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I've decided that I'm going to focus on completing NNN before I return to BCC... I have a solid idea for a finale based on a combination of various suggestions I've received from patron, and I've realized that, if I want to make sure this is actually finished in time for the month, I'll need to actually dedicate some time to it. My hope was to have this be something that I just work on when I have extra time, and initially my idea was that, if I didn't manage to complete this series with that system I just wouldn't worry about it, since this is something I'm doing in addition to BCC. But honestly people have been enjoying this so much I want to make sure that, at the very least, this first one goes well.

I'm still planning to do standalone, flat-colored pinups like this in my free time after November, but I'm not going to worry about them as much as I am with this series.




Jenna's balls are almost big enough to sit on