of it appearing in the Lower Planes. "It appears for exactly 37 days before disappearing. During that time, its gates are open for anyone below the C-grade. However, not even Supremacies can force their way inside. Once, a Throne tried and was rebuffed." "So it's an Eternal Heritage," Zac surmised. "No," Tavza said with a shake of her head. "It's Dao is odd, but it should be something of this Era. The problem is, no one knows who this Omnilord is. We only know what the plaque outside tells us. The Omnilord has left 'The Key to the Future' for his fated inheritor, and it's waiting in the heart of the castle." "What's the key to the future?" "Who knows?" Tavza shrugged. "And that's my point; there is usually a reason why mysteries remain a mystery to this day. Out of the billions of geniuses who have entered the Omnilord's trial, not one was ever seen again."

Michael Fannon

That it!! Thank you. Yes, rereading that passage really makes them seem connected. Maybe.

Michael Fannon

Ogras? Zac might just have gotten a treasure even Iz might be jealous of. He was just given a back door key to a heritage of chaos.

Michael Fannon

Oh, it's worse than that. Give the guy who is a living embodiment of chaos the back door key to a heritage of chaos. Before heading to the sanctuary of the technocrats and the undead empire, with both already in chaos. And the entire heartlands about to erupt in war. Mostly because of him already. This is going to be really chaotic.

David Giles

I get the distinct feeling they're treating Zac as a peer more than anything. With so few trying to mend the Peak of Chaos there probably aren't many who get even as far as Zac.

Michael Fannon

They are pursuing chaos. Of course they're mad. Madness is a basic requirement. Plus, they're probably making a long term bet on Zac helping them more by accident in the future. Greed, cleverness, and heaps of luck are apparently also requirements.


They didn't figure out jackshit, he straight up told them.


Best skill, nah. Flashiest and coolest sounding. Hell fuck yes.

Han Pol

So the Mirror of Iz is likely also something similar to the waking Nautilus?

Darnell Maxwell

Then what do u consider his best skill? And if you say Primal Edict, Pillar of desolation or blighted cut. This convo is pointless.

Mateo Lopez

Maybe it’ll be something that allow him to go in and out of reality using the void. A way to ambush unsuspecting enemies. Like diving into the ocean (void)

Henry Wartemberg

Sparing a thought for Iz waiting on the signal. Obviously she’d be keeping an eye out for something large. So naturally one of the peaks of the heavens starts to rearrange

Lorevi Q

Yeah even if he's still relatively inexperienced, he's probably the first to successfully build chaos instead of just oblivion or creation which makes them respect him more


So Earthly Dao for everything now? Maybe even middle? 2 5step autarchs worth of impartments is something else.

Addison Grimes

Thx everyone here who helps at least me keep plot threads clear … question … “passing the Atavism” I think means more than consuming 5 O and C chunks ??? What else ?


They’re aren’t mad, they are trying to get on the nether beast good side. Nice doggy… go fetch… very far from us..

Jeff McCulley

The five chunks gain a connection with the Tapestries of their respective Creation or Oblivion. The person holding the shards either loses their sense of self and becomes part of the tapestry (/tapestries)—or has the strength to pull free, and remain themselves. Generally, the latter apparently still involves losing something of yourself. With Tavza’s help, Zac held onto everything.

Jeff McCulley

I think the other to Peak, then he has to make his personal plan for Earthly.

Jeff McCulley

Or a compatriot. A fellow sojourner. Interesting that they say they’re ending karma. The thing is, they’re also creating goodwill, even gratitude.


Just a theory. But sometime ago they talked about a castle that just pops up randomly, and everyone who goes in never comes out, but it’s some sort of crazy old heritage. Key to the weird floating castle mentioned a long time ago?

Jeff McCulley

Why? Catheya gets more than enough perks and bennies from Zac already. She needs to forge her own course. We’ve heard that again and again in regards to Zac. He can’t do everything for her.


Yup-- I'm loving it. A very, very, VERY junior peer. But a peer.


You just reminded me he has life and death at late not peak. I think 2 low earthly now. He already stated that 2 more peaks would be poi less for him at this junction, He would be using the grand Dao to get inspiration for his earthly Dao, it shouldn't impact his individual Dao path.

Jeff McCulley

I have an odd suspicion the Bell isn’t completely broken, but joins the growing list of Zac’s personal playtoys.

