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This is a late $50 tier reward. A new slot opened in that tier earlier this month, but when a patron took the slot I forgot to message them about it until recently to explain how the tier works.

Also, please keep submitting Side Dishes ideas! Remember that Banana Shortcake is my series for fan comics... for Side Dishes I want original ideas (although parodies are fine, like how the last Side Dishes story was a Resident Evil parody)




How about a cursed bored game? The girls get together for a game night and Karen brings out a game she found in her grandma's attic. Turns out it is possessed by a perverted spirit that sucks them in has them have sexy encounters with various monsters as their bodies are corrupted and transformed.


What if the girls are supervillains/heroes? They have found a gemstone that amps up their lustful tendencies and have sexual encounters with their rivals that make them quit the super gig entirely. E.g. Bianca (Hero) and Anastasia (Villain) Jenna (Hero), Inara (Hero) and Cassandra (Villain) Kat and Karen (Heroes), Nina and Amber And Trixie (Villains)