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When someone fully transforms into a Succubus it's not like they're completely reborn as a new person... they still have their original memories and basic personality, but more or less lose a lot of self-control. Like, imagine if your Id was suddenly turned up to 11 and also you gained powers that made it easier for you to indulge in your basest desires.




I'm honestly living for the story arc here. No one's banging or being feral, and I can just feel Karen's wholesomeness jumping out in that last panel


Hmm, it'll be interesting indeed to see where things go with her transformation.

Escaped Dreamer

Dang that sound like a win win to turn in a succubus. But then again I can see hiw that is morally wrong. Also what happened to the succubus that possessed her? Did it go back or is it still around?

Aishling Sparrow

Oooh, nice. I do love having a bit of lore, and a chance to explain more on the succubi of the BCC universe. While I do love the sex, I'm honestly down for taking time out to explain some of this and run with the lore!

Pedro Rivera Rosado

Fascinating take on the succubus lore. In theory it would take either some power higher than a basic succubus to keep ones instincts in checked not repressed. Or pull a parthunax but that would take a century at minimum and nina isn't the type of person to pull that off.


Yeah…Nina needs to go ahead and join the purple brigade in the near future 😂