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Within the context of the story, being able to create viable sperm is actually really important. In essence, it amounts to being able to create life, so it's not something that can happen easily through magic (although it is possible).

Recently I bought that new Flintstones comic published by DC, after hearing a lot of really glowing recommendations. For those who don't know, it's a story with a dark humor bent, which uses the Flintstones setting to satirize modern issues. It's way better than it really has any right to be... it has a decent amount of death and violence, but rather than play it off as an edgy, dark, ultra-serious take on the subject matter, it plays it more as straight comedy, where even many of the characters in the story are rather blase about the dark elements around them. I think the best example of that, at least early in the run, is when the characters are checking out the brand new "Television" that was just invented, and as they watch the first ever news cast the reporter talks casually about someone getting their head crushed by a rock, including a pretty graphic photograph of the victim. Then someone of screen mentions to him that they probably shouldn't show that in case it frightens kids, and his response is basically, "Oh, woops. Sorry, we're new at this."

I haven't finished the first volume yet, but so far I'm liking the series more than I thought I would.



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