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This character was designed entirely just to be a one-off character for this brief scene. It was just a cute character design that I had mostly because I wanted to add a little more variety to the girls in the comic. But she got such a strong reaction that this sex scene between Nina and her got extended from 2 pages to 4, and she was given the name Emi. I had asked the patrons for a name for this character, since I'm honestly really bad at coming up with names, and one person suggested "Emily", which I kind of liked but I changed it to "Emi" because she's meant to be Japanese. Just for fun, I looked it up and Emi means "Blessed" and is a fairly common Japanese name.




Why are we seeing this content, isn't it months old?


Yes, but when pages go live to the public the hi-res and PSD versions get shared on here at a lower cost than the Early Access version.