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There will be another two pages of Side Dishes 2-II later this month, but Kenneth hasn't sent me the script for them. As always, he's open to suggestions for this series. So if there's anything in particular you'd like to see Feuille and Aqua Vert do together, go ahead and leave a comment with your suggestion.




some kind of weight gain/inflation, if only cause thats where it looks like its going


First of all, many thanks again to Kenneth for funding and sharing SD2-II and to TDD for beautifully drawing it ofc :) My suggestion is for something never seen before (at least, not by me :p), that is an "all-the-way-through 2.0": the tentacles that are DPing Feuille will come out from Feuille's mouth and also, in a smaller size, from her nipples, all cumming soon after. So Aqua will really give Feuille "everything she got", as requested :)


Looking good as always, Trans! And love the suggestions from Ven and Alinoris! I'll definitely add them to the list!