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As much as I love the design of Dr. Octopus from Spider-Verse, her outfit sure is gonna be hard to draw repeatedly for the comic. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you right now her tentacles aren't going to be this detailed in the actual comic pages. Gwen's outfit is a bit complicated too, what with the colored webbing and all, but she's practically naked compared to all the mechanical doodads and stuff on Olivia.

Anyway, that's all to say that the art for this is complicated enough that I'll pobably be spending at least 2 days on each page, instead of my usual schedule of finishing a comic page per day.

I've also done some updates to the script based on advice from patrons. I didn't use all the advice I was given... mostly some suggestions would require adding more pages, which I'm sure no one will really complain about if that's what ended up happening, but I still do prefer to keep these down to just 10 pages.



Extremist Comics

This pairing does delight me. The creators obviously knew how hot a certain percentage of the audience would find Liv. It helps that she's Kathryn Hahn, who is a total MILF in real life and I'm glad people are finally seeing that. Her 80s look in Wandavision wrecked me.