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It's very hard to balance how much detail to add to armor when it's meant to be drawn repeatedly in a sequential story. Anyway, the winning poll entry for this finale was pretty open-ended... so what is everyone hoping to see in this finale? For a reminder, the winning poll entry called for Inara to summon a Goddess and still ultimately ends in Sindra taking over the Kingdom through Hannah lol so just to prevent anyone from putting too much effort into an idea where Inara somehow wins... I know it's a bit anticlimactic to know what's going to happen ahead of time, but that's just the nature of a story decided on by a poll.

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This might be a weird way of doing it but what if Helen is over powered by sindra and Hanna but just before orgasm the both get cock crushed from Helen's extreme training giving her enough time to summon Inara who immediately fuck cleanses Hanna. While Sindra and Helen and sex fighting Sindra tries to get help from the other corrupted to get free. Helen is eventually pulled off Sindra and dragged into an orgy with the other corrupted while Sindra tries to get away crippled by an extre case of blue balls only to come face to face with goddess and Hanna. Hanna retains all her former features and abilities but also has glow or halo and small wings. Both goddess and Hanna fuck cleans the shit out of Sindra who because of the goddess can't release until she comes so hard that she loses a so much power that she can't maintain her presence and is chain pulled through a portal back to hell. The goddess bottles up Sindras over powered come tells Hanna, who has been oblivious to all of this, to bless all of her converts with an even bigger blessing. A massive traveling orgy later the goddess tells Hanna to carry on as what better way is there to spread love than through sex.


I may have gotten some characters mixed up.