Salvo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 22:57:46 They do say in this chapter they are in a separate flow of time, so he actually could take a few years absorbing the impartment.
2024-03-11 22:55:45 They do say in this chapter they are in a separate flow of time, so he actually could take a few years absorbing the impartment. a good thought is he may give them to Alea as well as Haro and Verun. They’ll need to level as much as him in order to progress.

They do say in this chapter they are in a separate flow of time, so he actually could take a few years absorbing the impartment. a good thought is he may give them to Alea as well as Haro and Verun. They’ll need to level as much as him in order to progress.

Michael Fannon

Completely off topic of this chapter, but did we ever get the new shipyard upgrade quest? Zac should have gotten it a while back after the last upgrade, but don't remember if it was ever mentioned. The mention of traveling reminded me he needs to push his ship to peak D at least before heading out.


Gaping and judging from the last comment she made, slightly moist (sorry).

Jeff McCulley

Pretty sure that the reason they’re okay with giving him the key is that they’ve already been there. I think it’s the kind of thing —being 2nd tier—that you pass along the key when you’re done. .

Michael Fannon

Early earthly Daos are possible I think. Hope we find out tomorrow and not Wednesday. Otherwise that will be the cliff before the break.

Michael Fannon

Of course Iz is going to show up. Question is if Kator becomes a new follower like Ogras did, or if he ends up fuel for chaos. And am I the only one wanting to meet Iz's followers?

Jeff McCulley

Rava already told him that he could snag it and run away, and the Supremacy’s wouldn’t be able to find him.


Probably a dumb question, but did we ever get a chapter or two on the D-grade part of the Myriad Dao Yrial inheritance?

Raymond Whitehead

We saw the quest for middle D grade, and it was limited to zacs faction being classified as such which should be the case now. But we have not seen the late D grade quest

Michael Fannon

Just realized that Zac getting earthly daos would trigger a tribulation. That would be a wonderful addition to the chaos.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Ooooooooo Corpse Tree 2: Electric Boogaloo (Autarch edition)?!?!


Feels like 90% of his rewards are things that he can’t immediately use, and just end up as exposition while progressing hundreds of chapters down the road. Lessens the impact and satisfaction sometimes, imo. Awesome rewards though. He has so many open threads on things he needs to do now though I have trouble seeing how he can collect the benefits on some of these, or if some would even be helpful anymore, e.g. going and seeing Yrial again; what could he give compared to rewards from Autarchs understanding his path much more closely?


If I was in a room with Kator, the Empire Autarchs, and the Baldy Autarchs - and I had two Autarch killings charges on me…I would use them both on Kator


And on top if it all he has wisp of the tapestries of creation and oblivion waiting for him outside


I reeeeeealy want more ship upgrades :)


Sweet, thanks answering! If it's for peak Hegemons it'll probably be an awesome few chapters!

Russell Widger

I think it will instantly be peak life/death and it will lay shocking foundations for his Earthly Dao and once he makes his Earthly Dao he will rocket those to middle or maybe even late

Russell Widger

Only in the sense that it is a relic from another era, definitely not a key to an eternal heritage

Lex Luther S

It'd be way to much of a waste to use it on kator, especially given zac will eventually reach and surpass him, especially with the use of his stances true strengths with their respective void daos.


When this fight with Kator finally goes down, Zac is gonna have Kator holding his pocket.

Lex Luther S

It's already a wrap that the zecia sector and zubor sector will eventually come under his control. The kan'tanu are toast with what zacs got cooking and the zecia factions will have no choice but to cowtow to zac after he reaches monarchy because I have no doubt only late stage monarchs would be able to match him. Add in the core of the Atwood empire reaching Peak hegemony or monarchy and they really will have no choice but to accept becoming a faction under the Atwood empire. Especially when we factor in the next generation of his elite undead.

Russell Widger

I feel like the end of the war happens before Ultom.. what happens here in this bit will end the war by destroying a huge portion of the Zurbor sector

Russell Widger

Quick question.. if Zach kills the Autarchs.. what is he going to loot from their corpses?


Yeah, it may not be particularly difficult. But I get the sense it'll likely still be hilarious since Yrial is kind of special 🤣

Lex Luther S

Well, zac has done something no other has done before and that's shake the very foundations of the shard of creation and splinter of oblivions tapestries. It's been mentioned even after being destroyed they still held on to the authority they had over their respective peaks and with what zac has done shakes lose that authority while permanently weakening those blights on the multiverse.


Or have the 2nd Sendor seal trap him in the lightning field

Jeff McCulley

I suspect the System is spending energy maintaining that “separate flow”, so years isn’t gonna happen.

Jeff McCulley

Probably nothing. You have to take the time to loot Inner Worlds for that (which generally aren’t small), and Zac has places to go and people to see.

Matthew Hay

Perhaps we could coin the term as an Eternal Relic. Then the mirror and key are both Eternal Relics, but of significantly different scope. Still seems significant that they can survive the death of an era on their own.


Don’t think he’ll get all the energy for killing one with “external” means system probably tops him up to peak monarch as reward but ntn more, probably a unique title, like upgrade to big game hunter maybe something like cosmic defier 😂😂😂😂


tbh all of his skills are kinda meh. They really don't follow his themes like at all and are kinda like someone threw a dart at the 'random powers' chart and built them like that. The issue is that the author has written them like their own mini arcs with each skill becoming too unrelated. Which is a pain because it makes them all kinda equally forgetable. Zac's skills are totally not what i'd point at to describe his awesome traits. I'd point out his qualities first as defining factors.


Odds on Zac killing 4 autarchs? How much time will he have before going back to his bodies? How much was the primo aware of this timeline? He sent tavza to Zac in the tapestry, but did he forsee what Zac would do if successful? Did he seal himself off so tavza would reach out to him? Did he do this to eliminate four problem children/Autarchs? What's the Primos gambit in all of this?

John Anastacio

We know A'zu and Be'Zi are happy about the Heart and the Spark getting wrecked. What I want to know is how big forces that cultivate Daos related to Chaos (like the Undead Empire and the Sangha) will respond to Zac wrecking the Heart and the Spark. Will they be happy with Zac about it? Mad with Zac about it? Happy with Zac about it but still want to kill him anyway?

Berry McCockiner

When Kator sees Zac wipe out 4 Autarchs, you really think he’s gonna still believe that he is the stronger? Borrowed power or not, Zac is him.

Matthew Hay

Yrial can still offer his experience in forming his world. Just like in E-grade, Zac can experience hundreds or thousands of years worth of diagrams, etc that are specific to a world over a core. If the concepts were so easy to glean just from book knowledge then you wouldn't have such insane fall-off at every grade. Likely it would still be immensely useful.

Berry McCockiner

I’m guessing some other POV tomorrow. Wednesday will be Zac’s POV finishing up talks with the love birds, then will end with him coming back to the present and then a huge cliff where he is about to unleash chaos.

Palmer Evans

Maybe Iz and her team have some way to store the inner worlds of the dead Autarchs?

Palmer Evans

I think ByLord is making a joke by rewriting the scene from the Office where Michael says “If I was in a room Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby - and I had two bullets - I would shoot Toby twice”. Then everyone groans at Michael saying he took the joke too far, but it highlights that Michael really does not like Toby. So ByLord is Michael and Kator is Toby in this joke lol


Tbh 4 autarchs kills would be enough to put him at peak d grade at ease. So i duobt that he will get it. THOUGH getting tk peak middle d grade. THAN using rest of near infinite kilk energy for bloodline evolution or smth like that also sound plausible.

Jeff McCulley

Zero percent odds Zac kills four Autarchs. He kills one Sangha Autarch, that gives the two undead the opening to kill the other—and those two are allies. What happens when the System shows up is their problem.

Jeff McCulley

*Everyone* who cultivates Chaos should be happy about it. The Sangha, however, claim to believe there has to be balance.

Jeff McCulley

Except that if this is something that he earned in exchange for his performance, it shouldn’t count as “external”. He got credit for killing Uona (and everyone else along the line) when he was supercharged, right? And in her case, the System actually did the job itself, as part of the bargain with him. So…full credit. Level 200, here we come!

Jeff McCulley

I almost suspect that if the System and the Heavens are the ones doing the roasting and toasting, there’ll be nothing salvageable left from their inner worlds.

Jeff McCulley

Zac isn’t going to wipe out four Autarchs. Not least, because two are his allies. And pretty sure he only has one shot from Be’Zi and her hubby. And I don’t get the extreme Kator hate. Sure he’s been obnoxious—but we already know that’s an act. And it looks like he just HELPED Zac get unfrozen so he could use Sendor’s mark.

Jeff McCulley

I can just see it tomorrow. Sangha monk, rapidly evaluating fate as Zac reappears: “Ah, Benefactor. I see that you have already altered Fate, so this penniless monk will just get out of your wa—“ Zac: ZAP!!! Three Autarchs look on in horror as one Sangha monk is instantly disintegrated. Zac: “Yeah, that was a Zac Zap. I’m trademarking it. Y’all want some, or are y’all gonna leave me alone now?” Kator: “Zac, my friend, my buddy, ol’ pal…” Ogras: “Hey, that’s MY job!”


At this point I'm sure that Zac's tribulations are going to start having tribulations.


The funny part is that Zac could just look at her and go "No wait, that's not the signal yet"


I feel like this is a very good question. Basically the Sangha already tried to tie Zac to them (I think it was the 4th mountain) and sent people to either change his fate or eliminate him. But you can see that the Primo seemed excited for this and even indirectly helped by allowing Tavza to help. So I think it’s going to be about a 50/50 split, some old monsters will like it but I think the imperials won’t because it’s going to shake up their power structure.


Well I guess the question could be whether the “external means” just gives him a power up of his own or if they grant access to their own skills. I think it will be interesting to see. I doubt he won’t get any kill energy from it but it’s probably reduced.


If he kills one then there is a whole inner world to plunder.

Berry McCockiner

He’s going to do something that gets rid of all 4 of the big dudes some how or another, so yes he’s gonna wipe them out of the picture. Don’t mean kill exactly. I like kator, like the dynamic it brings to the book


With the nautilus he will be able to explore the depths of the abyssal pond sooner than estimated


Nautilus? Some kind of ship? Perhaps we'll find Zac next twenty thousand leagues under the sea. 😄

Hakeem Gordon

As I remember, the Eidolon is restraining the bell and the other undead Autarch is shrouding them from the heavens. At least one of those two should be his primary target to get a swift reaction from the heavens such that the plan against the Kan'Tanu proceeds and his companions are only left vulnerable for as little time as possible.


Waking Nautilus sounds so fucking cool

Jeff McCulley

For those of you who are reading “Nautilus” and thinking Jules Verne, remember that TFD likes to go for the ancient definitions. Borrowing from Wikipedia and elsewhere: The nautilus is an ancient pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family Nautilidae. The nautilus is the sole extant family of the superfamily Nautilaceae and the suborder Nautilina. Nautilidae, both extant and extinct, are characterized by involute or more or less convolute shells that are generally smooth, with compressed or depressed whorl sections, straight to sinuous sutures, and a tubular, generally central siphuncle.[5] Having survived relatively unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, nautiluses represent the only living members of the subclass Nautiloidea, and are often considered "living fossils". And from the National Ocean Service: The chambered or pearly nautilus is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a distant cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing cousins, though, the soft-bodied nautilus lives inside its hard external shell. The shell itself has many closed interior chambers or “compartments.” (Snip) According to fossil records, animals similar to the chambered nautilus have existed for about 500 million years.

Jeff McCulley

Probably a reference to a primordial mollusk. Though I haven’t yet figured out the tie to Chaos yet. And I don’t think Zac needs a sub to explore the Abyssal Lake. The Draugr were born from it.

Jeff McCulley

Catheya, after a pleading glance from Kator: “Don’t look at me, I kiss something else entirely.” Undead Autarchs: “We’ll be pulling the spirit out of the bell for you now, Young Master.” Remaining Monk: “This penniless monk needs to go clean up the mess running down his leg, Benefactor…”

Jeff McCulley

Good point, Palmer. I’ll take your word for it. I don’t watch TV, aside from occasional sports. Books are so much better.

Jeff McCulley

What would be even cooler (and more hilarious) is if Zac runs across the original Yrial trapped in one of these Mystic Realms.

Jeff McCulley

Me too!!! At least, to know what the upgrade quest(s) is/are! One for the Shipyard, one for the Yphelion?

Jeff McCulley

Nutzu, the future girlfriend. After all, TFD literally made her name “Nuts You”. And we all know exactly what Zac goes for.


I did not get the feeling Kator was trying to help. Imo, he used his time daos to slow him down, trying to make him unable to act.


I wonder what his fused body will look like. He's always been separated switching or actually 2 bodies. I wonder what one body looks like.

Will Mill

I’m eagerly awaiting, “Um lastly, I sorta married your great (x ???) grand daughter. Hi grandma! Hello grandpa! Anything I can pass along to her?”


I am confused, are each peak or seals just one part or multiple, like the peak of elements. It’s contains all elements of I am not mistaken so does that mean there can be someone who has authority over water controls the entire peak or can we also have someone with authority over sand or ice also share that peak ?


There won't be any time to plunder even if he manages to kill any. Freeing Valari and breaking through the wall is going to be a mad dash of things one after another.


So are the Sangha of one mind or it’s the same as the undead were it just cooperation to save face but there is struggles underneath. My theory is the monk from earth might be a factor into Zac having some sort of relationship with the Sangha. Tbh I think Everlasting peace is one of the few monks that kept it 💯 with Zac


Ooohh, that would be pretty awesome and honestly entirely possible with Zac + friends and mystic realms in the past!


Dude just ONE Autarch kill should easily catapult him to peak D grade. That’s such a monumental gulf in power, as to be incomprehensible


“Roasting and toasting” made me smile more than I’d like to admit.

Lex Luther S

The peaks are just that respective daos seal or throne, in a sense. The 17 peaks are the building blocks of the heavens while the era is rebuilt around a certain dao. But having a throne or seal doesn't mean you can control that peaks other elements; at least I don't think it would. Maybe if one gained the highest grade of authority it may be possible but that woukd likely be insanely rare and difficult. Zacs peak of chaos is likely an outlier because the only way to reach chaos is through oblivion and creation and the only way to reach those daos is through life and death while most peaks have a smorgasbord of other daos in them, like the peak of impetus which governs over paths involving emotions.


Thank you this makes more sense. After reading book12 the whole seals and throne was confusing in a sense. So does that mean only one cultivator can control a single peak, like there can only be one person at the peak of fire cultivation? And I am not saying like paths but like the embodiment of the dao of flames


How long did you stare at "Relying on the void was avoidable..."

Chase C

The raw amount of energy would without a doubt be enough to get Zac to peak D grade, but the actual progression requires him to reforge his core 2 more times. It'll be interesting to see what happens if he actually does get the kill energy from one or more Autarchs.

Berry McCockiner

Hoping for an alt POV (preferably Catheya) of Zac just unleashing some Autarchy power. Maybe even Kator just being dumbstruck about who Zac really is.


Nah, we need a Carl, Jaol or Emily pov for the fallout of this shitshow


He could use a wisp of chaos to reforge his core potentially. That’s the benefit of chaos, never know what it’s capable of.

Lex Luther S

No, though the dao seems limited, especially at the peak, it likely only reaches a sever degree in a supremacy that has a throne or seal or great deal of authority like the primo. Though that doesn't mean that one won't have issues. Take zac being marked by the primos authority; it happened because he, in a sense, basically gave zac the go ahead to cultivate pure death. Otherwise zac would have started to have issues with progressing his dao of death likely when reaching an earthly dao. Now this is where authority comes into play. Even if a supremacy reached the limits of their path, they'd be weaker than someone that's managed to grasp a piece of authority and this is likely amplified for supremacies on a peak of someone with a throne or seal. Now, it's important to note that any 8th step autarch or supremacy is likely the very embodiment of their daos; like Iz guardians very flames slowing time or searing space closed or how the abyssal lake sees all daos through the dao of death. Though as mentioned there's a greater deal of suppression with seeing the heavens that way


The nautilus also has significance in mathematics. Its shell is a nearly logarithmic spiral, and thought of as an example of the “golden ratio” (about 1.618; it’s not really, but it’s close and the graphic depiction looks cool) represented in things like the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio exists if two segments of a line (A and B) are such that A/B = (A+B)/A = 1.618 No idea how (or if) TFD is leaning that way, but a mathematical curiosity comprising the relationship between two separate parts of a whole seems more likely than a random mollusk.

Lex Luther S

As mentioned, the spark of creation and heart of oblivion are literally seen as a blight on the multiverse. Even after being shattered by either laondio or Karz or one of their generals, their undying Willis doggedly kept ahold of the authorities they had, and even destroying their shards of splinters had no effect as they'd just re-appear in some corner of the multiverse. So how does one rattle the authority these blighted things have held onto for eons if destroying their shards and splinters doesn't work? Zac has done something never done before and that's force these 2 beings together and not only surviving their atavism but also ripping out sections from both their tapestries, damaging the heart of oblivion and spark of creation to their very foundations. Even if this doesn't fully release the authority they have ahold of, it'll still be a massive boon to those on the peak of chaos from death to life cultivators and especially those of oblivion and creation. And that's just the surface effects, there's no telling what else will come about with zacs actions.


Ogras, well now we're dead there's no way we're getting out of this. Even more Autarchs... Come on my lucky golden boy let's see what you're worth

John Anastacio

I want to know what kind of title Zac gets for wrecking the Heart and the Spark. Something like Peakmender?